Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Daniel Buchner
*Shouldn't we prevent such a thing? I can't redefine a button's
template.  There should be some guarantee I'm getting the same x-foo
(API, look and feel) after it's been registered. What's the use case for
swapping in a new template?*

We've come across various occasions where we have a custom element, let's
say it's an x-todo, that has multiple content/view states (not something
achievable by a simple class/style change). There may be 200 of these
elements in a summary view in the list panel of the page in question.
When the user performs an action that requires an x-todo in summary view
to display a more complex, detail view, we've found that the easiest way
to reuse elements, make the change in the least amount of code, and avoid
the cumbersome and repetitive paradigm of creating specific
x-todo-summary and x-todo-detail elements for this purpose, is to
simply have two different template elements for each view type. The views
can be radically different in structure and visual style - yet thanks to
our ability to simply swap out the template association on the specific
x-todo in question, the whole thing is a snap: myTodoElement.template =

Does this help clarify a bit?

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 10:05 PM, Eric Bidelman ericbidel...@google.comwrote:

 Have to lean towards Raf and Daniel on this one. Making a element
 registation a concern of template doesn't feel right. In this case, explicit
 structure and a few more characters is worth it.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 It's incredibly important that we agree that association of a template
 with element happens on the element side, something like: element
 template=foo-template (or by placing the template inside element, if
 that is the API we want). I don't think this part is opinion, but because
 doing the reverse - marking on the template which element it refers to
 - hinders a few valid use-cases:

- one template from being used by many different elements
- changing a template association on a single instance of an element
   - say you have an x-foo on the page that you want to switch
   template associations on, but not for every other x-foo in the 
   Wouldn't this case be far more clear cut if you could just query for 
   element and change some property? For instance: fooElement.template =
   'foo-template-2'; Boom! This particular foo element just switched 

 Shouldn't we prevent such a thing? I can't redefine a button's
 template.  There should be some guarantee I'm getting the same x-foo
 (API, look and feel) after it's been registered. What's the use case for
 swapping in a new template?


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 Here are a few (compelling?) answers/arguments:

1. Style elements had never done this before, yet it rocks socks:
style scoped
2. It would be new for script elements, but hardly new for other
elements. There are plenty of elements that have various behaviors or
visual representations only when placed inside specific elements. Given
this is already an advanced web API, I'm not sure a little upfront 
is a huge concern. We could even allow for this, given the paradigm is
already established: script scoped  *// could scope 'this' ref to
the parentNode*
3. Are you referring to template attachment here? If so, I agree,
thus the proposal I submitted allows for both ( If you want your
template automatically associated with your element, put it inside, if
not, you can specify which template a custom element should use by
reference to its ID.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM, John J Barton wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dimitri Glazkov 

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron
  Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected
 value of the
  top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

 Can you explain why you feel this way?

 1) Because script has never done this before, so it better be
 2) Because causing |this| to change by moving the script tag in the
 HTML or adding a layer of elements etc seems likely to cause hard to
 understand bugs.
 3) Forcing the binding based on position is inflexible.

 To be sure this is implicit-declarative vs explicit-imperative bias,
 not evidence.

 Oh, sorry you were asking Rick.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Erik Arvidsson
Hi Allen,

Fortunately the state of this is pretty close to what you are suggesting.
We started of with the imperative solution and then went to look at a
declarative version. At this point, the discussion got a bit side tracked.
Lets back up and see what we have for the imperative version:

class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
  insertedCallback() {
// now I'm in document
  attributeChangedCallback(name, value) {
// ...
  doFunkyThing() {
// ...

// And tell the browser about this new shiny element
document.register('my-element, MyElement);

Fast forward...

For the declarative version we want to be able to associate a template
element to be used as the shadow dom for the custom element. We went around
in circles here and this thread was an attempt to start at a different
starting point to see where we would end up.

We initially had (plus/minus irrelevant details)

element name=my-element
This is my shadow DOM
class MyElement extends HTMLElement { ... }
// We need a convenient way to register ('my-element, MyElement) here

More inline...

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 On Apr 10, 2013, at 8:47 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

  cc Allen Wirfs-Brock, Dave Herman
  Allen, Dave
  Would you mind reading back through the  thread to provide some deeper
 insight? Thanks

 ECMAScript really has a very simply concept of 'this' out-side of a
 function.  It is a reference to the global object.  In all other cases
 'this' occurs within a function body and is bound as part of a function
 innovation.  It would be a significant change to the ECMAScript semantics
 that are applied to 'this' the content of script tags.  I'm sure, it
 would only cause confusion.

