Re: [File API] Latest Editor's Draft | Call for Review

2011-08-11 Thread Jian Li
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 Greetings WebApps WG,

 The latest editor's draft of the File API can be found here:**FileAPI/

 Changes are based on feedback on this listserv, as well as the URI listserv
 (e.g. [1][2][3]).

 Chrome team: some of the feedback is to more rigorously define the
 opaqueString production in Blob URIs.  Currently, you generate Blob URIs
 that look like this:


For chromium, we're going to escape those reserved characters that could
appear in the opaqueString.

 I've included language that allows use of this kind, but some review about
 what is NOT allowed would be appreciated.

 -- A*


Re: [FileAPI] Updates to FileAPI Editor's Draft

2011-06-07 Thread Jian Li
I have a couple questions regarding abort behavior.

   - If the reading is completed and the loadend event has been fired, do we
   want to fire loadend event again when abort() method is called?
   - Do we want to reset error to null or leave it intact when abort()
   method is called?



On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 The Editor's Draft of the FileAPI --**
 FileAPI/ -- has had some updates.
  These are the notable changes:

 1. Blob.slice behavior has changed to more closely match
 String.prototype.slice from ECMAScript (and Array.prototype.slice
 semantically).  I think we're the first host object to have a slice outside
 of ECMAScript primitives; some builds of browsers have already
 vendor-prefixed slice till it becomes more stable (and till the new behavior
 becomes more diffuse on the web -- Blob will soon be used in the Canvas API,
 etc.).  I'm optimistic this will happen soon enough.  Thanks to all the
 browser projects that helped initiate the change -- the consistency is

 2. The read methods on FileReader raise a new exception --
 OperationNotAllowedException -- if multiple concurrent reads are invoked.  I
 talked this over with Jonas; we think that rather than reuse DOMException
 error codes (like INVALID_STATE_ERR), these kinds of scenarios should throw
 a distinct exception.  Some things on the web (as in life) are simply not
 allowed.  It may be useful to reuse this exception in other places.

 3. FileReader.abort( ) behavior has changed.

 4. There is a closer integration with event loops as defined by HTML.

 For browser projects with open bug databases, I'll log some bugs based on
 test cases I've run on each implementation.  A few discrepancies exist in
 implementations I've tested; for instance, setting FileReader.result to the
 empty string vs. setting it to null, and when exceptions are thrown vs. use
 of the error event.

 Feedback encouraged!  Draft at**FileAPI/

 -- A*

Re: [FileAPI] Updates to FileAPI Editor's Draft

2011-06-07 Thread Jian Li
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Jian Li wrote:
  I have a couple questions regarding abort behavior.
  If the reading is completed and the loadend event has been fired, do we
  to fire loadend event again when abort() method is called?


  Do we want to reset error to null or leave it intact when abort() method

 If called after load/abort/error has fired the calling abort() should
 just throw an exception and not alter the FileReader object in any

Do you mean we should throw if abort() is called after load/abort/error has
been fired but before loadend event has been fired? If so, what kind of
exception should we throw?

The spec only mentions that If readyState = DONE set result to null.

 / Jonas

Re: Updates to FileAPI

2010-12-20 Thread Jian Li
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Dec 2010, Arun Ranganathan wrote:
  1. lastModifiedDate returns a Date object.

 You don't have a conformance requirement for returning a Date object. (The
 only MUST is for the case of the UA not being able to return the
 information.) I mention this because for attributes that return
 objects, it's important to specify whether the same object is returned
 each time or whether it's a new object that is created each time.
 Presumably for a Date object you want to require a new object be created
 each time.

I think it makes more sense to return a new Date object each time. We have
the same issue with Metadata.modificationTime.

  2. We use the URL object and expose static methods on it for Blob URI
  creation and revocation.

 Looks good to me. FYI, I'm probably going to be extending this mechanism
 for Streams in due course. I expect I'll bring this up again in due course
 so we can work out how to make sure the specs don't step on each other.

 I'm a little concerned about the lifetime of these URLs potentially
 exposing GC behaviour -- we've tried really hard not to expose GC
 behaviour in the past, for good reason. Can't we jetison the URLs as part
 of the unloading document cleanup steps?

 (Note that Window objects in some edge cases can survive their Document.)

  Also, I've minuted Sam Weinig at TPAC saying he'd prefer us to roll back
  from using the sequenceT type WebIDL syntax to index getters.  Sam:
  are you still tightly wed to this?  WebIDL has undergone changes since
  last we spoke.  I'm copying what HTML5 is doing, and didn't want to be
  inconsistent in rolling this back.

 FWIW, IIRC the HTML spec is a bit out of sync when it comes to WebIDL.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Updates to FileAPI

2010-11-14 Thread Jian Li
Returning a Date object sounds good.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Arun Ranganathan

 - Original Message -
  On 11/12/10 11:53 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
   OK, then we need to define rules for instantiating a Date object
   (in the face of strings that may or may not be valid date format
   strings, or may be ambiguous, note). Is the proposal to just call
  Er, nevermind. We're talking about file modification dates, not web
  resource modification dates, so my concern is unfounded.

 Right -- to be totally clear, we're talking about having a readonly Date attribute
 that returns the last modified on disk data.

 -- A*

Re: Updates to FileAPI

2010-11-10 Thread Jian Li
I have a question regarding lastModifiedDate. The spec says that this
property returns an HTML5 valid date string. Per HTML 5 spec, a valid date
string consists of only year, month and day information. It does not contain
any time information. Do we really want this or what we want to return is a
local date and time string per the HTML5 spec?



On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

  WebApps WG,

 There have been some updates to the File API.

 Notable changes are:

 1. Exception codes are no longer harnessed to DOMException's exception
 codes, per discussion on this listserv.

 2. Metadata attributes creationDate and lastModifiedDate have been added to
 the File object, per discussion on the WHATWG listserv.

 3. Blob no longer has a .url attribute.  Instead, Window and
 WorkerGlobalScope have been extended with methods createBlobURL and
 revokeBlobURL, per discussion on this listserv.

 4. The Blob URI section has undergone changes, per discussion on this
 listserv.  Notably, Blob supports the addition of an HTTP Content-Type,
 which implementations must return as a response header when Blob URIs are

 5. There are (ongoing) fixes to bugs, including incorrect uses of long long
 (in lieu of unsigned long long), per (ongoing) discussion on the listserv.

 In off-list discussion, a few points have come up, which I'll summarize

 1. The emerging HTML5 Device specification [1] includes a section on
 streams and an affiliated Stream API, which relies normatively on Blob URIs
 [2] defined in the File API.  Since we've eliminated the .url property on
 Blob, we should also eliminate the .url property on the Stream object.
  There has been some discussion on renaming the methods createBlobURL and
 revokeBlobURL to be more generic, so that use cases such as Stream can be
 accommodated.  This is an ongoing discussion.  In general, there's consensus
 around eliminating the .url attribute from Stream.

