Re: [Widget URI] Internationalization, widget IRI?

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Marcin wrote:
 Hi Robin,

 Thanks for your comments.

 I believe the terminology could be clarified once the IRI/URI issue from PC 
 gets solved in I18N, hopefully together with HREF and all related stuff.

 +1 for simplification.

I'm still not understanding the problem in the PC spec.

Let me try to walk through a simple widget. Marcin, pretend I'm 9
years old and explain the problem to me in the most simplest of terms
possible (i.e., don't cite me URI/IRI spec stuff because all that
stuff makes no sense, just talk to me about bytes... I'm one those
smarty 9 year-olds, who knows about bytes, but as a consequence gets
pushed around by bullies...:)).

1. I have a widget called foo.wgt. The widget contains 2 files:
mañana.html and config.xml.
2. The file names of both files are encoded in the zip archive as
UTF-8 (explicitly marked as such by the presence of a flag).
3. In the config doc, which is encoded in iso-8859-1, it says:
   content src=mañana.html/
4. The UA reads the value of src attribute and converts it to UTF-8.
5. The UA matches the string that represents the value of src to the
mañana.html file entry.
6. done?

1. I have a widget called foo.wgt. The widget contains 2 files:
mañana.html and config.xml.
2. The file names of both files are encoded in the zip archive as
CP-437 (explicitly marked as such).
2.1 The UA maps all the files names in the zip archive to UTF-8 equivalents.
3. In the config doc, which is encoded in iso-8859-1, it says:
   content src=mañana.html/
4. The UA reads the value of the src attribute and converts it to UTF-8.
5. The UA matches the string that represents the value of src to the
mañana.html file entry.
6. done?

Marcos Caceres

Re: CfC: to publish a new Working Draft of Web Storage spec; deadline 7 September

2009-09-04 Thread Arthur Barstow

On Aug 31, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston) wrote:

This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish a new WD of the Web
Storage spec:

As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and
encouraged and silence will be assumed to be assent. The deadline for
comments is September 7.

Nokia this publication.

-Regards, Art Barstow

Re: CfC: to publish the First Public Working Draft of Web Database spec; deadline 7 September

2009-09-04 Thread Arthur Barstow

On Aug 31, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston) wrote:

This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish the First Public
Working Draft (FPWD) of the Web Database spec:

Note that at one point in time, the Web Database spec's functionality
was included in the Web Storage spec.

As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and
encouraged and silence will be assumed to be assent. The deadline for
comments is September 7.

We support this publication and look forward to comments on the  
current model as well as counter-proposals.

-Regards, Art Barstow

Re: PFWG comments on Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration Last Call (late, very late)

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Michael wrote:
 This is a review of Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration, the Last Call Working
 Draft. These comments are submitted on behalf of the Protocols and Formats
 Working Group and are focused on accessibility to people with disabilities.

 We apologize for sending these comments late, after the document has gone to
 Candidate Recommendation. We approved sending these comments on 17 June 2009, but failed to track that
 they actually got sent. Since the document progressed to Candidate
 Recommendation before we discovered the error, we understand that you may
 not be able to accommodate most of these comments. However, we believe it is
 important to put the comments on the record nevertheless. You may be able to
 address some of them as editorial items on the Candidate Recommendation, and
 the remainder could inform requirements for a future version. We do not,
 however, object to this version of the document proceeding to Recommendation
 as is, since the failure to send comments on time is ours.


 1) Text alternatives

 An object as complex as a packaged widget will certainly need a text
 alternative or label for accessibility. The possibility for this is provided
 with the name element (including the short version) and the
 description element. However, these are optional features of the
 configuration document. The name element should be required; in other
 words, there should be 1 or more, not 0 or more.

Unfortunately, it's  too late to change this.

 The description element
 could remain optional. In addition to enforcing this, conformance checkers
 should also raise a warning if there is not a name element provided for
 each localization, at least for every major language (may not be a huge
 issue for regional variants).

This seems reasonable. As we don't yet have anyone who has opted in to
implement the CC requirements, I'm wondering if we can add this. We
are debating if we should move all the conformance requirements for a
CC's out of PC to a new spec. If we do that, we would certainly add
this to that spec.

