Re: [webcomponents] HTML Imports

2013-10-18 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 So you have link href=blah.html in meh.html and blah.html is:
 div id=test/div
 script /* how do I get to #test? */ /script
 document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector(#test) :)

This only works for code running directly in the script. The current
setup means that any time an author has something like:

template id=foo.../template
function cloneFoo() { /* get foo and return it. */ }

they'll have to use a closure to capture the document that the
template lives in, which is rather surprising to me. Also, storing the
document in a global variable is a footgun, because that global
variable would potentially collide with another import trying to do
the same thing. ES6 modules would help here, but there a way's off.

 I think the greatest impact here will be on developers. They have to start
 thinking in terms of multiple documents. We should ask Polymer people: they
 wrote a ton of code with Imports now and I bet they have opinions.

Out of curiosity, what have the Polymer guys been using imports for?
More than just declaring custom elements? I'm worried that we're
coming up with a very generic feature with odd semantics that only
make sense for one narrow use-case.
Blake Kaplan

Re: The JavaScript context of a custom element

2013-05-22 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:
 I would like to suggest that custom elements have the ability to ask for a
 separate global scope for their JavaScript. This would be analogous to what
 happens today when you have multiple script-connected frames on the same

 Has there been any thought along these lines in the past?

There definitely has been! There was a long debate about this starting
where the conclusion was to punt on the isolated mode until a later
version of the spec.
Blake Kaplan

Re: [Shadow DOM] Simplifying level 1 of Shadow DOM

2013-04-29 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 As far as implementation complexity, content select, distribution
 APIs, and shadow are trivial, compared to the event handling and
 representation of the composed tree. Hoping to alleviate this, I wrote
 all event-related handling as imperatively as I could.

While I agree that specifying content select, distribution APIs, and
shadow is relatively simpler than some of the other parts of the
spec, I'm pretty worried right now about the performance of those
features, especially for dynamic changes. I just found out, as well,
that Mozilla's XBL implementation of these features worked correctly
in the static case, but is completely wrong in the dynamic case, so we
don't have any real data on how slow doing that stuff correctly is.
Blake Kaplan

Re: [Shadow DOM] Simplifying level 1 of Shadow DOM

2013-04-29 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 I wonder if it would be helpful for me to specify exactly where the
 distribution/composition integrity must be ensured
 ( This should
 help implementers to build a well-performing implementation.

While that'd certainly be useful, it won't reduce the amount of work
that we need to do on node insertion and appending. I think we're
basically going to have to implement it and measure... I wasn't trying
to say that it's definitely going to be a problem, just that it's a
Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents]: Making Shadow DOM Subtrees Traversable

2013-03-06 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:
 It seems to me like if public-by-default was a design mistake on the
 web, it'd be pretty clearly in evidence already. Is it?

This might depend who you ask. I know from experience that
public-by-default has bitten XBL1-implemented HTML elements really
badly (leading to tons of security bugs until we (Mozilla) figured out
how to lock them down). We've invested many hours of time avoiding a
different problem with our audio and video controls (also implemented
in XBL1) where we explicitly had to avoid exposing the guts of the
implementation of the control to prevent page authors from using the
non-standard internal API instead of the public one.

Outside of those cases, I've personally been bitten in other languages
and contexts where private state was exposed publicly on an API which
made what should have been a simple bug fix take days or weeks to
track down all of the (ab)users of the easier API. This is a classic
problem in computer science and there's a reason that it's taught in
many CS 101 courses. I don't have any specific anecdotes on the web,
but they simply must exist.
Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents]: Making Shadow DOM Subtrees Traversable

2013-03-06 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Bronislav Klučka wrote:
 What does the exposing internals means anyway? Does it mean that there are
 no boundaries at all and e.g. document.querySelector can access internal? Or
 does it mean that you can access internals only by explicitly asking for
 existing shadowRoot of element and than work with it?

I've always taken exposing internals to mean providing an API to
access the shadow DOM of a component. I don't think that anybody is
arguing that shadow elements should appear in queries on the bound
Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents]: Moving custom element callbacks to prototype/instance

2013-03-06 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 1) Somehow magically chain create callbacks. In Lucy's case,
 foo-lucy will call both Raj's and Lucy's callbacks.
 2) Get rid of a separate lifecycle object and just put the callbacks
 on the prototype object, similar to printCallback

 I am leaning toward the second solution, but wanted to get your opinions.

I also like the second solution, but Hajime's point about the
mutability and general exposure of the lifecycle methods is a good
one. Is there a motivation for having the lifecycle objects on the
prototype as opposed to being passed in as an ancestor parameter?
XBL1, as I understand it, automatically calls the
constructor/destructor of extended bindings, but given the ad hoc
nature of web components' inheritance, it seems like it would be much
less surprising to make this stuff explicit *somewhere* (i.e. in the
actual components rather than in the engine).
Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents]: Making Shadow DOM Subtrees Traversable

2013-02-26 Thread Blake Kaplan
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
 Also, if shadows are public by default the API to access the shadow is well
 defined. If shadows are private by default and components decide to expose
 the shadow ad hoc then there is no standardized API.

This doesn't have to be the case. Shadows can be private by default
with a well defined and consistent API to override the default.
Blake Kaplan

Re: [webcomponents]: Making Shadow DOM Subtrees Traversable

2013-02-24 Thread Blake Kaplan
Hello everybody,

I'm coming into this conversation late, but wanted to add my thoughts.

As has been pointed out in this thread, the web has traditionally been
very open and malleable. JavaScript has very few readonly properties,
doesn't generally throw exceptions instead guessing or returning bogus
values. Making shadow trees hidden clearly goes against this idiom
and, by definition, limits what pages will be able to do with external
libraries built using shadow DOMs.

Even given this downside, though, I think that it's a mistake to make
shadow trees accessible to the bound document by default. One of the
most important features for frameworks is the ability to provide an
encapsulated API. Without that, it becomes extremely difficult to fix
bugs or add features to the framework without risking breaking
downstream clients. Shadow DOMs are one of a host of features being
designed and implemented that make HTML + CSS + JavaScript usable for
programming in the wild and it feels like an oversight to make the
default imitate the bad ol' days of monkey patching and low to no

Finally, reading through the thread, it seems like one of the main
use-cases for open-by-default is features like Google Feedback. From
my point of view, it seems like features like that need to be
considered from the beginning of a site's design. So if a site wants
to have something like GF and also use web components and shadow DOMs,
then the designers of the components should have to explicitly set the
bit that says let other people poke at my internals. I don't think
that this one use-case needs to trump the good programming practices
of every other library.
Blake Kaplan