Re: [IndexedDB] Current editor's draft

2010-07-27 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:
   And is it
   only possible to lock existing rows, or can you prevent new records
   from being created?
   There's no way to lock yet to be created rows since until a
   ends, its effects cannot be made visible to other transactions.
  So if you have an objectStore with auto-incrementing indexes, there is
  the possibility that two dynamic transactions both can add a row to
  said objectStore at the same time. Both transactions would then add a
  row with the same autogenerated id (one higher than the highest id in
  the table). Upon commit, how is this conflict resolved?
  What if the objectStore didn't use auto-incrementing indexes, but you
  still had two separate dynamic transactions which both insert a row
  with the same key. How is the conflict resolved?
  I believe a common trick to reconcile this is stipulating that if you add
  1000 rows the id's may not necessarily be 1000 sequential numbers.
  allows transactions to increment the id and leave it incremented even if
  transaction fails.  Which also means that other transactions can be
  an ID of their own as well.  And if a transaction fails, well, we've
  one possible ID.

 This does not answer the question what happens if two transactions add
 the same key value though?

If you're using optimistic transactions, whichever commits first succeeds.
 Not sure with the pessimistic/lock-based implementations.

And is it possible to only use read-locking for
   some rows, but write-locking for others, in the same objectStore?
   An implementation could use shared locks for read operations even
   the object store might have been opened in READ_WRITE mode, and later
   upgrade the locks if the read data is being modified. However, I am
 not keen
   to push for this as a specced behavior.
  What do you mean by an implementation could? Is this left
  intentionally undefined and left up to the implementation? Doesn't
  that mean that there is significant risk that code could work very
  well in a conservative implementation, but often cause race conditions
  in a implementation that uses narrower locks? Wouldn't this result in
  a race to the bottom where implementations are forced to eventually
  use very wide locks in order to work well in websites?
  In general, there are a lot of details that are unclear in the dynamic
  transactions proposals. I'm also not sure if these things are unclear
  to me because they are intentionally left undefined, or if you guys
  just haven't had time yet to define the details?
  As the spec is now, as an implementor I'd have no idea of how to
  implement dynamic transactions. And as a user I'd have no idea what
  level of protection to expect from implementations, nor what
  strategies to use to avoid bugs.
  In all the development I've done deadlocks and race conditions are
  generally unacceptable, and instead strategies are developed that
  avoids them, such as always grab locks in the same order, and always
  grab locks when using shared data. I currently have no idea what
  strategy to recommend in IndexedDB documentation to developers to
  allow them to avoid race conditions and deadlocks.
  To get clarity in these questions, I'd *really* *really* like to see a
  more detailed proposal.
  I think a detailed proposal would be a good thing (maybe from Pablo or
  Nikunj since they're who are really pushing them at this point), but at
  same time, I think you're getting really bogged down in the details,
  What we should be concerned about and speccing is the behavior the user
  sees.  For example, can any operation on data fail due to transient
  (like deadlocks, serialization issues) or will the implementation shield
  developers from this?  And will we guarantee 100% serializable semantics?
   (I strongly believe we should on both counts.)  How things are
  granularity of locks, or even if an implementation uses locks at all for
  dynamic transactions should be explicitly out of scope for any spec.
  all, it's only the behavior users care about.

 If we can guarantee no deadlocks and 100% serializable semantics, then
 I agree, it doesn't matter beyond that. However I don't think the
 current proposals for dynamic transactions guarantee that. In fact, a
 central point of the dynamic transactions proposal seems to be that
 the author can grow the lock space dynamically, in an author defined
 order. As long as that is the case you can't prevent deadlocks other
 than by forbidding multiple concurrent (dynamic) transactions.

There has been a lot of talk on list about how you could implement dynamic
transactions with locks and I agree that I don't see how what's been
mentioned can be guaranteed to be serializable and/or not create deadlocks.

[widgets] Next call is August 5

2010-07-27 Thread Arthur Barstow
Because of vacations and conflicting meetings, the next widgets call 
will be August  5 (draft agenda will be posted on August 4).

