Simple API proposal for writing file in local file system

2013-10-18 Thread Jeremie Patonnier

As a Web developer, I recently dig into the proposed FileSystem API [1]
which cover many use cases except one: How a user can actually allows a web
application to really write something in the user local file system (even
if it's slow). On the other hand, the File API: Writer [2] cover that need
but with a very overwelming interface which make very hard to use for
simple open/save operation.

There are well known workaround but we could make the life of web developer
easier by providing a simple convenient and secure interface to do this.

*# Accessing a file.*

Currently, as per the File API [3], the only way to access a file in the
user file system is by using the input type=file element. For some
reason, web developer don't want to expose such input to the user
(basically, because it's impossible to change its look and feel
consistently across browsers). To work around this, they hide it and
perform a fake click on it to prompt the user to pick some files.

We could provide a method that allow to do the same. In terms of security,
it would also make easier to track malicious attempt to acces the file
system as we will be able to monitor all access through that single method.

partial interface Navigator {
  Promise openFile();

In case of success, the Promise will get a FileList object as the user can
pick more than one file.

*# Writing a file*

Currently, the only way to write a file on the user file system is to turn
a File object into a data URI with the MIME type application/octet-stream
in order to force a download of the file. This allows the user to save the
file wherever he wants on his device.

This is very rough and have two drawbacks:

   1. if the user has setup his browser to always put downloaded file in a
   given repository, it could require some extra action from the user to move
   the file in his file system. This lead to a bad user experience that many
   web developers wish to avoid.
   2. if the user has previously open the file that need to be put back in
   his file system, it's impossible to perform a silent writing. The user is
   always prompt to perform the overriding itself. Once again, it's a bad user
   experience that web developers wish to avoid.

To solve those two issues, we could provide a save method that will allow
to bypass any download setup and to provide a secure way of making silent

Note: It is worth noticing that Microsoft did something similare for IE11
with the msSaveBlob [4] and msSaveOrOpenBlob [5] methods

partial interface Navigator {
  Promise saveFile(File file, optional boolean silent);

Note: it would be possible to add some events to keep track of the writing
operation, but Promise are good enough as we just want to save files in the
local file system rather than making some intensive IO operation. If a web
developer want to do that it would be better for him to relay on the
FileSystem API.

Making secured silent writing require two things:

1. Only file picked by the user and explicitely chose as writable by him
can be silently writen. The LockedFile object in the FileSystem API draft
is close to that but looks unnecessary complicated. I suggest to make
something simple by extending the File interface.

partial interface File {
  readonly attribute DOMString? mode; // It can be 'readonly' or 'writable'
  readonly attribute boolean? lock; // If true, only that tab can modify
the file

In order to sustain this, the 'mode' and 'lock' must be set when calling
the openFile method:

partial interface Navigator {
  Promise openFile(optional DOMString mode, optional boolean lock);

   - The 'mode' indicate if the File is 'readonly' or 'writable'. The
   browser must retain the information of the location in the file system for
   all writable files object, but this information will never be exposed to
   web content.
   - The 'lock' indicate if the browser must put a lock on the file,
   allowing only the tab which access it first to write back into the file
   (It's an internal lock maintain by the browser, it is never put at the file
   system level, I'm not sure but I think there are to many side effects to
   allow such a hard lock). If another tab has already put a lock on the file,
   the Promise will fail with an appropriate error message. The lock is
   released when the File object is destroyed (it is garbage collected, the
   tab using it is shutdown, etc.). Note: it could be convenient to have a
   setLock method to change the lock state.

If a File object is created without using the openFile method, the mode and
lock will be null;

The saving steps should be the following:

   1. If a File object is saved using the saveFile method:
  1. If the object has its mode set to 'readonly' or null
 1. The user is prompt to choose where to save the file
  2. If the object has its mode set to 'writable'
  1. If the silent parameter is set to true
1. if the file is no longer available in the 

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Should this not be synchronized with the Streams API? Please see recent 
evolutions [1] and thread [2] (where WebRTC streams are mentioned)

Ccing Webapps and Takeshi/Feras.

Regarding your proposal I was about to propose to add about the same 
thing in Streams: at least a stop method (which would send an EOF) and 
maybe a resume method, or something like your pause/unpause.

