Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-10-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, Olli Pettay wrote:
  The spec used to say DOM mutation events must not fire for changes 
  caused by the UA parsing the document. I've updated this to also 
  mention mutation observers.
 Why? Getting MutationObserver notifications during parsing is what I'd 
 expect the API to provide (and that is implemented in Gecko).

My original change was motivated just by inertia and conservatism, wanting 
to keep the intent of the spec unchanged.

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 Indeed. I have the same questions. The API doesn't have same performance 
 and re-entrancy problems that caused us to disable mutation events.
 If we don't fire mutation observers during parsing it means that you 
 basically can't rely on mutation observers at all until after the 
 DOMContentLoaded event has fired. In fact, you can't rely on them even 
 past then since if another page is loaded in an iframe and nodes are 
 moved from that iframe to your document, you won't be notified about 
 changes done by the parser to those nodes.
 So this change removes the ability to guarantee that you can track 
 mutations done to a document, which was one of the big advantages that 
 MutationObservers had over mutation events. I.e. mutation events only 
 let you track mutations to your document as long as those mutations 
 behaved well, i.e. weren't done from inside mutation observers. With 
 this we add a similar requirement to mutation observers that they are 
 only reliable as long as pages behave well and don't move nodes from a 
 document which is being parsed.
 Just like mutation events solved the use cases of many authors, mutation 
 observers will solve the use cases of many authors even with this 
 change. However it will miss edge cases which I think is really 

This seems pretty convincing. I've changed the spec accordingly.

On Thu, 6 Sep 2012, Adam Klein wrote:
  The spec actually does require that the UA provide a stable state 
  before processing scripts, which invokes the relevant part of the 
  event loop. If mutation observers were to fire during parse, it would 
  require those to fire too (it currently does not).
 In my testing, Gecko doesn't behave this way: MutationRecords are 
 delivered at the end of any encountered script tags (at the 
 end-of-microtask, essentially), rather than before they run. If 
 delivery-during-parse is how we end up going, spec-wise, I think it's 
 important for the use-cases that we deliver before each script runs.

Fixed this also.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-09-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:11 PM, Elliott Sprehn wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:24 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 But I'm also not very worried about small differences in
 implementations here as long as everyone maintains the invariants that
 mutation observers set out to hold. Pages can't depend on an exact set
 of mutations happening anyway due to the stochastic nature of parsing.

 It concerns me to require consistent records for mutations except in

Does this concern you more than simply not creating any mutation
records while parsing. I.e. does it concern you more than the
currently specced behavior of always creating mutation records except
in parsing?

I would think it's more likely that pages break over not being
notified about certain mutations at all, than that they break over
being notified about different records that add up to the same set of
mutations. Especially when the records is going to vary from page load
to page load anyway.

 While the batches of mutation records might be different
 based on when the parser yields, the same records should still be
 generated from parsing the same document in each browser. Especially
 if you're following the HTML5 parser algorithm...

This is true. Though keep in mind that even if two people are both
using HTML5 compliant browsers, and load the same document while
observing the set of states that the page goes through, those two
people will see the page transition through different DOM states. This
can be the case even if the two people are using the exact same HTML
parser implementations due to network packet boundaries being
different, and due to timing effects being different.

But if this truly is a concern, I'm absolutely fine with defining
which coalescing we should do when creating mutation records from the
parser. That is in my opinion a far better solution than simply not
firing mutations notifications at all during parsing.

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-09-04 Thread Elliott Sprehn
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:24 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 But I'm also not very worried about small differences in
 implementations here as long as everyone maintains the invariants that
 mutation observers set out to hold. Pages can't depend on an exact set
 of mutations happening anyway due to the stochastic nature of parsing.

It concerns me to require consistent records for mutations except in
parsing. While the batches of mutation records might be different
based on when the parser yields, the same records should still be
generated from parsing the same document in each browser. Especially
if you're following the HTML5 parser algorithm...

- E

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-09-03 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 1. We make sure to set all element attributes before inserting the
 element into the DOM. This to avoid sending notifications for
 attribute modifications. The element is inserted with the right set of
 attributes from the get-go.

That's not possible for e.g. body:

xscriptalert( id=test


Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-09-03 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:24 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 1. We make sure to set all element attributes before inserting the
 element into the DOM. This to avoid sending notifications for
 attribute modifications. The element is inserted with the right set of
 attributes from the get-go.

 That's not possible for e.g. body:

 xscriptalert( id=test

Yes, I was simplifying a bit. For head and body we do indeed set
attributes on already-inserted elements. In which case we do add the
appropriate attribute-change mutation record.

