Re: W3C's version of XMLHttpRequest should be abandoned

2015-08-10 Thread Julian Aubourg
Hey all,

Like Jungkee, I haven't been active editing the XHR spec. I too feel like
XHR L1 is very far from trivial. That is because the snapshot Domenic is
talking about is not what XHR L1 is supposed to be. XHR L1 is supposed to
be a state of what is actually implemented in released browsers at a
specific date, not the state of the living standard at said date. Hence the
huge focus on testing as a means to filter out what's not supported. This
daunting task is, AFAIK, still done manually (including running tests,
collecting results, analyzing them and editing the spec accordingly).

Honestly, I don't think we have the proper infrastructure nor the proper
spec format for handling this properly and in a timely fashion. With nearly
all vendors now gone the auto-update way, anything short of full automation
is more and more looking like a fool's errand. But for a fully automated
snapshot, specs would need to incorporate unit tests (something not too far
fetched when you consider how implementation details centered they are
now). That's a lot of parts to move, to agree on and to implement.

The community handles the problem with sites like It
doesn't tie support to actual spec content but it seems good (detailed)
enough to me (as in, that's how I personally check what I can and cannot
use). Do authors actually need more detail that this? Would vendors have a
use for something more detailed?

In summary, I like the idea of XHR L1 but I think it's an impractical
amount of work if not automated and I'm uncertain it would be of more use
than what the community already created.

Sorry for the wall of text ;)

-- Julian

On 7 August 2015 at 15:52, Jungkee Song wrote:

 Hi Art, Hallvord, Julian, and all,

 Apologies having not been active on it. My feeling is capturing a snapshot
 for REC would still be a non-trivial task. Unfortunately, I don't seem to
 be able to spare much time on this work as of now. Sorry for not being able
 to help. It's my own stance, not the other editors. Domenic's suggestion
 sound reasonable to me if we are not coming up with a better plan.

 Best regards,

  -Original Message-
  From: Arthur Barstow []
  Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 8:37 PM
  To: Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen; Jungkee Song; Julian Aubourg
  Cc: WebApps WG
  Subject: Re: W3C's version of XMLHttpRequest should be abandoned
  On 8/6/15 8:07 AM, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen wrote:
   On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 9:15 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
   According to Art the plan of record is to still pursue
   And you correctly note
   that was last updated more than a year ago. Last formally
   a year and a half ago.
   And that is mostly my fault. I intended to keep the W3C fork up to
   date (at least up to a point), but at some point I attempted to simply
   apply Git patches from Anne's edits to the WHATWG version, and it
   turned out Git had problems applying them automatically for whatever
   reason - apparently the versions were already so distinct that it
   wasn't possible. Since then I haven't found time for doing the manual
   cut-and-paste work required, and I therefore think it's probably
   better to follow Anne's advice and drop the W3C version entirely in
   favour of the WHATWG version. I still like the idea of having a
   stable spec documenting the interoperable behaviour of XHR by a
   given point in time - but I haven't been able to prioritise it and
   neither, apparently, have the other two editors.
  Jungkee, Julian - we would like your input, in particular whether or not
  you can still commit to helping with the tasks required to move XHR Level
  1 along the Recommendation track.
  Others - if you can commit to helping with the main tasks (editing,
  testing, implementation, etc.) for XHR L1, please let us know.
  -Thanks, AB

Re: [XHR] Content-Length header for data: URLs

2013-09-19 Thread Julian Aubourg
But Content-Length is not the same as the length of the string containing
the Data URL.

On 20 September 2013 03:39, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 9/19/13 9:31 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 Doesn't that depend on how you end up storing it whether getting that
 information is fast and easy to get ahead of time?

 I suppose, if you store them somewhere where you don't know how much space
 they're taking up in the storage...  But at some point that data: URL was a
 string, and you can just save its length in an easy-to-get-to place.


Re: [XHR] Content-Length header for data: URLs

2013-09-19 Thread Julian Aubourg
Sure, what I actually meant is that you'd need to somehow pre-parse the
data URL to extract the exact length before storage. Dunno how
desirable/desired/common this is.

On 20 September 2013 04:58, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 9/19/13 10:51 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:

 But Content-Length is not the same as the length of the string
 containing the Data URL.

 Sure.  It can also be a simple formula computed from that length, in the
 case of base64-encoded data URLs.

 And of course you have to subtract out the length of the parts before ','.
  None of this is all that hard to do.


Re: [XHR] Content-Length header for data: URLs

2013-09-19 Thread Julian Aubourg
Well, it's not rocket-science for sure but we do need to parse the part
before the ,. We need to check the encoding, we need to make sure we know
how to determine the actual length for this encoding, we need a way to not
store length if we dunno the encoding. Simple enough but has some

What I'm seeing here is that being able to have a Content-Length or not
seems implementation dependent. Anne is against not taking a stand yet I'm
pretty sure we cannot assume all implementations will be able to provide a
Content-Length. So it seems like we should just keep prohibiting

Do I make sense?

On 20 September 2013 05:24, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:
  Sure, what I actually meant is that you'd need to somehow pre-parse the
  URL to extract the exact length before storage. Dunno how
  desirable/desired/common this is.

 I would hardly call taking the length subtracting any characters
 before the , and applying a multiplier parsing. You don't have to
 look at any characters after the , at all.