For flow control I think I am changing my mind, it looks impossible to 
do a precise flow control with js, so probably the API itself should 
handle it.




Le 18/10/2013 18:24, Adam Roach a écrit :
We've recently had some implementors reach out to ask about how to do 
certain things with the WebRTC interfaces, and I've been pretty well 
unable to turn up anything that makes a lot of sense for most of the 
interesting stream-control interfaces.

Some of this is talked about here, with an implication that the author 
of this wiki page, at least, would be willing to leave some of them 
unspecified for the first version of WebRTC:

Unfortunately, I don't think we can leave stream pause/unpause or 
stream rejection/removal out of the first version of the document. The 
good news is that I think we have all the interfaces necessary to do 
these things; we just need to spell out clear semantics for them.

As a high-level thumbnail sketch, here's what I think makes sense:

 1. To pause a track that you are sending, set enabled=false on a
MediaStreamTrack that you have added to a PeerConnection. This
information will cause the PeerConnection to stop sending the
associated RTP. Maybe this triggers an onnegotiationneeded to set
the corresponding m-line to recvonly or inactive and maybe it just
stops sending the stream; I'm not sure which makes more sense.
  * To unpause, set enabled back to true, and the steps are reversed
  * To pause all the MSTs associated with a MediaStream, use
enabled on the MediaStream itself.

 2. To pause a track that you are receiving, set enabled=false on the
MediaStreamTrack that you received from the PeerConnection via
onaddstream. This will cause the MST to stop providing media to
whatever sink it has been wired to, and trigger an
onnegotiationneeded event. The subsequent CreateOffer sets the
corresponding m-line to sendonly or inactive, as appropriate.
  * As above, this operation can also be performed on a
MediaStream to impact all of its tracks.

 3. To reject a track that has been offered, call stop() on the
corresponding MediaStreamTrack after it has been received via
onaddstream, but before calling CreateAnswer. This will cause it
to be rejected with a port number of zero.

 4. To remove a track from an ongoing session, call stop() on the
corresponding MediaStreamTrack object. This will (a) immediately
stop transmitting associated RTP, and (b) trigger an
onnegotiationneeded event.
  * If both the sending and receiving MST associated with that
m-line have been stop()ed, then the subsequent CreateOffer
sets the port on the corresponding m-line to zero.
  * If only one of the two MSTs associated with that m-line has
been stop()ed, then the subsequent CreateOffer sets the
corresponding m-line to sendonly, receiveonly, or inactive, as

Does this make sense to everyone? It seems pretty clean, easy to 
specify, and reasonable to implement. Best of all, we're not changing 
any currently defined interfaces, just providing clear semantics for 
certain operations.


Peersm :
node-Tor :
GitHub :

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Adam Roach

On 10/18/13 11:56, Aymeric Vitte wrote:
Regarding your proposal I was about to propose to add about the same 
thing in Streams: at least a stop method (which would send an EOF) and 
maybe a resume method, or something like your pause/unpause.

To be clear, the .enabled flag and .stop() method are already there, and 
they already pause/unpause the stream and tear it down, respectively. 
I'm just proposing concrete semantics for how they interact with any 
PeerConnection that the track is associated with.


Re: Simple API proposal for writing file in local file system

2013-10-18 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

Hi Jeremie,

Have you seen this proposal? 
 It's not clear to me if your proposal here is trying to solve problems 
that the above proposal doesn't already solve...


On 2013-10-18 8:07 AM, Jeremie Patonnier wrote:


As a Web developer, I recently dig into the proposed FileSystem API [1]
which cover many use cases except one: How a user can actually allows a web
application to really write something in the user local file system (even
if it's slow). On the other hand, the File API: Writer [2] cover that need
but with a very overwelming interface which make very hard to use for
simple open/save operation.

There are well known workaround but we could make the life of web developer
easier by providing a simple convenient and secure interface to do this.

*# Accessing a file.*

Currently, as per the File API [3], the only way to access a file in the
user file system is by using the input type=file element. For some
reason, web developer don't want to expose such input to the user
(basically, because it's impossible to change its look and feel
consistently across browsers). To work around this, they hide it and
perform a fake click on it to prompt the user to pick some files.