Unfortunately NodeJS broke this invariant already. `this` inside a module
that has been required is a not the [[Global]] object. This has caused me a
lot of personal porting pain so I agree we must not break this invariant on
the web.

 I'm not at all up on the details and subtitles of what you are trying to
 do with your tempaltes, but regardless, I want to suggest an alternative
 approach that I'm pretty sure in the long run would be more natural for
 JavaScript programmers.

 It seems to me, what you are doing with templates is allowing user to
 define new kinds of DOM nodes and that when you stamp out  a template you
 are instantiating new instances of that kind of node.  In programming
 language terms, you are enabling markup authors to declarative define new
 classes of DOM nodes and to create instance of those classes.  The script
 behaviors you need to associate with a template are essentially the
 methods of the user defined classes.  Rather than twisting around the
 interpretation of 'this' in template script blocks and inventing other
 one-off extensions, it would be much better to recognize this class-based
 approach and just let the user define the class.

 Using ES6 syntax this could be very easy:

 template bindtotagname=my_yay
 class My_yay extends TemplatedNode {
   constructor () {
  // runs when instances are created, can create per
 instance properties
  //  can be left out if nothing special is required
whenBond(...args) {
   super(...args);   invoke default behavior inherited
 from TemplatedNode
   // my_yay specific behavior
   // in methods 'this' binds to an instance
 anotherMethods() {  // other instance methods, properties
 of My_yay.prototype
 static  anotherStaticMethods() { }  //properties of My_yay

 Many details to work out, but I hope the intent is clear.  You just define
 a JS class corresponding to the template instances. There may be a standard
 template interface with methods such as withBond that are support.  Defaut
 implementations can be provided by a built-in super class.

 This can all be expresses, but less clearly and concisely using ES3/5
 syntax.  But since we are talking about a new HTML feature, I'd recommend
 being the first major HTMLfeature to embrace ES6 class syntax.  The class
 extension in ES6 are quite stable and quite easy to implement.  I'm pretty
 sure they will begin appearing in browsers sometime in the next 6 months.
 If webcomponents takes a dependency upon them, it would probably further
 speed up their implementation.

The problem here is how do you register `My_yay` as the class that goes
with the tag name `my_yay`. One option could be to use the completion value
but it seems too magical/unreliable. It also does not scale well. I would
like us to be able to put 

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread John J Barton
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

 The problem here is how do you register `My_yay` as the class that goes
 with the tag name `my_yay`. One option could be to use the completion
 value but it seems too magical/unreliable. It also does not scale well. I
 would like us to be able to put all custom component classes in a single
 js file:

 element name=my-foo
 element name=my-bar
 element name=my-baz
 script src=my-elements.js/script

 // my-elements.js

 This calls out for a less verbose and more DRY API.

To me this seems to defeat modularity. Force me to organize all of MyFoo
JS/HTML/CSS together and separate from MyBar and MyBaz.  I already can
create a big messy pile. Help me clean up my room.


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 4/11/13 12:23 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

So why don't you make register a static method on HTMLElement and then
define the element semantics so it automatically does:

This would normally invoke the inherited static method

I lost track of something here.  Why would it do that?  Does MyElement 
have Element on its proto chain?  MyElement.prototype certainly has 
Element.prototype on _its_ proto chain, but that's a separate concern 
from what happens with the interface objects...  Is this something that 
ES6 classes define differently from current WebIDL and implementations, 
and if so, do we need to align the two somehow?


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Apr 11, 2013, at 9:32 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 4/11/13 12:23 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 So why don't you make register a static method on HTMLElement and then
 define the element semantics so it automatically does:
 This would normally invoke the inherited static method
 I lost track of something here.  Why would it do that?  Does MyElement have 
 Element on its proto chain?  MyElement.prototype certainly has 
 Element.prototype on _its_ proto chain, but that's a separate concern from 
 what happens with the interface objects...  Is this something that ES6 
 classes define differently from current WebIDL and implementations, and if 
 so, do we need to align the two somehow?

Yes ES6 has class-side inheritance.  The ES5 equivalent for:

   class Sub extends Super {
   constructor() {/*constructor body */ }
   method1 () {}
   static method2 {}


  function Sub() {/*constructor body */ }
  Sub.__proto__ = Super;
  Sub.prototype = Object.create(Super.prototype);
  Sub.prototype.method1 = function method1() {};
  Sub.method2 = function method2 () {}; looks first looks for a own property on Sub, then on Super, etc.