 2. There is ongoing discussion about the addition of Content-Disposition as
 well (as an attribute on Blob, as a parameter to Blob.slice, and as a
 response header when dereferencing blob: URIs), to facilitate and optimize
 downloads.  The use of a Content-Disposition header allows URLs (both
 http:// and blob:) to dereference content straight for download, with the
 benefit of header-determined processing (e.g. the download doesn't occur
 first).  Another suggestion to address this use case is that instead of
 supporting Content-Disposition, to allow for an additional URL property on
 the FileSaver constructor, modulo domain restrictions.  This discussion is

 3. In general, there's ongoing discussion on allowing *even more* HTTP
 response behavior when dereferencing blob: URIs.  I strongly favor a strict
 subset of HTTP, and only a use-case driven addition of further response
 headers and response codes.  Arguments cited in favor of including all of
 http:// are that blob: URIs should be completely indistinguishable from
 HTTP URIs, thus allowing maximum reuse with XHR and other aspects of the
 platform.  Currently, I believe we allow for a great deal of intermingling
 without reproducing HTTP in its entirety within Blob URIs.

 -- A*


Re: [XHR2] ArrayBuffer integration

2010-09-24 Thread Jian Li
I plan to add ArrayBuffer support to BlobBuilder and FileReader. Chris, it
is good that you would pick up the work for XHR. We can talk about how we're
going to add ArrayBufferView to read ArrayBuffer.


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 5:23 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Anne van Kesteren
  On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 19:55:33 +0200, Kenneth Russell
  Mozilla's experimental name is mozResponseArrayBuffer, so perhaps to
  avoid collisions the spec could call it responseArrayBuffer.
  While I do not think there would be collision (at least not in
  which is what we are designing for) naming it responseArrayBuffer is fine
  with me. And also now done that way in the draft. Still need to get a
  reference to the ArrayBuffer specification than
  though. :-)

 Thanks, this is great and very exciting. This motivates implementing
 the proposed DataView interface (
 ), which will make it easier to read multi-byte values with specified
 endianness out of an ArrayBuffer. For WebKit I've filed .


  (You can also do send(ArrayBuffer) obviously. I personally think
  this for both BlobBuilder and send() makes sense. That way Blob/File etc.
  work too.)
  Anne van Kesteren

Re: [XHR2] FormData for form

2010-09-14 Thread Jian Li
new FormData(myformelement) sounds good.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Note that you can always do:

 fd = new FormData;

 That is agreed by everyone to work. The question is how to instantiate
 one which is prefilled with the data from a form.

 / Jonas

 On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Alex Russell
  I have a preference for the second syntax. These sorts of classes
  should always be new-able.
  On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Jonas Sicking
  Hi All,
  There was some discussions regarding the syntax for generating a
  FormData object based on the data in an existing form. I had
  proposed the following syntax
  however it was pointed out that the downside with this API is that
  it's not clear that a new FormData object is created every time.
  Instead the following syntax was proposed:
  new FormData(myformelement);
  however I don't see this syntax in the new XHR L2 drafts. Is this
  merely an oversight or was the omission intentional?
  I'm fine with either syntax, but since we're getting close to shipping
  Firefox 4, and I'd like to include this functionality (in fact, it's
  been shipping for a long time in betas), I'd like to see if how much
  consensus the various proposals carried.
  / Jonas

Re: ArrayBuffer and ByteArray questions

2010-09-14 Thread Jian Li
Yes, we only need to add it to BlobBuilder so that it can be applied to both
FileReader, XHR.send and any other place that take the blob.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Jian Li wrote:
  Several specs, like File API and WebGL, use ArrayBuffer, while other
  like XMLHttpRequest Level 2, use ByteArray. Should we change to use the
  name all across our specs? Since we define ArrayBuffer in the Typed
  should we favor ArrayBuffer?
  In addition, can we consider adding ArrayBuffer support to BlobBuilder,
  FormData, and XMLHttpRequest.send()?

 It seems like an obvious addition for BlobBuilder or XHR.send, but do
 we need it in both, or is one sufficient?


ArrayBuffer and ByteArray questions

2010-09-07 Thread Jian Li

Several specs, like File API and WebGL, use ArrayBuffer, while other spec,
like XMLHttpRequest Level 2, use ByteArray. Should we change to use the same
name all across our specs? Since we define ArrayBuffer in the Typed Arrays
spec (,
should we favor ArrayBuffer?

In addition, can we consider adding ArrayBuffer support to BlobBuilder,
FormData, and XMLHttpRequest.send()?



Re: Lifetime of Blob URL

2010-08-30 Thread Jian Li
The other alternative is to have both FileReader and BlobReader, while the
former one is for reading only File object and the later one is for reading
any Blob object. With that, we also have FileReaderSync and BlobReaderSync.

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:
  As for wild ideas, it also could be something more generic, lets say
  DataReader which can take Blobs and Files (and perhaps something else in
  future). Like XHR that has overloaded methods for
  It seems possible that web developers may not realize that File is
  a Blob and may be confused by using BlobReader to read File. (Do I need
  make a Blob out of my File first?). They may be equally confused by
  FileReader to read Blob though.

 That would address item 1 on my list. But not item 2 through 4.

 / Jonas

  On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Darin Fisher
   On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Jonas Sicking
   On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Arun Ranganathan
In addition, BlobError and BlobException sound better because
are consistent with current Blob naming scheme in File API. So
going to adopt these new names in the WebKit implementation when
FileReader to BlobReader per the spec.
*sigh.  Naming continues to be hard.  Not everyone's thrilled with
proliferation of Blob in the API [1] including other major
co-editor included ;-))  but I changed it mainly due to
objections.  I suppose you folks are pretty adamant on the Blob*
   I feel pretty strongly that we should name this back to FileReader,
   for several reasons:
   1. Most people that I talk to dislike the name Blob, much less having
   it spread to things like BlobReader.
   2. My understanding is that the writer counterpart is going to be
   called FileWriter (is this correct?)
   Yes, that is what we are currently implementing in WebKit.
   3. While it's certainly possible to read Blobs with this, it seems to
   me like the far most common case will be to read a real file, or
   part of a file (i.e. the result from myfile.slice()).
   4. There is one shipping implementation of FileReader
   It just seems odd to use an interface named FileReader to read blobs,
   may not correspond to files.  Consider BlobBuilder, which can be used
   construct a Blob from a string.
  I somewhat agree. But it seems equally strange to use BlobReader to
  read files, and I suspect that it will be vastly more common to read
  files than blobs-that-aren't-files.
  Yes, the File interface inherits Blob, so technically when you're
  reading a file you're also reading a blob, but I doubt that is the
  mental model most people will have.
  Like so many other things, there is no perfect solution here.
   Another idea (possibly a crazy one) would be to eliminate Blob, and
   File for everything.  We could rename BlobBuilder to FileBuilder and
   have it
   return a File instead of a Blob.  Same goes for Blob.slice().  Of
   the File would not necessarily correspond to a real physical file on
   for performance reasons.
  I've been thinking about this too. I can't say I feel strongly either
  way. It feels somewhat strange, but I can't come up with any solid
  technical reasons against it.
  / Jonas

Re: Lifetime of Blob URL

2010-08-28 Thread Jian Li
Adding explicit methods to window and WorkerGlobalScope seems to be a better
solution that solves potential problems we currently have with blob.url.
Given that, we're going to experiment the proposed new APIs in the WebKit
implementation, That is, we will add the following two methods to window and
WorkerGlobalScope in the WebKit implementation:
URLString createBlobURL(in Blob blob);
void revokeBlobURL(in URLString url);

In addition, BlobError and BlobException sound better because these names
are consistent with current Blob naming scheme in File API. So we're also
going to adopt these new names in the WebKit implementation when we rename
FileReader to BlobReader per the spec.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 I agree with Dmitry: window.createBlobUrl() makes it clearer.
 Querying blob.url shouldn't have side effects.
 As Jonas points out, we should keep the creation and destruction
 methods near each other, so window.destroyBlobUrl() would be the
 opposite function.

