Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-23 Thread Mark Pilgrim
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

 Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
 that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
 (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
 in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
 mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

 For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
 is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
 generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
 existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
 be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
 it hasn't happened yet.

 If there is agreement that new APIs should throw for omitted
 non-optional parameters, then it seems clear that WebIDL should use
 that behavior.

 That leaves the work for safari (and possibly other webkit devs) to go
 through and mark parameters as [optional] in their IDL. Possibly also
 filing bugs for cases where you want the relevant spec to actually
 make the argument optional. I realize that this is a large amount of
 work, but this is exactly what we have asked in particular of
 microsoft in the past which has been in a similar situation of large
 divergence from the DOM specs, and large bodies of existing content
 which potentially can depend on IE specific behavior.

 Think folks are agreed that's the path we should follow.  My only
 concern is that we don't have anyone signed up to do the work on the
 WebKit side.

 Just to update this thread, Mark Pilgrim has stepped forward to get
 the ball rolling on this work, so WebKit is making progress on this

I'm happy to report that WebKit's implementation of IndexedDB now
follows WebIDL and throws TypeError on all functions when called with
missing required arguments. We have grandfathered in all existing IDL
files to use the old, looser code generator, but we are actively
working on migrating *all* 521 IDL files to use the new, stricter
generator (with [Optional] flags in places where we can't break
compatibility). IndexedDB is the first success in this process; as an
experimental API, we feel no need to maintain compatibility and have
opted for the stricter semantics everywhere, matching the WebIDL and
IndexedDB specs exactly. Next will be other experimental APIs like the
web audio API and the File API, where we hope to have similar levels
of success.


Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-23 Thread timeless

On 6/23/11, Mark Pilgrim wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 2:35 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom”
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

 Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
 that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
 (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
 in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
 mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

 For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
 is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
 generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
 existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
 be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
 it hasn't happened yet.

 If there is agreement that new APIs should throw for omitted
 non-optional parameters, then it seems clear that WebIDL should use
 that behavior.

 That leaves the work for safari (and possibly other webkit devs) to go
 through and mark parameters as [optional] in their IDL. Possibly also
 filing bugs for cases where you want the relevant spec to actually
 make the argument optional. I realize that this is a large amount of
 work, but this is exactly what we have asked in particular of
 microsoft in the past which has been in a similar situation of large
 divergence from the DOM specs, and large bodies of existing content
 which potentially can depend on IE specific behavior.

 Think folks are agreed that's the path we should follow.  My only
 concern is that we don't have anyone signed up to do the work on the
 WebKit side.

 Just to update this thread, Mark Pilgrim has stepped forward to get
 the ball rolling on this work, so WebKit is making progress on this

 I'm happy to report that WebKit's implementation of IndexedDB now
 follows WebIDL and throws TypeError on all functions when called with
 missing required arguments. We have grandfathered in all existing IDL
 files to use the old, looser code generator, but we are actively
 working on migrating *all* 521 IDL files to use the new, stricter
 generator (with [Optional] flags in places where we can't break
 compatibility). IndexedDB is the first success in this process; as an
 experimental API, we feel no need to maintain compatibility and have
 opted for the stricter semantics everywhere, matching the WebIDL and
 IndexedDB specs exactly. Next will be other experimental APIs like the
 web audio API and the File API, where we hope to have similar levels
 of success.


Sent from my mobile device

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-23 Thread Cameron McCormack
Mark Pilgrim:
 I'm happy to report that WebKit's implementation of IndexedDB now
 follows WebIDL and throws TypeError on all functions when called with
 missing required arguments. We have grandfathered in all existing IDL
 files to use the old, looser code generator, but we are actively
 working on migrating *all* 521 IDL files to use the new, stricter
 generator (with [Optional] flags in places where we can't break
 compatibility). IndexedDB is the first success in this process; as an
 experimental API, we feel no need to maintain compatibility and have
 opted for the stricter semantics everywhere, matching the WebIDL and
 IndexedDB specs exactly. Next will be other experimental APIs like the
 web audio API and the File API, where we hope to have similar levels
 of success.