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 4/11/13 12:50 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Yes ES6 has class-side inheritance

OK.  Should we be doing that with WebIDL interface objects, perhaps?  It 
would certainly make sense to me to do that, as long we we don't run 
into web compat issues.


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 4/11/13 12:55 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 4/11/13 12:50 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Yes ES6 has class-side inheritance

OK.  Should we be doing that with WebIDL interface objects, perhaps?  It
would certainly make sense to me to do that, as long we we don't run
into web compat issues.

I've filed with a 
patch to do this.  The specific behavior I'm implementing is that the 
prototype of the interface object for interface X is the interface 
object of the nearest ancestor of X that has one, and Function.prototype 
if there is no such ancestor.

So for example, with that patch Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLElement) == 
Element, and Object.getPrototypeOf(XMLHttpRequest) == EventTarget.

Note that this doesn't quite match the proto chain, because 
Object.getPrototypeOf(XMLHttpRequest.prototype) is the prototype object 
for the XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface, but that interface is 


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-11 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Apr 11, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 4/11/13 12:55 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 4/11/13 12:50 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 Yes ES6 has class-side inheritance
 OK.  Should we be doing that with WebIDL interface objects, perhaps?  It
 would certainly make sense to me to do that, as long we we don't run
 into web compat issues.
 I've filed with a patch 
 to do this.  The specific behavior I'm implementing is that the prototype of 
 the interface object for interface X is the interface object of the nearest 
 ancestor of X that has one, and Function.prototype if there is no such 
 So for example, with that patch Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLElement) == 
 Element, and Object.getPrototypeOf(XMLHttpRequest) == EventTarget.
 Note that this doesn't quite match the proto chain, because 
 Object.getPrototypeOf(XMLHttpRequest.prototype) is the prototype object for 
 the XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface, but that interface is 

That sounds about right.  In ES6 you will still be able to wire-up arbitrary 
[[Prototype]] chains on both the instance and constructor-side using 
Object.create, __proto__ (now part of the standard), and ossibly crazy things 
via Proxy.  But the most concise way to define class-like abstractions is going 
to be via class declaration.  It seem quite desirable that the normal case 
for such abstractions specified via WebIDL is that they simply follow the ES6 
class pattern. Exceptions are fine for legacy or special circumstances. 


[webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
Dear Webappsonites,

There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.

First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.

== Templates Bound to Tags ==

Instead, suppose you only have a template:


Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:

1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:

template bindtotagname=my-yay

2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to


Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
transform any markup into something they can use.

Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to

== Organic Shadow Trees  ==

But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
shadowroot to the rescue:

1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:

template bindtotagname=my-yay

2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
shadow root and populate it.

Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
Shadow trees are just an option.

Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.

== Declarative Meets Imperative ==

Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:

template bindtotagname=my-yay
script runwhenbound
// runs right after document.register is triggered

So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.

In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.

== Problems ==

There are severe issues.

The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.

The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
consistent with how document.register could be used.

The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
turn out to be unintuitive.

Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
that I can't remember now.

== Plea ==

However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Scott Miles
Thank you for distilling all that down into digestible content (yum,

A couple of notes:

The 'magic script' problem has been difficult to reconcile with template,
so there is willingness to continue to use element, but ideally without
nesting template. In other words, perhaps element can be a subtype of

Where we really get into trouble is when we get into inheritance. I'm happy
to discuss this further, but I figure I will wait until people have had
time to think about your main content.


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov dglaz...@google.comwrote:

 Dear Webappsonites,

 There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
 syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
 developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
 Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.

 First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
 and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.

 == Templates Bound to Tags ==

 Instead, suppose you only have a template:


 Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
 way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
 which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:

 1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:

 template bindtotagname=my-yay

 2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
 createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to


 Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
 transform any markup into something they can use.

 Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
 document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
 object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to

 == Organic Shadow Trees  ==

 But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
 leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
 shadowroot to the rescue:

 1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:

 template bindtotagname=my-yay

 2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
 shadow root and populate it.

 Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
 about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
 Shadow trees are just an option.

 Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.

 == Declarative Meets Imperative ==

 Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:

 template bindtotagname=my-yay
 script runwhenbound
 // runs right after document.register is triggered

 So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
 small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.

 In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
 custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
 singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.

 == Problems ==

 There are severe issues.

 The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.

 The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
 consistent with how document.register could be used.

 The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
 turn out to be unintuitive.

 Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
 runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
 that I can't remember now.

 == Plea ==

 However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
 light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Scott Miles
No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting is
more important IMO).

