Re: [IndexedDB] Closing on bug 9903 (collations)

2011-05-03 Thread Keean Schupke
The more I think about it, the more I want a user-specified comparison
function. Efficiency should not be an issue here - the engines should tweek
the JIT compiler to fix any efficiency issues. Just let the user pass a
closure (remember functions are first-class in JavaScript so this is not a
callback nor an event).


On 2 May 2011 19:57, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Keean Schupke wrote:
  As long as we have a binary mode I am happy.

 Something I didn't think to mention: what exactly is binary mode for
 DOMStrings?  I guess it means you encode as big-endian UTF-16, then
 sort bytewise?  This is kind of evil, but it matches what sort() does,
 so I guess it should be the required behavior.  (It's kind of evil
 because it doesn't match code-point order, unlike if you encoded as
 UTF-8.  E.g., U+1 is encoded as 0xd800dc00 and U+E000 is 0xe000,
 so U+E000 sorts after U+1.)

 Perhaps this should be spelled out more clearly in the spec.

Re: [widgets] Widget Updates tests?

2011-05-03 Thread Rich Tibbett

Scott Wilson wrote:

Just one more thing...

  Test ta-processing2-14, Tests that update-info element's src attribute need to be 
valid, else it is ignored. The widget is not updated or replaced.

However, the value to fail with is fail.wgt which ought to be interpreted as 
a relative URL, in which case the expected result would be to turn this into:

Which is valid.

So, the test needs to have a different value to be an invalid src attribute.

Missed this one - it has been fixed and the src attribute has been set 
to an invalid IRI (':') as required.

- Rich

Re: paste events and HTML support - interest in exposing a DOM tree?

2011-05-03 Thread Hallvord R. M. Steen
On Tue, 03 May 2011 07:10:10 +0900, João Eiras  


which would return a parsed and when applicable sanitized view of any
markup the implementation supports from the clipboard.

This is already covered by doing  
x=createElement;x.innerHTML=foo;traverse x

Of course it is. The point was simply to see if there was interest in  
possibly optimising away an extra serialize-parse roundtrip, if  
developers feel it would be more convenient to get the DOM right away  
rather than the markup.

Regarding simplifying the pasted html to remove stuff that could be  
malicious, consider a rogue app that injects a script in the clipboard  
and expects the user to hit paste on his bank site.

Well, I've never seen a bank site with a rich text editor /  
contentEditable-based feature customers are meant to use ;-)

Rouge scripts and social engineering to paste them in the comment field on  
Facebook is still a threat to worry about. If the implementation knows  
that the content originates from another website it should definitely be  
sanitized. I don't think it adds much security to sanitise content from a  
local application though - an application running locally already has  
quite a lot of possibilities, for example to tell the browser to launch a  
javascript: URL directly or go into the DOM to modify things through the  
browser's accessibility APIs. Using social engineering to make the user  
paste something would be an awkward way to try to launch an exploit, no?

There is little the user agent can do but to provide quick and easy  
methods to sanatize this. There is already the toStaticHTML API that IE  

I'm planning to *not* leave sanitization to the script author, but have it  
as a default and (currently) non-overridable mode for cross-origin HTML  
paste. So the user-agent will do it all behind the scenes before the  
script event gets to see a single tag of the markup.

I would suggest supporting and implementing it. Or even add a sister  
property of innerHTML, innerStaticHTML which would not return scripts or  
event handlers on reading, and would parse out those when setting.

That sounds like a good idea, but would be best followed up in a separate  

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software

Does WebApps want to do work in Model-driven Views area?

2011-05-03 Thread Arthur Barstow

Hi All,

Pardon the interruption here to digress a bit to look at Rafael's 
proposal from the process perspective ...

[Charter] defines WebApps' scope and explicit deliverables. Depending on 
how the proposal is viewed, (perhaps) at least part of it could be 
rationalized by being related to XBL templates.

Nevertheless, I would appreciate feedback on - should WebApps start new 
work in this area?

* If yes - why should WebApps take on this new deliverable?

* If no - would some other group be a better place to do work in this 
area? Options here would include: a new Incubator Group [XG] that would 
have its own mail list to build consensus on the UCs, requirements and 
to start preliminary spec work; a new WG; some existing WG (Chaals 
mentioned some related work done in XForms); added to the new WG Dave 
Raggett mentioned; other options?