We could provide a method that allow to do the same. In terms of security,
it would also make easier to track malicious attempt to acces the file
system as we will be able to monitor all access through that single method.

partial interface Navigator {
   Promise openFile();

In case of success, the Promise will get a FileList object as the user can
pick more than one file.

*# Writing a file*

Currently, the only way to write a file on the user file system is to turn
a File object into a data URI with the MIME type application/octet-stream
in order to force a download of the file. This allows the user to save the
file wherever he wants on his device.

This is very rough and have two drawbacks:

1. if the user has setup his browser to always put downloaded file in a
given repository, it could require some extra action from the user to move
the file in his file system. This lead to a bad user experience that many
web developers wish to avoid.
2. if the user has previously open the file that need to be put back in
his file system, it's impossible to perform a silent writing. The user is
always prompt to perform the overriding itself. Once again, it's a bad user
experience that web developers wish to avoid.

To solve those two issues, we could provide a save method that will allow
to bypass any download setup and to provide a secure way of making silent

Note: It is worth noticing that Microsoft did something similare for IE11
with the msSaveBlob [4] and msSaveOrOpenBlob [5] methods

partial interface Navigator {
   Promise saveFile(File file, optional boolean silent);

Note: it would be possible to add some events to keep track of the writing
operation, but Promise are good enough as we just want to save files in the
local file system rather than making some intensive IO operation. If a web
developer want to do that it would be better for him to relay on the
FileSystem API.

Making secured silent writing require two things:

1. Only file picked by the user and explicitely chose as writable by him
can be silently writen. The LockedFile object in the FileSystem API draft
is close to that but looks unnecessary complicated. I suggest to make
something simple by extending the File interface.

partial interface File {
   readonly attribute DOMString? mode; // It can be 'readonly' or 'writable'
   readonly attribute boolean? lock; // If true, only that tab can modify
the file

In order to sustain this, the 'mode' and 'lock' must be set when calling
the openFile method:

partial interface Navigator {
   Promise openFile(optional DOMString mode, optional boolean lock);

- The 'mode' indicate if the File is 'readonly' or 'writable'. The
browser must retain the information of the location in the file system for
all writable files object, but this information will never be exposed to
web content.
- The 'lock' indicate if the browser must put a lock on the file,
allowing only the tab which access it first to write back into the file
(It's an internal lock maintain by the browser, it is never put at the file
system level, I'm not sure but I think there are to many side effects to
allow such a hard lock). If another tab has already put a lock on the file,
the Promise will fail with an appropriate error message. The lock is
released when the File object is destroyed (it is garbage collected, the
tab using it is shutdown, etc.). Note: it could be convenient to have a
setLock method to change the lock state.

If a File object is created without using the openFile method, the mode and
lock will be null;

The saving steps should be the following:

1. If 

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Stefan Håkansson LK
On 10/18/13 6:57 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:
 Should this not be synchronized with the Streams API? Please see recent
 evolutions [1] and thread [2] (where WebRTC streams are mentioned)

I think we're talking about completely different streams, and what Adam 
is proposing is applicable for MediaStreamTracks in the context of a 
WebRTC PeerConnection.

 Ccing Webapps and Takeshi/Feras.

 Regarding your proposal I was about to propose to add about the same
 thing in Streams: at least a stop method (which would send an EOF) and
 maybe a resume method, or something like your pause/unpause.

 For flow control I think I am changing my mind, it looks impossible to
 do a precise flow control with js, so probably the API itself should
 handle it.




 Le 18/10/2013 18:24, Adam Roach a écrit :
 We've recently had some implementors reach out to ask about how to do
 certain things with the WebRTC interfaces, and I've been pretty well
 unable to turn up anything that makes a lot of sense for most of the
 interesting stream-control interfaces.

 Some of this is talked about here, with an implication that the author
 of this wiki page, at least, would be willing to leave some of them
 unspecified for the first version of WebRTC:

 Unfortunately, I don't think we can leave stream pause/unpause or
 stream rejection/removal out of the first version of the document. The
 good news is that I think we have all the interfaces necessary to do
 these things; we just need to spell out clear semantics for them.