Open actions and issues for the widget product:

Minutes from last call:

-Art Barstow

Re: [xhr] RFC2617 Digest authentication

2010-07-27 Thread Yrjänä Rankka
 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I read the XHR level 2 draft, 
it seems impossible to do Digest auth with custom mechanism for 
acquiring the authentication credentials. I.e. supplying your own login 

To correctly digest authenticate, one needs to be challenged by the 
server first. To do that one needs to attempt to invoke a method on a 
resource without, or with invalid credentials. The resulting 401 
Unauthorized reply then contains the challenge with nonce, opaque, etc. 
values required to produce correct reply.

In order to inhibit the browser from prompting the credentials from 
user, one must define user, password in call to open() method. My 
observations show this will produce a basic Authenticate: header in the 
request thus leaking the user/password out in the open even though the 
server might refuse Basic auth.

Many servers do and should refuse HTTP Basic auth over a non-encrypted 
connection. This is required by WebDAV [1], for example.

Now it may be possible to trick some of the clients into Digest 
authentication without prompting the user by first calling open() with 
bogus user/password - then catching the 401 reply and on subsequent try 
call open() again with correct user/password values, hoping that the 
client cached the challenge. This would qualify as a hack, though, since 
AFAIK this behaviour is not prescribed by the Draft.

I have no problem with rolling my own Digest authentication routines in 
the client but this would require a clean flag in the XHR to disable any 
attempt to do authentication on its behalf. Then again, another flag 
forcing the XHR to only authenticate when challenged, and then choose 
the strongest available method, as required by rfc2617 [2] would be 
preferable and would make it easier for developers to use a standard 
authentication method, reusing what's already implemented in most 
(modern) clients.



Yrjana Rankka|
Developer, Virtuoso Team |
 | Making Technology Work For You

Re: [IndexedDB] Current editor's draft

2010-07-27 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Jonas Sicking
  On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Jeremy Orlow
And is it
only possible to lock existing rows, or can you prevent new
from being created?
There's no way to lock yet to be created rows since until a
ends, its effects cannot be made visible to other transactions.
   So if you have an objectStore with auto-incrementing indexes, there
   the possibility that two dynamic transactions both can add a row to
   said objectStore at the same time. Both transactions would then add a
   row with the same autogenerated id (one higher than the highest id in
   the table). Upon commit, how is this conflict resolved?
   What if the objectStore didn't use auto-incrementing indexes, but you
   still had two separate dynamic transactions which both insert a row
   with the same key. How is the conflict resolved?
   I believe a common trick to reconcile this is stipulating that if you
   1000 rows the id's may not necessarily be 1000 sequential numbers.
   allows transactions to increment the id and leave it incremented even
   transaction fails.  Which also means that other transactions can be
   an ID of their own as well.  And if a transaction fails, well, we've
   one possible ID.
  This does not answer the question what happens if two transactions add
  the same key value though?
  If you're using optimistic transactions, whichever commits first
   Not sure with the pessimistic/lock-based implementations.

 That doesn't count as serializable, does it? It's not a dead-lock
 hazard, but a race condition where whoever commits last experiences
 dataloss unless properly handling the commit error.

If they don't handle commit errors, yes, you would have data loss.  I didn't
realize we were even considering trying to make dynamic transactions work
without the possibility of the commit failing.

And is it possible to only use read-locking for
some rows, but write-locking for others, in the same objectStore?
An implementation could use shared locks for read operations even
the object store might have been opened in READ_WRITE mode, and
upgrade the locks if the read data is being modified. However, I am
not keen
to push for this as a specced behavior.
   What do you mean by an implementation could? Is this left
   intentionally undefined and left up to the implementation? Doesn't
   that mean that there is significant risk that code could work very
   well in a conservative implementation, but often cause race
   in a implementation that uses narrower locks? Wouldn't this result in
   a race to the bottom where implementations are forced to eventually
   use very wide locks in order to work well in websites?
   In general, there are a lot of details that are unclear in the
   transactions proposals. I'm also not sure if these things are unclear
   to me because they are intentionally left undefined, or if you guys
   just haven't had time yet to define the details?
   As the spec is now, as an implementor I'd have no idea of how to
   implement dynamic transactions. And as a user I'd have no idea what
   level of protection to expect from implementations, nor what
   strategies to use to avoid bugs.
   In all the development I've done deadlocks and race conditions are
   generally unacceptable, and instead strategies are developed that
   avoids them, such as always grab locks in the same order, and always
   grab locks when using shared data. I currently have no idea what
   strategy to recommend in IndexedDB documentation to developers to
   allow them to avoid race conditions and deadlocks.
   To get clarity in these questions, I'd *really* *really* like to see
   more detailed proposal.
   I think a detailed proposal would be a good thing (maybe from Pablo or
   Nikunj since they're who are really pushing them at this point), but
   same time, I think you're getting really bogged down in the details,
   What we should be concerned about and speccing is the behavior the
   sees.  For example, can any operation on data fail due to transient
   (like deadlocks, serialization issues) or will the implementation
   developers from this?  And will we guarantee 100% serializable
(I strongly believe we should on both counts.)  How things are
   granularity of locks, or even if an implementation uses locks at all
   dynamic transactions should be explicitly out of scope for any spec.
   all, it's only the behavior users care about.
  If we can guarantee no deadlocks and 