I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then the
more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein rafa...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
  runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
  that I can't remember now.

 The following expresses the same semantics:

 element tagname=my-yay
   script runwhenbound

 I get that your proposal is fewer characters to type. Are there other

  == Plea ==
  However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
  light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Daniel Buchner
I have a counter proposal that takes into a count both the easy-to-declare,
1-to-1 case, as well as the 1-template-to-many-elements case:

I can explain the advantages a bit more in an hour or so, I just got pulled
into a meeting...le sigh.

Daniel J. Buchner
Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
Mozilla Corporation

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting is
 more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then
 the more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein rafa...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
  runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
  that I can't remember now.

 The following expresses the same semantics:

 element tagname=my-yay
   script runwhenbound

 I get that your proposal is fewer characters to type. Are there other

  == Plea ==
  However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
  light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 I have a counter proposal that takes into a count both the
 easy-to-declare, 1-to-1 case, as well as the 1-template-to-many-elements

What about CSP that forbids inline scripts?


 I can explain the advantages a bit more in an hour or so, I just got
 pulled into a meeting...le sigh.

 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting is
 more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then
 the more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein rafa...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
  runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
  that I can't remember now.

 The following expresses the same semantics:

 element tagname=my-yay
   script runwhenbound

 I get that your proposal is fewer characters to type. Are there other

  == Plea ==
  However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
  light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Daniel Buchner
*What about CSP that forbids inline

Is there any reason developers wouldn't just modify the script tag under
either method proposed to use src=link-to-non-inline-script to satisfy
CSP requirements? The proposal I submitted certainly doesn't exclude that
ability/use case (or so I thought - correct if wrong)

Daniel J. Buchner
Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
Mozilla Corporation

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 I have a counter proposal that takes into a count both the
 easy-to-declare, 1-to-1 case, as well as the 1-template-to-many-elements

 What about CSP that forbids inline scripts?


 I can explain the advantages a bit more in an hour or so, I just got
 pulled into a meeting...le sigh.

 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting
 is more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then
 the more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein 

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
  runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
  that I can't remember now.

 The following expresses the same semantics:

 element tagname=my-yay

Fwd: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
Averting thread-hijacking...

CSP is something we'll need to discuss with WebAppsSec peeps at the
upcoming F2F.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Daniel Buchner
Date: Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements
declarative syntax
To: Rick Waldron
Cc: Scott Miles, Rafael Weinstein, Dimitri Glazkov,
public-webapps, Blake Kaplan, William Chen, Boris Zbarsky, Jonas Sicking, Steve Orvell

What about CSP that forbids inline scripts?

Is there any reason developers wouldn't just modify the script tag
under either method proposed to use src=link-to-non-inline-script to
satisfy CSP requirements? The proposal I submitted certainly doesn't
exclude that ability/use case (or so I thought - correct if wrong)

Daniel J. Buchner
Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
Mozilla Corporation

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 I have a counter proposal that takes into a count both the easy-to-declare, 
 1-to-1 case, as well as the 1-template-to-many-elements case:

 What about CSP that forbids inline scripts?


 I can explain the advantages a bit more in an hour or so, I just got pulled 
 into a meeting...le sigh.

 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles wrote:

 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting is 
 more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then the 
 more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein 

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov 
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 *What about CSP that forbids inline 

 Is there any reason developers wouldn't just modify the script tag under
 either method proposed to use src=link-to-non-inline-script to satisfy
 CSP requirements? The proposal I submitted certainly doesn't exclude that
 ability/use case (or so I thought - correct if wrong)

There is nothing stopping that at all.

A bigger issue with proposal is that the global object appears to be the
element's instance object itself, which isn't going to work


 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 I have a counter proposal that takes into a count both the
 easy-to-declare, 1-to-1 case, as well as the 1-template-to-many-elements

 What about CSP that forbids inline scripts?


 I can explain the advantages a bit more in an hour or so, I just got
 pulled into a meeting...le sigh.

 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles sjmi...@google.comwrote:

 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting
 is more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then
 the more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein 

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be 

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 A bigger issue with proposal is that the global object appears to be the
 element's instance object itself, which isn't going to work


I'm not sure that `this` was supposed to be the [[Global]] object? But
agree with you, this is something that has been itching me for a while too.
I need to think a bit more about how to actually solve this issue though.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Daniel Buchner
One thing I'm wondering re template elements and the association of a
specific script with them, is what is it really doing for me? From what I
see, not much. It seems the only thing it does, is allows you to have the
generic, globally-scoped script run at a given time (via a new runwhen___
attribute) and the implicit relationship created by inclusion within the
template element itself - which is essentially no different than just
setting a global delegate in any 'ol script tag on the page.

