Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-28 Thread Arthur Barstow

Hi Sam,

This seems like a reasonable extension to me.

A colleague asks Are there any new security concerns by putting this  
inside XHR, or is the assumption that we are not exposing anything new?

What are your thoughts on that question? I presume not exposing  
anything new given this type of functionality is already provided  
(e.g. form submission as mentioned below).

-Regards, Art Barstow

On Jul 17, 2008, at 4:14 PM, ext Sam Weinig wrote:

We would like to propose standardizing a way of using  
XMLHttpRequest to send files to the server.  We propose using a  
similar (and compatible) API to the Blob based API proposed by  
Google Gears ( 
BlobWebAPIPropsal), but instead of sending Blob objects, the File  
objects would be sent.  This will allow the common act of uploading  
files, now relegated to form submissions with an input  
type=file, to have access to ProgressEvents and the ability to  
abort mid way through.

As with the Blob API, this is reuses the File and FileList  
interfaces exposed by Mozilla (see 
docs/nsIDOMFile and 
nsIDOMFileList) in a compatible.  We are not proposing a specific  
way to get the contents of the files, but that would be a natural  
future extension.  Other potential future extensions would be  
access to the icon associated with the file.

Objects implementing the HTMLInputElement interface must also  
implement the FileHTMLInputElement interface.

interface FileHTMLInputElement {
   readonly attribute FileList files;

The files attribute must return a FileList containing all the files  
currently selected.  This list is live, and therefore updates if  
contents of the input element change.

interface FileList {
   readonly attribute unsigned long length
   [IndexGetter] File item(in unsigned long index);

Each item in the FileList is File, which is a token representation  
of file on the system.  The fileName attribute returns just the  
name and not the complete path.  The fileSize attribute returns the  
size of the file in bytes.

interface File {
   readonly attribute DOMString fileName;
   readonly attribute unsigned long long fileSize;

Sending a File can be accomplished with an extension to  
XMLHttpRequest that overrides the existing send() method.

Objects implementing the XMLHttpRequest interface must also  
implement the FileXMLHttpRequest interface.

interface FileXMLHttpRequest {
   void send(File data);

-Sam Weinig

Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-28 Thread Sam Weinig

On Jul 28, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Arthur Barstow wrote:

Hi Sam,
This seems like a reasonable extension to me.
A colleague asks Are there any new security concerns by putting  
this inside XHR, or is the assumption that we are not exposing  
anything new?
What are your thoughts on that question? I presume not exposing  
anything new given this type of functionality is already provided  
(e.g. form submission as mentioned below).

Yes, I believe that when we implemented a similar feature in mozilla  
(different API though) we came to the conclusion that it didn't  
expose anything significantly new.

There were a few differences though:
If the File object can be stored in an offline cache, this means  
that somebody could today be theoretically protected while inside a  
corporate firewall, as long as they always restart the browser  
before leaving that firewall. I.e. even if you were somehow tricked  
into choosing to upload a file, a corporate firewall could protect  
that data from ever reaching the server. However if the File object  
can be stored in a offline cache, such as localStore, then  
restarting the browser will not prevent this.

I am not sure this is a real attack vector, as the only local storage  
provided are string based, so one could not store the File object  

Same holds true if a File object can be used to directly read data  
out from the file.

This would be the real vector.

So while File upload through XHR on its own does not seem to cause  
any security issues. There are some theoretical attacks where it can  
be used in combination with other things.

However at mozilla we did not consider these new attacks likely  
enough that it prevented us from implementing the feature. The main  
line of defense is the browser UI that lets you choose a file to  
upload. If that doesn't protect the user well enough, the user is in  
the vast majority of cases compromised anyway.


/ Jonas

- Sam

Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-18 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jul 18, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

On Jul 17, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:
I have two minor concerns with this proposal, both in the cases  

it differs from Gears:

1. Combining the concepts of 'large chunk of binary data' and 'file'
seems unnecessarily coupled to me. It seems likely that in the  

the first concept would be useful in the web api by itself. For
example, in Gears, we have a xhr.responseBlob property. Having a
fileName property here would not always make sense.