 As a high-level thumbnail sketch, here's what I think makes sense:

  1. To pause a track that you are sending, set enabled=false on a
 MediaStreamTrack that you have added to a PeerConnection. This
 information will cause the PeerConnection to stop sending the
 associated RTP. Maybe this triggers an onnegotiationneeded to set
 the corresponding m-line to recvonly or inactive and maybe it just
 stops sending the stream; I'm not sure which makes more sense.
   * To unpause, set enabled back to true, and the steps are reversed
   * To pause all the MSTs associated with a MediaStream, use
 enabled on the MediaStream itself.

  2. To pause a track that you are receiving, set enabled=false on the
 MediaStreamTrack that you received from the PeerConnection via
 onaddstream. This will cause the MST to stop providing media to
 whatever sink it has been wired to, and trigger an
 onnegotiationneeded event. The subsequent CreateOffer sets the
 corresponding m-line to sendonly or inactive, as appropriate.
   * As above, this operation can also be performed on a
 MediaStream to impact all of its tracks.

  3. To reject a track that has been offered, call stop() on the
 corresponding MediaStreamTrack after it has been received via
 onaddstream, but before calling CreateAnswer. This will cause it
 to be rejected with a port number of zero.

  4. To remove a track from an ongoing session, call stop() on the
 corresponding MediaStreamTrack object. This will (a) immediately
 stop transmitting associated RTP, and (b) trigger an
 onnegotiationneeded event.
   * If both the sending and receiving MST associated with that
 m-line have been stop()ed, then the subsequent CreateOffer
 sets the port on the corresponding m-line to zero.
   * If only one of the two MSTs associated with that m-line has
 been stop()ed, then the subsequent CreateOffer sets the
 corresponding m-line to sendonly, receiveonly, or inactive, as

 Does this make sense to everyone? It seems pretty clean, easy to
 specify, and reasonable to implement. Best of all, we're not changing
 any currently defined interfaces, just providing clear semantics for
 certain operations.


 Peersm :
 node-Tor :
 GitHub :

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 18/10/2013 19:31, Stefan Håkansson LK a écrit :

I think we're talking about completely different streams, and what Adam
is proposing is applicable for MediaStreamTracks in the context of a
WebRTC PeerConnection.
I don't see why, a stream is a stream, this would be strange that a 
Streams API is defined and WebRTC is using something different, moreover 
that this does not change the spec, the spec just has to support Streams

Peersm :
node-Tor :
GitHub :

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 18/10/2013 19:13, Adam Roach a écrit :
To be clear, the .enabled flag and .stop() method are already there, 
and they already pause/unpause the stream and tear it down, 
respectively. I'm just proposing concrete semantics for how they 
interact with any PeerConnection that the track is associated with.

But they are not in the Streams proposal, see my other answer.

Peersm :
node-Tor :
GitHub :

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Adam Roach

On 10/18/13 12:47, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

Le 18/10/2013 19:13, Adam Roach a écrit :
To be clear, the .enabled flag and .stop() method are already there, 
and they already pause/unpause the stream and tear it down, 
respectively. I'm just proposing concrete semantics for how they 
interact with any PeerConnection that the track is associated with.

But they are not in the Streams proposal, see my other answer.

To make my point clearer: this isn't the right mailing list to talk 
about making changes to the API on MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack. If 
I had been proposing to change those APIs, it would have been on the 
public-media-capture list, not the public-webrtc list.

All I was trying to talk about is how the existing API influences the 
behavior of RTCPeerConnection, which is why I was talking about it on 
this list. If you want to propose changes to MediaStream and 
MediaStreamTrack, please take them to public-media-capture.


Re: Simple API proposal for writing file in local file system

2013-10-18 Thread Jeremie Patonnier

2013/10/18 Ehsan Akhgari

 Hi Jeremie,

 Have you seen this proposal?**
  It's not clear to me if your proposal here is trying to solve problems
 that the above proposal doesn't already solve...

Yes, I saw that proposal but no, I do not suggest to solve the same problem.

I found that proposal for an abstract file system very good when the
application have to work in its own world.
Unfortunately there is a few cases where it is very convenient to allow to
actually truly write on the os file system.