Great work!  I’m really happy to see some of the more complex
requirements of Web IDL start to get implemented, so that we can find
out sooner whether there are any problems that require spec changes.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-19 Thread Adam Barth
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

 Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
 that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
 (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
 in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
 mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

 For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
 is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
 generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
 existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
 be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
 it hasn't happened yet.

 If there is agreement that new APIs should throw for omitted
 non-optional parameters, then it seems clear that WebIDL should use
 that behavior.

 That leaves the work for safari (and possibly other webkit devs) to go
 through and mark parameters as [optional] in their IDL. Possibly also
 filing bugs for cases where you want the relevant spec to actually
 make the argument optional. I realize that this is a large amount of
 work, but this is exactly what we have asked in particular of
 microsoft in the past which has been in a similar situation of large
 divergence from the DOM specs, and large bodies of existing content
 which potentially can depend on IE specific behavior.

 Think folks are agreed that's the path we should follow.  My only
 concern is that we don't have anyone signed up to do the work on the
 WebKit side.

Just to update this thread, Mark Pilgrim has stepped forward to get
the ball rolling on this work, so WebKit is making progress on this


 FWIW, I'd be happy to do the same to align Gecko behavior with specs
 when needed. For example I thought we were going to end up having to
 do that to make null coerce to null by default for DOMString
 arguments. It appears that in that case the WebIDL behavior changed to
 align with Gecko, which I think is unfortunate, and so it doesn't look
 like this change will have to happen (I used to argue otherwise in the
 past, but I've come around to the idea that aligning with JS behavior
 is more important, even when I'm not a fan of JS behavior).

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
far as I can remember.

 We saw that happen with addEventListener.

The reason we made the last argument optional for addEventListener
wasn't that we had compatibility problems, but rather that it seemed
like a good idea as the argument is almost always set to false, and
being the last argument, making it optional works great.

The fact that webkit already had this behavior was only discussed tangentially.

 Jonas Sicking:
 This is why it surprises me of WebIDL specifies WebKit behavior as the
 compliant behavior as Cameron seems to indicate.

 In the spec right now it’s listed as an open issue, and it was the
 WebKit behaviour that I was going to specify to resolve the issue this
 week.  (So it’s not what the spec currently says.)  This is what I
 mentioned in
 although I didn’t get any pushback then.  I am happy to keep discussing
 it but I would like to settle on a solution soon.

 So I guess you are arguing for “throw if too few arguments are passed,
 ignore any extra arguments”.

Yes. In fact, unless someone can show that the web depends on the
currently specced behavior, I don't see a reason to change Gecko.

 When we have overloads like

  void f(in long x);
  void f(in long x, in long y, in long z);

 we’d need to decide whether f(1, 2) throws or is considered a call to
 the first f with an extra, ignored argument.  The former seems more
 consistent to me.

I agree, throwing seem better as it's more likely a bug on the callers
part. Or at the very least ambiguous which behavior they want which
means it's better to throw.

/ Jonas

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Adam Barth
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
(which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
it hasn't happened yet.


 We saw that happen with addEventListener.

 The reason we made the last argument optional for addEventListener
 wasn't that we had compatibility problems, but rather that it seemed
 like a good idea as the argument is almost always set to false, and
 being the last argument, making it optional works great.

 The fact that webkit already had this behavior was only discussed 

 Jonas Sicking:
 This is why it surprises me of WebIDL specifies WebKit behavior as the
 compliant behavior as Cameron seems to indicate.

 In the spec right now it’s listed as an open issue, and it was the
 WebKit behaviour that I was going to specify to resolve the issue this
 week.  (So it’s not what the spec currently says.)  This is what I
 mentioned in
 although I didn’t get any pushback then.  I am happy to keep discussing
 it but I would like to settle on a solution soon.

 So I guess you are arguing for “throw if too few arguments are passed,
 ignore any extra arguments”.

