Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Let me introduce the first sketch of a variant. The general idea is to
add a |postSyncMessage|

We extend DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope and MessageEvent as follows:

interface DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
  void postMessage(any message, optional sequenceTransferable transfer);
  any postSyncMessage(any message, optional sequenceTransferable

interface SyncMessageEvent : MessageEvent {
  void reply(optional any message, optional sequenceTransferable

The behavior of |postSyncMessage| is the following:
1. the sender worker sleeps and does not handle any |postMessage|
messages until it is awakened;
2. instead of the usual |MessageEvent|, the target's |onmessage|
receives as argument a |SyncMessageEvent| (call it |s|);
3. if |s.reply(x)| is called, the sender's |postSyncMessage| method
returns a copy of |x|, obtained with the usual algorithm;
5. if |s.reply()| has not called by the time the worker is either
garbage-collected or |terminate()| is called on its |MessagePort|, the
worker is killed as usual.

I have not attempted to detail the inner workings of the underlying
MessagePort, but I suspect that this is close to Jonas Sicking's proposal.


Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 10/13/13 4:21 PM, James Greene wrote:
 a) is necessary, but for b) it is sufficient for the sync thread to be
 able to sleep until a condition/mutex/... is lifted
 In other words, your clarification is completely true but my initial
 statement was written with regard to client-side JavaScript, which
 cannot sleep. As such, I believe my original assertions are still
 correct with regard to writing a sync wrapper in JS.

My apologies, I had obviously misunderstood your initial statement. I
was thinking of an extension of the Worker API and how to implement it
at little CPU/battery clost.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread Alon Zakai

- Original Message -
 From: David Bruant
 To: Jonas Sicking
 Cc: public-webapps,
 Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 1:36:22 PM
 Subject: Re: Sync API for workers
  * You could solve the use case of compile-to-JS for code that uses
  sync APIs using yield. However it requires changing all functions into
  generators, and all function calls into yield* statements.

 all? as is all function in the application? that sounds like a too
 violent constraint, especially if a small proportion of the code uses
 sync functions. Maybe only the functions that may call a sync function
 need to be changed to generators... oh... hmm... I don't know.
 Taking the liberty to cc Alon Zakai to ask for his expert opinion on
 this topics.

Not sure about all the context here. In general, the idea of using yield or CPS 
to handle synchronous code has come up in emscripten, but no one has done work 
to implement it, so we don't have a concrete answer for how practical it would 
be. My guess however is that it would be not very practical, because large 
codebases can have sync code anywhere, and relying on static analysis to 
simplify that so it is mostly not a factor is very optimistic. CPS all the time 
would likely be too slow; yield all the time I am less clear on because I am 
not sure the implementations are mature enough to benchmark yet (and no 
implementation at all in IE and Safari last I heard) - we would need to ask JS 
engine devs on that.

- Alon

Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:33 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
 Let me introduce the first sketch of a variant. The general idea is to
 add a |postSyncMessage|

 We extend DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope and MessageEvent as follows:

 interface DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
   void postMessage(any message, optional sequenceTransferable transfer);
   any postSyncMessage(any message, optional sequenceTransferable

 interface SyncMessageEvent : MessageEvent {
   void reply(optional any message, optional sequenceTransferable

This API was suggested by Olli way up in this thread. It has a few downsides:

1. It only allows a single synchronous message channel. That means
that if you have several libraries that all need synchronous
communication with the parent they have to coordinate on some way to
distinguish each others messages. The fact that Gecko hasn't had
MessageChannel support has resulted in the same problem for
asynchronous communication and that has been a big headache for
2. It doesn't support streaming return values. I.e. you can't send
multiple return values from a single postSyncMessage call.
3. It doesn't allow direct synchronous communication between a worker
and the workers grand parent. Everything single message has to be
individually routed through the parent.
4. What happens if you have multiple eventlisteners in the parent and
several of them call .reply()?

I wouldn't say that all of these are killer issues. I do think the
first one is though. And the other three are clearly downsides.

All in all I think the added complexity in the later proposal is worth it.

/ Jonas

Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread Glenn Maynard
You snipped the comment about waitForMessage().  I think it should return
an Event, as if the message had been received from onmessage, not just the
received data.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 This is certainly an improvement over the previous proposal. However
 given that synchronous APIs of any type are quite controversial, I'd
 rather stick to a basic approach for now.

There's nothing controversial about synchronous APIs in workers.  Doing
work synchronously is the whole point.

The nice thing about your proposal is that it's strictly additive, so
 it's something we can add later if there's agreement that the problems
 it aims to solve are problems that need solving, and there's agreement
 that the proposal is the right way to solve them.

This will cause people to learn to structure their workers poorly, and to
create worker libraries based on that structure, with extra message
relaying infrastructure to work around this, and pollute people's
still-immature understanding of message ports.  We should do it right in
the first place.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 4:33 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

 Let me introduce the first sketch of a variant. The general idea is to
 add a |postSyncMessage|

(I'm not sure what problems with the existing proposals this is trying to

Glenn Maynard

Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
This meant to be a more limited and well-behaved variant.
However, as pointed out by Jonas, a very similar proposal has been
submitted and discussed long before I joined this list. So, please
disregard my proposal, it is an artifact of me not searching the
archives well enough.