Here a few concrete example:

   - When the user want to export his file to an external storage (Hard
   drive, USB storage, SD Card, etc.) In that case it where web dev use the
   data URI workaround to download the file.
   - When the user want to use a resource available in its file system and
   want to update that resource with any change he made to have some other
   application using it as well (mostly native apps on desktop). For example,
   editing an image and put it back on the file system to have another native
   application accessing it (let's say for example Adobe Lightroom). So being
   able to open a file and perform (silent) saving on the original file allows
   to build smoother workflow when using a native app and a web app at the
   same time.

As Mozilla teams are currently completely overwhelmed by the Firefox OS
project, they tend to forget those use cases that are very common on
Desktop. On the other hand, I think that FileWriter is way to complex and
there is a middle simpler ground that can solve the most common use cases
such as the two above.

My proposal does not suggest to do something different than what is
currently possible (except the silent saving). Just to ease the life of Web
dev by avoiding them to work around their usual problem:

   - Instantiate a full DOM object and listen for its events just to pick a
   file sucks
   - Being unable to silently save a file granted by the user to be savable

I don't try to solve more than this. It's just common issues for web dev
like me and that will make my life easier if it would be possible do this
simply, efficiently and in a secure way.


On 2013-10-18 8:07 AM, Jeremie Patonnier wrote:


 As a Web developer, I recently dig into the proposed FileSystem API [1]
 which cover many use cases except one: How a user can actually allows a
 application to really write something in the user local file system (even
 if it's slow). On the other hand, the File API: Writer [2] cover that need
 but with a very overwelming interface which make very hard to use for
 simple open/save operation.

 There are well known workaround but we could make the life of web
 easier by providing a simple convenient and secure interface to do this.

 *# Accessing a file.*

 Currently, as per the File API [3], the only way to access a file in the
 user file system is by using the input type=file element. For some
 reason, web developer don't want to expose such input to the user
 (basically, because it's impossible to change its look and feel
 consistently across browsers). To work around this, they hide it and
 perform a fake click on it to prompt the user to pick some files.

 We could provide a method that allow to do the same. In terms of security,
 it would also make easier to track malicious attempt to acces the file
 system as we will be able to monitor all access through that single

 partial interface Navigator {
Promise openFile();

 In case of success, the Promise will get a FileList object as the user can
 pick more than one file.

 *# Writing a file*

 Currently, the only way to write a file on the user file system is to turn
 a File object into a data URI with the MIME type application/octet-stream
 in order to force a download of the file. This allows the user to save the
 file wherever he wants on his device.

 This is very rough and have two drawbacks:

 1. if the user has setup his browser to always put downloaded file in

 given repository, it could require some extra action from the user to
 the file in his file system. This lead to a bad user experience that
 web developers wish to avoid.
 2. if the user has previously open the file that need to be put back

 his file system, it's impossible to perform a silent writing. The
 user is
 always prompt to perform the overriding itself. Once again, it's a
 bad user
 experience that web developers wish to avoid.

 To solve those two issues, we could provide a save method that will allow
 to bypass any download setup and to provide a secure way of making silent

 Note: It is worth noticing that Microsoft did something similare for IE11
 with the msSaveBlob [4] and msSaveOrOpenBlob [5] 

[Bug 23564] New: IDL for open() doesn't match implementation reality

2013-10-18 Thread bugzilla

Bug ID: 23564
   Summary: IDL for open() doesn't match implementation reality
   Product: WebAppsWG
   Version: unspecified
  Hardware: PC
OS: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: XHR
QA Contact:

WebIDL redefined what happens when undefined is passed to an optional
boolean whatever = true argument, but for open() I believe we want to keep the
old behavior of treating undefined as false.  See
for details, including the IDL Gecko is using for open() now.

You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.

Re: Simple API proposal for writing file in local file system

2013-10-18 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 10/18/2013 11:11 AM, Jeremie Patonnier wrote:

2013/10/18 Ehsan Akhgari

Have you seen this proposal?
 It's not clear to me if your proposal here is trying to solve
problems that the above proposal doesn't already solve...

Yes, I saw that proposal but no, I do not suggest to solve the same 

I found that proposal for an abstract file system very good when the 
application have to work in its own world.
Unfortunately there is a few cases where it is very convenient to 
allow to actually truly write on the os file system.