 Yes. In fact, unless someone can show that the web depends on the
 currently specced behavior, I don't see a reason to change Gecko.

 When we have overloads like

  void f(in long x);
  void f(in long x, in long y, in long z);

 we’d need to decide whether f(1, 2) throws or is considered a call to
 the first f with an extra, ignored argument.  The former seems more
 consistent to me.

 I agree, throwing seem better as it's more likely a bug on the callers
 part. Or at the very least ambiguous which behavior they want which
 means it's better to throw.

 / Jonas

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Adam Barth
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

 Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
 that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
 (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
 in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
 mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

 For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
 is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
 generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
 existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
 be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
 it hasn't happened yet.

Here's the bug:

Sample opinion from one of the project leaders:

Like other such sweeping changes, it’s highly likely there is some
content unwittingly depends on our old behavior. All a programmer has
to do is forget one argument to a function, and the program gets an
exception whereas before it would keep running. If it’s code or a code
path that was never tested with engines other than WebKit then this
could easily be overlooked.

Thus this change is almost certain to break Safari-only code paths
or even WebKit-only ones on at least some websites, Dashboard
widgets, Mac OS X applications, iPhone applications, and iTunes Store
content. Other than that, I’m all for it!


 We saw that happen with addEventListener.

 The reason we made the last argument optional for addEventListener
 wasn't that we had compatibility problems, but rather that it seemed
 like a good idea as the argument is almost always set to false, and
 being the last argument, making it optional works great.

 The fact that webkit already had this behavior was only discussed 

 Jonas Sicking:
 This is why it surprises me of WebIDL specifies WebKit behavior as the
 compliant behavior as Cameron seems to indicate.

 In the spec right now it’s listed as an open issue, and it was the
 WebKit behaviour that I was going to specify to resolve the issue this
 week.  (So it’s not what the spec currently says.)  This is what I
 mentioned in
 although I didn’t get any pushback then.  I am happy to keep discussing
 it but I would like to settle on a solution soon.

 So I guess you are arguing for “throw if too few arguments are passed,
 ignore any extra arguments”.

 Yes. In fact, unless someone can show that the web depends on the
 currently specced behavior, I don't see a reason to change Gecko.

 When we have overloads like

  void f(in long x);
  void f(in long x, in long y, in long z);

 we’d need to decide whether f(1, 2) throws or is considered a call to
 the first f with an extra, ignored argument.  The former seems more
 consistent to me.

 I agree, throwing seem better as it's more likely a bug on the callers
 part. Or at the very least ambiguous which behavior they want which
 means it's better to throw.

 / Jonas

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

 Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
 that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
 (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
 in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
 mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

 For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
 is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
 generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
 existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
 be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
 it hasn't happened yet.

If there is agreement that new APIs should throw for omitted
non-optional parameters, then it seems clear that WebIDL should use
that behavior.

That leaves the work for safari (and possibly other webkit devs) to go
through and mark parameters as [optional] in their IDL. Possibly also
filing bugs for cases where you want the relevant spec to actually
make the argument optional. I realize that this is a large amount of
work, but this is exactly what we have asked in particular of
microsoft in the past which has been in a similar situation of large
divergence from the DOM specs, and large bodies of existing content
which potentially can depend on IE specific behavior.

FWIW, I'd be happy to do the same to align Gecko behavior with specs
when needed. For example I thought we were going to end up having to
do that to make null coerce to null by default for DOMString
arguments. It appears that in that case the WebIDL behavior changed to
align with Gecko, which I think is unfortunate, and so it doesn't look
like this change will have to happen (I used to argue otherwise in the
past, but I've come around to the idea that aligning with JS behavior
is more important, even when I'm not a fan of JS behavior).

/ Jonas

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

Actually there was a compatibility problem with one site, and that's what
triggered us to make the third parameter of addEventListener optional:

Yes. In fact, unless someone can show that the web depends on the
 currently specced behavior, I don't see a reason to change Gecko.

