Re: [chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

2011-01-07 Thread Keean Schupke

 So long as you only allow asynchronous access the implementation can
 ensure that a worker and the main thread doesn't have access to the
 storage at the same time. Then it is safe to allow everyone to modify
 the storage area.

 / Jonas

This is true, serialising access would have the same semantics as STM.
Infact you could consider STM to be a performance enhancement to sequential
access by optimistically allowing concurrent modifications and only doing
something special if there is a collision (a read from a location written by
another thread during the transaction). In which case STM works like a
database and rolls back the transaction. It is really putting a thread local
log between the user and the storage. The main storage is then only locked
during the log commit, reducing resource contention. A rollback is simply
discarding the log.

But this would behave identically (apart from the extra features in STM like
guards and retry) to serialisation of requests.

A simple (non STM) implementation would be to have a single thread
associated with the localStorage and require all accesses to be executed by
that thread (in callbacks). You could use the main UI thread, but it would
make worker threads wait for storage access during DOM processing in
callbacks etc...


Re: [chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

2011-01-07 Thread Felix Halim
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 A solution that makes localStorage read-only in workers is no solution.

If the current implementation of localStorage is broken by opening two
tabs, then why not allow workers to access the localStorage already?
As you have mentioned, it is no different than opening several more
tabs. So, assuming the localStorage is consistent even with multiple
tabs open, the remaining problem is dealing with the workers' access.
I fail to see why making a read-only localStorage in workers is a no

Thanks to Keean's pointer, I dug up a short but really helpful STM talk:

Go back to the multiple tabs problem: if we opened 10 tabs, then the
interleaving JS (mentioned by Boris) may degrade the performance by
10 times. In this case, perhaps we need STM (those who use STM will
gain performance, those who don't will fallback to interleaving JS)?

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Keean Schupke wrote:
 - It solves the efficiency problem

From the video, I see that while optimistic is good for performance,
in the same way it's bad for performance since it have to keep a log
(for rollback). I believe Jonas' getBetterStorage doesn't need to
maintain a log as it is assumed that it never have to
retry/rollback/fail, but it is executed single-threadedly. Application
specific benchmark is needed... but I believe both will be efficient

 It also has the following advantages (quoted from the tutorial I posted):
 - No race conditions due to forgotten locks

Race conditions still happen if you (jarringly) forgot to wrap your
shared object inside atomic block :P. So, maybe it's a good idea to
only allow localStorage to be accessed inside an atomic block (even in

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Keean Schupke wrote:
 Ok. But what i'm trying to say is, forcing the localStorage to use
 atomic block is a bad idea in the main page thread since a
 transaction in the main page thread can span very long time perhaps
 committed by a click event.

 How is this any different from having a big loop an any callback:
 var onclick = fuction() {
for (i = 0; i  10; i++) {
// do some work
 I've just made the page non-responsive...
 Also notice:
 atomic(function(state) {...})
 The commit happens automatically when the callback function returns, so a
 split transaction (the commit in a callback) is impossible with this
 formulation. Just think about the lexical-scoping.

An example of a long transaction that committed in a callback is:
you are committing based on the return value of an AJAX call... and to
make that AJAX call, you require to be inside atomic block while
reading some shared value...  I know it's a bad example, but it's one
of the idea of the long transaction I mentioned. So I guess atomic
doesn't span to a very long transaction (it does not necessarily
need to make the browser unresponsive).

But I agree, for short transactions, it looks simple and perfect.

In the video, the proposed atomic is blocking. So, perhaps the
Javascript API needs to supply a callback (for non-blocking) to be
called after the atomic routine is finished?

Felix Halim

Re: [chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

2011-01-07 Thread Keean Schupke

 Race conditions still happen if you (jarringly) forgot to wrap your
 shared object inside atomic block :P. So, maybe it's a good idea to
 only allow localStorage to be accessed inside an atomic block (even in

Yes, that was in my original suggestion.

atomic(function(shared) {...});

The callback scoped variable shared is the only way to access the shared


Re: clipboard events

2011-01-07 Thread Ojan Vafai
Thanks for working on this!

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

  If the cursor is in an editable element, the default action is to insert
 clipboard data in the most suitable format supported for the given context.

 In an editable context, the paste event's target property refers to the
 element that contains the start of the selection. In a non-editable
 document, the event is targeted at a node focused by clicking or by an
 interactive cursor. If the node that has focus is not a text node, the event
 is targeted at the BODY element.