 As for getBlobUrl vs. createBlobUrl: the latter sounds like it returns
 a new URL each time.  The former is less explicit.  If we're returning
 a unique URL per call, then create is clearly better.  Are we
 requiring that each call to xxxBlobUrl have a matched destroyBlobUrl,
 even if we're returning the same URL?

 I think BlobError and BlobException make a bit more sense, but I'm not
 too adamant about it.

 On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Jian Li wrote:
  I do not see any more discussions on blob URL API in recent days. Any
  thoughts or conclusion?
  In addition, do we want to rename FileError and File Exception to
  and BlobException to match with BlobReader naming, or rather keep them
  On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Dmitry Titov
  It feels developers will make less errors with window.getBlobUrl(blob)
  kind of API, because, unlike blob.url, it doesn't violate pretty common
  programming assumptions (like querying a property of the same object
  return the same value if nothing was done to the object, or that value
  property should not depend on what is a global object in the  context of
  query if the blob is the same). The spec language describing why and
  blob.url returns different values with different lifetimes would be a
  Agree though that functionally they are the same.
  On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Michael Nordman
   On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Jonas Sicking
   On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Michael Nordman
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Jonas Sicking
Sorry about the slow response. I'm currently at blackhat, so my
internet connectivity is somewhat... unreliable, so generally
to try to stay off the webs :)
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Dmitry Titov
 Thanks Jonas,
 Just to clarify some details we had while discussing this,
 if this matches with your thinking (or not):
 1. If blob was created in window1, blob.url was queried, then
 object) to window2, and window1 was closed - then the url gets
 when window1 is closed, but immediately re-validated if window2
 blob.url. The url string is going to be the same, only there
 interval between closing window1 and querying blob.url in
 which loading from the url returns 404.
Actually, it might make sense to make blob.url, when queried by
window2, return a different string. This makes things somewhat
consistent as to when a URL is working an when not.
Now suppose window2 queries the .url attribute before window1 is
think most people would expect the same value as returned in
Having the same or different value depending on whether the
queried before or after another window was closed seems
 confusing. I
having the .url remain consistent from frame to frame/window to
help with debugging.
   The idea would be that we *always* return different urls depending
   which window queries a url. This gives the most consistent behavior
   that every url given is always limited to the lifetime of the
   window. No matter what windows around it does.
   If that's the idea, then I would vote for a non-instance method
   somewhere to
   provide the context specific URL. Having a simple attribute accessor
   different values depending on which context its being accessed in is
   unusual behavior

Re: Lifetime of Blob URL

2010-08-21 Thread Jian Li
I do not see any more discussions on blob URL API in recent days. Any more
thoughts or conclusion?

In addition, do we want to rename FileError and File Exception to BlobError
and BlobException to match with BlobReader naming, or rather keep them

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:

 It feels developers will make less errors with window.getBlobUrl(blob) kind
 of API, because, unlike blob.url, it doesn't violate pretty common
 programming assumptions (like querying a property of the same object should
 return the same value if nothing was done to the object, or that value of
 property should not depend on what is a global object in the  context of the
 query if the blob is the same). The spec language describing why and when
 blob.url returns different values with different lifetimes would be a bit

 Agree though that functionally they are the same.

 On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Michael Nordman
  On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Michael Nordman
   On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Jonas Sicking
   Sorry about the slow response. I'm currently at blackhat, so my
   internet connectivity is somewhat... unreliable, so generally having
   to try to stay off the webs :)
   On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Dmitry Titov
Thanks Jonas,
Just to clarify some details we had while discussing this, could
if this matches with your thinking (or not):
1. If blob was created in window1, blob.url was queried, then
object) to window2, and window1 was closed - then the url gets
when window1 is closed, but immediately re-validated if window2
blob.url. The url string is going to be the same, only there will
interval between closing window1 and querying blob.url in window2,
which loading from the url returns 404.
   Actually, it might make sense to make blob.url, when queried by
   window2, return a different string. This makes things somewhat more
   consistent as to when a URL is working an when not.
   Now suppose window2 queries the .url attribute before window1 is
   think most people would expect the same value as returned in window1
   Having the same or different value depending on whether the attribute
   queried before or after another window was closed seems confusing. I
   having the .url remain consistent from frame to frame/window to
   help with debugging.
  The idea would be that we *always* return different urls depending on
  which window queries a url. This gives the most consistent behavior in
  that every url given is always limited to the lifetime of the current
  window. No matter what windows around it does.
  If that's the idea, then I would vote for a non-instance method
 somewhere to
  provide the context specific URL. Having a simple attribute accessor
  different values depending on which context its being accessed in is
  unusual behavior.
  Can't say that its ideal, but window.getBlobUrl(blob) and
  window.revokeBlobUrl(...) would be an improvement.

 I can't say that I'm a big fan of this syntax given that I think the
 current syntax works fine in most cases. I'm definitely curious to
 hear what others think though.

 / Jonas

Re: [File API] Recent Updates To Specification + Co-Editor

2010-07-01 Thread Jian Li
One more question. Should we also rename FileError to BlobError and
FileException to BlobException in order to be consistent with the naming



On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 Greetings WebApps WG,

 I have made edits to the File API specification [1].  There are a few
 things of note that I'd like to call the WG's attention to.

 1. There is a name change in effect.  FileReader has been re-named
 BlobReader, upon request from Chrome team folks[2][3].  The name
 BlobReader won't win awards in a beauty pageant, but it tersely describes
 an object to read Blobs (which could originate from the underlying file
 system *or* be generated *within* a Web App).  My present understanding is
 that FileWriter will also undergo a name change.  Naming is really hard.
  Firefox already ships with FileReader, but I see the point of having an
 object named for what it does, which in this case is certainly more than
 file reading from the underlying file system.  I also abhor bike shedding,
 especially over naming, but this is something that's exposed to the authors.
  I have not renamed FileError or FileException.  In the case of errors and
 exceptions, I think *most* scenarios will occur as a result of issues with
 the underlying file system.  These names should remain.

 2. I've updated the URL scheme for Blobs using an ABNF that calls for an
 opaque string which is a term I define in the specification.  There was
 much discussion about this aspect of the File API specification, and I think
 the existing scheme does allow for user agents to tack on origin information
 in the URL (this is not something the spec. says you should do).  The actual
 choice of opaque string is left to implementations, though the specification
 suggests UUID in its canonical form (and provides an ABNF for this).  I
 think this is the most any specification has said on the subject of URLs.