Here a few concrete example:

  * When the user want to export his file to an external storage (Hard
drive, USB storage, SD Card, etc.) In that case it where web dev
use the data URI workaround to download the file.
  * When the user want to use a resource available in its file system
and want to update that resource with any change he made to have
some other application using it as well (mostly native apps on
desktop). For example, editing an image and put it back on the
file system to have another native application accessing it (let's
say for example Adobe Lightroom). So being able to open a file and
perform (silent) saving on the original file allows to build
smoother workflow when using a native app and a web app at the
same time.

Chrome has a secured extension for maintaining access to the local file 

They only allow this for packaged applications. This, with the 
FileSystem API allows for -most- of what you'd like. While it can be a 
little clumsy to work with, so can IDB; it just takes some wrapping 
code. As discussed, an easier promises based API is being developed by 
Mozilla, and while it's questionable as to whether Google or other 
vendors will follow, wrapping existing callback APIs into promises is 
not a big deal in the JS-side.

Unfortunately, nobody has stepped forward with concrete code for file 
watchers. The File API itself is a little broken, as File objects were 
supposed to be immutable, but we have undefined behavior when a File is 
changed on the local file system.


Re: [webcomponents] HTML Imports

2013-10-18 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 So you have link href=blah.html in meh.html and blah.html is:
 div id=test/div
 script /* how do I get to #test? */ /script
 document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector(#test) :)

This only works for code running directly in the script. The current
setup means that any time an author has something like:

template id=foo.../template
function cloneFoo() { /* get foo and return it. */ }

they'll have to use a closure to capture the document that the
template lives in, which is rather surprising to me. Also, storing the
document in a global variable is a footgun, because that global
variable would potentially collide with another import trying to do
the same thing. ES6 modules would help here, but there a way's off.

 I think the greatest impact here will be on developers. They have to start
 thinking in terms of multiple documents. We should ask Polymer people: they
 wrote a ton of code with Imports now and I bet they have opinions.

Out of curiosity, what have the Polymer guys been using imports for?
More than just declaring custom elements? I'm worried that we're
coming up with a very generic feature with odd semantics that only
make sense for one narrow use-case.
Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents] HTML Imports

2013-10-18 Thread Scott Miles
 they'll have to use a closure to capture the document that the template
lives in

Yes, this is true. But stamping of templates tends to be something custom
elements are really good at, so this paritcular use case doesn't come up
very often.

 Out of curiosity, what have the Polymer guys been using imports for?

1. Bundling resources. Imports can contain or chain to JS, CSS, or
additional HTML imports, so I have access to bundles in silos of
functionality instead of syntax.

2. Obscuring production details. I can import library.html and get an
entire dependency without knowing if it's an optimized build file or a
dependency tree of imports.

3. Relocatability. I can import elements.html and that package can
reference resources relative to itself.

4. Importing data as markup, where typically it's then the responsibility
of the importer to consume the data, not the import itself.

5. We would like to use imports for preloading images, depending on the
resolution of the 'view-in-import' discussion.

[sidebar] we tend to declare self-organizing custom elements for data and
then load them in imports. For example, many of our library elements has an
associated `metadata.html` file that contains `x-meta` elements with
various details. An interested object can make an blank x-meta element to
access the database, and the details are are encapsulated inside the x-meta


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Blake Kaplan wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  So you have link href=blah.html in meh.html and blah.html is:
  div id=test/div
  script /* how do I get to #test? */ /script
  document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector(#test) :)

 This only works for code running directly in the script. The current
 setup means that any time an author has something like:

 template id=foo.../template
 function cloneFoo() { /* get foo and return it. */ }

 they'll have to use a closure to capture the document that the
 template lives in, which is rather surprising to me. Also, storing the
 document in a global variable is a footgun, because that global
 variable would potentially collide with another import trying to do
 the same thing. ES6 modules would help here, but there a way's off.

  I think the greatest impact here will be on developers. They have to
  thinking in terms of multiple documents. We should ask Polymer people:
  wrote a ton of code with Imports now and I bet they have opinions.

