Last Call for CSS Font Loading Module Level 3

2014-05-26 Thread Daniel Glazman
Dear fellow chairs,

The CSS WG decided to issue a last call for:

CSS Font Loading Module Level 3
Editors' draft:
This CSS module describes events and interfaces used for
dynamically loading font resources. CSS is a language for
describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML
and XML) on screen, on paper, in speech, etc.

The document was published on the 22nd of may during our ftf meeting
in Korea, with a deadline for comments of 30 june. Sorry I could not
send the announcement before, I was traveling.

The changes from last WD are listed at:

We'd like to especially ask the following groups for a review:

  - WebApps
  - WebFonts

If you plan to send in a review, but need more time, let us know.


ITS 2.0, Selectors 4 and Selectors API 2

2013-07-01 Thread Daniel Glazman

ITS 2.0 (the Internationalization Tag Set  2.0) [1] is a specification
attaching l10n/i18n properties to elements and attributes of a document
tree through two means:

  1. locally, using attributes in the ITS namespace

  2. globally, using rules expressed in XML in the ITS namespace and
 based on a selecting mechanism (XPath, CSS, ...)

Here are two examples of the above:


span xmlns:its=;


 rules xmlns=;
   translateRule selector=//html:acronym

In the global case, the selecting language of the rule can be chosen
through the @queryLanguage attribute on the rules element. CSS
Selectors are explicitely listed [2] as a valid selecting mechanism and
it would be really nice to see CSS used there. Unfortunately, Selectors
[3] and its Selectors API [4] companion have two problems that are more
or less blockers for Selectors inside ITS 2.0:

a. it's not possible, even in Selectors API 2 [5], to resolve arbitrary
   namespaces in querySelectorAll()

b. Selectors cannot target attributes

In the case of querySelectorAll(), we clearly need to extend Selectors
API to allow namespaces. We had little use cases in the past but that's
not true any more. And it's totally false to say we need this for html
only. A spec like ITS 2.0 will be in most cases not implemented natively
but above abstractions like document.evaluate() or querySelectorAll().
We clearly need namespace resolvers like [6] in Selectors API.

In the case of attributes not reachable through Selectors, we may have
almost everything we need in Selectors level 4 to provide a user like
ITS 2.0 with a solution: the subject indicator [7] could be easily
extended the following way:

  1. only one subject indicator is allowed per compound selector

  2. the subject indicator can precede a universal selector (potentially
 omitted), a type element selector or an attribute selector. In the
 case of an attribute selector, the selector represents then the
 attribute node matching the condition expressed by the attribute
 selector. Note: all @foo attributes of the document is not ![foo]
 - that means !*[foo] - but *![foo]

  3. both Selectors and Selectors API should allow such attribute
 matching, but CSS rules with such attribute matching would of
 course not trigger any style resolution. querySelectorAll() and
 friends should be extended to return attribute nodes. The case
 of a group of selectors where one of the selectors uses a subject
 indicator to match attributes has to be discussed but I think it's

The above would allow to express any ITS rule not only using Selectors
but also in the future in a CSS-alike syntax. Then instead of:

 rules xmlns=;
   translateRule selector=html|acronym![title]

we could have the readability of:

 @namespace html url(;);
 html|acronym![title] { its-translate: no; }

and have it merged with CSS, use the power of the cascade, etc instead
of having to rely on... ahem... XPath. We could solve two problems of
ours at the same time: *finally* extend Selectors to attribute nodes
and fix that painful hole of Selectors API not working with namespaces.



Re: ITS 2.0, Selectors 4 and Selectors API 2

2013-07-01 Thread Daniel Glazman

On 02/07/13 02:53, Daniel Glazman wrote:

  rules xmlns=;
translateRule selector=//html:acronym

Sorry, the above is obviously wrong, please read

 rules xmlns=;
   translateRule selector=//html:acronym

instead. Thanks.


Re: CfC: publish FPWD of Fullscreen spec; deadline May 24

2012-06-21 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 21/06/12 13:18, Arthur Barstow a écrit :

Daniel, Fantasai - please confirm whether or not Anne's latest changes
([1],[2]) address the #2 issue ([3]) that is blocking FPWD:

Fine by me. Thanks.


Re: CfC: publish FPWD of Fullscreen spec; deadline May 24

2012-06-19 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 19/06/12 09:41, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:45 AM,  wrote:

It looks like you missed #2.

I think ::backdrop is clear enough. Not entirely sure what you would
expect seeing there more than what it already says.

Well, the spec says how it's named, where it is created and still lacks
a description of *WHAT IT IS*, functionnally speaking... It would help
really a lot to have such an explanation.


Re: CfC: publish FPWD of Fullscreen spec; deadline May 24

2012-06-19 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 18/06/12 13:09, Arthur Barstow a écrit :

On 5/30/12 10:38 AM, ext Daniel Glazman wrote:

Le 30/05/12 14:43, Arthur Barstow a écrit :

Chris, Daniel, Peter - when will the CSS WG make a decision on the FPWD?