 3. There is an additional asynchronous read method on BlobReader, and an
 additional synchronous read method on BlobReaderSync, namely
 readAsArrayBuffer.  These use the TypedArrays definition initially defined
 by the WebGL WG [4].

 4. I am moving on from my full-time role at Mozilla to a part-time
 consulting role.  I'll continue to be an editor of the File API, but I am
 stepping down as Chair of the WebGL WG.  I'll continue to be active in
 standards communities, though :-)

 5. I spoke to Jonas Sicking, who expressed willingness to be a co-editor of
 the File API specification.  Most people who work on HTML5 and WebApps know
 Jonas' contributions to both WGs; with everyone's consent, I'd like to
 nominate him as co-editor.  His model for an asynchronous event-driven API
 is what prompted the initial rewrite, and he also works on both File API and
 IndexedDB implementation (amongst other things).

 -- A*


Re: [File API] Recent Updates To Specification + Co-Editor

2010-06-30 Thread Jian Li
We've some more questions regarding the blob URL.

1. The spec does not describe how blob and blob URL will work in the worker
and shared worker scenarios. I think we should allow WorkerGlobalScope to be
the binding context for the blob URL, like Document. In addition, we should
define how a blob object can be passed to the worker via structured cloning.
A new blob object should be expected to be created and it points to the same
underlying data.

2. The current spec says that the lifetime of the blob URL is bound to the
lifetime of the spawning context. What happens if we try to access the blob
url from multiple contexts? Say, we
call parent.blob.url, the lifetime of the url is bound to the parent
context, not the current context, per the spec. This sounds a little bit
unnatural. Could we explicitly provide the context while creating the blob
URL, like window.createBlobUrl(blob)?

3. Since the lifetime of the blob URL is bound to a context, the blob URL
(the underlying blob data) will get disposed only when the context dies.
When we have long-live pages or shared workers, we could have leaked blob
URLs that result in unclaimed blob storages. It will be nice if we can add
the capability to revoke the blob URL pragmatically,
like window.revokeBlobUrl(url),

4. It will be good if the spec could say more about the lifetime of the blob
object and the blob URL since they're kind of orthogonal: the blob object
will still be functional as long as it is not GC-ed even if the associated
context dies.

5. The spec does not describe explicitly about the transient cases, like
location.href = blob.url. Probably the spec could mention that the
resource pointed by blob URL should be loaded successfully as long as the
blob URL is valid at the time when the resource is starting to load.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 Greetings WebApps WG,

 I have made edits to the File API specification [1].  There are a few
 things of note that I'd like to call the WG's attention to.

 1. There is a name change in effect.  FileReader has been re-named
 BlobReader, upon request from Chrome team folks[2][3].  The name
 BlobReader won't win awards in a beauty pageant, but it tersely describes
 an object to read Blobs (which could originate from the underlying file
 system *or* be generated *within* a Web App).  My present understanding is
 that FileWriter will also undergo a name change.  Naming is really hard.
  Firefox already ships with FileReader, but I see the point of having an
 object named for what it does, which in this case is certainly more than
 file reading from the underlying file system.  I also abhor bike shedding,
 especially over naming, but this is something that's exposed to the authors.
  I have not renamed FileError or FileException.  In the case of errors and
 exceptions, I think *most* scenarios will occur as a result of issues with
 the underlying file system.  These names should remain.

 2. I've updated the URL scheme for Blobs using an ABNF that calls for an
 opaque string which is a term I define in the specification.  There was
 much discussion about this aspect of the File API specification, and I think
 the existing scheme does allow for user agents to tack on origin information
 in the URL (this is not something the spec. says you should do).  The actual
 choice of opaque string is left to implementations, though the specification
 suggests UUID in its canonical form (and provides an ABNF for this).  I
 think this is the most any specification has said on the subject of URLs.

 3. There is an additional asynchronous read method on BlobReader, and an
 additional synchronous read method on BlobReaderSync, namely
 readAsArrayBuffer.  These use the TypedArrays definition initially defined
 by the WebGL WG [4].

 4. I am moving on from my full-time role at Mozilla to a part-time
 consulting role.  I'll continue to be an editor of the File API, but I am
 stepping down as Chair of the WebGL WG.  I'll continue to be active in
 standards communities, though :-)

 5. I spoke to Jonas Sicking, who expressed willingness to be a co-editor of
 the File API specification.  Most people who work on HTML5 and WebApps know
 Jonas' contributions to both WGs; with everyone's consent, I'd like to
 nominate him as co-editor.  His model for an asynchronous event-driven API
 is what prompted the initial rewrite, and he also works on both File API and
 IndexedDB implementation (amongst other things).

 -- A*


Re: [File API] Recent Updates To Specification + Co-Editor

2010-06-30 Thread Jian Li
Thanks for the update. We've some more questions regarding the blob URL.

1. The spec does not describe how blob and blob URL will work in the worker
and shared worker scenarios. I think we should allow WorkerGlobalScope to be
the binding context for the blob URL, like Document. In addition, we should
define how a blob object can be passed to the worker via structured cloning.
A new blob object should be expected to be created and it points to the same
underlying data.

2. The current spec says that the lifetime of the blob URL is bound to the
lifetime of the spawning context. What happens if we try to access the blob
url from multiple contexts? Say, we
call parent.blob.url, the lifetime of the url is bound to the parent
context, not the current context, per the spec. This sounds a little bit
unnatural. Could we explicitly provide the context while creating the blob
URL, like window.createBlobUrl(blob)?

3. Since the lifetime of the blob URL is bound to a context, the blob URL
(the underlying blob data) will get disposed only when the context dies.
When we have long-live pages or shared workers, we could have leaked blob
URLs that result in unclaimed blob storages. It will be nice if we can add
the capability to revoke the blob URL pragmatically,
like window.revokeBlobUrl(url),

4. It will be good if the spec could say more about the lifetime of the blob
object and the blob URL since they're kind of orthogonal: the blob object
will still be functional as long as it is not GC-ed even if the associated
context dies.

5. The spec does not describe explicitly about the transient cases, like
location.href = blob.url. Probably the spec could mention that the
resource pointed by blob URL should be loaded successfully as long as the
blob URL is valid at the time when the resource is starting to load.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 Greetings WebApps WG,

 I have made edits to the File API specification [1].  There are a few
 things of note that I'd like to call the WG's attention to.

 1. There is a name change in effect.  FileReader has been re-named
 BlobReader, upon request from Chrome team folks[2][3].  The name
 BlobReader won't win awards in a beauty pageant, but it tersely describes
 an object to read Blobs (which could originate from the underlying file
 system *or* be generated *within* a Web App).  My present understanding is
 that FileWriter will also undergo a name change.  Naming is really hard.
  Firefox already ships with FileReader, but I see the point of having an
 object named for what it does, which in this case is certainly more than
 file reading from the underlying file system.  I also abhor bike shedding,
 especially over naming, but this is something that's exposed to the authors.
  I have not renamed FileError or FileException.  In the case of errors and
 exceptions, I think *most* scenarios will occur as a result of issues with
 the underlying file system.  These names should remain.