Are there show-stopper issues with empowering the script tags inside
template elements to be a bit more powerful? (think local instance
scoping, auto template event unbinding on removal, or any other helpful
additions) If there are issues with making these script tags behave a bit
different, then what is the compelling value proposition vs something like
this: ?

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 *What about CSP that forbids inline 

 Is there any reason developers wouldn't just modify the script tag under
 either method proposed to use src=link-to-non-inline-script to satisfy
 CSP requirements? The proposal I submitted certainly doesn't exclude that
 ability/use case (or so I thought - correct if wrong)

 There is nothing stopping that at all.

 A bigger issue with proposal is that the global object appears to be the
 element's instance object itself, which isn't going to work


 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 I have a counter proposal that takes into a count both the
 easy-to-declare, 1-to-1 case, as well as the 1-template-to-many-elements

 What about CSP that forbids inline scripts?


 I can explain the advantages a bit more in an hour or so, I just got
 pulled into a meeting...le sigh.

 Daniel J. Buchner
 Product Manager, Developer Ecosystem
 Mozilla Corporation

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles sjmi...@google.comwrote:

 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting
 is more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author
 then the more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add 

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Rafael Weinstein
FWIW, I think it's a design mistake to make element registration a
concern of template.

I'd be more persuaded by the developer ergonomics argument if this was
a cost that was incurred with the usage of custom elements, but it's
not. It's only incurred with the element definition.

Separately, I may have missed it, but it seems to me that allowing
custom elements to stamp out light DOM is a new semantic, that isn't
obviously solving a problem which is either identified, or related to
web components. Did I miss earlier discussion about this?

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles wrote:
 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting is
 more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then the
 more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
  runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
  that I can't remember now.

 The following expresses the same semantics:

 element tagname=my-yay
   script runwhenbound

 I get that your proposal is fewer characters to type. Are there other

  == Plea ==
  However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
  light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Rafael Weinstein
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:
 FWIW, I think it's a design mistake to make element registration a
 concern of template.

Sorry. I over-stated my conviction here. Let me walk that back: I'm
not yet hearing sufficient justification for making element
registration a concern of template

 I'd be more persuaded by the developer ergonomics argument if this was
 a cost that was incurred with the usage of custom elements, but it's
 not. It's only incurred with the element definition.

 Separately, I may have missed it, but it seems to me that allowing
 custom elements to stamp out light DOM is a new semantic, that isn't
 obviously solving a problem which is either identified, or related to
 web components. Did I miss earlier discussion about this?

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles wrote:
 No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting is
 more important IMO).

 I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then the
 more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Dear Webappsonites,
  There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements declarative
  syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
  developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
  Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
  First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
  and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
  == Templates Bound to Tags ==
  Instead, suppose you only have a template:
  Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
  way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
  which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
  1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
  createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
  Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
  transform any markup into something they can use.
  Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call to
  document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
  object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
  == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
  But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
  leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
  shadowroot to the rescue:
  1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
  shadow root and populate it.
  Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
  about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
  Shadow trees are just an option.
  Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
  == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
  Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no problem:
  template bindtotagname=my-yay
  script runwhenbound
  // runs right after document.register is triggered
  So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
  small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
  In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
  custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
  singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.
  == Problems ==
  There are severe issues.
  The shadowroot is turning out to be super-magical.
  The bindtotagname attribute will need to be also magical, to be
  consistent with how document.register could be used.
  The stamping out, after clearly specified, may raise eyebrows and
  turn out to be unintuitive.
  Templates are supposed to be inert, but the whole script
  runwhenbound thing is strongly negating this. There's probably more
  that I can't remember now.

 The following expresses the same semantics:

 element tagname=my-yay
   script runwhenbound

 I get that your proposal is fewer characters to type. Are there other

  == Plea ==
  However, I am hopeful that you smart folk will look at this, see the
  light, tweak the idea just a bit and hit the homerun. See the light,

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Rick Waldron
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 One thing I'm wondering re template elements and the association of a
 specific script with them, is what is it really doing for me? From what I
 see, not much. It seems the only thing it does, is allows you to have the
 generic, globally-scoped script run at a given time (via a new runwhen___
 attribute) and the implicit relationship created by inclusion within the
 template element itself - which is essentially no different than just
 setting a global delegate in any 'ol script tag on the page.