-Art Barstow


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Model-driven Views
Resent-Date:Tue, 3 May 2011 01:08:53 +
Date:   Mon, 2 May 2011 18:05:17 -0700
From:   ext Rafael Weinstein
To: Maciej Stachowiak

Apologies. I feel like I have failed to properly contextualize this issue.

Let me back up and see if I can't help create a different frame of
reference. This email is already too long so I've avoided examples.
Please let me know what isn't apparent and I'll explain further.

1) Imperative templating (JSP, jQuery, Closure, a load of others) is
the problem. Declarative templating (Angular, Knockout, JSTemplate,
Spry) is the solution.

-Imperative approaches reduce to a function that spits out a string
containing markup.

-They are destructive in updating an existing view. Re-rendering
trashes transient state and thus they are fundamentally unsuitable for
dynamic web applications.

-They aren't performant because they require destruction and
re-creation of all instances in a collection when any item is added or

-Use of innerHTML for parsing tends to create XSS attack surface.

2) There's very little new in our design. This isn't a question of
validating a new approach. Its a question of doing the hard work of
making a successful pattern fit well into the rest of the web

-We've simply taken the basic design aspects of existing declarative
approaches and attempted to explain their behavior with respect to the
rest of the platform APIs. Further, we've attempted to give the
pattern direct support for missing capabilities which currently
require fairly ugly hacks.

-Declarative approaches are heavily deployment tested and shown to be robust.

-Declarative templating is a subset of the expressiveness of
imperative. Generally speaking it's the subset that people use. [An
imperative-declarative compiler is possible. It would need to enforce
certain things. e.g. code blocks must contain balanced HTML, loops
must not exit early, conditionals must be deterministic, etc...].

3) The diversity in templating systems doesn't represent diversity in
approaches or semantics. The differences are mostly superficial. The
expressive requirements can be summarized quickly:

a) Insert, assign (and possibly transform) a data value into an
attribute, property or textContent.
b) Conditionally include/show a bit of DOM.
c) Produce a sub-template once for every item in a collection.
d) Sub-iteration support is required
e) Recursion (producing unknown depth trees) support is required
f) Some mechanism for scoping is specifically required inside
iterations, and more generally, so that full paths to data items don't
need to be typed.

4) The lack of a standard blocks economies of scale that generally
lead to many terrific things I don't have to list for this group, but
most importantly:

-Automation: Complexity kills. Non-trivial applications need tooling
support. The automation and tooling support for Windows, MacOS and
even Linux dwarfs that of web applications. Without a standard,
there's little chance that we'll get good tools (inspecting/debugging,
authoring, validation, optimization) inside or outside the browser.

5) We can create a feature which is fast by default. Libraries
almost never do.

-Our design is such that it fully delays all DOM work until the script
event exits and then hands the instructions to the renderer as a

-UAs try to be lazy about doing work in order to only do expensive
things minimally. This is the lazy nuclear option. All DOM work can
be fully lazy. We're hopeful that there are big perf gains to be had
here, but experimental implementations are the only way to prove this.

-At minimum, the typical case can be assured to only incur one
layout/style resolution.

6) Libraries can't hit the latency goals that we'd like to.

-Libraries cannot render incrementally during page load. Leaving this

Re: Does WebApps want to do work in Model-driven Views area?

2011-05-03 Thread Olli Pettay

On 05/03/2011 02:38 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

Hi All,

Pardon the interruption here to digress a bit to look at Rafael's
proposal from the process perspective ...

[Charter] defines WebApps' scope and explicit deliverables. Depending on
how the proposal is viewed, (perhaps) at least part of it could be
rationalized by being related to XBL templates.

Well, to me XBL templates are still quite different to MDV templates.
XBL needs to handle all sort of attribute value and text value
copying/forwarding and building the actual instance data in
anonymous DOM and special event handling in the anonymous DOM etc.

Nevertheless, I would appreciate feedback on - should WebApps start new
work in this area?

* If yes - why should WebApps take on this new deliverable?

* If no - would some other group be a better place to do work in this
area? Options here would include: a new Incubator Group [XG] that would
have its own mail list to build consensus on the UCs, requirements and
to start preliminary spec work; a new WG; some existing WG (Chaals
mentioned some related work done in XForms); added to the new WG Dave
Raggett mentioned; other options?

I think I'm still missing some information before I could say yes
or no.
Basically I don't know what kinds of requirements led to the current
design of MDV and why exactly it can't be implemented as a js library if
some rather small primitives were added to the web platform.

