Re: [selectors-api] Consider backporting find() behavior to querySelector()

2012-06-20 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
20.06.2012, 18:26, Lachlan Hunt
 In particular, is there really value in adding two distinct methods that
 differ only by whether they return 1 element or a collection?  Resolving
 this issue first would help with resolving the naming issue.

 It should be noted that JQuery/sizzle does not use querySelector() at
 all, AFAICS. It only uses querySelectorAll() and sometimes switches to
 .getElementById() or document.body.

The whole jQuery's paragigm of always searching all matching elements is a 
potentially big shortcoming of jQuery as for (at least) performance. It's 
natural to suppose that searching for just _first_ matching element and 
returning immediately once it's found should be much _faster_ than searching 
for _all_ matching elements (be it 100 or 1000 elements) even if we need just 
first one.

So yes, we need two separate methods: one to select first matching element and 
another one to select all matching elements. They could be united into one 
single method with an optional argument, but I doubt it would be quite handy 
and nonconfusing for using. Also, a method generally should return consistent 
result as for type of returning value, so if we had one method that always 
returns collection of elements, that would force us to often use the method 
with item accessor (like find('A')[0]) that would be redundant, unusable and 
less readable.

For example, I very like `querySelector()` and use it at least as much as (and 
maybe even more often than) `querySelectorAll()`.

Re: [selectors-api] Consider backporting find() behavior to querySelector()

2012-06-20 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
20.06.2012, 18:14, Lachlan Hunt
 4. Support for returning elements that are not descendants of the
 context object.

 This feature allows a selector to be constructed such that it matches an
 element anywhere in the tree relative to the context element. This
 feature is not relevant to document.find(), since it can already return
 anything from the whole tree.

    elm.find(+span)    // span is a sibling
    elm.find(/for/ input)  // input could be anywhere
    elm.find(:not(:scope)) // Everything except the context object

 This feature cannot be supported on Element.qSA, even when using eplicit
 :scope, because matching elements need to be descendants of the context

It's unclear why an _updated_ qSA version should have same limitation that 
matching elements need to be descendants of the context object. There is 
nothing obvious that makes h1.querySelector('+ H2') impossible to work in newer 
implementations (in older ones it would not work anyway -- to the same extent 
as `elm.querySelector(span)` that you've declared as could work).

Re: [selectors-api] Consider backporting find() behavior to querySelector()

2012-06-19 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
20.06.2012, 00:38, Tab Atkins Jr.
 On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Simon Pieters wrote:

  On Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:57:17 +0200, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu wrote:
  We have lots of shipped APIs with worse names. I think we should live with
  past mistakes, try not to make them again, and move on.

 This is not a good argument.  qSA is used often enough, and has a long
 enough name, that the name is actually a pretty significant
 misfeature.  This is a pretty core API, and both it and its precursors
 (getElementByID, etc.) are very commonly renamed by libraries
 precisely because you need a very short name for such a commonly used

There is a key difference between native functionality and one implemented as a 
library -- they quite differently relate to backward compatibility. A library 
can be rewritten partially or even entirely if needed (older applications can 
just continue using older versions of the library), while native functionality, 
once widely implemented, have to be supported forever and in fact cannot (and 
should never) be dropped. 

As for `querySelector()` in particular, its name is indeed not the best, but 
_not_ because it's too long, but because it's not quite _clear_ / 
_self-documenting_. `querySelector()` and `querySelectorAll()` should have been 
named `getElementBySelector()` and `getElementsBySelector()` instead.

In this regard, `find()` is far less clear (and even confusing) as for what it 

Re: [webcomponents] Custom Elements Spec

2012-05-04 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
Ian, it seems you are continuing to confuse two very different things:

1. local semantics;
2. extending existing elements.

They have completely different purposes. Web-developers generally do not need 
to _extend_ existing elements (purpose of such extending itself is quite 
mysterious for me).

What we need is local semantics that has more elegant code representation than 
_common_ container (SPAN or DIV) with a class. For example:


looks far better, compact, readable, and sensible than:

span class=x-lorem/span

(at the same extent as p/p is better and smarter then div class=p/div 
even if P had no any semantic sense).

Both x-lorem and span class=x-lorem have NO global semantics at all like 
that SELECT element have.

Instead, they have _local_ semantics which purpose is known exclusively for 
document author/scripts and/or consumers of the document. No any fallbacks 
needed here at all.

Some of possible additional practical benefits of custom tag-names are:

 * browsers could implement more effective markup error correction
   based on equality of tag-name of opening and closing tags;

 * microformats that would not forced to rely on classes,
   but would use tag names instead.

As for markup error correction: for example, in case of multiple nested DIVs, 
browser cannot unambiguously determine what exact DIV a closing tag is related 

!-- Closing tag for nested DIV is accidentally absent. --
/div!-- Browser wrongly thinks that parent's closing tag is for nested 
DIV. --

With custom tag-names, browser could easily determine exact element that has 
closing tag absent:

!-- Closing tag for x-ipsum is accidentally absent. --
/x-lorem!-- Browser automatically closes x-ipsum element. --

Again: local semantics (custom _tag-names_) has nothing to do with custom 
elements in their current form like select is=example.