 / Jonas

  On 20 September 2013 04:58, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
  On 9/19/13 10:51 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:
  But Content-Length is not the same as the length of the string
  containing the Data URL.
  Sure.  It can also be a simple formula computed from that length, in the
  case of base64-encoded data URLs.
  And of course you have to subtract out the length of the parts before
  None of this is all that hard to do.

Re: [XHR] Content-Length header for data: URLs

2013-09-19 Thread Julian Aubourg
It's a malformed data URI for now. What I'm wondering is if we're sure
we'll never have an encoding that makes it impossible to determine the
length without decoding the entire content (think url-encoded like).

I do agree having the Content-Length is useful information, I'm just trying
to make sure we're future-proof in our approach.

My opinion is that a Content-Length should be provided but I'm not sure
it must. And again, since Anne doesn't seem to favour should... well,
we're back at must not.

On 20 September 2013 05:55, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 9/19/13 11:39 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:

 We need to check the encoding

 You mean the base64 or lack thereof?

  we need to make sure we
 know how to determine the actual length for this encoding

 For base64 you do.  Otherwise, it's a malformed data URI.

  we need a way
 to not store length if we dunno the encoding

 In what situation would this ever happen?

  What I'm seeing here is that being able to have a Content-Length or not
 seems implementation dependent.

 No more so than having a Content-Type, as far as I can see.

  I'm pretty sure we cannot assume all implementations will be able to
 provide a Content-Length.

 I'm pretty sure we can in fact assume just that.

  So it seems like we should just keep
 prohibiting Content-Length.

 If it were useless to provide it, I might agree.  But it's useful.  This
 is why blob URIs go out of their way to provide it...


Re: [XHR] test nitpicks: MIME type / charset requirements

2013-05-06 Thread Julian Aubourg
 Aren't both text/html;charset=windows-1252 and text/html;
charset=windows-1252 valid MIME types? Should we make the tests a bit more

Reading it's not
crystal clear if spaces are accepted, although white spaces and space
are clearly cited in the grammar as forbidden in tokens. My understanding
is that the intent is for white spaces to be ignored but I could be wrong.
Truth is the spec could use some consistency and precision.

  test script sets charset=utf-8 and charset=UTF-8 on the wire is
considered a failure

Those tests must ignore case. The type, subtype, and parameter names are
not case sensitive.

On 6 May 2013 18:31, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen hallv...@opera.comwrote:

 Two of the tests in
  in Firefox just because there is a space before the word charset.

 Aren't both text/html;charset=windows-1252 and text/html;
 charset=windows-1252 valid MIME types? Should we make the tests a bit more

 Also, there's a test in
  fails in Chrome because it asserts charset must be lower case, i.e.
 test script sets charset=utf-8 and charset=UTF-8 on the wire is considered
 a failure. Does that make sense?

 Hallvord R. M. Steen
 Core tester, Opera Software

Re: [XHR] test nitpicks: MIME type / charset requirements

2013-05-06 Thread Julian Aubourg
Hey Anne,

I don't quite get why you're saying HTTP is irrelevant.

As an example, regarding the content-type *request *header, the XHR spec
clearly states:

If a Content-Type header is in author request
 its value is a valid MIME 
 type that
 has a charset parameter whose value is not a case-insensitive match for
 encoding, and encoding is not null, set all thecharset parameters of that
 Content-Type header to encoding.

So, at least, the encoding in the request content-type is clearly stated as
being case-insensitive.

BTW, Valid MIME type leads to (HTML 5.1):

A string is a valid MIME type if it matches the media-type rule defined in
 section 3.7 Media Types of RFC 2616. In particular, a valid MIME 
 include MIME type parameters. 

Of course, nothing is explicitely specified regarding the *response
because it is implicitely covered by HTTP (seeing as the value is generated
outside of the client -- except when using overrideMimeType).

It's usage as defined by the XHR spec is irrelevant to the fact it is to be
considered case-insensitively : any software or hardware along the network
path is perfectly entitled to change the case of the Content-Type header
because HTTP clearly states case does not matter.

So, testing for a response Content-Type case-sensitively is *not *correct.

Things are less clear to me when it comes to white spaces. I find HTTP
quite evasive on the matter.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to point me to the exact
sentences in the XHR spec that calls for an exception regarding
case-insensitivity of MIME types (as defined in HTTP which XHR references
through HTML 5.1). I may very well have missed those.


-- Julian

On 6 May 2013 19:22, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen wrote:

 The reason the tests test that is because the specification requires
 exactly that. If you want to change the tests, you'd first have to
 change the specification. (What HTTP says on the matter is not


Re: [XHR] test nitpicks: MIME type / charset requirements

2013-05-06 Thread Julian Aubourg
You made the whole thing a lot clearer to me, thank you :)

It seems strange the spec would require a case-sensitive value for
Content-Type in certain circumstances.  Are these deviations from the
case-insensitiveness of the header really necessary ? Are they beneficial
for authors ? It seems to me they promote bad practice (case-sensitive
testing of Content-Type).

On 7 May 2013 01:20, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 3:44 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:
  I don't quite get why you're saying HTTP is irrelevant.

 For the requirements where the XMLHttpRequest says to put a certain
 byte string as a value of a header, that's what the implementation has
 to do, and nothing else. We could make the XMLHttpRequest talk about
 the value in a more abstract manner rather than any particular
 serialization and leave the serialization undefined, but it's not
 clear we should do that.