I don't know of any other examples other than that one site, so I wouldn't
say we have evidence that the Web depends on the currently specced
behavior. I think we can hold the line unless more compatibility issues

I think Ojan's request to make more parameters explicitly optional here:
is a great idea and we should do that no matter what.

Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for
they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures
every day to see if what Paul said was true. [Acts 17:11]

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Adam Barth
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

 What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
 without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
 looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
 so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
 there now.

 I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
 behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but it's
 not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at mozilla as
 far as I can remember.

 Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
 that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some bug
 (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the value
 in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk (e.g., in
 mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and

 For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I agree
 is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into the code
 generator and make it the default (and then to special-case all the
 existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's a big job that needs to
 be done carefully and I've got other higher priority things to do, so
 it hasn't happened yet.

 If there is agreement that new APIs should throw for omitted
 non-optional parameters, then it seems clear that WebIDL should use
 that behavior.

 That leaves the work for safari (and possibly other webkit devs) to go
 through and mark parameters as [optional] in their IDL. Possibly also
 filing bugs for cases where you want the relevant spec to actually
 make the argument optional. I realize that this is a large amount of
 work, but this is exactly what we have asked in particular of
 microsoft in the past which has been in a similar situation of large
 divergence from the DOM specs, and large bodies of existing content
 which potentially can depend on IE specific behavior.

Think folks are agreed that's the path we should follow.  My only
concern is that we don't have anyone signed up to do the work on the
WebKit side.

 FWIW, I'd be happy to do the same to align Gecko behavior with specs
 when needed. For example I thought we were going to end up having to
 do that to make null coerce to null by default for DOMString
 arguments. It appears that in that case the WebIDL behavior changed to
 align with Gecko, which I think is unfortunate, and so it doesn't look
 like this change will have to happen (I used to argue otherwise in the
 past, but I've come around to the idea that aligning with JS behavior
 is more important, even when I'm not a fan of JS behavior).


RE: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-13 Thread Israel Hilerio
In IE9 we throw an  Argument not optional TypeError when calling 
document.getElementById() without parameters.
We're planning to follow this model for IndexedDB and continue to throw a 
TypeError [1].  This seems in line with the results of this


 On Monday, June 13, 2011 9:41 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
  On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
   On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Adam Barth
   On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 11:19 PM, Jonas Sicking
   On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
   Adam Barth:
WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change
the default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've
been busy.  :(
   What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this
   change without breaking sites?  One of the advantages of
   specifying the looser approach is that it's further down the race to
 the bottom
   hill, so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as
   well jump there now.
   I can't remember getting a single bug filed on Geckos current
   behavior. There probably have been some which I've missed, but
   it's not a big enough problem that it's ever been discussed at
   mozilla as far as I can remember.
   Unfortunately, there's a bunch of WebKit-dominate content out there
   that folks are afraid to break.  We discussed this topic on some
   bug (which I might be able to dig up).  The consensus was that the
   value in tightening this for old APIs wasn't worth the compat risk
   (e.g., in mobile and in Mac applications such as Dashboard and
   For new APIs, of course, we can do the tighter things (which I
   agree is more aesthetic).  It mostly requires someone to go into
   the code generator and make it the default (and then to
   special-case all the existing APIs).  I'd like to do that, but it's
   a big job that needs to be done carefully and I've got other higher
   priority things to do, so it hasn't happened yet.
   If there is agreement that new APIs should throw for omitted
   non-optional parameters, then it seems clear that WebIDL should use
   that behavior.
   That leaves the work for safari (and possibly other webkit devs) to
   go through and mark parameters as [optional] in their IDL. Possibly
   also filing bugs for cases where you want the relevant spec to
   actually make the argument optional. I realize that this is a large
   amount of work, but this is exactly what we have asked in particular
   of microsoft in the past which has been in a similar situation of
   large divergence from the DOM specs, and large bodies of existing
   content which potentially can depend on IE specific behavior.
  Think folks are agreed that's the path we should follow.  My only
  concern is that we don't have anyone signed up to do the work on the
 WebKit side.
   FWIW, I'd be happy to do the same to align Gecko behavior with specs
   when needed. For example I thought we were going to end up having to
   do that to make null coerce to null by default for DOMString
   arguments. It appears that in that case the WebIDL behavior changed
   to align with Gecko, which I think is unfortunate, and so it doesn't
   look like this change will have to happen (I used to argue otherwise
   in the past, but I've come around to the idea that aligning with JS
   behavior is more important, even when I'm not a fan of JS behavior).