 I'm not sure if it makes sense for the element to be the start of
 selection.  Why not just pass the root editable element?  The website
 already have access to the selection so it can get start/end of selection.
  Mentioning of clicking or cursor is unnecessary.  One can use keyboard to
 move focus / selection and copy / paste should still work.  I'm not sure why
 we're special-casing text node / non-text node.  Is there some reason to
 this?  (i.e. compatibility with Internet Explorer?)

Ditto on all points. Also, why does this clause not apply to the cut/copy
events as well? What does start mean here? Start in document order e.g. as
opposed to the anchor/base of the selection?

 This .types spec is slightly different from the HTML5 DnD .types -
consistent enough to make sense to authors and implementers?

What's the benefit of being different? In general, the closer we can be to
HTML5 DnD, the easier it will be for everyone.

 Implementations are encouraged to also support text/html for dealing with
HTML-formatted data.

In an ideal world, implementations would support any string type. This would
allow for creating custom clipboard formats as well as common mime types
(e.g. image types). Do most operating systems support setting generic string
types on the clipboard?


Re: clipboard events spec and HTML5 spec - divide and conquer, but where?

2011-01-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 7 Jan 2011, Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote:
 On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 04:31:01 +0900, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Thu, 6 Jan 2011, Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote:
   I've done some work on a spec for clipboard events, initially just 
   to make up my mind about what Opera needs to implement, but as it 
   might be a useful thing in general I've volunteered to edit it as a 
   WebApps WG delivery. It will be a fairly small spec, only handling 
   clipboard events.
  Is it intended to also cover cut, copy and paste?
 Sorry, I don't understand the question.

Well, for example, the 'cut' operation involves removing or mutating DOM 
nodes (for contentEditable) or editing the control value (for input) or 
raw value (for textarea), and modifying the selection accordingly. 
Similarly, 'paste', e.g. for input, involves changing the input value, 
firing 'input' events, modifying the selection, etc.

  The current spec draft seems very vague about when the events fire and 
  what their default actions are, but I can't tell if that's intentional 
  or not.
 No vagueness is intended.
 Could you give me two examples of things that needs to be more specific, 
 one regarding timing and one regarding default action?

Sure. For example, when should the paste event fire relative to when 
keydown/keyup events fire? When should the paste event fire relative to 
when the 'input' event fires? Should it fire asynchronously as a separate 
task; should it fire as part of the default action of the keypress event 
synchronously? Where do these events fire relative to mutation events, for 
contentEditable? What should the default action of 'paste' be, in terms of 
DOM mutations when the cursor is in a contentEditable section? How should 
DataTransfer be set up when the data comes from a non-Web source?

Another example, more editorial, is that the spec currently doesn't have a 
conformance section and doesn't define how to determine what the normative 
conformance requirements are. Assuming RFC2119 semantics, the spec is 
lacking detail. For example, nothing normatively says whether the events 
bubble or not, it's just left up to the reader to assume that the table 
implies that it does. There's also no normative requirement linking the 
description of what the target is to the actual firing of the event.

For some background, see:

When the spec says A must do B. B's C is D., the second sentence is not 
normative, it's just descriptive -- describing what another part of the 
specification presumably requires. I assume you intend something more like 
A must do B, with B set up as follows: B's C must be D. or some such.

   Now, this needs a bit of syncing with HTML5 because right now that 
   spec defines a ClipboardEvent interface that contains some of the 
   stuff in HTML5's DataTransfer interface. To avoid this overlap I 
   guess there are two ways forward, either I remove those bits from 
   the clipboard events spec and reference HTML5, or you remove them 
   from HTML5 and say that DataTransfer extends ClipboardEvent. I'm 
   happy either way (though if I'm going to reference DataTransfer I'll 
   call out explicitly what methods are required for clipboard events 
   and omit the DnD specific stuff). Which approach do you think would 
   be better?
  What do browsers do? Do they use the same object, including the 
  drag-and-drop specific attributes, or is it a different interface?
 In WebKit, event.clipboardData in copy/cut/paste events and 
 event.dataTransfer in drag/drop events both implement a Clipboard 
 interface, so the same attributes are available.

In that case we should probably just use the same interface, and put 
copy/paste and drag/drop in the same spec. If they're in separate specs, 
it's probably simplest if the DataTransfer stuff is with the DND stuff, 
since that's the main driver for changes to the DataTransfer interface. 
I'm happy to work with you to make sure the DataTransfer spec still works 
for copy/paste.