 2. I've updated the URL scheme for Blobs using an ABNF that calls for an
 opaque string which is a term I define in the specification.  There was
 much discussion about this aspect of the File API specification, and I think
 the existing scheme does allow for user agents to tack on origin information
 in the URL (this is not something the spec. says you should do).  The actual
 choice of opaque string is left to implementations, though the specification
 suggests UUID in its canonical form (and provides an ABNF for this).  I
 think this is the most any specification has said on the subject of URLs.

 3. There is an additional asynchronous read method on BlobReader, and an
 additional synchronous read method on BlobReaderSync, namely
 readAsArrayBuffer.  These use the TypedArrays definition initially defined
 by the WebGL WG [4].

 4. I am moving on from my full-time role at Mozilla to a part-time
 consulting role.  I'll continue to be an editor of the File API, but I am
 stepping down as Chair of the WebGL WG.  I'll continue to be active in
 standards communities, though :-)

 5. I spoke to Jonas Sicking, who expressed willingness to be a co-editor of
 the File API specification.  Most people who work on HTML5 and WebApps know
 Jonas' contributions to both WGs; with everyone's consent, I'd like to
 nominate him as co-editor.  His model for an asynchronous event-driven API
 is what prompted the initial rewrite, and he also works on both File API and
 IndexedDB implementation (amongst other things).

 -- A*


Re: Updates to File API

2010-06-23 Thread Jian Li
I think encoding the security origin in the URL allows the UAs to do the
security origin check in place, without routing through other authority to
get the origin information that might cause the check taking long time to

If we worry about showing the double schemes in the URL, we can transform
the origin encoded in the URL by using base64 or other escaping algorithm.


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 8:24 AM, David Levin wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Adrian Bateman adria...@microsoft.comwrote:

 On Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8:40 PM, David Levin wrote:
  I agree with you Adrian that it makes sense to let the user agent figure
  out the optimal way of implementing origin and other checks.
  A logical step from that premise is that the choice/format of the
  namespace specific string should be left up to the UA as embedding
  information in there may be the optimal way for some UA's of
  said checks, and it sounds like other UAs may not want to do that.

 Robin outlined why that would be a problem [1]. My original feeling was
 that this should be left up to UAs, as you say, but I've been convinced that
 doing so is a race to the most complex URL scheme.

 Robin discussed something that could possibly in At
 the same time, there are implementors who gave specific reasons why encoding
 certain information (scheme, host, port) in the namespace specific string
 (NSS) is useful to various UAs. No other information has been requested, so
 theories adding more information seem premature.

 If the format must be specified, it seems reasonable to take both the
 theoretical and practical issues into account.

 Encoding that the security origin in the NSS isn't complex. If a proposal
 is needed about how that can be done in a simple way, I'm willing to supply
 one. Also, UAs that don't care about that information are free to ignore it
 and don't need to parse it.


Re: Updates to File API

2010-06-11 Thread Jian Li
One benefit of using the encoded origin is to do the security origin check
in place, instead of resorting to a centralized authority, esp. under
multi-process architecture. Considering getting and checking the origin
before hitting the cache for the blob.url item.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Adrian Bateman adria...@microsoft.comwrote:

 On Wednesday, June 02, 2010 5:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Arun Ranganathan
   On 6/2/10 5:06 PM, Jian Li wrote:
   In addition,
   we're thinking it will probably be a good practice to encode the
   origin in the blob URL scheme, like blobdata: This will
   doing the security origin check easier when a page tries to access the
   url that is created in another process, under multi-process
   This is a good suggestion.  I particularly like the idea of encoding
   origin as part of the scheme.
  Though we want to avoid introducing the concept of nested schemes to
  the web. While mozilla already uses nested schemes (jar:http://...
  and  view-source:http://...) I know others, in particular Apple, have
  expressed a dislike for this in the past. And with good reason, it's
  not easy to implement and has been a source of numerous security bugs.
  That said, it's certainly possible.

 It's not clear to me the benefit of encoding the origin into the URL. Do we
 expect script to parse out the origin and use it? Even in a multi-process
 architecture there's presumably some central store of issued URLs which will
 need to store origin information as well as other things?



Re: Updates to File API

2010-06-02 Thread Jian Li
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:
  On 6/2/10 3:42 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  In the latest version of the spec I see that readAsDataURL, alone
  among the readAs* methods, still takes a File rather than a Blob.  Is
  that just an oversight, or is that an intentional restriction?
  That's intentional; readAsDataURL was cited as useful only in the context
  File objects.  Do you think it makes sense in the context of random Blob
  objects?  Does it make sense on slice calls on a Blob, for example?

 Sure, why not?  Why would this be limited to File objects?

 A File is supposed to refer to an actual file on the local hard drive.
  A Blob is a big bunch of data that you might want to do something
 with.  There's nothing special about a File when it comes to what
 you're doing with the data.

 Just as we moved File.url up to Blob, I think File.readAsDataURL
 belongs there too.

And we move type from File to Blob.

Re: Updates to File API

2010-06-02 Thread Jian Li
Hi, Arun,

I have one question regarding the scheme for Blob.url. The latest spec says
that The proposed URL scheme is filedata:. Mozilla already ships with
moz-filedata:. Since the URL is now part of the Blob and it could be used
to refer to both file data blob and binary data blob, should we consider
making the scheme as blobdata: for better generalization? In addition,
we're thinking it will probably be a good practice to encode the security
origin in the blob URL scheme, like blobdata: This will make
doing the security origin check easier when a page tries to access the blob
url that is created in another process, under multi-process architecture.

Indeed, the URL scheme seems to be more sort of implementation details.
Different browser vendors can choose the appropriate scheme, like Mozilla
ships with moz-filedata. How do you think?


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:27 AM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 Greetings WebApps WG,

 I have updated the editor's draft of the File API to reflect changes that
 have been in discussion.


 1. Blobs now allow further binary data operations by exposing an
 ArrayBuffer property that represents the Blob.  ArrayBuffers, and affiliated
 Typed Array views of data, are specified in a working draft as a part of
 the WebGL work [1].  This work has been proposed to ECMA's TC-39 WG as well.
  We intend to implement some of this in the Firefox 4 timeframe, and have
 reason to believe other browsers will as well.  I have thus cited the work
 as a normative reference [1].  Eventually, we ought to consider further read
 operations given ArrayBuffers, but for now, I believe exposing Blobs in this
 way is sufficient.

 2. url and type properties have been moved to to the underlying Blob
 interface.  Notably, the property is now called 'url' and not 'urn.'  Use
 cases for triggering 'save as' behavior with Content-Disposition have not
 been addressed[2], although I believe that with FileWriter and
 BlobBuilder[3] they may be addressed differently.  This change reflects
 lengthy discussion (e.g. start here[4])

 3. The renaming of the property to 'url' also suggests that we should cease
 to consider an urn:uuid scheme.  I solicited implementer feedback about URLs
 vs. URNs in general.  There was a general preference to URLs[5], though this
 wasn't a strong preference.   Moreover, Mozilla's implementation currently
 uses moz-filedata: .  The current draft has an editor's note about the use
 of HTTP semantics, and origin issues in the context of shared workers.  This
 is work in progress; I have removed the section specifying urn:uuid and hope
 to have an update with a section covering the filedata: scheme (with
 filedata:uuid as a suggestion).  I welcome discussion about this.  I'll
 point out that we are coining a new scheme, which we originally sought to
 avoid :-)

 4. I have changed event order; loadend now fires after an error event [6].

 -- A*


Re: Updates to File API

2010-06-02 Thread Jian Li
I got what you mean. Thanks for clarifying it.