Best regards,

On 10/14/13 4:14 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 4:33 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
 Let me introduce the first sketch of a variant. The general idea is to
 add a |postSyncMessage|
 (I'm not sure what problems with the existing proposals this is trying
 to solve.)
 Glenn Maynard

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

Re: Sync API for workers

2013-10-14 Thread James Greene
Could we change the method name under discussion to `postMessageSync`
instead of `postSyncMessage`? I know they're not grammatically equivalent
but I've always found the *Sync suffixes used on pertinent Node.js APIs to
be much more intuitive than trying to guess which position within a string
of words it should take.

Not sure on prior art within the web platform.
On Oct 14, 2013 4:59 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:33 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
  Let me introduce the first sketch of a variant. The general idea is to
  add a |postSyncMessage|
  We extend DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope and MessageEvent as follows:
  interface DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
void postMessage(any message, optional sequenceTransferable
any postSyncMessage(any message, optional sequenceTransferable
  interface SyncMessageEvent : MessageEvent {
void reply(optional any message, optional sequenceTransferable

 This API was suggested by Olli way up in this thread. It has a few

 1. It only allows a single synchronous message channel. That means
 that if you have several libraries that all need synchronous
 communication with the parent they have to coordinate on some way to
 distinguish each others messages. The fact that Gecko hasn't had
 MessageChannel support has resulted in the same problem for
 asynchronous communication and that has been a big headache for
 2. It doesn't support streaming return values. I.e. you can't send
 multiple return values from a single postSyncMessage call.
 3. It doesn't allow direct synchronous communication between a worker
 and the workers grand parent. Everything single message has to be
 individually routed through the parent.
 4. What happens if you have multiple eventlisteners in the parent and
 several of them call .reply()?

 I wouldn't say that all of these are killer issues. I do think the
 first one is though. And the other three are clearly downsides.

 All in all I think the added complexity in the later proposal is worth it.

 / Jonas

CfC: publish LCWD of Custom Elements; deadline October 21

2013-10-14 Thread Arthur Barstow
Dimitri and I did not notice any concerns to the request for pre-LC 
comments for Custom Elements [pre-LC] so this is a CfC to publish a LCWD 
of this spec using the following ED as the basis:

This CfC satisfies the group's requirement to record the group's 
decision to request advancement for this LCWD. Note the Process 
Document states the following regarding the significance/meaning of a LCWD:


Purpose: A Working Group's Last Call announcement is a signal that:

* the Working Group believes that it has satisfied its relevant 
technical requirements (e.g., of the charter or requirements document) 
in the Working Draft;

* the Working Group believes that it has satisfied significant 
dependencies with other groups;

* other groups SHOULD review the document to confirm that these 
dependencies have been satisfied. In general, a Last Call announcement 
is also a signal that the Working Group is planning to advance the 
technical report to later maturity levels.


Currently, there are 10 open bugs for this spec and they have all been 
marked as Resolved/Later [Bugs].

The proposed review period for this LC is 4 weeks. If anyone thinks the 
review period should be longer, please speak up.

If you have any comments or concerns about this CfC, please send them to by October 21 at the latest. Positive response is 
preferred and encouraged and silence will be considered as agreement 
with the proposal.

Assuming this CfC passes, if there are any specific groups (e.g. HTMLWG, 
TAG, I18N, WAI, Privacy IG, Security IG, etc.) we should ask to review 
the LCWD, please let me know.

-Thanks, AB



Re: [gamepad] Seeking status and plans

2013-10-14 Thread Marcos Caceres
Hi All, 
The Gamepad API was briefly discussed at the LXJS conference.


It seems at least one developer is very unhappy with it. 

Have we received any other feedback from developers about it? Has any effort 
been made to reach out to other developers to get feedback? 
Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

On Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Ted Mielczarek wrote:

 On 10/2/2013 12:31 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
  Hi Ted, Scott,
  If any of the data for the Gamepad spec in [PubStatus] is not
  accurate, please provide corrections.
  Also, if you have any new information re your plans for the spec -
  last published 29-May-2012 - or the spec's status with respect to
  being feature complete, implementation status, etc., please let us know.
  -Thanks, ArtB
 Hi Art,
 Thanks for the nudge! My work on the spec (and the Firefox
 implementation) fell by the wayside for many months, but I found some
 time to work on my implementation recently. We (Mozilla) are shipping a
 very-close-to-spec implementation in Nightly builds, and it's available
 behind a preference in our current release (Firefox 24).
 I'd actually like to ship our implementation in release soon, I just
 have a few minor implementation bugs (with significant impact) to fix as
 well as one possible breaking spec change[1]. With those in order I'd be
 pretty happy to ship. We'd be shipping unprefixed, as is our new policy.
 It's my understanding that Google has been shipping a prefixed
 implementation that's also pretty close to the spec for some time now,
 but that Scott suffers from the same Gamepad is not really my full-time
 job problem that I do. He'd be more equipped to talk about this than I
 am, certainly.
 In terms of feature-completeness I think the spec is basically done.
 Aside from that one breaking change I'd like to make I don't think
 there's anything else we want to address right now that couldn't be done
 in a future release of the spec. We've wanted to keep the scope small
 from the beginning and I think we did okay. It definitely needs some
 more work (mostly polishing of the text, fixing the existing bugs), but
 we could certainly get out a new WD with the most recent text.