Re: Lifetime of Blob URL

2010-07-27 Thread Dmitry Titov
Thanks Jonas,

Just to clarify some details we had while discussing this, could you confirm
if this matches with your thinking (or not):

1. If blob was created in window1, blob.url was queried, then passed (as JS
object) to window2, and window1 was closed - then the url gets invalidated
when window1 is closed, but immediately re-validated if window2 queries
blob.url. The url string is going to be the same, only there will be a time
interval between closing window1 and querying blob.url in window2, during
which loading from the url returns 404.

2. If blob is sent to a Worker via worker.postMessage(blob), the 'structured
clone' mechanism is used, so on the other side of postMessage a new blob
object is created, backed by the same data, but having its own unique
blob.url string (and separate lifetime).


On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:37 AM, David Levin wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 6:50 AM, Adrian Bateman
  On Monday, July 12, 2010 2:31 PM, Darin Fisher wrote:
   On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:59 AM, David Levin
   On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Adrian Bateman
   I read point #5 to be only about surviving the start of a navigation.
   web developer, how can I tell when a load has started for an img?
   this similarly indeterminate.
   As soon as img.src is set.
   the spec could mention that the resource pointed by blob URL should
   loaded successfully as long as the blob URL is valid at the time when
   resource is starting to load.
   Should apply to xhr (after send is called), img, and navigation.
   Right, it seems reasonable to say that ownership of the resource
   by a Blob can be shared by a XHR, Image, or navigation once it is told
   start loading the resource.
  It sounds like you are saying the following is guaranteed to work:
  img.src = blob.url;
  If that is the case then the user agent is already making the guarantees
  I was talking about and so I still think having the lifetime mapped to
  not the document is better. This means that in the general case I don't
  to worry about lifetime management.
  Mapping lifetime to the blob exposes when the blob gets garbage collected
  which is a very indeterminate point in time (and is very browser version
  dependent -- it will set you up for compatibility issues when you update
  your javascript engine -- and there are also the cross browser issues of
  Specifically, a blob could go out of scope (to use your earlier phrase)
  and then one could do img.src = blobUrl (the url that was exposed from
  blob but not using the blob object). This will work sometimes but not
  (depending on whether garbage collection collected the blob).
  This is much more indeterminate than the current spec which maps the
  blob.url lifetime to the lifetime of the document where the blob was
  When thinking about blob.url lifetime, there are several problems to
  1. An AJAX style web application may never navigate the document and
  means that every blob for which a URL is created must be kept around in
  form for the lifetime of the application.
  2. A blob passed to between documents would have its blob.url stop
  as soon as the original document got closed.
  3. Having a model that makes the url have a determinate lifetime which
  doesn't expose the web developer to indeterminate behaviors issues like
  have discussed above.
  The current spec has issues #1 and #2.
  Binding the lifetime of blob.url to blob has issue #3.


 I agree with others that have said that exposing GC behavior is a big
 problem. I think especially here where a very natural usage pattern is
 to grab a File object, extract its url, and then drop the reference to
 the File object on the floor.

 And I don't think specifying how GC is supposed to work is a workable
 solution. I doubt that any browser vendor will be willing to lock down
 their GC to that degree. GC implementations is a very active area of
 experimentation and has been for many many years. I see no reason to
 think that we'd be able to come up with a GC algorithm that wouldn't
 be obsolete very soon.