(Those small primitives should be defined either in webapps or whatwg, I 


-Art Barstow


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Model-driven Views
Resent-Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 01:08:53 +
Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 18:05:17 -0700
From: ext Rafael Weinstein
To: Maciej Stachowiak

Apologies. I feel like I have failed to properly contextualize this issue.

Let me back up and see if I can't help create a different frame of
reference. This email is already too long so I've avoided examples.
Please let me know what isn't apparent and I'll explain further.

1) Imperative templating (JSP, jQuery, Closure, a load of others) is
the problem. Declarative templating (Angular, Knockout, JSTemplate,
Spry) is the solution.

-Imperative approaches reduce to a function that spits out a string
containing markup.

-They are destructive in updating an existing view. Re-rendering
trashes transient state and thus they are fundamentally unsuitable for
dynamic web applications.

-They aren't performant because they require destruction and
re-creation of all instances in a collection when any item is added or

-Use of innerHTML for parsing tends to create XSS attack surface.

2) There's very little new in our design. This isn't a question of
validating a new approach. Its a question of doing the hard work of
making a successful pattern fit well into the rest of the web

-We've simply taken the basic design aspects of existing declarative
approaches and attempted to explain their behavior with respect to the
rest of the platform APIs. Further, we've attempted to give the
pattern direct support for missing capabilities which currently
require fairly ugly hacks.

-Declarative approaches are heavily deployment tested and shown to be

-Declarative templating is a subset of the expressiveness of
imperative. Generally speaking it's the subset that people use. [An
imperative-declarative compiler is possible. It would need to enforce
certain things. e.g. code blocks must contain balanced HTML, loops
must not exit early, conditionals must be deterministic, etc...].

3) The diversity in templating systems doesn't represent diversity in
approaches or semantics. The differences are mostly superficial. The
expressive requirements can be summarized quickly:

a) Insert, assign (and possibly transform) a data value into an
attribute, property or textContent.
b) Conditionally include/show a bit of DOM.
c) Produce a sub-template once for every item in a collection.
d) Sub-iteration support is required
e) Recursion (producing unknown depth trees) support is required
f) Some mechanism for scoping is specifically required inside
iterations, and more generally, so that full paths to data items don't
need to be typed.

4) The lack of a standard blocks economies of scale that generally
lead to many terrific things I don't have to list for this group, but
most importantly:

-Automation: Complexity kills. Non-trivial applications need tooling
support. The automation and tooling support for Windows, MacOS and
even Linux dwarfs that of web applications. Without a standard,
there's little chance that we'll get good tools (inspecting/debugging,
authoring, validation, optimization) inside or outside the browser.

5) We can create a feature which is fast by default. Libraries
almost never 

Re: [IndexedDB] Closing on bug 9903 (collations)

2011-05-03 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Keean Schupke wrote:
 The more I think about it, the more I want a user-specified comparison
 function. Efficiency should not be an issue here - the engines should tweek
 the JIT compiler to fix any efficiency issues. Just let the user pass a
 closure (remember functions are first-class in JavaScript so this is not a
 callback nor an event).

Wouldn't it be a bit more complicated than just passing a regular
closure?  The function has to be persisted in the database across page
views, but a JavaScript closure is going to contain references to all
sorts of objects (like document, or local variables) that are very
specific to the current page view.  It makes no sense to persist those
objects in general.  You'd need to serialize the function somehow,
possibly putting restrictions on the sorts of variables it can access,
so that it can be sensibly restored later.  Is there some established
way of doing this yet in JavaScript?  It might be useful in other
contexts too.

I still agree that this is the correct direction to go in, though.

Re: [IndexedDB] Closing on bug 9903 (collations)

2011-05-03 Thread Keean Schupke
Why does it need to be persisted? I would prefer the database to be
stateless. Obviously all users of the database need to use the same
function. I would recommend modular programming - create a .js script you
can include in all pages that provides 'collated' versions of the method
calls by adding the collation argument - Infact for good programming in
general make this API your model, so if you were writing a shopping cart,
this '.js' would provide methods like 'addToCart', 'removeFromCart', and all
collations settings would be hidden in this layer and kept out of individual
pages, whilst not needing to be stored in the database at all.


On 3 May 2011 15:27, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

 On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Keean Schupke wrote:
  The more I think about it, the more I want a user-specified comparison
  function. Efficiency should not be an issue here - the engines should
  the JIT compiler to fix any efficiency issues. Just let the user pass a
  closure (remember functions are first-class in JavaScript so this is not
  callback nor an event).