I'd be interested in seeing a reasonable set of semantics defining how that
specific script tag knows what its this value is; so far I understand
that inside those script tags, |this| !== |window|.

@Erik, what about |self|? That actually makes more sense and *almost* has a
precedent in worker global scope


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Scott Miles
 mistake to make element registration a concern of template.

Raf: does that include making a new type 'element' which is a subtype of
'template', which is specifically given this concern?

 stamp out light DOM is a new semantic

This is true, it sort of appeared organically and we haven't wrestled with
it enough. We have discussed it though.

There are many libraries that use this kind of technique today, and it has
a lot of appeal because it's an easier way to on-ramp people into
web-components without hitting them over the head with shadow dom right

There was originally some zeal that this would solve inheritance issues wrt
declarative shadow dom, but all it really does is shift the problems around.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Rafael Weinstein rafa...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Rafael Weinstein
  FWIW, I think it's a design mistake to make element registration a
  concern of template.

 Sorry. I over-stated my conviction here. Let me walk that back: I'm
 not yet hearing sufficient justification for making element
 registration a concern of template

  I'd be more persuaded by the developer ergonomics argument if this was
  a cost that was incurred with the usage of custom elements, but it's
  not. It's only incurred with the element definition.
  Separately, I may have missed it, but it seems to me that allowing
  custom elements to stamp out light DOM is a new semantic, that isn't
  obviously solving a problem which is either identified, or related to
  web components. Did I miss earlier discussion about this?
  On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Scott Miles
  No, strictly ergonomic. Less nesting and less characters (less nesting
  more important IMO).
  I would also argue that there is less cognitive load on the author then
  more explicit factoring, but I believe this is subjective.
  On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Rafael Weinstein
  On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Dimitri Glazkov
   Dear Webappsonites,
   There's been a ton of thinking on what the custom elements
   syntax must look like. Here, I present something has near-ideal
   developer ergonomics at the expense of terrible sins in other areas.
   Consider it to be beacon, rather than a concrete proposal.
   First, let's cleanse your palate. Forget about the element element
   and what goes inside of it. Eat some parsley.
   == Templates Bound to Tags ==
   Instead, suppose you only have a template:
   Templates are good for stamping things out, right? So let's invent a
   way to _bind_ a template to a _tag_. When the browser sees a tag to
   which the template is bound, it stamps the template out. Like so:
   1) Define a template and bind it to a tag name:
   template bindtotagname=my-yay
   2) Whenever my-yay is seen by the parser or
   createElement/NS(my-yay) is called, the template is stamped out to
   Cool! This is immediately useful for web developers. They can
   transform any markup into something they can use.
   Behind the scenes: the presence of boundtotagname triggers a call
   document.register, and the argument is a browser-generated prototype
   object whose readyCallback takes the template and appends it to
   == Organic Shadow Trees  ==
   But what if they also wanted to employ encapsulation boundaries,
   leaving initial markup structure intact? No problem, much-maligned
   shadowroot to the rescue:
   1) Define a template with a shadow tree and bind it to a tag name:
   template bindtotagname=my-yay
   2) For each my-yay created, the template is stamped out to create a
   shadow root and populate it.
   Super-cool! Note, how the developer doesn't have to know anything
   about Shadow DOM to build custom elements (er, template-bound tags).
   Shadow trees are just an option.
   Behind the scenes: exactly the same as the first scenario.
   == Declarative Meets Imperative ==
   Now, the developer wants to add some APIs to my-yay. Sure, no
   template bindtotagname=my-yay
   script runwhenbound
   // runs right after document.register is triggered
   So-cool-it-hurts! We built a fully functional custom element, taking
   small steps from an extremely simple concept to the full-blown thing.
   In the process, we also saw a completely decoupled shadow DOM from
   custom elements in both imperative and declarative forms, achieving
   singularity. Well, or at least a high degree of consistence.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Scott Miles
  how that specific script tag knows what its this value is

I think I'm probably not answering your question, but I believe the notion
was that that script tag is handled specially by element, so it's a
script* which only ever executes in the 'scope' of element.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 One thing I'm wondering re template elements and the association of a
 specific script with them, is what is it really doing for me? From what I
 see, not much. It seems the only thing it does, is allows you to have the
 generic, globally-scoped script run at a given time (via a new runwhen___
 attribute) and the implicit relationship created by inclusion within the
 template element itself - which is essentially no different than just
 setting a global delegate in any 'ol script tag on the page.

 I'd be interested in seeing a reasonable set of semantics defining how
 that specific script tag knows what its this value is; so far I
 understand that inside those script tags, |this| !== |window|.