  As an example, regarding the content-type request header, the XHR spec
  clearly states:
  If a Content-Type header is in author request headers and its value is a
  valid MIME type that has a charset parameter whose value is not a
  case-insensitive match for encoding, and encoding is not null, set all
  the charset parameters of that Content-Type header to encoding.

 Yeah, this part needs to be updated at some point to actually state
 what should happen in terms of parsing and such, but for now it's
 clear enough.

  So, testing for a response Content-Type case-sensitively is not correct.

 It is if the specification requires a specific byte string as value.

  Things are less clear to me when it comes to white spaces. I find HTTP
  evasive on the matter.

 You can have a space there, but not per the requirements in XMLHttpRequest.


Re: [XHR] test nitpicks: MIME type / charset requirements

2013-05-06 Thread Julian Aubourg
I hear you, but isn't having a case-sensitive value of Content-Type *in
certain circumstances* triggering the kind of problem you're talking about
(developers to depend on
certain things they really should not depend on) ?

As I see it, the tests in question here are doing something that is wrong
in the general use-case from an author's POW.

By requiring the same from every *implementor*, aren't we pushing *authors *in
the trap you describe. Case in point : the author of the test is testing
Content-Type case-sensitively while it is improper (from an author POW) in
any other circumstance. The same code will fail if, say, the server sets a
Content-Type. Shouldn't we protect authors from such inconsistencies ?

On 7 May 2013 01:39, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Julian Aubourg wrote:
  It seems strange the spec would require a case-sensitive value for
  Content-Type in certain circumstances.  Are these deviations from the
  case-insensitiveness of the header really necessary ? Are they beneficial
  for authors ? It seems to me they promote bad practice (case-sensitive
  testing of Content-Type).

 There's only two things that seem to work well over a long period of
 time given multiple implementations and developers coding toward the
 dominant implementation (this describes the web).

 1. Require the same from everyone.

 2. Require randomness.

 Anything else is likely to lead some subset of developers to depend on
 certain things they really should not depend on and will force
 everyone to match the conventions of what they depend on (if you're in
 bad luck you'll get mutual exclusive dependencies; the web has those
 too). E.g. the ordering of the members of the canvas element is one
 such thing (trivial bad luck example is User-Agent).


Re: Reviewing test submissions

2013-04-04 Thread Julian Aubourg
Hi Robin and sorry if this has been asked and/or answered elsewhere (I've
been ultra-busy elsewhere as of late),

I suppose that there is a hook in place on the github repo so that
manifests are auto-magically re-generated whenever a new test is added to a
main directory? Or is this still manual?

Thanks for the hard work btw, seeing tests in github is very satisfactory
and appreciated,

-- Julian

On 4 April 2013 16:23, Robin Berjon wrote:

 Hi all,

 after having moved the test suite to the GitHub repository, we've been
 busy cleaning things up. One item of particular importance is that
 everything that was in submission directories is now in pull requests
 (the very last few of those are right now being finalised).

 The changes being in pull requests makes it very easy for people to review
 the tests. You can just poke at the code, and if it looks good press a big
 green button. It's fun, it makes your hair sheen and your fresh bright, and
 you get to show off at cocktail parties about how you just made a major
 contribution to building a better web for all of humankind and its
 descendants to come.

 All of that with just the press of a big and friendly green button! (And a
 little bit of code reading.)

 So if you're ready for the undying adoration of wild throngs of web
 developers, if you've got the unassumingly humble tone of your I was just
 doing my job line, and if in you feel a hankering to press glossy green
 buttons with a motion of such lissom yet muscular grace that bystanders
 feel like it's happening in slow motion, then waste no time and head
 straight for:**platform-tests/pulls

 Let's party!

 A big thanks to Ms2ger and Odin for helping a lot with cleaning up the
 moved repo!

 Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [XHR] remove user cancels request

2013-02-26 Thread Julian Aubourg
 can i ask, how do you use the abort event handler?
 and error event handler

In jQuery 1.x, we don't even use onsuccess, onerror and onabort. Reason
being onreadystatechange is the only cross-browser means to handle
XMLHttpRequest when you have to support old IEs (and we try and avoid
having multiple code paths in jQuery because of size, maintainability and
behavioural consistency).

In jQuery 2.x, we use onload and onerror, not onabort. We have some
short-circuit logic in $.ajax to notify author's initiated aborts as errors
with a cancelled status but we ignore all other sources of aborts. The
idea is to ignore onunload aborts so that jQuery devs don't have to special
case for it in their error handlers.

Now, to get back to the subject at hand, like Glenn said, it's probably
better to notify those not-author-initiated aborts as errors, because from
the author's POW they're hardly aborts. However, if we do so, we have to
make sure it's possible to differentiate them from a network error. jQuery,
as an author, can then choose to ignore them or bubble them up in $.ajax,
not sure what's best for us at this point but that's another story entirely.

Re: [XHR] remove user cancels request

2013-02-25 Thread Julian Aubourg
I have the same questions as Jungkee. What is it you want to remove
exactly? Why do you think the distinction between an user-initiated abort
and a network error is irrelevant? If I am to believe jQuery's bug tracker,
our users want and need the distinction.