 The name element for the widget would also fulfill the role of a text
 alternative / label for the icon. In particular, the short name might
 serve as a good label, while the longer name serve as a text alternative for
 accessibility purposes. The description would also be something it would
 be important to expose to assistive technologies. This handling of icons
 should be clearly spelled out.

Because of the way we have architectured the PC user agent, the above
would not apply to PC. We have removed requirements that the PC user
agent should expose icons, license, etc. and will put those into a
separate Widget User Agent spec. To put it simply, the PC UA is just
an application the processes Zip files and configuration documents -
that is it, does not expose or do anything else: running the widget,
exposing icons, etc. is left up to other consumers of the PC
specification.  That new spec would also be a good place to deal with
the requirement above (i.e., make it more clear what the relationship
is between icons, name, and description from an accessibility POV. I
would very much like to collaborate with PFWG on this, but that is
future work at this point).

 2) Width and height attributes

 The width and height attributes only allow pixel values. Pixel values
 are notoriously problematic across device and user contexts. Furthermore it
 is odd that these attributes are limited to pixels when they are explicitly
 disallowed when a pixel-based raster graphic is used. If the author is using
 a vector format, why would they then restrict it to a specific pixel value?

The pixel value represents the minimum value at which an icon would be
used for a given context. A vector graphic might only look good at,
for instance, resolutions larger than 100 pixels (because of
anti-aliasing, which makes things look blurry and and text illegible).
So, below 100 pixels, the author might prefer to use a raster graphic
- particularly for really small icons (e.g., 16X16).

 Users with disabilities frequently need to customize size presentation.
 While user agents can be instructed to ignore pixel values or apply a
 multiplier to them, the results are often sub-optimal. It is better to allow
 the author to define more adaptable length units. Measurements such as
 inches and centimetres adapt better to various display devices then pixels;
 ems and percent adapt better to specific display contexts.
 While in a
 packaged widget, the context needed to resolve ems and percent units may not
 always be present, it often will be. Therefore, we suggest that the entire
 set of CSS length units be supported by these attributes.

Ok, for now, we have limited this to CSS pixels. In future versions,
we could allow any CSS length unit. I've added this 

ISSUE-101 (Marcin Hanclik): Event's generation [ViewModes]

2009-09-04 Thread Web Applications Working Group Issue Tracker

ISSUE-101 (Marcin Hanclik): Event's generation [ViewModes]

Raised by: Marcin Hanclik
On product: ViewModes

Should the events [1] be triggered before or after the actual values change?
  (implies naming change vs. changed)


ISSUE-100 (Marcin Hanclik): Event's bubbling and cancelation [ViewModes]

2009-09-04 Thread Web Applications Working Group Issue Tracker

ISSUE-100 (Marcin Hanclik): Event's bubbling and cancelation [ViewModes]

Raised by: Marcin Hanclik
On product: ViewModes

Should the view modes interfaces' [1] events bubble and be cancelable?


Re: [widgets] Seeking comments on Last Call WD of Widgets: APIs and Events spec; deadline 15 Sept 2009

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Scott wrote:
 Metadata Attributes and the Storage Area
 I don't think its clear from the spec if metadata attributes are within the
 scope of widget.preferences and must be stored in the same storage area.

ok, I can try to clarify this. But I'm not sure where this is confusing.

 E.g. Does widget.preferences.getItem(name) == if not, then
 why does a script calling widget.preferences.setItem(name, blah)  need
 the UA to throw an exception?

Hmm. That is certainly not what was implied. They are totally separate
things. Can you point me to the offending text in the spec?

 Some options:
 1. metadata attributes must be treated as equivalent to preferences, and in
 fact should be able to be accessed in the same manner;

No, this is not what we want.

 2. metadata attributes are not the same as preferences, and their storage
 should not conflict with preferences. Therefore preferences with the same
 keys as metadata attribute names are fine.

Yes, this is what is what we have been intending to spec. Again, what
part of the spec is broken and implying otherwise?

 3. metadata attributes should not be made accessible using
 widget.preferences, but must be treated as being stored in the same storage
 area, and potentially have conflicting keys; therefore preferences with the
 same keys as metadata attribute names are disallowed.

No, certainly not. They are separate things.

 (We currently implement using option 1, but would be happy with option 2. I
 don't think option 3 has much merit)

Agreed. I think we have consensus in the WG that 2 is what we want and
what should have been in the spec all along.