 Wouldn't it be a bit more complicated than just passing a regular
 closure?  The function has to be persisted in the database across page
 views, but a JavaScript closure is going to contain references to all
 sorts of objects (like document, or local variables) that are very
 specific to the current page view.  It makes no sense to persist those
 objects in general.  You'd need to serialize the function somehow,
 possibly putting restrictions on the sorts of variables it can access,
 so that it can be sensibly restored later.  Is there some established
 way of doing this yet in JavaScript?  It might be useful in other
 contexts too.

 I still agree that this is the correct direction to go in, though.

Re: paste events and HTML support - interest in exposing a DOM tree?

2011-05-03 Thread Paul Libbrecht

Le 3 mai 2011 à 12:20, Hallvord R. M. Steen a écrit :
 Regarding simplifying the pasted html to remove stuff that could be 
 malicious, consider a rogue app that injects a script in the clipboard and 
 expects the user to hit paste on his bank site.
 Well, I've never seen a bank site with a rich text editor / 
 contentEditable-based feature customers are meant to use ;-)

write a message to us ??
Seems like a function an e-banking site offers and could support html one day.
Your other use case remains strong.

One thing that I like in the DOM exposure of the HTML flavour is that it 
prevents an amount of the threats related to parsing and that is good. In 
MathML (as in any xml fragment), the only dangers are, I believe:
- parsing time: related files inclusion (schema and dtd notably)
- image and/or style embedding
The first danger is eliminated if the fragment is exposed as a DOM fragment 
(provided the reference is removed of course).
The second danger is eliminated by the same techniques as those with HTML.


copy events and content from server

2011-05-03 Thread Paul Libbrecht

Hello list,

As noted in the thread about security started by Halvord:

 In many of the scenarios I have working for, the content to be put on the 
 clipboard would come from a luxury knowledge structure on the server, one 
 that has access to some semantic source and can infer useful representations 
 out of it; these get put to the clipboard. 
 An offline HTML would also be an example of it.

but I am realizing that this is probably not possible to do because the only 
way to do obtain something from the server is to wait until a callback is 
called (and this is good so) at which time the copy event might be long gone 

Would it be thinkable to *lock* the copy event until either a timeout occurs or 
an unlock is called? 

This way the script in the client would be able to fetch rich transformations 
from the server.

thanks in advance.


PS: I would expect the same could be needed for the copy event which could want 
to write to the server.

[IndexedDB] Bug#10601 - Need some way to create IDB events?

2011-05-03 Thread Israel Hilerio
Is this what the working group had in mind when opening this bug [1], the 
ability to add a initIDBVersionChangeEvent method to the interface below?

interface IDBVersionChangeEvent: Event {
   readonly attribute DOMString version;
--   void initIDBVersionChangeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean 
canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString version); 



[IndexedDB] Bug#11401 -We should disallow .transaction() from within setVersion transactions

2011-05-03 Thread Israel Hilerio
We expect async operations to be queue up and executed in the order in which 
they were created.  Thus, the request to create a second transaction inside the 
onsuccess handler of a setVersion request using a .transaction() method would 
fail as long as we were inside a VERSION_CHANGE transaction.  The reason being 
that the VERSION_CHANGE transaction locks the complete db.

It seems we wouldn't want to allow this type of scenario.  Do we expect this to 
be a realistic scenario?  Is there a reason why we wouldn't just throw a 
NOT_ALLOWED_ERR.  Could we modify the transaction method information to say 
something like:

--Throws an IDBDatabaseException of NOT_ALLOWED_ERR when the transaction() 
method is called within the onsuccess handler of a setVersion request.

This would simply the Async model and keep it consistent with the Sync model.



Re: copy events and content from server

2011-05-03 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Paul Libbrecht wrote:

 As noted in the thread about security started by Halvord:

  In many of the scenarios I have working for, the content to be put on the
 clipboard would come from a luxury knowledge structure on the server, one
 that has access to some semantic source and can infer useful representations
 out of it; these get put to the clipboard.
  An offline HTML would also be an example of it.

 but I am realizing that this is probably not possible to do because the
 only way to do obtain something from the server is to wait until a callback
 is called (and this is good so) at which time the copy event might be long
 gone already.

 Would it be thinkable to *lock* the copy event until either a timeout
 occurs or an unlock is called?

No.  We definitely don't want to lock a local system resource for some
random web service that may potentially fail to release the lock.