On 25 February 2013 07:49, Jungkee Song wrote:

  From: Timmy Willison []
  Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 2:55 AM
   On Feb 24, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Glenn Maynard wrote:
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Anne van Kesteren
Currently the XMLHttpRequest Standard special cases the condition
where the end user terminates the request. Given that there's less
less likely to be UI for that kind of feature, does it still make
sense to expose this distinction from a network error in the API? I
think we should merge them.
   I didn't even know about that behavior.  I've always assumed that the
 only way onabort happens is as a result of my calling abort().  I don't
 think breaking that assumption would break my code, but it's a rare,
 untested code path.  I doubt other developers test it either.  I agree that
 users killing a network request should look like a network error, and in
 general the API should guarantee that onabort is only fired as a result of
 a call to abort().

 According to the current spec, it is already the case that onabort() is
 called only when client.abort() is explicitly called (including CORS
 requests.) onerror() is getting called in actual network errors such as DNS
 error, TLS negotiation failure, cross-origin access violation, etc.

 I am not sure what conditions Anne exactly propose to remove from the
 spec. I can think of only three scenarios where the end user *terminates*
 the request: calling open(), calling abort() or explicitly stop in browser
 chrome. I don't think and explicit browser stop are what Anne
 is talking about.

 Anne, could you elaborate what part of the text are you pointing?

 If it's the case that you want to merge abort into error, I tend to
 disagree as there can be use cases explicitly putting cancel button in UI
 that should be distinguished from network initiated errors.


   Glenn Maynard
  - Timmy

Re: [XHR] remove user cancels request

2013-02-25 Thread Julian Aubourg
AFAIK, clicking the stop button of the navigator or clicking on a link in
the page will abort outbound requests. That's exactly the kind of aborts
authors want to differentiate from network errors. I assume those buttons
are UI features that permit request cancellation for users? Or am I
completly missing the point again?

On 25 February 2013 10:08, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Julian Aubourg wrote:
  I have the same questions as Jungkee. What is it you want to remove
  Why do you think the distinction between an user-initiated abort and a
  network error is irrelevant? If I am to believe jQuery's bug tracker, our
  users want and need the distinction.

 Euhm. My email said end user (which the spec simply calls users,
 jQuery's users are called authors/developers). If you search for This
 is an abort error you'll find the bits I think can be removed due to
 lack of browser UI for that feature.


Re: [XHR] remove user cancels request

2013-02-25 Thread Julian Aubourg
I agree with Glenn that these user cancellations would be better notified
as errors rather than aborts. Key here is to make it possible for authors
to know what's going on and onabort seems quite confusing.

Side note: IE not cancelling requests is a real pain, we have to abort
manually on unload in jQuery because, in old IEs when using the
ActiveX-based XHRs those pending requests may end up exhausting the pool of
available XHRs!

Le lundi 25 février 2013, Glenn Maynard a écrit :

 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:37 AM, Anne van Kesteren 
 ann...@annevk.nljavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

  Sure, for links (i.e. navigation)... For XMLHttpRequest (fetching)
 however those rarely change as that would make applications very
 confusing to the user. At least, when I still worked at Opera at some
 point the progress bars for fetching after the page had loaded (body
 load fired) were disabled as they were just too confusing.

 Some data points:

 - Firefox already sends onerror if you hit escape while an XHR is in
 progress.  The onerror handler can just start another XHR request, and
 pressing escape again will once again onerror that new request.
 - In WebKit, if the document load is still in progress, escape cancels
 both the document load (eg. images) and any running XHRs.  If this happens,
 onabort is sent to the request.  However, this only happens during initial
 document load; after that, XHR requests can't be cancelled.  The onabort
 handler can also start another XHR, and since the document load is no
 longer in progress, this one can't be cancelled.
 - IE9 doesn't seem to abort XHR at all.

 WebKit's behavior doesn't make sense.

 Firefox's behavior seems to match what you're suggesting, and it's what
 I'd expect.  Since it doesn't expose any code paths that can't happen
 otherwise, it should also result in the least chance of bugs.

 IE9's behavior of not cancelling XHR on escape at all seems reasonable,

 For navigation,

 - Firefox also fires onerror if you navigate while an XHR is in progress.
 - WebKit fires onabort.
 - IE9 doesn't seem to cancel XHR on navigation.  (You can get an XHR
 onload after the user has already clicked a link, if the new page hasn't
 already begun to load.)

 If authors really want to be able to distinguish a user cancellation from
 a regular network error, let's stick a flag on onerror.  It's much worse to
 have to carefully distinguish abort() from a user abort.  They're
 completely different things.

 Glenn Maynard

Re: Beacon API

2013-02-13 Thread Julian Aubourg
I'd personally be in favour of an optional parameter that would ask the
browser to keep on with the request even after the page has been unloaded
(which would be the only solution not to block unloading while ensuring
data is delivered even for asynchronous requests).

I'm not sure how feasibly this would be for implementors (we're talking
about a dangling connection outside of the lifecycle of the page). There is
also the question of knowing what happens when the browser is closed, not
to mention security concerns that will undoubtedly arise.

I also have no idea regarding the eventual name of this property. It's
difficult to convey the intent with a simple word.

Anyway, I agree this is a valid concern. It always bugged me. I too feel
like it makes sense to try and address this within the XHR spec.

On 13 February 2013 17:03, Jatinder Mann wrote:

  The Web Performance working group has been tracking a known poor
 performance pattern involving XHRs. 

 ** **

 We have seen cases where analytics code will block the unloading of the
 document in order to send data. To guarantee that the data is sent to their
 servers, analytics will typically register a handler on the unload 
 event,which will make a synchronous XHR call to submit the data. The 
 XHR forces the browser to delay unloading the document, and makes the next
 navigation appear to be slower. There is little the next page can do to
 avoid this perception of poor page load performance.