 Read-only Metadata Attributes
 For read-only attributes, I note that there is no actual conformance
 statement. I suggest adding a nice broad one in 6.1, to allow more UAs to
 reach conformance:
 A User Agent SHOULD take reasonable steps to prevent author scripts from
 modifying Metadata Attributes. Where it is not practical for a User Agent to
 prevent an author script setting or clearing a Metadata Attribute during
 runtime, the User Agent MUST NOT persist any such modifications for further
 instantiations of the Widget.

From my understanding is that private members can be used in Javascript:

Hence, it would be possible for a javascript implementation of the
spec to comply.

Having said that, as the spec says, the interfaces are defined in
terms of IDL which already defines readonly:

The attribute is read only if the readonly terminal is used in the
definition. An object that implements the interface on which a read
only attribute is defined will not allow assignment to that attribute.
It is language binding specific whether assignment is simply
disallowed by the language, ignored or an exception is thrown. 

To include the text you suggested would be a tautology (and possibly
lead to further confusion, as it redefines readonly). For a
script-based implementation, I would follow this document:

The fact that JS still allows you to delete properties is not the
fault of the implementation (it's a consequence of the platform on
which the implementation is done). The implementation should still be
able to conform (read pass the test suite) even though such a thing
can happen.

 So a web browser implementing the spec can declare the attributes in the
 Window and make them read-only as it controls the environment, and Wookie
 can just not save any changes beyond the scope of the current browser


 Section 5.1 and syntactic sugar
 Section 5.1, para 4 reads:
 Upon invocation of the setItem() or removeItem() method by an author
 script on a protected key, user agent must throw
 defined in the [DOM3Core] specification.
 OK, this is fine, we can implement this. However, what about:
 widget.preferences.blah = new value; // where blah is a read-only key
 We really don't have any way to prevent this happening or throwing an
 exception. Luckily for us the conformance statement above doesn't mention
 it, which means we don't have to!


 However I don't think this was the intention - it just shows one of the
 problems with the syntactic sugar interpretation of WebStorage. For any UA
 other than a browser, you really don't get the option to protect exposed
 javascript properties.

Are you absolutely sure about this? No fancy closures, or using
Crockfords' methods will help here?

 I suggest changing the example in 6.4.2 to use getItem(), and adding a note
 re: alternative syntax.
 Personally I'd rather exclude them for the sake of interoperability. If not,
 5.1 para 4  6.4 para 4 need changing to cover semantically-equivalent
 operations using alternative 

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Jean-Claude wrote:
 Marcos, Mark, all,

 I am picking up the discussion where Cyril left it some months ago. I have
 read this thread, the Oct 08 one, the proposed URI scheme spec, even skimmed
 through the wam minutes. I still am leaning towards Mark's position. It
 seems to me that the URI scheme is not needed, or if needed, the reasons
 have not yet been shown.
 I am trying to reformulate the situation:

 0- the author needs a way to point to resources within the widget package

 1- the URI scheme will never be used by the author (written by Marcos),
 the author will use relative URIs for resources within the widget.

 2- the browser will have to resolve the relative URI to an absolute URI
 because of the DOM spec, hence a possible vulnerability by divulging private
 information (e.g. actual name of current user in file: URI example of Apple
 Dashboard widgets) to scripts running in the widget.

 3- Marcos seems to be deducing from 2- that a URI scheme must be defined for
 mandatory internal use in all widget UAs to guarantee that this
 vulnerability does not exist.

 3- does not follow logically from 2-.
 Mandating the implementation in the widget UA of a URI resolution that does
 not divulge private information to the widget scripts is sufficient to
 ensure that the vulnerability mentioned in 2- does not happen. The proposed
 URI scheme could be suggested as an option, but not more.

 My understanding is that 3- mandates a particular URI scheme which will
 never be used by the author and will never be exchanged between two
 My past standardization experience is that things which will never be used
 by the author and will never be exchanged between two implementations
 should not be standardized at all. Are there other predicates for the need
 for standardisation ?

No. Just to stop implementers from using file://. I guess then it
doesn't matter. All the URI scheme should be is an informative note
that implementers should be allowed to use if they want. Implementers
should be able to use whatever scheme they want so long as the end
result is indistinguishable from what would be obtained from using the
widget URI  scheme.