04.05.2012, 08:19, Ian Hickson
 On Tue, 1 May 2012, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

  Custom tags vs. is attribute
  - is attribute is awkward, overly verbose
  - custom tags introduce local semantics
  - perhaps start with something as simple as reserving x- prefix on
  HTML tags for local semantics.

 Whether it's

    x-colour-picker fallback=select


    select is=colour-picker have the same level of awkwardness. The advantage of the second
 one, aside from being less ugly and generally terser, is that it actually
 has workable fallback in legacy UAs -- the first one would only work in
 UAs that supported components or at a minimum knew enough about components
 to know how the fallback mechanism worked. (Also, the first one runs the
 risk that authors would start forgetting to give a fallback, with its
 resulting implications on accessibility, search engines, etc.)

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E    )\._.,--,'``.    fL   U+263A    /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [webcomponents] Custom Elements Spec

2012-05-04 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
 So what happens in browsers that don't support components? Or in search
 engines or other data analysis tools that are trying to extract the
 semantics from the page?

Elements with custom tag-names would have EXACTLY SAME semantic (as for core 
HTML5 semantics) meaning as a common container (SPAN or DIV) with a class. No 
more and no less.

P.S. FWIW: my proposal for custom elements:

04.05.2012, 22:58, Ian Hickson
 On Fri, 4 May 2012, Marat Tanalin | wrote:

  Instead, they have _local_ semantics which purpose is known exclusively
  for document author/scripts and/or consumers of the document. No any
  fallbacks needed here at all.

 So what happens in browsers that don't support components? Or in search
 engines or other data analysis tools that are trying to extract the
 semantics from the page?

 Having elements with no well-defined semantic meaning is counter to the
 entire philosophy of the Web, IMHO. I strongly disagree that we should be
 even attempting to allow it, let alone optimising for it.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E    )\._.,--,'``.    fL   U+263A    /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Custom Tags and Local Semantics

2012-04-23 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
FWIW: my proposal (already successfully rejected) for custom elements (real 
custom elements with really arbitrary tag names allowed) in W3 bug tracker from 

BTW, it seems local semantics (what my proposal is about and what you are 
probably talking about) and element customization in its current form are 
completely different things, and the latter has nothing to do with solving the 

23.04.2012, 22:55, Dimitri Glazkov
 Eric Meyer (cc'd) posted an intriguing article about custom tags and
 local semantics:

 I must say, even though the current direction we take with Web
 Components does not involve custom tags, I still find the current,
 is attribute-based solution awkward. This keeps me wondering about
 the tradeoffs of custom tags and local semantics. In terms of
 elegance, nothing comes close to specifying an identify of a DOM
 element than the localName of the corresponding tag in markup. I know
 there are strong opinions around keeping local semantics out of the
 tag names. While I respect the owners of these opinions, I also want
 to build something _good_ with the Web Components effort.

 Given that pretty much every time I explain how is attribute works
 results in raised eyebrows and quizzical looks, I feel we need to
 revisit the notion of using custom tags for custom elements in Web

 Who would be interested in a discussion around this at the WebApps F2F
 next week? I would like to keep this discussion isolated from other
 Web Components-related topics, mostly to limit effects of the giant
 rabbit hole that is debating language semantics.


querySelectorAll() -- selecting _immediate_ children of element

2012-01-09 Thread Marat Tanalin | tanalin . com
querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods are exciting features, but they 
do not allow select _immediate_ children of reference element.

To address this lack, we could use following syntax:

var divs = refElement.querySelectorAll(' DIV');

Here 'divs' variable contains list of DIV elements that are immediate children 
(not just descendant elements) of reference element (refElement).

This syntax is extremely intuitive and BTW is supported in jQuery.

Other combinators (e.g. adjacent-sibling combinator) would have sense too, for 

var span = h1.querySelector('+ H2 SPAN');

'span' variable here contains DOM reference to SPAN elements inside H2 element 
which is next sibling of H1 element:

h2... span.../span .../h2

But fundamental missing demanded feature is ability to select _child_ elements 
of reference element ( querySelectorAll(' DIV') ).

Since usecases are purely script-level, CSSWG has nothing to do with this 
syntax. From selectors perspective, there is nothing new here: we have 
reference element (in CSS, a selector is used in place of concrete element), 
standard selector (DIV), and standard combinator between them.

An acceptable alternative to implied reference element would be using ':this' 

var divs = refElement.querySelectorAll(':this  DIV');
var span = h1.querySelector(':this + H2 SPAN');

Furthermore, :this pseudoclass would give us additional possibilities such as 
selecting descendant elements via selectors _all_ parts of which matches to 
descendants of reference element.

For example, following code will select all links that are descendants of _any_ 
paragraph (not necessarily descendants of reference element):

refElement.querySelectorAll('P A');

As opposed, this code:

refElement.querySelectorAll(':this P A');

would select links that are inside of paragraphs which _themselves_ are 
descendants of the reference element.

Probably most DRY, usable, and flexible solution would be to allow both 
syntaxes: implied reference element to use with combinators (where :this would 
be just redundant), and explicit :this to use in conjunction with descendant 
selectors (where it really gives additional useful possibilities missing in 
current querySelector spec and implementations).


P.S. The proposal has been originally posted in public-script-coord 
( ) 
but it seems public-webapps is probably more appropriate place for this.