 ** **

 Frankly, analytics don’t have many good options. Browsers will typically
 just ignore asynchronous XHR in an unload handler. Sending the data too
 soon may mean that they miss out on some data gathering opportunities. To
 solve this problem, the Web Performance WG has included writing a Beacon
 API in its charter [1]. This API would be an interoperable means for site
 developers to asynchronously transfer data from the user agent to a web
 server, with a guarantee from the user agent that the data will be
 eventually sent.

 ** **

 However, instead of inventing a new way to send data, it may make sense to
 first explore whether we can update XHR to help in this scenario. This
 change could be as simple as adding an optional parameter to XHR, a new
 type of XHR (e.g., BeaconXHLHttpRequest), or just normative text on the
 expected user agent behavior when a synchronous XHR call is made in the
 unload event handler. 

 ** **

 How interested is this working group in taking on such work in the XHR
 Level 2 [2] specification?

 ** **



 ** **



 ** **

Re: Proposal: moving tests to GitHub

2013-01-22 Thread Julian Aubourg
I love the idea of moving to github.

The one-repo idea, while much simpler from a maintenance point of view,
could easily be a burden on users that subscribe to it. Even more so for
people who can merge PRs (and thus will receive an email for a PR
initiatedfor any spec).

Not saying it is blocking but it's something to keep in mind. Mail filters
can go a long way here but filtering out specific specs kinda defeats the
purpose of having so many eyes looking at everything.

Le mardi 22 janvier 2013, Robin Berjon a écrit :

 On 22/01/2013 17:14 , Tobie Langel wrote:

 On 1/22/13 4:45 PM, Robin Berjon wrote:

 You *do* need to make the proper commitments for the test suite, but
 those are much lighter and can easily be extended to all.

 Moving to GitHub should be an excellent occasion to revisit how the CLA
 works and provide better integration, e.g.: by using something like

 FYI we're looking at CLAHub as a possible solution for this (either
 directly or with a few modifications to tie it into our systems). No
 promises but it's on the table.

  That's why we're proposing to ditch per-WG anything here. The way
 html-testsuite is set up, we already have subdirectories for html,
 canvas2d, and microdata. Those are all from the HTML WG, but they're
 just listed as the individual specs. We can keep on adding more specs in
 there (the Web Crypto people are looking to do that).

 That sounds good to me. It's the per WG siloing I'm opposed to, not the
 one repository to rule them all idea.

 Good! Well, it looks like everyone agrees... If we're forging ahead, I
 have admin rights to the repo so you know who to prod.

 Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: CfC: publish WD of XHR; deadline November 29

2012-11-23 Thread Julian Aubourg
Hi all,

In an ideal world, Anne would be the editor of the W3C version of the spec
and that would be the end of it. Such is not the case. Anne is not the
editor of the W3C version: he doesn't edit and/or publish anything related
to the W3C XHR spec. Current editors do and while it's mostly brain-dead
copy/paste, some decisions (especially regarding spec merging) are to be
made W3C-side. Current editors also act as first-level reviewers and
actually give Anne feedback.

To be honest, I hate this situation. As far as I'm concerned, Anne *is* the
author of the XHR spec but, AFAIK, there is no standardized way to
acknowledge this in W3C documents nor does the WHATWG Licensing makes it
mandatory. As a side note, as an open source developper, I can understand
why. If the specs are on public repos and accept pull requests (or diffs,
or whatever), then the very notion of authorship becomes a bit blurry.

Anyway, I'm one of the co-editor of the W3C XHR spec and I don't claim to
be the author of anything in the spec. I'm more interested in pushing the
spec forward than achieving glory. I accepted the co-editor position to
help because help was needed. So while I empathize with the whole W3C
plagiarizes WHATWG outrage, could this conversation be held where it
belongs? That is far upper the food chain than this WG.

Now, that being said and seeing as we cannot put Anne as an editor of the
W3C version of the spec (because, technically, he's not). How do you guys
suggest we go about acknowledging the WHATWG source? Where in the spec?
How? With what kind of wording?

-- Julian Aubourg

On 23 November 2012 17:36, Adam Barth wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Glenn Adams wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
  On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Ms2ger wrote:
   On 11/22/2012 02:01 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
   TheXHR Editors  would  like to publish a new WD of XHR and this is a
   Call for  Consensus to do so using the following ED (not yet using
   WD template) as the basis
   Agreement to this proposal: a) indicates support for publishing a new
   WD; and b) does not necessarily indicate support of the contents of
   If you have any comments or concerns about this proposal, please
   to this e-mail by December 29 at the latest.
   Positive response to this CfC is preferred and encouraged and silence
   will be assumed to mean agreement with the proposal.
   I object unless the draft contains a clear pointer to the canonical
  I agree.  The W3C should not be in the business of plagiarizing the
  work of others.
  Are you claiming that the W3C is in the business of plagiarizing?

 I'm saying that the W3C (and this working group in particular) is
 taking Anne's work, without his permission, and passing it off as its
 own.  That is plagiarism, and we should not do it.

  plagiarism. n. The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and
  passing them off as one's own.
  The Status of this Document section should state clearly that this
  document is not an original work of authorship of the W3C.
  The SotD section need only refer to the working group that produced the
  document. Authorship is not noted or tracked in W3C documents.
  If Anne's work was submitted to and prepared in the context of the
  WG, then it is a product of the WG, and there is no obligation to refer
  other, prior or variant versions.
  Referring to an earlier, draft version published outside of the W3C
  does not serve any purpose nor is it required by the W3C Process.