 Marcos mentions the widget V2 spec and extensibility as one reason for
 adopting the proposed URI scheme. I would like to understand how V2 and
 extensibility could make the URI scheme either seen by the author or
 exchanged between implementations, or make its absence otherwise imperil

Personally, I wish implementations would use http as a scheme AND as a
protocol. That is, the widget user agent behave as a web server when
serving any/all content to itself.

Marcos Caceres

Re: [WARP] Last Call comments (1)

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
Hi Marcin,
I tried to respond to this email, but in all honesty, I can't follow
your line of argumentation. Maybe you can list your main points as a
list (sorry, I'm a bit simple)...

From what I got, I agree that WARP is over reaching: It does not
address the requirements it lists from the Widgets 1.0: Requirements
document. Otherwise, I'll just leave it to Robin to respond.

I've made some notes on the proposed changes.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Marcin wrote:


 Given the semantic similarities (or equivalence) between:

 access uri=; subdomains=true/

 and e.g.:

 feature name=; 
    param name=uri value=
    param name=subdomains value=true/ /feature

What you did in 192 characters, the access element does in 52.

That is the point of the access element: to make these kind of
annoying declarations easy to write.

 I propose the following:

 1. Change the name of the specification to Widgets 1.0: Network Access 
 Feature and focus on per-URI-scheme definition of the syntax dependencies 
 and functionality.

 The following feature could replace the generic network access (proposed in 
 the LCWD as * for @uri attribute):

 feature name=; 
 required=true /

 The following features could define the http and https access

 feature name=; 
    param name=uri value=
    param name=subdomains value=true/
    param name=ports value=80, 8080/ /feature

 feature name=; 
    param name=uri value=
    param name=subdomains value=false/
    param name=interface value=XMLHttpRequest/
    !-- port defaults to 443 --

 The following feature could define access to SMS feature:

 feature name=; 
    param name=uri value=sms:+16177166200/ /feature

 feature name=; 
    param name=countrycallingcodes value=1,48,49,34/ /feature

 2. Rewrite parts of the specification - specifically section 3, while keeping 
 its majority as is - to adhere to the syntax of the feature and param 
 elements as outlined above.

 3. Refrain from specifying the default policy; remove the word security from 
 the specification (since this is to be handled in DAP).

 4. Focus in the specification text only on declarative aspects of the 
 intention of the author of the widget, leaving e.g. prompting aspects for 
 DAP. I.e. assuming that the network access is conditional, what are the 
 implications for the widget's code and author in case the network access is 
 not present or its presence is dynamic? (e.g. provide a definition of the 
 event mechanism).

 5. In order to be able to define the IRI for network access feature, another 
 document should probably be prepared that would also define the namespace for 
 the further feature definitions (e.g.

 6. Focus in the specification only on http and https. subdomains attribute 
 / value of the parameter is valid mainly for this protocol family (also 
 including e.g. rtsp, ftp etc.). Other schemes, like sms, tel, mms (there is 
 no RFC for some) have their own specificities, e.g. country calling/dialing 
 codes, shortcodes.


 Kind regards,


 Marcin Hanclik
 ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
 Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
 Mobile: +49-163-8290-646


 Access Systems Germany GmbH
 Essener Strasse 5  |  D-46047 Oberhausen
 HRB 13548 Amtsgericht Duisburg
 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

 This e-mail and any attachments hereto 

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Robin wrote:
 On May 23, 2009, at 19:21 , Mark Baker wrote:

 Right.  That's the same point Arve made.  I don't see a problem with
 it.  Sure, a widget will be able to discover an implementation detail
 of its widget container - the base URI - but it's still up to the
 container to permit or deny access to other resources from that widget
 when asked to dereference it, whether the widget discovered the URI
 via a mechanism such as the one you describe, or even if it simply
 guessed it.

 Calling it an implementation detail doesn't make it one. Say I have a script
 in which I need to identify resources that I'm currently using from within
 the widget. Since I don't want to have to care how the designers linked them
 in, I'll use their absolute URIs to compare them. If implementation A
 returns http://magic-widget-host.local/dahut.svg;, and implementation B
 file:///special-widget-mount/dahut.svg, and C gives me made-up:/dahut.svg
 we don't exactly have interoperability.

And here is where the fun starts. How do we reconcile the above
without a new scheme?

 This gets more interesting once you bring the localisation mechanism from
 P+C into play, whereby the Zip relative path and the relative URI are
 different when you have multilingual content.