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Mark Pilgrim:
 What about setVersion() with no arguments? I ask because WebKit
 currently treats it like setVersion(undefined) and I'm in the
 process of fixing it in about 19 places.

 That’s the right behaviour.

 Huh?? At least in the Gecko DOM implementation we always throw an
 exception if too few parameters are defined. Only if parameters are
 explicitly marked as [optional] are you allowed to not include them. I
 was under the impression that this was the case in most DOM
 implementations, with notable exception of webkit.

 WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
 default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

This is why it surprises me of WebIDL specifies WebKit behavior as the
compliant behavior as Cameron seems to indicate.

/ Jonas

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-12 Thread Cameron McCormack
Mark Pilgrim:
 That is highly unintuitive. What's the point of listing the argument as not
 optional if it is, in fact, completely optional?

It’s not optional in that if there were another method of the same name
which doesn’t have that argument, you can distinguish between the two
calls.  For example if you had:

  void f();
  void f(in DOMString s);

then in JS if you called obj.f() it would behave as described for the
first method, and if you called obj.f(undefined) or obj.f(whatever) it
would behave as described for the second method.

If you had

  void f(in optional DOMString);

then prose describing the behaviour of f could distinguish between
obj.f() and obj.f(undefined).

And if you had

  void f();
  void f(in optional DOMString);

then it’d be ambiguous which one you’re calling with obj.f().

It’s also not optional in language bindings where function calls and
declarations are stricter than in JS.

But you are right that it’s confusing if you just have a single method

  void f(in DOMString s);

since clearly you can call obj.f() in JS and it won’t throw a TypeError.

 (For that matter, why list it as non-nullable if null is treated like
 the empty string and the empty string is an acceptable value?)

The “non-nullableness” is really a property of the type, not the
argument, and it means whether null is one of the valid values of the
type or not.  So at the IDL level, the value can’t be null.  If in JS
you pass in null, the default coercion behaviour is to turn that into
.  For arguments of type DOMString, you can pass in pretty much any
kind of value in JS and it’ll get stringified in some way.

Jonas Sicking:
 Huh?? At least in the Gecko DOM implementation we always throw an
 exception if too few parameters are defined. Only if parameters
 are explicitly marked as [optional] are you allowed to not include
 them. I was under the impression that this was the case in most DOM
 implementations, with notable exception of webkit.

WebKit and Chrome, I think, which have independent JS binding code.

Adam Barth:
  WebKit is looser in this regard.  We probably should change the
  default for new IDL, but it's a delicate task and I've been busy.  :(

What about for old IDL?  Do you feel that you can make this change
without breaking sites?  One of the “advantages” of specifying the
looser approach is that it’s further down the “race to the bottom” hill,
so if we are going to tend towards it eventually we may as well jump
there now.  We saw that happen with addEventListener.

Jonas Sicking:
 This is why it surprises me of WebIDL specifies WebKit behavior as the
 compliant behavior as Cameron seems to indicate.

In the spec right now it’s listed as an open issue, and it was the
WebKit behaviour that I was going to specify to resolve the issue this
week.  (So it’s not what the spec currently says.)  This is what I
mentioned in
although I didn’t get any pushback then.  I am happy to keep discussing
it but I would like to settle on a solution soon.

So I guess you are arguing for “throw if too few arguments are passed,
ignore any extra arguments”.  When we have overloads like

  void f(in long x);
  void f(in long x, in long y, in long z);

we’d need to decide whether f(1, 2) throws or is considered a call to
the first f with an extra, ignored argument.  The former seems more
consistent to me.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-11 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Mark Pilgrim:
 What about setVersion() with no arguments? I ask because WebKit
 currently treats it like setVersion(undefined) and I'm in the
 process of fixing it in about 19 places.