 @Erik, what about |self|? That actually makes more sense and *almost* has
 a precedent in worker global scope


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread John J Barton
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 @John - in my opinion, template bindtotagname=my-yay is the wrong
 direction. You should be declaring which *template* an *element* uses, not
 which element a template captures. Having templates latch onto element
 types from afar breaks the one-to-many case, prevents sane swapping of
 templates on a specific element node, and many other oddities.
 Alternatively, element template=id-of-some-template is more flexible
 and the right 'direction' for such an association that suffers none of
 those issues, at least in my opinion. Feel free to disagree or set me
 straight if anything I said is not accurate :)

I don't have any opinion on this aspect, sorry. I was only offering a
modernization of an old and not-popular-among-purists way of connecting
scripts and elements.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Eric Bidelman
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 Here are a few (compelling?) answers/arguments:

1. Style elements had never done this before, yet it rocks socks:
style scoped

Beat me to it. Another date point is @keyframes/@font-face, which are
ignored in style scoped.

So there's already precedence for behavioral changes in the brave new world
of web components. Since custom elements are fundamentally a new concept
for web development, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask developers to
expect slight differences. Familiar friends can act a little kooky now and
then :)

1. It would be new for script elements, but hardly new for other
elements. There are plenty of elements that have various behaviors or
visual representations only when placed inside specific elements. Given
this is already an advanced web API, I'm not sure a little upfront learning
is a huge concern. We could even allow for this, given the paradigm is
already established: script scoped  *// could scope 'this' ref to
the parentNode*
2. Are you referring to template attachment here? If so, I agree,
thus the proposal I submitted allows for both ( If you want your template
automatically associated with your element, put it inside, if not, you
can specify which template a custom element should use by reference to
its ID.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM, John J Barton wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dimitri Glazkov dglaz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron
  Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected value
 of the
  top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

 Can you explain why you feel this way?

 1) Because script has never done this before, so it better be
 2) Because causing |this| to change by moving the script tag in the
 HTML or adding a layer of elements etc seems likely to cause hard to
 understand bugs.
 3) Forcing the binding based on position is inflexible.

 To be sure this is implicit-declarative vs explicit-imperative bias, not

 Oh, sorry you were asking Rick.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Daniel Buchner
It's incredibly important that we agree that association of a template
with element happens on the element side, something like: element
template=foo-template (or by placing the template inside element, if
that is the API we want). I don't think this part is opinion, but because
doing the reverse - marking on the template which element it refers to
- hinders a few valid use-cases:

   - one template from being used by many different elements
   - changing a template association on a single instance of an element type
  - say you have an x-foo on the page that you want to switch
  template associations on, but not for every other x-foo in the
  Wouldn't this case be far more clear cut if you could just query for the
  element and change some property? For instance: fooElement.template =
  'foo-template-2'; Boom! This particular foo element just
switched templates.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 Here are a few (compelling?) answers/arguments:

1. Style elements had never done this before, yet it rocks socks:
style scoped
2. It would be new for script elements, but hardly new for other
elements. There are plenty of elements that have various behaviors or
visual representations only when placed inside specific elements. Given
this is already an advanced web API, I'm not sure a little upfront learning
is a huge concern. We could even allow for this, given the paradigm is
already established: script scoped  *// could scope 'this' ref to
the parentNode*
3. Are you referring to template attachment here? If so, I agree,
thus the proposal I submitted allows for both ( If you want your template
automatically associated with your element, put it inside, if not, you
can specify which template a custom element should use by reference to
its ID.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM, John J Barton wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dimitri Glazkov dglaz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron
  Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected value
 of the
  top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

 Can you explain why you feel this way?

 1) Because script has never done this before, so it better be
 2) Because causing |this| to change by moving the script tag in the
 HTML or adding a layer of elements etc seems likely to cause hard to
 understand bugs.
 3) Forcing the binding based on position is inflexible.

 To be sure this is implicit-declarative vs explicit-imperative bias, not

 Oh, sorry you were asking Rick.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Daniel Buchner
Here are a few (compelling?) answers/arguments:

   1. Style elements had never done this before, yet it rocks socks: style
   2. It would be new for script elements, but hardly new for other
   elements. There are plenty of elements that have various behaviors or
   visual representations only when placed inside specific elements. Given
   this is already an advanced web API, I'm not sure a little upfront learning
   is a huge concern. We could even allow for this, given the paradigm is
   already established: script scoped  *// could scope 'this' ref to the
   3. Are you referring to template attachment here? If so, I agree, thus
   the proposal I submitted allows for both ( If you want your template
   automatically associated with your element, put it inside, if not, you
   can specify which template a custom element should use by reference to
   its ID.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM, John J Barton

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dimitri Glazkov dglaz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron
  Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected value
 of the
  top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

 Can you explain why you feel this way?