I agree! But this proposal doesn't include a concept of 'large  
chunk of
binary data', only a concept of 'file'. It just lets you send the  
without first turning it into a chunk of binary data. We're not  
that the File object should be a generic representation for any  
binary data,

just that it should be sendable via XHR directly.

So you're saying that in the future XHR.send() could be overloaded to
take blob as an argument too? I guess another way to handle it would
be with inheritance -- File could implement Blob, and then you could
change XHR.send() to take Blob instead of File. Either of these are
fine with me.

XHR.send() already takes many things, so one extra overload is not a  
big deal. I can imagine a future design making File be a kind of Blob  
instead of having a Blob as in gears, but the idea is that we don't  
all have to agree on that now.

2. The slice() method seems important for the initial version,
particularly if you are targeting the large upload use case. We use
this to cut up a large file into smaller pieces so that they can be
uploaded individually. This makes the upload resilient and also  

the UI to show progress on the upload.

So far the other requests we have had for this functionality have  
not needed
slicing capability, but nothing in our proposal precludes adding it  

adding it in a way that's identical to the Gears proposal would be

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Sam Weinig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Upload progress is possible without manually slicing using the new  

progress events proposed in the XMLHttpRequest Level 2 spec.

Sam's point is good. I forgot that we actually have this in Gears
mainly for resumability of large uploads, not for progress (we have
implemented upload progress too).

I can understand this is less necessary for the initial version.

I wonder if it is possible to make resumability more automatic,  
somewhat like the way If-Range is used to do resumable downloads. But  
manual slicing does seem like an ok solution.


Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-17 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jul 17, 2008, at 1:23 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

Is the only difference from the Gears proposal the name of the object
(File) and the lack of reading APIs initially?

The Gears proposal has a File object too, as does Mozilla's extension.  
We are proposing making the File object usable directly as an XHR  
body, so that we can all support file upload through XHR interoperably  
without first having to agree on the mechanisms for reading file  
contents and representing binary data (which are different between  
Gears and Mozilla).

File upload through XHR is useful even without a means to read the  
data client-side, because combined with progress events it can provide  
in-page progress UI with info for multiple files, which is quite a bit  
better than what you get with form submission. Currently some web apps  
use Flash for uploads solely to enable progress UI.

As Sam mentioned, overloading send() to take a File does not preclude  
later overloading it to take a Blob or ByteArray or any other kind of  
object representing raw data.


- a

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Sam Weinig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We would like to propose standardizing a way of using  
XMLHttpRequest to send
files to the server.  We propose using a similar (and compatible)  
API to the

Blob based API proposed by Google Gears
(, but  
instead of
sending Blob objects, the File objects would be sent.  This will  
allow the
common act of uploading files, now relegated to form submissions  
with an
input type=file, to have access to ProgressEvents and the  
ability to

abort mid way through.
As with the Blob API, this is reuses the File and FileList interfaces
exposed by Mozilla
(see and
in a compatible.  We are not proposing a specific way to get the  
contents of
the files, but that would be a natural future extension.  Other  
future extensions would be access to the icon associated with the  

Objects implementing the HTMLInputElement interface must also  
implement the

FileHTMLInputElement interface.
interface FileHTMLInputElement {
  readonly attribute FileList files;

The files attribute must return a FileList containing all the files
currently selected.  This list is live, and therefore updates if  
contents of

the input element change.
interface FileList {
  readonly attribute unsigned long length
  [IndexGetter] File item(in unsigned long index);

Each item in the FileList is File, which is a token representation  
of file
on the system.  The fileName attribute returns just the name and  
not the
complete path.  The fileSize attribute returns the size of the file  

interface File {
  readonly attribute DOMString fileName;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long fileSize;