We'll try to make one today during our weekly conf-call. Please note
that we're going to review the bits of this document falling under CSS
WG's wings. In particular section 6. Peter and I already have discovered
a few things :

1. position: center in section 6.1 refers to an Editor's Draft that is
not actively discussed at this time. Only normative references
should be made to CSS specs or the Fullscreen draft will have to wait
until that ED becomes a REC to itself become a REC.

2. the ::backdrop pseudo-element is not explained in the document
outside of section 6.2. It's unclear to me why it is needed, what
it represents, etc.

3. the parenthesis in section 6.2 seems to me to contain a copy/paste
error above the element below the element

4. layer and layer 10 in section 6.1 are unclear. Layer is used
nowhere in CSS references used in this spec. This must be clarified.

Does the latest ED address
the above concerns?

No, item 2 above is still not addressed, and I guess most readers
of the document won't understand what functionally represents

1. the definition of requestFullScreen() says what are the steps it
should run but it does not even say what feature it provides. I think
a sentence saying The requestFullScreen() method sends a request for
the Element to go fullscreen. Please see section 7 for the Security
Considerations attached to this method. is needed.

2. allowfullscreen and iframe in section 7 should be hyperlinks. I note
the reference is at WHATWG while it should be at W3C.

These two points are still unaddressed too.


Re: CfC: publish FPWD of Fullscreen spec; deadline May 24

2012-06-19 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 19/06/12 14:10, Arthur Barstow a écrit :

Given this interpretation - and of course, please correct it if it is
wrong - it appears the only remaining FPWD Showstopper is #2 in the
first set of comments. Is that correct?



Re: CfC: publish FPWD of Fullscreen spec; deadline May 24

2012-06-19 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 19/06/12 22:48, fantasai a écrit :

You could just work in the explanation I sent in
| Each element in the top layer's stack has a ::backdrop pseudo-element,
| which can be styled to create a backdrop that hides the underlying
| document when the element is displayed fullscreen.

I think that would address Daniel's comment.

Yes. But please note I insist on this only because I think the current
prose is absolutely not self-explanatory enough.

The CSSWG generally tries to explain the intention of a feature at a high
level rather than simply giving the processing model and asking
to blindly implement it. This helps spec reviewers understand the goal of
the feature and therefore comment intelligently on how it fulfills that
goal, and it helps implementers and authors create a mental context for
interpreting the rest of the spec text and applying it to real code.

Again, yes. I am in particular thinking of implementors who will read
this document w/o having followed the discussions here. I know our (W3C)
specs are not meant for end-user consumption but it's not a reason to
make them hard to understand even to implementors.

That's also the reason why I asked to explain requestFullscreen(). It
can sound obvious, but it's not. And in fact, we should _never_
introduce a new syntax, API, whatever w/o saying _what it does_ from
a functional point of view before explaining how it works.


Re: Moving XBL et al. forward

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 10/03/11 16:26, Dimitri Glazkov a écrit :

Ok, this is interesting. Which proposal by Google is ghost of Daniel
referring to? I don't think there is one yet?

This kind of things for instance?


Re: Moving XBL et al. forward

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 10/03/11 16:46, Cameron McCormack a écrit :

We should think of XBL as being a DOM-based thing, rather than an XML-
based thing.  Then we can have HTML syntax for the cases where
everything is within a text/html document, and XML syntax for the cases
like the ones I brought up, where you might be purely within an SVG

I disagree. If you do that, the HTML serialization of a binding won't
be usable in a user agent having no knowledge of HTML.


Re: Moving XBL et al. forward

2011-03-10 Thread Daniel Glazman

Le 10/03/11 16:55, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

The HTML serialization of an ordinary web page isn't usable in a user
agent having no knowledge of HTML, either.  Why is this different?

Do you have different serializations for another helper technology
called CSS ? No. Why should it be different here?


CSS WG comments on View Modes Media Feature spec

2010-03-11 Thread Daniel Glazman

Hi WebApps Working Group.

The CSS WG discussed the pre-LCWD version of your View Modes Media
Feature spec [1] during our weekly conf call yesterday.
The raw minutes of the call are available [2]. In summary:

1. globally positive feedback about the spec; we agree the feature
   is needed.
2. this should not be restricted to widgets; we suggest to expand
   the scope of the document.
3. about values:
   - is the 'all' value really useful since a (view-mode: all) query
 is always true?
   - a rendering can be 'application' and 'fullscreen'; isn't there
 an orthogonality issue here? Same thing for 'application' and
 'maximized' for instance
   - chrome can be added by the windows manager or by the application
 itself, does it make a difference?
   - is a 'hidden' value needed to query whether a window is visible?
   - if the current medium (CSS-speaking) is 'projection', does it
 assume view-mode is fullscreen? What about the other way round?
 (Opera for instance assumes 'projection' when fullscreen is on)
   - Is it possible to be floating but also have a media type
   - the background of the viewport is often applied through CSS, and
 that could lead to circular dependencies because the media query
 would depend on the result of the cascade
   - more generally, we think some of the value definitions could
 be clearer, it can be hard to understand if a given rendering
 matches a value or not.
4. all these queries could/should have an event-based counterpart so the
   changes are detectable by code. We understand this is outside of the
   scope of this spec but that's still an important comment.