 1) Because script has never done this before, so it better be compelling.
 2) Because causing |this| to change by moving the script tag in the HTML
 or adding a layer of elements etc seems likely to cause hard to understand
 3) Forcing the binding based on position is inflexible.

 To be sure this is implicit-declarative vs explicit-imperative bias, not

 Oh, sorry you were asking Rick.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:
 Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected value of the
 top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

Can you explain why you feel this way?


Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Rick Waldron
cc Allen Wirfs-Brock, Dave Herman

Allen, Dave

Would you mind reading back through the  thread to provide some deeper
insight? Thanks


On Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 Here are a few (compelling?) answers/arguments:

1. Style elements had never done this before, yet it rocks socks:
style scoped
2. It would be new for script elements, but hardly new for other
elements. There are plenty of elements that have various behaviors or
visual representations only when placed inside specific elements. Given
this is already an advanced web API, I'm not sure a little upfront learning
is a huge concern. We could even allow for this, given the paradigm is
already established: script scoped  *// could scope 'this' ref to
the parentNode*
3. Are you referring to template attachment here? If so, I agree,
thus the proposal I submitted allows for both ( If you want your template
automatically associated with your element, put it inside, if not, you
can specify which template a custom element should use by reference to
its ID.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM, John J Barton javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 ''); wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dimitri Glazkov 
 dglaz...@google.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron 
 waldron.r...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 
  Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected value
 of the
  top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

 Can you explain why you feel this way?

 1) Because script has never done this before, so it better be
 2) Because causing |this| to change by moving the script tag in the
 HTML or adding a layer of elements etc seems likely to cause hard to
 understand bugs.
 3) Forcing the binding based on position is inflexible.

 To be sure this is implicit-declarative vs explicit-imperative bias, not

 Oh, sorry you were asking Rick.

Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax

2013-04-10 Thread Eric Bidelman
Have to lean towards Raf and Daniel on this one. Making a element
registation a concern of template doesn't feel right. In this case, explicit
structure and a few more characters is worth it.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Daniel Buchner wrote:

 It's incredibly important that we agree that association of a template
 with element happens on the element side, something like: element
 template=foo-template (or by placing the template inside element, if
 that is the API we want). I don't think this part is opinion, but because
 doing the reverse - marking on the template which element it refers to
 - hinders a few valid use-cases:

- one template from being used by many different elements
- changing a template association on a single instance of an element
   - say you have an x-foo on the page that you want to switch
   template associations on, but not for every other x-foo in the 
   Wouldn't this case be far more clear cut if you could just query for the
   element and change some property? For instance: fooElement.template =
   'foo-template-2'; Boom! This particular foo element just switched 

 Shouldn't we prevent such a thing? I can't redefine a button's
template.  There should be some guarantee I'm getting the same x-foo
(API, look and feel) after it's been registered. What's the use case for
swapping in a new template?


 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Daniel Buchner dan...@mozilla.comwrote:

 Here are a few (compelling?) answers/arguments:

1. Style elements had never done this before, yet it rocks socks:
style scoped
2. It would be new for script elements, but hardly new for other
elements. There are plenty of elements that have various behaviors or
visual representations only when placed inside specific elements. Given
this is already an advanced web API, I'm not sure a little upfront 
is a huge concern. We could even allow for this, given the paradigm is
already established: script scoped  *// could scope 'this' ref to
the parentNode*
3. Are you referring to template attachment here? If so, I agree,
thus the proposal I submitted allows for both ( If you want your template
automatically associated with your element, put it inside, if not, you
can specify which template a custom element should use by reference to
its ID.

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 8:00 PM, John J Barton wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Dimitri Glazkov dglaz...@google.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Rick Waldron
  Everyone's answer to this should be no; changing the expected value
 of the
  top level this, in some magical way, simply won't work.

 Can you explain why you feel this way?

 1) Because script has never done this before, so it better be
 2) Because causing |this| to change by moving the script tag in the
 HTML or adding a layer of elements etc seems likely to cause hard to
 understand bugs.
 3) Forcing the binding based on position is inflexible.

 To be sure this is implicit-declarative vs explicit-imperative bias, not

 Oh, sorry you were asking Rick.