 Legally, we are under no obligation to acknowledge Anne's work.
 However, we should be honest about the origin of the text and not try
 to pass off Anne's work as our own.

 More pointedly: plagiarism is not illegal but that doesn't mean we should
 do it.

  If there is a question on the status of the Copyright declaration of the
  material or its origin, then that should be taken up by the W3C Pubs

 My concern is not about copyright.  My concern is about passing off
 Anne's work as our own.


Re: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

2012-10-16 Thread Julian Aubourg
I tend to agree with Boris on this one.

Couldn't we simply state in the spec that browsers must add the User-Agent
header to the Vary list, all the time? That would instantly solve the
attack-from-the-cache problem, right? No need to sanitize the data, no need
to negotiate anything between both ends.

If that's the only security threat, it actually seems quite simple to

I'm still more concerned about potentially legitimate use cases of
User-Agent filtering that could lead to security breaches when removing
User-Agent from the non-modifiable list. But if no-one else feels like
there could ever be such a legitimate use-case, then I don't think we
should hold back because of this out-of-cache XSS attack: let's just
specify User-Agent has to be in Vary all the time. It's not like it will
break caching in the general case anyway.

Le mardi 16 octobre 2012, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :

 On 10/16/12 8:44 AM, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen wrote:

 xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
 xhr.setRequestHeader('User-**Agent', '--script src=**malice.js

 For what it's worth, I would have no problem sanitizing the header value
 for User-Agent if we allow script to set it, or throwing on certain values;
 I can't think of any legit use cases for values containing '', since no
 actual UAs do that.

  and then requests /publicdata/index.htm . Once the request reaches
 readyState=4, attacker's page does


 The browser has a fresh copy - loaded with the xhr request just
 milliseconds ago - and fetches the page from cache. Voila, the browser is
 now rendering a page with a link to malice.js included and
 the attacker can do whatever from the JS now running in the scope of the

 Again, Vary: User-Agent is the answer here, from the browser's point of
 view.  I agree that this would be good to discuss in a security
 implications section.  The spec could even require that responses to XHR
 with custom UA simply not be cached, if we want to play it safe.

  so the threat scenario relies on the remote server being stupid enough to
 do that and yet be careless about echoing non-sanitised User-Agent strings
 back to the page. Which is basically the negotiation scenario Julian
 earlier said he would agree to, and the reason I'm still pondering if it
 would be worth the extra complexity to allow it for cross-domain requests
 only...but this sort of cache poisoning scenario is a concern..

 Right, I agree it's a concern.  I think it's an easy one to address for
 this narrow use case.


Re: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

2012-10-16 Thread Julian Aubourg

 The point is that a browser can act as if every single server response
 included Vary: User-Agent.  And perhaps should.  Intermediary caches
 _certainly_ should.

Yes, that was my point. Do as if User-Agent was part of the Vary response

A little introduction

2012-10-11 Thread Julian Aubourg
Hi all,

My name is Julian Aubourg and I'm one of the new co-editors of the XHR spec
(together with Jungkee Song from Samsung and Hallvord R. M. Steen from

I'm a member of jQuery Core and rewrote the lib's ajax module and
implemented $.Deferred (and now $.Callbacks). I like everything async,
really ;)

As for making a living, I co-founded my own company Creative-Area ( together with yet again two people: Florent
Bourgeois and Xavier Baldacci. We make websites/webapps, from both ends,
which means I write far too much PHP and SQL for my own good.

-- Julian

Fwd: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

2012-10-11 Thread Julian Aubourg
Sorry, I've been cut by keyboard short cuts :P

... so the burden of proof is on *you*. *You* have to establish the
consequences of making a backward incompatible change. Not brush away
arguments pro, or cons, to advance your agenda. Did you ask backend devs
why they white-listed browsers? Did you try and educate them? Did you ever
encounter any sensible use-case for this? Do you really want to break a lot
of backends expectations because you don't see the reason?

You have to be very careful with breaking backward compatibility. Just look
the jQuery's bug tracker for a prime example of what happens when you do.

We don't have to prove it is useful. We just have to prove it is used and
*you* brought this up yourself. Now you want to bypass this by pretty much
hacking client-side. Please make a compelling case for it.

 I still don't fully understand the scenario(s) you have in mind.

You're confusing the script's origin with the site's origin. XHR requests
from within a script are issued with the origin of the page that the script
is included into.

Now, read back your example but suppose the attack is to be pulled against At a given time (say's peek usage time), the script issues
a gazillions requests. Bye-bye server.

That's why I took the ad example. Hack a single point of failure (the ad
server, a CDN) and you can DOS a site using the resource from network
points all over the net. While the frontend dev is free to use scripts
hosted on third-parties, the backend dev is free to add a (silly but
effective) means to limit the number of requests accepted from a browser.
Simple problem, simple solution and the spec makes it possible.

Note that this use-case has nothing to do with filtering out a specific
browser btw. Yet you would break this with the change you propose.

Maybe it's not the best of examples. But I came up with this in something
like 5 minutes. I can't imagine there are no other ways to abuse this.

 This is a way more interesting (ab)use case. You're presuming that there
are web-exposed backend
 services that are configured to only talk to other backend servers, and
use a particular magic token
 in User-Agent as authentication? If such services exist, does being able
to send a server-like UA
 from a web browser make them significantly more vulnerable than being
able to send the same string
 from a shell script?