 However I also don't think #3 above is a huge problem. You can always
 flush a blob to disk, meaning that all that is leaked is an entry in a
 url-filename hash table. No actual data needs to be kept in memory.
 It's definitely still a problem, but I figured it's worth pointing

 Given that, I see no other significantly different solution than what
 is in the spec right now. Though there are definitely some problems
 that we should fix:

 1. Add a function for destroying a url reference seems like a good idea.
 2. #2 above can be 

Re: LCWD comments

2010-07-27 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 1 Jul 2010, Krzysztof Maczy�~Dski wrote:
 0. In [a]:
  The W3C Web Apps Working Group
 It's either WebApps or Web Applications according to the charter.


 1. [a] references HTML5 which is unlikely to go to Rec any time soon. 
 What path do you envision following to resolve this?

Waiting. There's no rush to get to REC.

 2. In [a]:
  HTTP 302 Found, 303 See Other, and 307 Temporary Redirect responses 
  must cause the user agent to connect to the new server-specified URL, 
  but if the user agent needs to again request the resource at a later 
  point, it must return to the previously specified URL for this event 
 Does it include only requesting a representation of the resource using 
 the same EventSource object, the same browsing context, or globally (as 
 long as the UA remembers having requested it before)? Is this consistent 
 (especially for 303) with HTTP semantics?


 3. In [a]:
  Any other HTTP response code not listed here, and any network error 
  that prevents the HTTP connection from being established in the first 
  place (e.g. DNS errors), must cause the user agent to fail the 
 I'm unsure whether it doesn't violate semantics of some HTTP codes 
 already defined. But it surely imposes limits on what future codes may 
 indicate, flying in the face of this extensibility point. All that this 
 spec should say about the potentially coming unknown is that semantics 
 of other codes must be applied as required for them.

That doesn't seem like it would lead to great interoperability in the 
face of errorneous servers.

 4. text/event-stream uses text before / which is inappropriate and 
 should be application. Entities of type text must be, at least as the 
 last resort, feasible for rendering to the user as text (which not any 
 sequence of octets is, e.g. text/html, but application/msword).

text/event-stream can be rendered to the user, it's just text.

 5. In [a]:
  formats of event framing defined by other applicable specifications 
  may be supported
 What is event framing?

A structure for demarking events.

 Additionally, are we going to have „other applicable specifications” 
 extension point everywhere?

It's what pretty much everything on the Web uses, from IP all the way to 
JS, so apparently yes.

 For the moment it's just a beast dwelling in the HTML5 spec, tolerated 
 until it gets its extensibility story straight, but if it's going to 
 affect other specs in this way, the TAG should certainly have a look.

I don't understand. This is how all specs are extended. Are you just 
referring to it being explicit? It seems better to be explicit rather than 
leaving things implied like most specs do.

 6. Section 10 of [a] seems something new in W3C's LCs. What is the story 
 behind specifying requirements on finalization (note that this name is 
 better, since garbage collection looks like limiting this behaviour to 
 environments with a GC) and some rules stating when a spec should 
 include them?

The story is that it is needed in this case so as to define behaviour that 
is interoperably implementable.

 Has there been any architectural discussion about it?

What is architectural discussion?


 7. In [b]:
  The term JavaScript is used to refer to ECMA262, rather than the 
  official term ECMAScript, since the term JavaScript is more widely 
 The term JavaScript already refers to a proprietary implementation of 
 ECMAScript. A confusion should not be entrenched further just because 
 it's common. Clarity will be appreciated by intended readers of the 
 spec, of whom knowledge of this distinction can be safely assumed. The 
 term is unused anyway.

This is just part of the boilerplate used in specs that are really 
sections of the WHATWG Web Apps 1.0 spec published through the WebApps WG.

 8. In [b]:
  To mitigate this, pages can use SSL.
 Please change to TLS which is the standard name.


 9. [b] states more precise requirements on scripts running in the 
 context of an HTMLDocument than otherwise. Should some of them apply 
 more widely?

I don't understand the question.

 10. In [c]:
  the MIME type of the script is ignored
 This is a new spec. It shouldn't be plagued with such idiosyncratic 
 legacy mechanisms.

It's a new spec that has to work with existing deployed content.

 11. In [c]:
  there is no way to override the type. It's always assumed to be 
 This is a violation of orthogonality for no real benefit.

The benefit is simplicity.

 12. In [c]:
  If there are any outstanding transactions that have callbacks
 What's a transaction, when has it got a callback?

Added a reference.

 13. Why does [c] define ErrorEvent instead of reusing DOMError?

Primarily because DOMError is not an event.

 Besides, it uses a