 That’s the right behaviour.

Huh?? At least in the Gecko DOM implementation we always throw an
exception if too few parameters are defined. Only if parameters are
explicitly marked as [optional] are you allowed to not include them. I
was under the impression that this was the case in most DOM
implementations, with notable exception of webkit.

/ Jonas

RE: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Pilgrim
On Jun 10, 2011 6:56 PM, Eliot Graff wrote:

   Are we saying that we should remove the TreatNullAs=EmptyString and
  keep the parameter restriction that version cannot be nullable?
  I think we should remove any extended attributes from the IDL and just
  the default behavior. It is much less important to me what the actual
  behavior is, than that we use the default behavior which presumably is
  most common behavior.
  So, yes :)
  / Jonas

 I removed [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] from IDBDatabase.setVersion() and

Wait, does this mean that setVersion(null) is the same as

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-10 Thread Cameron McCormack
Mark Pilgrim:
 Wait, does this mean that setVersion(null) is the same as

It means it’s the same as setVersion(), per the recent changes to Web
IDL which make that the default stringification of null.  (To get the
opposite behaviour, you now need to specify [TreatNullAs=String].)

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Pilgrim
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Mark Pilgrim:
 Wait, does this mean that setVersion(null) is the same as

 It means it’s the same as setVersion(), per the recent changes to Web
 IDL which make that the default stringification of null.

What about setVersion() with no arguments? I ask because WebKit
currently treats it like setVersion(undefined) and I'm in the
process of fixing it in about 19 places.

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-10 Thread Cameron McCormack
Mark Pilgrim:
 What about setVersion() with no arguments? I ask because WebKit
 currently treats it like setVersion(undefined) and I'm in the
 process of fixing it in about 19 places.

That’s the right behaviour.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-10 Thread Mark Pilgrim
On Jun 10, 2011 8:13 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

 Mark Pilgrim:
  What about setVersion() with no arguments? I ask because WebKit
  currently treats it like setVersion(undefined) and I'm in the
  process of fixing it in about 19 places.

 That’s the right behaviour.

That is highly unintuitive. What's the point of listing the argument as not
optional if it is, in fact, completely optional? (For that matter, why list
it as non-nullable if null is treated like the empty string and the empty
string is an acceptable value?)

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Jeremy Orlow
We should probably just remove the special case.  I believe WebIDL specifies
that a null would then turn into the string null.  This is what we've done
pretty much everywhere else I believe.


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Israel Hilerio isra...@microsoft.comwrote:

 The parameter of IDBDatabase.setVersion is defined in the WebIDL as
 [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] but in the method definition it says that the
 parameter cannot be nullable.  Do we want to enable null values?


Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Jonas Sicking
Actually, WebIDL just changed from turning null into null to turning
null into . Turns out that a bunch of functions depended on that
behavior and so it seems like that's what we'll be stuck with.

In any case, I think IndexedDB should be silent on the issue and
simply rely on WebIDL defaults. That should give the most consistent
behavior to most other DOM functions.

/ Jonas

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:
 We should probably just remove the special case.  I believe WebIDL specifies
 that a null would then turn into the string null.  This is what we've done
 pretty much everywhere else I believe.

 On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Israel Hilerio

 The parameter of IDBDatabase.setVersion is defined in the WebIDL as
 [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] but in the method definition it says that the
 parameter cannot be nullable.  Do we want to enable null values?