Same as above: single point of failure. You hack into a server delivering a
shared resource and you have as many unwilling agents participating into
your attack.

So far I see that only Jaredd seems to like the idea (in this thread

 I agree with Hallvord, I cannot think of any additional *real* security
risk involved with setting the
 User-Agent header.  Particularly in a CORS situation, the server-side
will (should) already be
 authenticating the origin and request headers accordingly.  If there
truly is a compelling case for
 a server to only serve to Browser XYZ that is within scope of the open
web platform, I'd really like to
 hear tha

By that line of reasoning, I don't see why we need preflight in CORS and
specific authorisation from the server-side for content to be delivered
cross-domain. It is not *open*. After all since any backend could request
the resource without problem, why should browsers be limited?

But then again, the problem has nothing to do with CORS but with
third-party scripts that effectively steal the origin of the page that
includes them and the single point of failure problem that arises. That's
why JavaScript is as sandboxed as it is.

In all honesty, I'd love to be convinced that the change is without
consequences, but the more I think about it, the less likely it seems.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Julian Aubourg
Date: 11 October 2012 14:47
Subject: Re: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?
To: Hallvord R. M. Steen

We end up in a philosophical disagreement here :-) I'd say that whatever
 browser the user decides to use is the user's choice and the server should
 respect that.

I'm sorry but that's complete non-sense. The backend is the provider of the
data and has all the right when it comes to its distribution. If it's a
mistake on the backend's side (they filter out while they didn't intend to)
just contact the backend's maintainer and have them fix this server-side
problem... well... server-side.

You're trying to circumvent a faulty implementation server-side by breaking
a client-side related spec backward compatibility. If you can't see how
wrong the whole idea is, I'm afraid you didn't have to suffer the
consequences of such drastic changes in the past (I had to with script tag
injection and it was a just a pure client-side issue, nothing close to what
you're suggesting in term of repercussions).

 One word: legacy. For example might want to enable CORS for
 some of its content. The team that will do that won't necessarily have any

Re: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

2012-10-11 Thread Julian Aubourg
 I personally have contacted hundreds of sites for these types of issues
 over the past few years. We've done the education, outreach, evangelism,
 etc. Success rates are very low, the majority are simply ignored.

I'm sorry to hear that. I really am. Still trying to have people stop
browser sniffing client-side. :(

 I'm sorry but that's complete non-sense. The backend is the provider of the
 data and has all the right when it comes to its distribution. If it's a
 mistake on the backend's side (they filter out while they didn't intend
 just contact the backend's maintainer and have them fix this server-side
 problem... well... server-side.

 This isn't feasible. There's a whole web out there filled with legacy
 content that relies on finding the string Mozilla or Netscape, for
 example. See also the requirements for navigator.appName,
 navigator.appVersion, document.all, etc. You can't even get close to
 cleaning up the mess of legacy code out there, so you work around it. And
 history repeats itself today with magical strings like Webkit and

 What of new browsers, how do they deal with this legacy content? The same
 way that current ones do, most likely -- by pretending to be something else.

The problem is that the same reasoning can be made regarding CORS. We have
backends, today, that do not support it. I'm not convinced they actually
want to prevent Cross-Domain requests that come from the browser. Truth is
it depends on the backend. So why do we require server opt-in when it comes
to CORS? After all, it is just a limitation in the browser itself. Surely
there shouldn't be any issue given these URLs are already fetchable from a
browser provided the page origin is the same. You can even fetch them using
another backend or shell or whatever other means.

Problem is backends expect this limitation to be true. So very few actually
control anything because browsers on a page from another origin are never
supposed to request the backend. There is potential for abuse here.
Solution was to add an opt-in system. For backends that are not maintained,
behaviour is unchanged. Those that want to support CORS have to say so

If we had a mechanism to do the same thing for the fact of modifying the
UserAgent header, I wouldn't even discuss the issue. Target URL authorizes
UserAgent to be changed, browser accepts custom UserAgent, sends the
request and filtering that happened between the URL and the browser would
be bypassed (solving the problem Hallvord gave with devs working on a part
of a site and having to deal with some filtering above their heads). Could
work pretty much exactly like CORS custom headers are handled. Hell, it
could even be made generic and could potentially solve other issues.

What's proposed here is entirely different though: it's an all or nothing
approach. Now I'm just trying to see if there is no potential danger here.


  The burden of proof is on you. *You* ha

 Emphasis with asterisks seems unnecessary aggressive. Perhaps
 unintentionally so. :)

Sorry about that, not my intention at all. I'd love to be convinced and I'd
just love it if Hallvord (or anyone really) could actually pull it off. So
it's positive excitement, not negative one. I hope my answer above will
make my reasonning a bit clearer (just realized it wasn't quite clear

Re: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

2012-10-11 Thread Julian Aubourg
 Are you really saying that backend developers want to use User-Agent to
limit the
 number of requests accepted from Firefox?  (Not one user's Firefox, but
all Firefox
 users, at least of a particular version, combined.)  That doesn't make
sense at all.
 If that's not what you mean, then please clarify, because I don't know
any other way
 the User-Agent header could be used to limit requests.