Marcos Caceres

Re: Web Notifications, do we need a new spec?

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres
Hi Jeremy,

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Marcos wrote:

 Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:

    Keeping in line with the design goals to enable Widget-related
    technologies to be used on the Web, I'm wondering if we should spawn
    a separate specification for notifications? We could use the current
    text in the AE [1] as the basis, which is based heavily on what was
    originally in HTML5 (or just take the old HTML5 text, create the new
    spec, add the hooks for Widgets).

    Although notifications have been taken out of HTML5, rumblings that
    they may need reviving occurred recently on the WHAT-WG list:

 There was a lot of talk about notifications in this more recent thread
 as well:
  (The thread is long and talks about a lot of things besides
 notifications, but I think there are some key insights in that thread
 about the requirements for notifications.)

 I'll take a look and see what I can extract from the discussion.

      As a followup to the above, the following code was submitted by
    Google to WebKit to support notifications:

    So, the question is: do we need a new/separate spec? One that covers
    both Web and Widgets?

 I think we do need to start thinking about specing this out.  Off the
 top of my head, it seems like the requirements for the web and widgets
 will be pretty similar.

 I agree. Lets take notifications out of Widgets API. I think the next action
 should be to formally start capturing these requirements. If you have time
 to list some requirements you guys have, that would be great.

Just following up on notifications. Are you still interested in
perusing this? Can you guys provide any resources to help get this
work started?

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

Re: Web Notifications, do we need a new spec?

2009-09-04 Thread イアンフェッティ
We are in the middle of implementing in WebKit and in Chromium, so yes we
are still interested in pursuing. John Gregg (johnnyg@) has been leading the
effort from our end.
Beyond an implementation that people can experiment with, what sort of
resources are you looking for?

2009/9/4 Marcos Caceres

 Hi Jeremy,

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Marcos wrote:
  Jeremy Orlow wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
 Keeping in line with the design goals to enable Widget-related
 technologies to be used on the Web, I'm wondering if we should spawn
 a separate specification for notifications? We could use the current
 text in the AE [1] as the basis, which is based heavily on what was
 originally in HTML5 (or just take the old HTML5 text, create the new
 spec, add the hooks for Widgets).
 Although notifications have been taken out of HTML5, rumblings that
 they may need reviving occurred recently on the WHAT-WG list:
  There was a lot of talk about notifications in this more recent thread
  as well:
   (The thread is long and talks about a lot of things besides
  notifications, but I think there are some key insights in that thread
  about the requirements for notifications.)
  I'll take a look and see what I can extract from the discussion.
   As a followup to the above, the following code was submitted by
 Google to WebKit to support notifications:
 So, the question is: do we need a new/separate spec? One that covers
 both Web and Widgets?
  I think we do need to start thinking about specing this out.  Off the
  top of my head, it seems like the requirements for the web and widgets
  will be pretty similar.
  I agree. Lets take notifications out of Widgets API. I think the next
  should be to formally start capturing these requirements. If you have
  to list some requirements you guys have, that would be great.

 Just following up on notifications. Are you still interested in
 perusing this? Can you guys provide any resources to help get this
 work started?

 Kind regards,

 Marcos Caceres

Re: Web Notifications, do we need a new spec?

2009-09-04 Thread Marcos Caceres

Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:

We are in the middle of implementing in WebKit and in Chromium, so yes
we are still interested in pursuing. John Gregg (johnnyg@) has been
leading the effort from our end.

Beyond an implementation that people can experiment with, what sort of
resources are you looking for?

Basically, a spec editor. We need to formally gather the requirements 
and just start writing. I was personally hoping to do this, but I don't 
have the cycles or experience in this area (which is why I'm asking you 
guys if you can help me out).

Kind regards,

Re: [widgets] Seeking comments on Last Call WD of Widgets: APIs and Events spec; deadline 15 Sept 2009

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Wilson

On 4 Sep 2009, at 15:46, Marcos Caceres wrote:

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Scott wrote:

Metadata Attributes and the Storage Area

I don't think its clear from the spec if metadata attributes are  
within the
scope of widget.preferences and must be stored in the same storage  

ok, I can try to clarify this. But I'm not sure where this is  


Hmm. That is certainly not what was implied. They are totally separate
things. Can you point me to the offending text in the spec?