Do you plan to add the origin encoding into the spec? How about using more
generic scheme name blobdata:?


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:

 On 6/2/10 5:06 PM, Jian Li wrote:

 Hi, Arun,

 I have one question regarding the scheme for Blob.url. The latest spec
 that The proposed URL scheme is filedata:. Mozilla already ships with
 moz-filedata:. Since the URL is now part of the Blob and it could be used
 to refer to both file data blob and binary data blob, should we consider
 making the scheme as blobdata: for better generalization? In addition,
 we're thinking it will probably be a good practice to encode the security
 origin in the blob URL scheme, like blobdata: This will make
 doing the security origin check easier when a page tries to access the
 url that is created in another process, under multi-process architecture.

 This is a good suggestion.  I particularly like the idea of encoding the
 origin as part of the scheme.

  Indeed, the URL scheme seems to be more sort of implementation details.
 Different browser vendors can choose the appropriate scheme, like Mozilla
 ships with moz-filedata. How do you think?

 Actually, I'm against leaving it totally up to implementations.  Sure, the
 spec. could simply state how the URL behaves without mentioning format much,
 but we identified in the past [1] that it was wise to specify things
 reliably, so that developers didn't rely on arbitrary behavior in one
 implementation and expect something similar in another.  It's precisely that
 genre of underspecified behavior that got us in trouble before ;-)

 -- A*

Re: FileReader question about ProgressEvent

2010-04-26 Thread Jian Li
The current version of File API does not refer to the latest version of
ProgressEvent and thus I am seeing unsigned long, instead of unsigned
long long being used.

Certainly for unsigned long long, we could only treat it as EMCAScript
Number types not greater than 2^53.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Olli Pettay

 On 4/21/10 1:51 AM, Jian Li wrote:

 According to the spec, we will dispatch a progress event for a read
 method. But per the Progress Events 1.0 spec, the attributes loaded
 and total are defined  as unsigned long.
interface ProgressEvent : events::Event {
 readonly attribute unsigned long   loaded;
 readonly attribute unsigned long   total;

 The type unsigned long is not enough to represent the file size. Do we
 want to update the Progress Event spec to use unsigned long long? Or
 we could limit the FileReader to only read from the file with size less
 than MAX_UINT.


 Seems like the latest draft
 has some bugs.

  readonly attribute unsigned long long  loadedItems;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long  totalItems;
 [Optional] in unsigned long   loadedItemsArg,
   in unsigned long   totalItemsArg);

 long long vs. long

 And it has also an init***NS method.
 Those have been removed from
 DOM 3 events.


FileReader question about ProgressEvent

2010-04-20 Thread Jian Li
According to the spec, we will dispatch a progress event for a read method.
But per the Progress Events 1.0 spec, the attributes loaded and total
are defined  as unsigned long.
   interface ProgressEvent : events::Event {
readonly attribute unsigned long   loaded;
readonly attribute unsigned long   total;

The type unsigned long is not enough to represent the file size. Do we
want to update the Progress Event spec to use unsigned long long? Or we
could limit the FileReader to only read from the file with size less than


Re: Not making partial result available during FileReader.readAsText()?

2010-04-13 Thread Jian Li
This is what I also feel. I am going to set total and loaded based on binary
data. Just want to make sure we're in the same page for those that are
spec-ed out clearly.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Unfortunately I think decoded data is impossible as you have no idea
 what the total amount of decoded data will be until you've decoded the
 entire file.

 / Jonas

 On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Jian Li wrote:
  This sounds good. I have one more question related to this.
  What are we going to set for total and loaded attributes for
  Is it based on the decoded text or the underlying binary data?
  On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  I think the spec should say MUST here, rather than SHOULD. Streaming
  contents seems as useful for text files as for binary files.
  The one thing that was tricky for us when implementing this was
  charset detection. We can't really expose any data until we've decided
  what charset to decode it with. However when loading normal pages over
  http the same situation arises, and all major browsers support
  streaming there.
  So I consider it a bug that firefox doesn't support this yet. It's
  something we should fix.
  / Jonas
  On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Jian Li wrote:
   Should we really want to support this? As I know, FF 3.6 does not
   this in its current FileReader implementation. I just want to
   there is a strong need for this.
   On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Michael Nordman
   Seems pretty clear from the snippet you provided, it says you SHOULD
   provide partially decoded results in the result attribute as progress
   On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Jian Li wrote:
   For FileReader.readAsText, the spec seems to allow partial file data
   being decoded and saved in the result attribute when progress event
   Make progress notifications. As the bytes from the fileBlob argument
   read, user agents SHOULD ensure that on getting, the result
   returns partial file data representing the number of bytes currently
   (as a fraction of the total) [ProgressEvents], decoded in memory
   to the encoding determination.
   The partial file data read so far might not get decoded completely.
   we choose not to decode the partial result till we retrieve all the
   just like what FileReader.readAsDataURL does?

Re: Not making partial result available during FileReader.readAsText()?

2010-04-12 Thread Jian Li
This sounds good. I have one more question related to this.

What are we going to set for total and loaded attributes for ProgressEvent?
Is it based on the decoded text or the underlying binary data?

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I think the spec should say MUST here, rather than SHOULD. Streaming
 contents seems as useful for text files as for binary files.

 The one thing that was tricky for us when implementing this was
 charset detection. We can't really expose any data until we've decided
 what charset to decode it with. However when loading normal pages over
 http the same situation arises, and all major browsers support
 streaming there.

 So I consider it a bug that firefox doesn't support this yet. It's
 something we should fix.

 / Jonas

 On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Jian Li wrote:
  Should we really want to support this? As I know, FF 3.6 does not support
  this in its current FileReader implementation. I just want to understand
  there is a strong need for this.
  On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Michael Nordman
  Seems pretty clear from the snippet you provided, it says you SHOULD
  provide partially decoded results in the result attribute as progress is
  On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Jian Li wrote:
  For FileReader.readAsText, the spec seems to allow partial file data
  being decoded and saved in the result attribute when progress event is
  Make progress notifications. As the bytes from the fileBlob argument
  read, user agents SHOULD ensure that on getting, the result attribute
  returns partial file data representing the number of bytes currently
  (as a fraction of the total) [ProgressEvents], decoded in memory
  to the encoding determination.
  The partial file data read so far might not get decoded completely.
  we choose not to decode the partial result till we retrieve all the
  just like what FileReader.readAsDataURL does?

Ordering of error/load and loadend events for FileReader

2010-04-08 Thread Jian Li
The spec says that loadend event should be dispatched before error event
when an error occurs during file read:

2. If an error occurs during file read, set readyState to DONE and set
result to null. Proceed to the error steps below.
1. Dispatch a progress event called loadend.
2. Dispatch a progress event called error. Set the error attribute; on
getting, the error attribute MUST be a a FileError object with a valid error
code that indicates the kind of file error that has occurred.
3. Terminate this overall set of steps.