A more likely scenario is a URL that only accepts a specific user agent
that is not a browser (backend). If user script can change the UserAgent,
it can request this URL repeatedly. Given it's in the browser, a shared
resource (like an ad provider or a CDN) becomes a very tempting point of

AFAIK, you don't have the same problem with PHP libs for instance (you
don't request same from a third-party server, making it a potential vector
of attack).

I'm not saying it's smart (both from the hacker's POW or the backend POW)
but I'm just being careful and trying to see if there is potential for

On 11 October 2012 16:22, Glenn Maynard wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Julian Aubourg wrote:

  I still don't fully understand the scenario(s) you have in mind.

 You're confusing the script's origin with the site's origin. XHR requests
 from within a script are issued with the origin of the page that the script
 is included into.

 Now, read back your example but suppose the attack is to be pulled
 against At a given time (say's peek usage time), the
 script issues a gazillions requests. Bye-bye server.

 I'm confused.  What does this have to do with unblacklisting the
 User-Agent header?

 That's why I took the ad example. Hack a single point of failure (the ad
 server, a CDN) and you can DOS a site using the resource from network
 points all over the net. While the frontend dev is free to use scripts
 hosted on third-parties, the backend dev is free to add a (silly but
 effective) means to limit the number of requests accepted from a browser.
 Simple problem, simple solution and the spec makes it possible.

 Are you really saying that backend developers want to use User-Agent to
 limit the number of requests accepted from Firefox?  (Not one user's
 Firefox, but all Firefox users, at least of a particular version,
 combined.)  That doesn't make sense at all.  If that's not what you mean,
 then please clarify, because I don't know any other way the User-Agent
 header could be used to limit requests.

 Glenn Maynard

Re: Shrinking existing libraries as a goal

2012-05-18 Thread Julian Aubourg
To me the biggest abomination of all is the XMLHttpRequest object:

   - the spec is probably one of the most complex I've seen
   - yet, vast portions are left to interpretations or even not specified
   at all:
  - the local filesystem comes to mind,
  - also every browser has its own specific way of notifying
  non-applicative errors (like network errors):
 - specific status,
 - unhandleable asychronously thrown exception,
 - exception thrown when accessing a field,
 - etc...

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's got to a point where the
almighty xhr bleeds through abstractions and makes it impossible to design
proper API (at least not if you want to leak memory like crazy).

Finally, fixing xhr issues always seem like low priority items in browser
bug trackers because there's always some kind of workaround, that libraries
like jQuery have to put in their code (provided it can be feature tested
which it cannot most of the time).

I've been meaning to do a test suite to help provide guidance to
implementors (something I figure would be much more useful than yet another
round of specs) but I admit I haven't got to it yet.

Dunno how people feel about this, but I think providing test suites that
browsers could test against as a way to prevent regressions and
inconsistencies could help a lot as a starting point.

2012/5/18 Yehuda Katz

 I am working on it. I was just getting some feedback on the general idea
 before I sunk a bunch of time in it.

 Keep an eye out :D

 Yehuda Katz
 (ph) 718.877.1325

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:

 Has anyone compiled an more general and easy to reference list of the
 stuff jquery has to normalize across browsers new and old?  For example,
 ready, event models in general, query selector differences, etc?
  On May 17, 2012 3:52 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Brian Kardell bkard...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Rick Waldron
  On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Brian Kardell
  So, out of curiosity - do you have a list of things?  I'm wondering
  where some efforts fall in all of this - whether they are good or bad
  on this scale, etc... For example:  querySelectorAll - it has a few
  significant differences from jQuery both in terms of what it will
  return (jquery uses getElementById in the case that someone does #,
  for example, but querySelectorAll doesn't do that if there are
  multiple instances of the same id in the tree)
  Which is an abomination for for developers to deal with, considering
 the ID
  attribute value must be unique amongst all the IDs in the element's
  subtree[1] . qSA should've been spec'ed to enforce the definition of
 an ID
  by only returning the first match for an ID selector - devs would've
  quickly how that worked; since it doesn't and since getElementById is
  faster, jQuery must take on the additional code burden, via cover
 API, in
  order to make a reasonably usable DOM querying interface. jQuery says
  you're welcome.
  and performance (this
  example illustrates both - since jQuery is doing the simpler thing in
  all cases, it is actually able to be faster (though technically not
  I'd argue that qSA, in its own contradictory specification, is not

 It has been argued in the past - I'm taking no position here, just
 noting.  For posterity (not you specifically, but for the benefit of
 those who don't follow so closely), the HTML link also references DOM
 Core, which has stated for some time that getElementById should return
 the _first_  element with that ID in the document (implying that there
 could be more than one) [a] and despite whatever CSS has said since
 day one (ids are unique in a doc) [b] a quick check in your favorite
 browser will show that CSS doesn't care, it will style all IDs that
 match.  So basically - qSA matches CSS, which does kind of make sense
 to me... I'd love to see it corrected in CSS too (first element with
 that ID if there are more than one) but it has been argued that a lot
 of stuff (more than we'd like to admit) would break.

  in some very difficult ones. Previously, this was something
  that the browser APIs just didn't offer at all -- now they offer
  but jQuery has mitigation to do in order to use them effectively
  they do not have parity.
  Yes, we're trying to reduce the amount of mitigation that is required
  libraries to implement reasonable apis. This is a multi-view
  short and long term.

 So can someone name specific items?   Would qSA / find been pretty
 high on that list?  Is it better for jQuery (specifically) that we
 have them in their current state or worse?  Just curious.

 TBH, the current state can't get any worse, though I'm sure it will.