It arises I think because Storage Area is defined just before the  
section on metadata attributes, without it explicitly stating this is  
only used for storing preferences, with the possible interpretation  
that this is how a UA has to store all widget attributes. However that  
could just be me - I'll get some other people less familiar with the  
spec to read it and see if they make the same misinterpretation.

Agreed. I think we have consensus in the WG that 2 is what we want and
what should have been in the spec all along.

Great, I'm happy with that too, just need to figure a way of making it  
unambiguous in the text.

Read-only Metadata Attributes
From my understanding is that private members can be used in  

Hence, it would be possible for a javascript implementation of the
spec to comply.

Thanks for the link, I hadn't found anything as clear as this before -  
I'll investigate this over the weekend and report back - it looks  

Having said that, as the spec says, the interfaces are defined in
terms of IDL which already defines readonly:

The attribute is read only if the readonly terminal is used in the
definition. An object that implements the interface on which a read
only attribute is defined will not allow assignment to that attribute.
It is language binding specific whether assignment is simply
disallowed by the language, ignored or an exception is thrown. 

To include the text you suggested would be a tautology (and possibly
lead to further confusion, as it redefines readonly). For a
script-based implementation, I would follow this document:

The fact that JS still allows you to delete properties is not the
fault of the implementation (it's a consequence of the platform on
which the implementation is done). The implementation should still be
able to conform (read pass the test suite) even though such a thing
can happen.

So a web browser implementing the spec can declare the attributes  
in the
Window and make them read-only as it controls the environment, and  

can just not save any changes beyond the scope of the current browser


Thats great - OK I'm happy with that for the conformance issue.

Section 5.1 and syntactic sugar
Section 5.1, para 4 reads:
Upon invocation of the setItem() or removeItem() method by an author
script on a protected key, user agent must throw

defined in the [DOM3Core] specification.
OK, this is fine, we can implement this. However, what about:
widget.preferences.blah = new value; // where blah is a read- 
only key

We really don't have any way to prevent this happening or throwing an
exception. Luckily for us the conformance statement above doesn't  

it, which means we don't have to!


However I don't think this was the intention - it just shows one of  
problems with the syntactic sugar interpretation of WebStorage.  
For any UA
other than a browser, you really don't get the option to protect  

javascript properties.

Are you absolutely sure about this? No fancy closures, or using
Crockfords' methods will help here?

I'll check it out and see - fingers crossed.

I suggest changing the example in 6.4.2 to use getItem(), and  
adding a note

re: alternative syntax.
Personally I'd rather exclude them for the sake of  
interoperability. If not,
5.1 para 4  6.4 para 4 need changing to cover semantically- 

operations using alternative syntaxes; however unless the conformance
requirement is reworded as per my suggestion above for read-only  
attributes, we probably have to give up any hope of ever conforming  
to the

spec :-(

Nah! we will work it out :)


Marcos Caceres

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[widgets] Apache Social and Widgets Meetup at ApacheCon US, Nov 2009

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Wilson

Hi everyone,

There is going to be a meetup at ApacheCon US in November on the area  
of widgets and related technologies:

This is an informal event for people interested the Shindig  
(OpenSocial), Wookie (W3C Widgets), and SocialSite projects currently  
in the Apache incubator.

More details on ApacheCon US can be found here:


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[web databases] SQLStatementErrorCallback

2009-09-04 Thread Dumitru Daniliuc

When talking about statement error callbacks (point #6, section 4.3.2), the
spec says:
1. If the error callback returns false, then move on to the next statement,
if any, or onto the next overall step otherwise.
2. Otherwise, the error callback did not return false, or there was no error
callback. Jump to the last step in the overall steps.

What should happen if the callback doesn't return anything (undefined)?
Should we jump to the transaction error callback? Can/should we clarify this
in the spec too?


Re: CfC: to publish the First Public Working Draft of Web Database spec; deadline 7 September

2009-09-04 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta
Although formally, this is an FPWD, in reality this is the third FPWD  
for this content already. While implementable, Oracle is concerned  
about two aspects of this draft that have never changed materially  
since the original publication of the said content in HTML5 WDs:

1. Complex programming model that will make usage prone to making more  
mistakes than usual for database programming
2. Inadequate effort by the editor to ascertain the suitability of  
this spec to be implemented independently by multiple parties

We agree with Jonas and Laxmi that this is neither a great direction  
to pursue nor is FPWD itself going to bring about much progress.  
Nevertheless, we, too, support publication of the WebDatabase draft as  

We are also very pleased to announce that following up on our previous  
strawman proposal [1], we have drafted a new Database API [2] that  
does not rely on SQL or SQLite. It is still in a relatively early  
state and will undergo some more changes before we pursue wider  

However, we welcome any and all feedback on our draft proposal.