W3C CSS WG, Co-chair

Re: Seeking pre-LCWD comments for View Modes Media Feature; deadline March 17

2010-03-10 Thread Daniel Glazman

Here are my personal comments on the document:

1. Overall, it's a good a light document. I agree the feature is needed.

2. I don't understand why this is restricted to Widgets...
 A HTML page can be dropped on a desktop or be rendered chromeless
 by Mozilla Prism. A web page can be rendered in a browser in
 fullscreen mode, etc. All values still make sense in the case of
 a browser.
   I think this spec should be made app-agnostic and Widgets should not
   be the only target.

3. why maxiMIZED and only mini?

4. I think a hidden value makes sense for future system use of
   webapps... Don't say no immediately and think more about it please.


Fwd: Re: Seeking pre-LCWD comments for View Modes Media Feature; deadline March 17

2010-03-09 Thread Daniel Glazman

forward from www-style; sorry I forgot
in my message.


 Message original 
Sujet: Re: Seeking pre-LCWD comments for View Modes Media Feature; 
deadline  March 17

Date de renvoi : Tue, 09 Mar 2010 19:47:12 +
De (renvoi) :
Date : Tue, 09 Mar 2010 20:46:37 +0100
De : Daniel Glazman
Pour : Arthur Barstow
Copie à :, Robin Berjon, Håkon Wium 

Le 04/03/10 16:07, Arthur Barstow a écrit :

CSS Community,

The WebApps Working Group is seeking comments on a pre-LCWD version of
its View Modes Media Feature spec:

If you have any comments, please send them to by
March 17.

-Regards, Art Barstow

The CSS WG will discuss it tomorrow during its weekly conf call.

Just one minor thing from me: Media Queries are listed as Daniel
Glazman et al
Let's give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar so please make it
Håkon Wium Lie et al..



[selectors-api] comments on Selectors API Level 2

2010-01-19 Thread Daniel Glazman

Hi there.

(this message contains personal comments and does not represent an
 official response from the CSS WG)

I have read the recent Selectors API Level 2 draft [1] and have a few
important comments to make:

1. I don't like the idea of refNodes. I think having the APIs specified
   at Element level makes it confusing. I would recommend applying the
   NodeSelector interface to NodeList instead. If queryScopedSelector()
   and queryScopedSelectorAll() are applied to an Element or a NodeList,
   the corresponding element(s) are the refNodes of the query.
   Same comment for matchesSelector().

2. I am extremely puzzled by the parsing model of scoped selectors. In
   particular, I think that the :scope pseudo-class introduces things
   that go far beyond scoping. Let's consider the selector :scope+p.
   Clearly, it's _not_ scoped since it queries element that are outside
   of the subtree the context element is the root of. Furthermore, these
   elements can be queried without scopes, and I don't see why this is
   needed at all!!!
   I would recommend dropping the pseudo-class :scope and make a simpler
   model where a fictional :scope pseudo-class and a descendant
   combinator are prepended to all selectors passed as the argument of
   the corresponding APIs.

   I don't like the idea that implementors will have to check if the
   first sequence of simple selectors in a selector contains or does
   not contain a given pseudo-class to prepend something to the context.
   This is clearly the kind of things I think we should avoid in
   Selectors in general.

3. the section about :scope does not include error handling. What
   happens if multiple :scope are present?

4. what's the specificity of that pseudo? Since it's proposed as a
   regular and non-fictional pseudo, web authors _can_ use it in
   regular stylesheets, even if it's meaningless outside of a scoped
   stylesheet. What's the behaviour in that case? What's the


W3C CSS WG, Co-chair

CSS WG comments on Selectors API

2008-11-27 Thread Daniel Glazman


The CSS WG discussed the recent Selectors API LC during this week's
conference call, including a discussion on the removal of namespace
matching between previous versions of the doc and this one.

We have no official comment to make on this document.

W3C CSS WG, Co-Chair

Re: CSS WG comments on Selectors API

2008-11-27 Thread Daniel Glazman

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Daniel Glazman wrote:

The CSS WG discussed the recent Selectors API LC during this week's
conference call, including a discussion on the removal of namespace
matching between previous versions of the doc and this one.

Are the minutes from this telcon available?


Re: Element Nodelist - ISSUE-6

2008-06-23 Thread Daniel Glazman

Doug Schepers wrote:

I will create an Element Nodelist specification right away, and if it is 
approved to go forward (and I don't see why it wouldn't be, since there 
is considerable support), I am confident that this would not slow down 
deployment in desktop browsers, and so authors should be able to use it 
in the same timeframe as Element Traversal.  I hope this resolves your 
issue satisfactorily.

A new spec just for that seems to me a steamroller to kill a fly, but
as soon as I have the feature, bah. Go ahead. Thanks.