However, it is said that loadend event should be dispatched after load event
when the file data has been completely read.

When this specification says to make progress notifications for a read
method, the following steps MUST be followed:
1. While the read method is processing, queue a task to dispatch a progress
event called progress about every 50ms or for every byte read into memory,
whichever is least frequent.
2. When the data from the file or fileBlob has been completely read into
memory, queue a task to dispatch a progress event called load
3. When the data from the file or fileBlob has been completely read into
memory, queue a task to dispatch a progress event called loadend

The ordering of error/load and loadend event seem to be inconsistent. Could
we move the dispatch of loadend event after error event?

Not making partial result available during FileReader.readAsText()?

2010-04-08 Thread Jian Li
For FileReader.readAsText, the spec seems to allow partial file data being
decoded and saved in the result attribute when progress event is fired:

Make progress notifications. As the bytes from the fileBlob argument are
read, user agents SHOULD ensure that on getting, the result attribute
returns partial file data representing the number of bytes currently loaded
(as a fraction of the total) [ProgressEvents], decoded in memory according
to the encoding determination.

The partial file data read so far might not get decoded completely. Could we
choose not to decode the partial result till we retrieve all the data, just
like what FileReader.readAsDataURL does?

Re: FormData with sliced Blob

2010-03-23 Thread Jian Li
I mean UUID. It is the UUID part in URN of the File API spec. The UA can
choose any appropriate way to generate a unique string, like UUID.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 01:26:32 +0100, Jian Li wrote:

 To be safe, probably UA can choose to create the unique name from the
 GUID, like blob-5597cb2e-74fb-479a-81e8-10679c523118.

 Which GUID? Is that in the File API specification?

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: FormData with sliced Blob

2010-03-23 Thread Jian Li
Unless we want to treat the blob same as string, we might have to provider
some sort of filename. Since without it, the server side might have problem
to save it temporarily.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 02:24:52 +0100, Dmitry Titov

 Seriously though, it would be nice to have XHR2 spec to have these details
 spelled out, especially mime type (I think David meant

 We previously discussed this and then we decided that for Blob Content-Type
 simply would not be present. I don't see why that would be different for
 multipart/form-data. Not really sure what to do about filename.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: FormData with sliced Blob

2010-03-22 Thread Jian Li
To be safe, probably UA can choose to create the unique name from the GUID,
like blob-5597cb2e-74fb-479a-81e8-10679c523118.

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 4:43 PM, David Levin wrote:

 What about using a filename that is unique with repect to files sent in
 that FormData (but it is up to the UA)? For example, a UA may choose to do
 Blob1, Blob2, etc. For the content-type, application/octet-string seems most

 Here's the result applied to your example:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file; filename=Blob1
Content-Type: application/octet-string


 On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Jian Li wrote:


 I have questions regarding sending FormData with sliced files. When we
 send a FormData with a regular file, we send out the multipart data for this
 file, like the following:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file; filename=test.js
Content-Type: application/x-javascript

 However, when it is sliced into a blob, it does not have the file name and
 type information any more. I am wondering what we should send.  Should we
 just not provide the filename and Content-Type information?



Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Jian Li
Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it will
make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?

1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob. When we
slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob operations,
like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time. When
we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.

2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  I think it could.  Here's a third option:
  Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
  option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
  read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading beyond
  EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
  method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
  fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
  async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
  accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
  asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
  the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
  look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
  file's selected.
  It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size. They
  simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
  read operation.
  However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
  1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that returns
  current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob and
  has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
  for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
  to return different things.

 True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
 then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.

  2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the version of the
  that exists somewhere around xhr.send(file) call was issued. Since File
  also a Blob, xhr.send(blob) would behave the same which means if we want
  preserve this behavior the Blob can not fail async read operation if file
  has changed.
  There is a contradiction here. One way to resolve it would be to break
  is Blob and to be able to capture the File as Blob by having
  file.getAsBlob(). The latter would make a snapshot of the state of the
  to be able to fail subsequent async read operations if the file has been
  I've asked a few people around in a non-scientific poll and it seems
  developers expect Blob to be a 'snapshot', reflecting the state of the
  (or Canvas if we get Canvas.getBlob(...)) at the moment of Blob creation.
  Since it's obviously bad to actually copy data, it seems acceptable to
  capture enough information (like mod time) so the read operations later
  fail if underlying storage has been changed. It feels really strange if
  reading the Blob can yield some data from one version of a file (or
  mixed with some data from newer version, without any indication that this
  All that means there is an option 3:
  3. Treat all Blobs as 'snapshots' that refer to the range of underlying
  at the moment of creation of the Blob. Blobs produced further by
  Blob.slice() operation inherit the captured state w/o actually verifying
  against 'live' underlying objects like files. All Blobs can be 'read' (or
  'sent') via operations that can fail if the underlying content has
  Optionally, expose snapshotTime property and perhaps read if not changed
  since parameter to read operations. Do not derive File from Blob, rather
  have File.getAsBlob() that produces a Blob which is a snapshot of the
  at the moment of call. The advantage here is that it removes need for
  operations from Blob and provides mechanism to ensure the changing
  underlying storage is detectable. The disadvantage is a bit more
  and bigger change to File spec.

 That sounds good to me.  If we're treating blobs as snapshots, I
 retract my suggestion of the read-if-not-changed-since parameter.  All
 reads after the data has changed should fail.  If you want to do a
 chunked upload, don't snapshot your 

Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-21 Thread Jian Li
What we mean for snapshotting here is not to copy all the underlying data.
Instead, we only intend to capture the least information needed in order to
verify if the underlying data have been changed.

I agreed with Eric that the first option could cause inconsistent semantics
between File.slice and Bloc.slice. But how are we going to address the
synchronous call to get the file size for Blob.size if the blob is a file?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 One thing to remember here is that if we require snapshotting, that
 will mean paying potentially very high costs every time the
 snapshotting operation is used. Potetially copying hundreds of
 megabytes of data (think video).

 But if we don't require snapshotting, things will only break if the
 user takes the action to modify a file after giving the page access to

 Also, in general snapshotting is something that UAs can experiment
 with without requiring changes to the spec. Even though File.slice is
 a synchronous function, the UA can implement snapshotting without
 using synchronous IO. The UA could simply do a asynchronous file copy
 in the background. If any read operations are performed on the slice
 those could simply be stalled until the copy is finished since reads
 are always asynchronous.