 Out of curiosity, what have the Polymer guys been using imports for?
 More than just declaring custom elements? I'm worried that we're
 coming up with a very generic feature with odd semantics that only
 make sense for one narrow use-case.
 Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents] HTML Imports

2013-10-18 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
I remember Adam raving about HTML Imports being awesome after he tried
them. Adam, can you provide color? :)


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

  they'll have to use a closure to capture the document that the template
 lives in

 Yes, this is true. But stamping of templates tends to be something custom
 elements are really good at, so this paritcular use case doesn't come up
 very often.

  Out of curiosity, what have the Polymer guys been using imports for?

 1. Bundling resources. Imports can contain or chain to JS, CSS, or
 additional HTML imports, so I have access to bundles in silos of
 functionality instead of syntax.

 2. Obscuring production details. I can import library.html and get an
 entire dependency without knowing if it's an optimized build file or a
 dependency tree of imports.

 3. Relocatability. I can import elements.html and that package can
 reference resources relative to itself.

 4. Importing data as markup, where typically it's then the responsibility
 of the importer to consume the data, not the import itself.

 5. We would like to use imports for preloading images, depending on the
 resolution of the 'view-in-import' discussion.

 [sidebar] we tend to declare self-organizing custom elements for data and
 then load them in imports. For example, many of our library elements has an
 associated `metadata.html` file that contains `x-meta` elements with
 various details. An interested object can make an blank x-meta element to
 access the database, and the details are are encapsulated inside the x-meta


 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Blake Kaplan wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  So you have link href=blah.html in meh.html and blah.html is:
  div id=test/div
  script /* how do I get to #test? */ /script
  document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector(#test) :)

 This only works for code running directly in the script. The current
 setup means that any time an author has something like:

 template id=foo.../template
 function cloneFoo() { /* get foo and return it. */ }

 they'll have to use a closure to capture the document that the
 template lives in, which is rather surprising to me. Also, storing the
 document in a global variable is a footgun, because that global
 variable would potentially collide with another import trying to do
 the same thing. ES6 modules would help here, but there a way's off.

  I think the greatest impact here will be on developers. They have to
  thinking in terms of multiple documents. We should ask Polymer people:
  wrote a ton of code with Imports now and I bet they have opinions.

 Out of curiosity, what have the Polymer guys been using imports for?
 More than just declaring custom elements? I'm worried that we're
 coming up with a very generic feature with odd semantics that only
 make sense for one narrow use-case.
 Blake Kaplan

Re: Missing Features: Stream Control

2013-10-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte
What I am saying here is that there should be an unique and unified 
Streams API supported by all related APIs, each group where it is 
relevant should feel concerned instead of thinking another one might be.

Le 18/10/2013 20:04, Adam Roach a écrit :

On 10/18/13 12:47, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

Le 18/10/2013 19:13, Adam Roach a écrit :
To be clear, the .enabled flag and .stop() method are already there, 
and they already pause/unpause the stream and tear it down, 
respectively. I'm just proposing concrete semantics for how they 
interact with any PeerConnection that the track is associated with.

But they are not in the Streams proposal, see my other answer.

To make my point clearer: this isn't the right mailing list to talk 
about making changes to the API on MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack. 
If I had been proposing to change those APIs, it would have been on 
the public-media-capture list, not the public-webrtc list.

All I was trying to talk about is how the existing API influences the 
behavior of RTCPeerConnection, which is why I was talking about it on 
this list. If you want to propose changes to MediaStream and 
MediaStreamTrack, please take them to public-media-capture.


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Re: Simple API proposal for writing file in local file system

2013-10-18 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Jeremie Patonnier wrote:
 My proposal does not suggest to do something different than what is
 currently possible (except the silent saving). Just to ease the life of Web
 dev by avoiding them to work around their usual problem:

- Instantiate a full DOM object and listen for its events just to pick a
file sucks
- Being unable to silently save a file granted by the user to be savable

I agree that the current API for bringing up a filepicker is pretty
bad. It's something that has come up many times but the appetite for
creating a new API that has the same feature set as an existing API
has been about the same as it usually is: very low.

The ability to open a file with read/write access is definitely an
interesting one and one that would be an excellent addition to the web
platform. However the trickiest piece is not the exact API. It's how
to design the user experience such that users understand that they are
giving more than readonly access to a file.

I understand that the FileWriter or FileSaver APIs from Google could
be part of a solution that did this, but as far as I can tell neither
is enough on their own, at least as defined in [1].