Sending a File can be accomplished with an extension to  
XMLHttpRequest that

overrides the existing send() method.
Objects implementing the XMLHttpRequest interface must also implement
the FileXMLHttpRequest interface.
interface FileXMLHttpRequest {
  void send(File data);

-Sam Weinig

Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-17 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Gears proposal has a File object too, as does Mozilla's extension. We
 are proposing making the File object usable directly as an XHR body, so that
 we can all support file upload through XHR interoperably without first
 having to agree on the mechanisms for reading file contents and representing
 binary data (which are different between Gears and Mozilla).

Right, I see the difference now. It is basically:

Gears proposal:

WebKit proposal:

 File upload through XHR is useful even without a means to read the data
 client-side, because combined with progress events it can provide in-page
 progress UI with info for multiple files, which is quite a bit better than
 what you get with form submission. Currently some web apps use Flash for
 uploads solely to enable progress UI.

Yup, this is the main reason we proposed this API. Reading the data is
secondary and is not implemented in Gears today or planned for the
near term.

I have two minor concerns with this proposal, both in the cases where
it differs from Gears:

1. Combining the concepts of 'large chunk of binary data' and 'file'
seems unnecessarily coupled to me. It seems likely that in the future
the first concept would be useful in the web api by itself. For
example, in Gears, we have a xhr.responseBlob property. Having a
fileName property here would not always make sense.

2. The slice() method seems important for the initial version,
particularly if you are targeting the large upload use case. We use
this to cut up a large file into smaller pieces so that they can be
uploaded individually. This makes the upload resilient and also allows
the UI to show progress on the upload.

- a

Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-17 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jul 17, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
The Gears proposal has a File object too, as does Mozilla's  
extension. We
are proposing making the File object usable directly as an XHR  
body, so that
we can all support file upload through XHR interoperably without  
having to agree on the mechanisms for reading file contents and  

binary data (which are different between Gears and Mozilla).

Right, I see the difference now. It is basically:

Gears proposal:

WebKit proposal:

File upload through XHR is useful even without a means to read the  
client-side, because combined with progress events it can provide  
progress UI with info for multiple files, which is quite a bit  
better than
what you get with form submission. Currently some web apps use  
Flash for

uploads solely to enable progress UI.

Yup, this is the main reason we proposed this API. Reading the data is
secondary and is not implemented in Gears today or planned for the
near term.

I have two minor concerns with this proposal, both in the cases where
it differs from Gears:

1. Combining the concepts of 'large chunk of binary data' and 'file'
seems unnecessarily coupled to me. It seems likely that in the future
the first concept would be useful in the web api by itself. For
example, in Gears, we have a xhr.responseBlob property. Having a
fileName property here would not always make sense.

I agree! But this proposal doesn't include a concept of 'large chunk  
of binary data', only a concept of 'file'. It just lets you send the  
file without first turning it into a chunk of binary data. We're not  
proposing that the File object should be a generic representation for  
any binary data, just that it should be sendable via XHR directly.

2. The slice() method seems important for the initial version,
particularly if you are targeting the large upload use case. We use
this to cut up a large file into smaller pieces so that they can be
uploaded individually. This makes the upload resilient and also allows
the UI to show progress on the upload.

So far the other requests we have had for this functionality have not  
needed slicing capability, but nothing in our proposal precludes  
adding it (even adding it in a way that's identical to the Gears  
proposal would be possible).


Re: Proposal for an extension XMLHttpRequest to allow sending files

2008-07-17 Thread Sam Weinig

2. The slice() method seems important for the initial version,
particularly if you are targeting the large upload use case. We use
this to cut up a large file into smaller pieces so that they can be
uploaded individually. This makes the upload resilient and also allows
the UI to show progress on the upload.

Upload progress is possible without manually slicing using the new  
upload progress events proposed in the XMLHttpRequest Level 2 spec.
