FYI, the message below just went to the list. Please follow up there.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

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From: Thomas Roessler <>
Date: 14 April 2009 13:34:12 GMT+02:00
Subject: Starting the chartering discussion -- security policy for APIs


it's about time that we start a chartering discussion. Fundamentals that we need to sort out in order to get from here to there:

- general scope of the work (and things that are out of scope)
- basic principles for the work
- deliverables and milestones
- resources
- input documents

Based on the outcomes from the workshop [1] and the notes from the mobile web breakout session at the AC meeting [2], I'd propose the following in terms of a (rough) mission and scope, and would appreciate your feed-back on this mailing list:

1. The group would be chartered to produce a framework for the expression of security policies that govern access of Web applications and widgets to security-critical APIs. To achieve this goal, the group will need to deal with the following items:

- policy expression proper
- identification of APIs
- identification of web applications and Widgets

2. Out of scope:

- concrete APIs
- policy management and discovery
- fundamental changes to JavaScript

3. Principles:

- before inventing a new policy expression language, existing languages (such as XACML) should be reviewed for suitability - the resulting policy model must be compatible with the existing same origin policy (as documented in the HTML5 specification) - the work should not be specific to either mobile or desktop environments, but may take differences between the environments into account

4. Liaisons:

- PLING (W3C Policy Languages Interest Group)
- WebApps WG
- geolocation WG
- Mobile Web Best Practices WG
- OpenAjaxAlliance

Note that this would be a good time for interested members to indicate *privately* whether they're willing to make chairing or editing resources available.

This would also be a good time for those members who presented concrete technical proposals at the workshop to indicate whether they'll be interested in putting these proposals on the table as a basis for the work proposed here.


Note: [2] is member-only; I'll circulate a publicly visible summary some time soon.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

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