 / Jonas

 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Jian Li wrote:
  Treating blobs as snapshots sounds like a reasonable approach and it
  make the life of the chunked upload and other scenarios easier. Now the
  problem is: how do we get the blob (snapshot) out of the file?
  1) We can still keep the current relationship between File and Blob.
 When we
  slice a file by calling File.slice, a new blob that captures the current
  file size and modification time is returned. The following Blob
  like slice, will simply inherit the cached size and modification time.
  we access the underlying file data in XHR.send() or FileReader, the
  modification time will be verified and an exception could be thrown.
  This would require File.slice to do synchronous file IO, whereas
  Blob.slice doesn't do that.
  2) We can remove the inheritance of Blob from File and introduce
  File.getAsBlob() as dimich suggested. This seems to be more elegant.
  However, it requires changing the File API spec a lot.
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Eric Uhrhane wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dmitry Titov
   On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Eric Uhrhane
   I think it could.  Here's a third option:
   Make all blobs, file-based or not, just as async as the blobs in
   option 2.  They never do sync IO, but could potentially fail future
   read operations if their metadata is out of date [e.g. reading
   EOF].  However, expose the modification time on File via an async
   method and allow the user to pass it in to a read call to enforce
   fail if changed since this time.  This keeps all file accesses
   async, but still allows for chunked uploads without mixing files
   accidentally.  If we allow users to refresh the modification time
   asynchronously, it also allows for adding a file to a form, changing
   the file on disk, and then uploading the new file.  The user would
   look up the mod time when starting the upload, rather than when the
   file's selected.
   It would be great to avoid sync file I/O on calls like Blob.size.
   simply return cached value. Actual mismatch would be detected during
   read operation.
   However then I'm not sure how to keep File derived from Blob, since:
   1) Currently, in FF and WebKit File.fileSize is a sync I/O that
   current file size. The current spec says File is derived from Blob
   has Blob.size property that is likely going to co-exist with
   for a while, for compat reasons. It's weird for file.size and
   to return different things.
  True, but we'd probably want to deprecate file.fileSize anyway and
  then get rid of it, since it's synchronous.
   2) Currently, xhr.send(file) does not fail and sends the version of
   that exists somewhere around xhr.send(file) call was issued. Since
   also a Blob, xhr.send(blob) would behave the same which means if we
   preserve this behavior the Blob can not fail async read operation if
   has changed.
   There is a contradiction here. One way to resolve it would be to
   is Blob and to be able to capture the File as Blob by having
   file.getAsBlob(). The latter would make a snapshot of the state of
   to be able to fail subsequent async read operations if the file has
   I've asked a few people around in a non-scientific poll and it seems
   developers expect Blob

Re: File API: Blob and underlying file changes.

2010-01-14 Thread Jian Li
It seems that we feel that when a File object is sent via either Form or
XHR, the latest underlying version should be used. When we get a slice via
Blob.slice, we assume that the underlying file data is stable since then.

So for uploader scenario, we need to cut a big file into multiple pieces.
With current File API spec, we will have to do something like the following
to make sure that all pieces are cut from a stable file.
var file = myInputElement.files[0];
var blob = file.slice(0, file.size);
var piece1 = blob.slice(0, 1000);
var piece2 = blob.slice(1001, 1000);

The above seems a bit ugly. If we want to make it clean, what Dmitry
proposed above seems to be reasonable. But it would require non-trivial spec

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Dmitry Titov wrote:

 Atomic read is obviously a nice thing - it would be hard to program against
 API that behaves as unpredictably as a single read operation that reads half
 of old content and half of new content.

 At the same note, it would be likely very hard to program against Blob
 objects if they could change underneath unpredictably. Imagine that we need
 to build an uploader that cuts a big file in multiple pieces and sends those
 pieces to the servers so they will be stitched together later. If during
 this operation the underlying file changes and this changes all the pieces
 that Blobs refer to (due to clamping and just silent change of content), all
 the slicing/stitching assumptions are invalid and it's hard to even notice
 since blobs are simply 'clamped' silently. Some degree of mess is possible

 Another use case could be a JPEG image processor that uses slice() to cut
 the headers from the image file and then uses info from the headers to cut
 further JFIF fields from the file (reading EXIF and populating local
 database of images for example). Changing the file in the middle of that is

 It seems the typical use cases that will need Blob.slice() functionality
 form 'units of work' where Blob.slice() is used with likely assumption that
 underlying data is stable and does not change silently. Such a 'unit of
 work'  should fail as a whole if underlying file changes. One way to achieve
 that is to reliably fail operations with 'derived' Blobs and even perhaps
 have a 'isValid' property on it. 'Derived' Blobs are those obtained via
 slice(), as opposite to 'original' Blobs that are also File.

 One disadvantage of this approach is that it implies that the same Blob has
 2 possible behaviors - when it is obtained via Blob.slice() (or other
 methods) vs is a File.

 It all could be a bit cleaner if File did not derive from Blob, but instead
 had getAsBlob() method - then it would be possible to say that Blobs are
 always immutable but may become 'invalid' over time if underlying data
 changes. The FileReader can then be just a BlobReader and have cleaner

 If that was the case, then xhr.send(file) would capture the state of file
 at the moment of sending, while xhr.send(blob) would fail with exception if
 the blob is 'invalid' at the moment of send() operation. This would keep
 compatibility with current behavior and avoid duplicity of Blob behavior.
 Quite a change to the spec though...


 On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Chris Prince wrote:
  For the record, I'd like to make the read atomic, such that you can
  never get half a file before a change, and half after. But it likely
  depends on what OSs can enforce here.
  I think *enforcing* atomicity is difficult across all OSes.
  But implementations can get nearly the same effect by checking the
  file's last modification time at the start + end of the API call.  If
  it has changed, the read operation can throw an exception.

 I'm talking about during the actual read. I.e. not related to the
 lifetime of the File object, just related to the time between the
 first 'progress' event, and the 'loadend' event. If the file changes
 during this time there is no way to fake atomicity since the partial
 file has already been returned.

 / Jonas

Re: Proposal for sending multiple files via XMLHttpRequest.send()

2009-09-12 Thread Jian Li
Thank you for all your great feedbacks.
Yes, the first approach is simpler and it requites far less work from the
author and thus less error prone. However, I think the second approach does
provide more flexibilities that might fit for the different data assembling
and sending purpose. The author can use it to upload multiple attached
files, save a set of client generated items, or even send any combinations
of string data and file data.

For example, the presentation web application wants to save a set of client
generated slides to the server. Some of slides include attached files, like
a video clip. It will be much easier for the author to send all the data to
the server via the second approach:

var payload = new Array;

Since XMLHttpRequest spec has already added the overload for send(document),
why not just adding more overload for file and array of items? IMHO, having
similar send*** methods, like sendFile, together with overloads of send()
might make the API more complicated.

2009/9/11 Yaar Schnitman

 How is supposed the web application to detect that the browser
 supports this feature?

 Maybe instead of overloaded send, we should create new method
 sendFile(File) and sendFiles(File[]).

 And between the two approaches, the first one is simpler, but the
 second one allows to send the files one each time and add other form
 data in the request.

 Maybe sendFiles(File[], [Strings[]])?

Proposal for sending multiple files via XMLHttpRequest.send()

2009-09-10 Thread Jian Li
There has already been a discussion on extending XMLHttpRequest.send() to
take a File object. Could we also consider enhancing it further to support
sending multiple files, like a FileList from the drag and drop.

We could make XMLHttpRequest.send() take a FileList object and let the
browser add multipart boundary separators automatically.

Or, the other simpler way, thanks to Darin's suggestion, is to
extend XMLHttpRequest.send() to take an array of items. Each of item could
be either a string or a file reference strictly. The web application is
responsible to generate the multipart enevelop like the following:

var payload = new Array;

How do you guys think about these approaches?