- Ryosuke

Re: copy events and content from server

2011-05-03 Thread Paul Libbrecht

Le 3 mai 2011 à 21:15, Ryosuke Niwa a écrit :
 Would it be thinkable to *lock* the copy event until either a timeout occurs 
 or an unlock is called?
 No.  We definitely don't want to lock a local system resource for some random 
 web service that may potentially fail to release the lock.

I am not sure I made this clear.
The intent is to let javascript operate a lock.

Locking the system resource? Who spoke about that?
That'd lock maybe some of the continuation of a script in that page... nothing 
It could start to operate on the clipboard only after the unlock has occurred 
(or a focus-lost has happened which would have declared that the copy operation 
is aborted).

The random web-service in question is the web-server the user is currently 
using which could have delivered the information in question before, just did 
not because it did not know which information the user intended to copy!

If you look at desktop apps, there are many apps that do very rich copy 
operations and these take time with a modal dialog sometimes displayed.


Re: [IndexedDB] Closing on bug 9903 (collations)

2011-05-03 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Keean Schupke wrote:
 Why does it need to be persisted? I would prefer the database to be
 stateless. Obviously all users of the database need to use the same

And if they don't use exactly the same function, maybe due to a
transient bug, the index is silently and permanently corrupted, until
all affected rows happen to be updated again?  That doesn't sound like
a good idea to me.

Re: [IndexedDB] Bug#10601 - Need some way to create IDB events?

2011-05-03 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Israel Hilerio wrote:
 Is this what the working group had in mind when opening this bug [1], the 
 ability to add a initIDBVersionChangeEvent method to the interface below?

 interface IDBVersionChangeEvent: Event {
           readonly attribute DOMString version;
 --       void initIDBVersionChangeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean 
 canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString version);



Yes. Back when the bug was originally filed we had a larger set of
events, but now it's only that one.

/ Jonas

[File API: FileSystem] Path restrictions and case-sensitivity

2011-05-03 Thread Eric U
I'd like to bring back up the discussion that went on at [1] and [2].

In particular, I'd like to propose a minimal set of restrictions for
file names and paths, punt on the issue of what happens in later
layers of the API, and discuss case-sensitivity rules.

For the sandboxed filesystem, I propose that we disallow only:
* Embedded null characters [will likely break something somewhere]
* Embedded forward slash (/) [it's our delimiter]
* Embedded backslash (\) [will likely confuse people if we permit it]
* Files called '.' [has a meaning for us already]
* Files called '..' [has a meaning for us already]
* Path segments longer than 1KB [probably long enough, and I feel
better having a limit]
...and explicitly support anything other than that.  I'm not proposing
a maximum path length at this time...perhaps we should just say MUST
support at least X for some large X?

Regarding case sensitivity: I originally specced it as
case-insensitive-case-preserving to make it easier to support a
passthrough implementation on Windows and Mac.  However, as
passthroughs have turned out to be unfeasible [see previous thread on
path length problems], all case insensitivity really gets us is
potential locale issues.  I suggest we drop it and just go with a
case-sensitive filesystem.



RE: [IndexedDB] Bug#10601 - Need some way to create IDB events?

2011-05-03 Thread Israel Hilerio
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Israel Hilerio
  Is this what the working group had in mind when opening this bug [1], the
 ability to add a initIDBVersionChangeEvent method to the interface below?
  interface IDBVersionChangeEvent: Event {
            readonly attribute DOMString version;
  --       void initIDBVersionChangeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in
  -- boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in DOMString
  -- version);
 Yes. Back when the bug was originally filed we had a larger set of events, but
 now it's only that one.
 / Jonas

Great!  I'll talk to Eliot to added to his list of spec updates.


[IndexedDB] deleteObjectStore method and updates to IDBDatabase.objectStoreNames on the client

2011-05-03 Thread Israel Hilerio
In looking at createObjectStore on IDBDatabase, it seems that we would have to 
update the IDBDatabase.objectStoreNames attribute on the client side after 
returning the IDBObjectStore.  Otherwise, it would be difficult to detect that 
an objectStore with the same name already exists and throw a CONSTRAINT_ERR 

Following this pattern, would it make sense to update the 
IDBDatabase.objectStoreNames attribute on the client side after executing 
deleteObjectStore before the async operation is executed.  This would allow us 
to support scenarios like:

var b = db.createObjectStore(B);
var req = db.deleteObjectStore(B);
b = db.createObjectStore(B);

What do you think?