RE: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Israel Hilerio
On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:13 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 Actually, WebIDL just changed from turning null into null to turning null
 into . Turns out that a bunch of functions depended on that behavior and
 so it seems like that's what we'll be stuck with.
 In any case, I think IndexedDB should be silent on the issue and simply rely
 on WebIDL defaults. That should give the most consistent behavior to most
 other DOM functions.
 / Jonas
 On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Jeremy Orlow
  We should probably just remove the special case.  I believe WebIDL
  specifies that a null would then turn into the string null.  This is
  what we've done pretty much everywhere else I believe.
  On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Israel Hilerio
  The parameter of IDBDatabase.setVersion is defined in the WebIDL as
  [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] but in the method definition it says that
  the parameter cannot be nullable.  Do we want to enable null values?

Are we saying that we should remove the TreatNullAs=EmptyString and keep the 
parameter restriction that version cannot be nullable?


Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Cameron McCormack
Israel Hilerio:
 Are we saying that we should remove the TreatNullAs=EmptyString and
 keep the parameter restriction that version cannot be nullable?

The [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] behaviour is now the default, so you
definitely want to remove it.  When you say “keep the parameter
restriction that version cannot be nullable” do you mean keep the type
as “DOMString”?  If so, then that seems like the right thing to do.
Only make it “DOMString?” if you want to distinguish between null being
passed and  being passed.

Cameron McCormack ≝

RE: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Israel Hilerio
On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:44 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Israel Hilerio:
  Are we saying that we should remove the TreatNullAs=EmptyString and
  keep the parameter restriction that version cannot be nullable?
 The [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] behaviour is now the default, so you
 definitely want to remove it.  When you say “keep the parameter restriction
 that version cannot be nullable” do you mean keep the type as
 “DOMString”?  If so, then that seems like the right thing to do.
 Only make it “DOMString?” if you want to distinguish between null being
 passed and  being passed.
 Cameron McCormack ≝

What I meant was that on the method description of IDBDatabase.setVersion, 
there is a table that has a nullable column.  In it the version parameter 
there is an x in the Nullable column, which implies that the version 
parameter cannot be nullable.  I'm guessing we want to keep this setting and 
that the only thing we want to remove is the [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] from 
the WebIDL definition (as you described above) of the setVersion.

I don't see any reason for changing the type of the parameter from DOMString.


Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Cameron McCormack
Israel Hilerio:
 What I meant was that on the method description of
 IDBDatabase.setVersion, there is a table that has a nullable column.
 In it the version parameter there is an x in the Nullable column,
 which implies that the version parameter cannot be nullable. I'm
 guessing we want to keep this setting and that the only thing we
 want to remove is the [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] from the WebIDL
 definition (as you described above) of the setVersion.

I think the Nullable column is really just a reflection of whether the
type is nullable, i.e. if the type has a “?” at the end of it.  Having
the type be “DOMString” yet having a tick in the Nullable column doesn’t
make sense.

 I don't see any reason for changing the type of the parameter from

Right, unless you wanted to allow null to be passed as the argument and
you wanted to distinguish that from .  In that case, you would change
the type to “DOMString?”, which would mean there’d be a tick in the
Nullable column.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [indexeddb] IDBDatabase.setVersion non-nullable parameter has a default for null

2011-06-07 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Israel Hilerio wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:13 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 Actually, WebIDL just changed from turning null into null to turning null
 into . Turns out that a bunch of functions depended on that behavior and
 so it seems like that's what we'll be stuck with.

 In any case, I think IndexedDB should be silent on the issue and simply rely
 on WebIDL defaults. That should give the most consistent behavior to most
 other DOM functions.

 / Jonas

 On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Jeremy Orlow
  We should probably just remove the special case.  I believe WebIDL
  specifies that a null would then turn into the string null.  This is
  what we've done pretty much everywhere else I believe.
  On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Israel Hilerio
  The parameter of IDBDatabase.setVersion is defined in the WebIDL as
  [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] but in the method definition it says that
  the parameter cannot be nullable.  Do we want to enable null values?

 Are we saying that we should remove the TreatNullAs=EmptyString and keep 
 the parameter restriction that version cannot be nullable?

I think we should remove any extended attributes from the IDL and just
use the default behavior. It is much less important to me what the
actual default behavior is, than that we use the default behavior
which presumably is the most common behavior.

So, yes :)

/ Jonas