If the Google API or implementation allowed opening files in
read/write mode, can you show an example snippet of code that triggers


/ Jonas

Re: Shadow DOM and Fallback contents for images

2013-10-18 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Oct 17, 2013, at 10:57 PM, Hayato Ito wrote:

 I am aware that there are issues related to selections regarding Shadow DOM 
 both in the spec and the implementation.
 But I don't have a clear answer to resolve that and couldn't satisfy users. 
 This is one of the toughest issues, I think.

Could you elaborate?

 Some of us have already started to tackle this issue. We had a similar topic 
 on blinkon conference (

Could you summarize what you've discussed?  I can't figure out which slide I 
need to be looking at or what kinds of discussions took place there.

 CC-ing yosin@, hoping he has the latest idea.
 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Hajime Morrita wrote:
 B looks fine. We don't have to rush into the API addition though. The API is 
 just a shortcut of a tree traversal and easy to polyfill. It won't too late 
 to design this after hearing some concrete usecases.
 Also, we need to extend this rough idea to take reprojection (content and 
 shadow) into account. I hope projection-proficient people like Dimitri and 
 Hayato help to do that.
 On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Oct 17, 2013 6:48 PM, Hajime Morrita wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:56 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 1:55 AM, Hajime Morrita wrote:
   On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
   On Oct 16, 2013, at 9:47 PM, Hajime Morrita wrote:
   D. H[ello Shado]w World - selection spans outside to inside.
   Suppose we allowed this selection. Then how does one go about pasting 
   content elsewhere?
   Most likely, whatever other content editable area, mail client, or some
   random app (e.g. MS Word) into which the user is going to paste wouldn’t
   support shadow DOM and most certainly wouldn’t have the component the
   original page happened to have.
   We have to define how Range.cloneContents() or extractContents() works
   against shadow-selecting range, assuming selection is built on top of DOM
   Range. This doesn't seem that complicated. As cloned element drops its
   shadow, these range-generated nodes won't have shadow either.
  Oh, sounds like you are suggesting that we expand the Range API such
  that it can have awareness of spanning parts of a shadow DOM tree.
  While still keeping the existing endpoints in the same root?
  That like that idea!
  No, that isn't what I meant. I just want to make it explicit that Range API 
  works well with shadow trees.
  However it happened to be taken by you in some interesting way, and I'm 
  fine with this  ;-)
  So what does this mean?
  The subranges property exposes the selections of containing ShadowRoots? 
  That sounds reasonable.
  Although I don't think Blink supports this in short term because it only 
  has per-document selection and doesn't have per-tree ones,
  it is rather a lack of features which can be improved eventually than 
  something totally incompatible and hurting the Web. 
  Let me confirm what we're talking about.
  1. Each shadow tree has its own selection. Each selection spans nodes in 
  the owning tree only.
  2. User initiated selection operation (like dragging) can operate multiple 
  selections in different trees seamlessly
  as if it is single selection crossing boundaries.
  3. Range and/or Selection API could expose sub-selections/sub-ranges of 
  containing trees.
  Going back to the example,
   C. H[ello Shadow Worl]d - selection stays outside shadow, but its range 
   contains a node with shadow.
  This turns something like 
  C2: H[ello (Shadow) Worl]d - There are two selections - [] for outside 
  tree and () for inside tree.
  And this this one 
   D. H[ello Shado]w World - selection spans outside to inside.
  D2: H[ello] (Shado)w World
  Is is correct?
 I think there are at least three ways we could expose these inner ranges:
 A) Separate function in the selection API for getting shadow ranges.
 B) Extension to the Range object for getting sub-shadow ranges.
 C) Through the existing multi-range support in the selection API.
 C has the advantage that no range or selection API changes are needed. But 
 has the downside that it makes it messy to associate which ranges are 
 subranges of other ranges.
 B has the advantage that it works anywhere where Range objects are used. But 
 the downside is that it makes Ranges more complicated.
 A has the advantage that it keeps Ranges simple.
 I think I'm leaning towards B personally. I don't think the added complexity 
 to Range objects is a big deal. Anywhere where Ranges are used you'd likely 
 want to deal with shadow trees in one way or another.
 / Jonas