Conceptually, copy/paste and drag-and-drop can be viewed as the same thing 
(indeed, an older version of the HTML spec actually defined copy/paste in 
terms of DND), so this should be relatively simple.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Limited DOM in Web Workers

2011-01-07 Thread Jack Coulter

I have a proposal of sorts, regarding Workers. As we all know, there's no
access to the DOM from within a Web Worker. While this is ideal for security
purposes, I can't help but think a restricted subset of the available DOM
manipulation methods would be incredibly useful.

I'm not talking about allowing Worker's to manipulate the main DOM tree of
the page, but rather, exposing DOMParser, and XMLHttpRequest.responseXML,
and a few other objects to workers, to allow the manipulation of DOM trees
which are never actually rendered to the page.

This would allow developers to parse and manipulate XML in workers, freeing
the main thread of a page to perform other tasks.

A possible counter argument, may be Why not just use JSON instead?, and
while I agree that JSON is the easiest method of serialising and parsing
objects, sometimes developers must work with data from a source which
only provides XML.

An example of a use-case, I'd like to hack on the Strope.js XMPP
implementation to allow it to run in a worker thread, currently this is
impossible, without writing my own XML parser, which would undoubtedly
be slower than the native DOMParser)

Any thoughts?

Jack Coulter

Re: [chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

2011-01-07 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 1/6/2011 3:20 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Charles  wrote:

Shouldn't sessionStorage be made accessible?

I don't think localStorage should be (to web workers), but sessionStorage
a reasonable request.

Why wouldn't that have the same threading issues as I described?

There a good reason for it to have those issues in sessionStorage. 
localStorage need not.
At least when it comes to workers. They use synchronous interfaces in 
the File API, too.

Would you rather File API be used to create locks?

Keep in mind that sessionStorage is limited to 5 megs: these are 
reasonably small

areas of memory, and they're not written to that often.

On 1/6/2011 4:19 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Charles  wrote:

Shouldn't sessionStorage be made accessible?

I don't think localStorage should be (to web workers), but sessionStorage
a reasonable request.

Why?  I've wanted to access localStorage from workers in the past, and
if the details for accessing Storage objects are worked out at all,
then exposing sessionStorage but not localStorage seems arbitrary and
unnecessarily restrictive.

It's not arbitrary: the names local and session convey some meaning.
localStorage works well enough, out in the wild. sessionStorage is not 
in wide use.

I don't think it's restrictive, it just creates a wider implementation 
divide between session and local.
You can still use your main thread to loop through session storage and 
copy it into local storage.

Re: [chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

2011-01-07 Thread Glenn Maynard
 On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Charles  wrote:
 I don't think localStorage should be (to web workers), but sessionStorage
 a reasonable request.

 It's not arbitrary: the names local and session convey some meaning.
 localStorage works well enough, out in the wild. sessionStorage is not in
 wide use.

 I don't think it's restrictive, it just creates a wider implementation
 divide between session and local.

What I meant was: you said that you don't think localStorage should be
available to workers, but I don't understand why.  Why should
sessionStorage be available, but localStorage not?

Glenn Maynard

Re: Limited DOM in Web Workers

2011-01-07 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/7/11 2:29 PM, Jack Coulter wrote:

I'm not talking about allowing Worker's to manipulate the main DOM tree of
the page, but rather, exposing DOMParser, and XMLHttpRequest.responseXML,
and a few other objects to workers, to allow the manipulation of DOM trees
which are never actually rendered to the page.

Whether they're rendered doesn't necessarily matter if the DOM 
implementation is not threadsafe (which it's not, in today's UAs).  That 

This would allow developers to parse and manipulate XML in workers, freeing
the main thread of a page to perform other tasks.


An example of a use-case, I'd like to hack on the Strope.js XMPP
implementation to allow it to run in a worker thread, currently this is
impossible, without writing my own XML parser, which would undoubtedly
be slower than the native DOMParser)

If you think you could do this with your own XML parser, is there a 
reason you can't do it with e4x (I never thought I'd say that, but this 
seems like an actually good use case for something like e4x)?  That 
should work fine in workers in Gecko-based browsers that support it, and 
doesn't drag in the entire DOM implementation.

That leaves the problem of convincing developers of those ECMAScript 
implementations that don't support e4x to support it, of course; while 
things like don't 
necessarily fill me with hope in that regard it may still be simpler 
than convincing all browsers to rewrite their DOMs to be threadsafe in 
the way that would be needed to support exposing an actual DOM in workers.