On Sep 1, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

I support a FPWD since I'm all for drafts of any kind being published.
However, I'm still unconvinced that this draft is heading the right
way for the web. My concern is two-fold:

1. It doesn't define enough to allow multiple interoperable
implementations. This is because the SQL dialect is not defined.
2. SQL doesn't seem very web-friendly. For example the ability to
store serializable JS objects and index on a property of that JS
object seems hard to fit with SQL.

The problem is even greater when the two are combined. Once the SQL
dialect is defined, it's quite possible that UAs won't be able to use
a SQL library like sqlite, but instead have to more or less build
their own SQL implementation. This makes the cost extremely high, and
the result not something that even that closely matches what
developers want.

/ Jonas

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Arthur wrote:
This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish the First Public  
Working Draft

(FPWD) of the Web Database spec:

Note that at one point in time, the Web Database spec's  
functionality was

included in the Web Storage spec.

As with all of our CfCs, positive response is preferred and  
encouraged and
silence will be assumed to be assent. The deadline for comments is  


-Regards, Art Barstow


[WebSimpleDatabase] New spec, editor's draft available

2009-09-04 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta
I have published the first draft of the WebSimpleDatabase API, which  
is based on B-tree databases [1]. Here's a link to the draft:

This document defines APIs for storing and retreving ordered  
key-value pairs in a transactional database.

I would request feedback that we can incorporate before publication as  
a working draft. Please note that certain items are purposely under- 
specified at the moment. I want to gauge the potential interest in  
this direction and evolve it to meet the needs of the WG.



Re: [WebSimpleDatabase] New spec, editor's draft available

2009-09-04 Thread Michael Nordman
Try this link instead...
Nikunj's link actually points to which
is also interesting, but seemingly not what was intended.

@Nikunj, I have not yet read thru your draft in detail, but will do so. In
principle, I agree with the notion of a standard that does not depend on a
particular sql dialect (or an assumed sql dialect) to reap the rewards of
structured storage, query, and retrieval. As I said, I haven't read it thru
yet... have you addressed full text indexing and search in some form? And if
not, that would be a feature request.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Nikunj R. Mehta

 I have published the first draft of the WebSimpleDatabase API, which is
 based on B-tree databases [1]. Here's a link to the draft:

 This document defines APIs for storing and retreving ordered
 key-value pairs in a transactional database.

 I would request feedback that we can incorporate before publication as a
 working draft. Please note that certain items are purposely under-specified
 at the moment. I want to gauge the potential interest in this direction and
 evolve it to meet the needs of the WG.



Re: [WebSimpleDatabase] New spec, editor's draft available

2009-09-04 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:47 PM, Michael Nordman wrote:

Try this link instead...

Nikunj's link actually points to 
 which is also interesting, but seemingly not what was intended.

Sorry about this problem. Got tripped by the mail editor there.

@Nikunj, I have not yet read thru your draft in detail, but will do  

Look forward to the feedback.

 In principle, I agree with the notion of a standard that does not  
depend on a particular sql dialect (or an assumed sql dialect) to  
reap the rewards of structured storage, query, and retrieval.

The intention is to enable a far richer ecosystem of independent  
implementations. Plus to take advantage of the ECMAScript environment  
and avoid marshalling between result sets and JavaScript objects.

As I said, I haven't read it thru yet... have you addressed full  
text indexing and search in some form? And if not, that would be a  
feature request.

I am aware of full-text. If someone is willing to contribute  
resources, I would be glad to work in this feature.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Nikunj R. Mehta 
I have published the first draft of the WebSimpleDatabase API, which  
is based on B-tree databases [1]. Here's a link to the draft:

This document defines APIs for storing and retreving ordered  
key-value pairs in a transactional database.

I would request feedback that we can incorporate before publication  
as a working draft. Please note that certain items are purposely  
under-specified at the moment. I want to gauge the potential  
interest in this direction and evolve it to meet the needs of the WG.