I also skipped over how we handle things like improperly nested start
and end tags which can cause the HTML parser to move around
already-inserted elements. And how to handle nodes being inserted
other than at the end of the document due to misplaced content in a
table. I forget what we do in these situations. You could definitely
imagine coalescing notifications here too if we for example haven't
yet returned to the event loop since inserting the table, in which
case it'd just look like the moved content was inserted before the
table was.

The point is that we always maintain the invariants that mutation
observers guarantee. It's very possible to optimize and reduce the
number of notifications to a relatively small number without
introducing a lot of complexity in the parser.

I'll also note that this isn't introducing any more stochastic
behavior than HTML parsing already has. I.e. someone polling the DOM
from a timer or from UI events is already seeing different behavior
both in different browsers and on different clients due to where
things like network packet boundaries end up.

If we really wanted to specify as much detail as we could, we could
specify that the smallest number of mutation records should be created
any time the parser runs. I.e. we could specify that the
implementation must implement all optimizations regarding handling of
adoption agency algorithm etc. I think this would be very
implementable without a lot of complexity in the parser at least in

But I'm also not very worried about small differences in
implementations here as long as everyone maintains the invariants that
mutation observers set out to hold. Pages can't depend on an exact set
of mutations happening anyway due to the stochastic nature of parsing.

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-30 Thread Rafael Weinstein
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Adam Klein wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 All in all I think that as soon as we introduce exceptions to when
 MutationObserver callbacks fire we change the API from being a
 reliable way to track DOM mutations to a unreliable way where all
 callers have to be aware of exceptions and deal with them in other
 ways. I.e. it feels like it significantly reduces the value of

 And so far I don't see any good arguments made for making that
 reduction in value. Did I miss any arguments other then the randomness

 Performance was one concern that's come up in discussing this with Ojan and
 Rafael. Imagine a MutationObserver attached to the document near the top of
 the page. Now we need to create basically one MutationRecord per node
 inserted (because the parser operates in a depth-first sort of order). I'm
 not at all sure this is a show-stopper (we might be able to introduce some
 new MutationRecord type that could compactly represent parser-style
 operation), but it definitely seems worrisome, especially given that one of
 the common uses for MutationObservers is extensions which might run on many
 (all?) pages.

 Hmm.. is there actually anything requiring that nodes are inserted one
 at a time? Internally in mozilla we do insert nodes one at a time, but
 the notifications we send out to the various subsystems make it seem
 like nodes are inserted in big chunks. This has previously been to

Are the chunks arbitrarily shaped fragments? I.e. is their any
restriction on their shape other than a tree?

 give us good performance from the layout engine which benefits from
 getting notified by large chunks being inserted rather than nodes
 being inserted one at a time. The MutationObserver implementation
 hangs off of the same notification system and thus also sees nodes as
 being inserted in big chunks.

 / Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-30 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Adam Klein wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 All in all I think that as soon as we introduce exceptions to when
 MutationObserver callbacks fire we change the API from being a
 reliable way to track DOM mutations to a unreliable way where all
 callers have to be aware of exceptions and deal with them in other
 ways. I.e. it feels like it significantly reduces the value of

 And so far I don't see any good arguments made for making that
 reduction in value. Did I miss any arguments other then the randomness

 Performance was one concern that's come up in discussing this with Ojan and
 Rafael. Imagine a MutationObserver attached to the document near the top of
 the page. Now we need to create basically one MutationRecord per node
 inserted (because the parser operates in a depth-first sort of order). I'm
 not at all sure this is a show-stopper (we might be able to introduce some
 new MutationRecord type that could compactly represent parser-style
 operation), but it definitely seems worrisome, especially given that one of
 the common uses for MutationObservers is extensions which might run on many
 (all?) pages.

 Hmm.. is there actually anything requiring that nodes are inserted one
 at a time? Internally in mozilla we do insert nodes one at a time, but
 the notifications we send out to the various subsystems make it seem
 like nodes are inserted in big chunks. This has previously been to

 Are the chunks arbitrarily shaped fragments? I.e. is their any
 restriction on their shape other than a tree?

We only perform valid DOM operations, which means that we're
restricted to mutating Text nodes and inserting things that a
DocumentFragment can express. I.e. we only consecutive siblings,
though these siblings can have arbitrarily big subtrees.

So if we're parsing a document like:

span...lots of nodes here.../span
span...more content here.../span
  form...lots of nodes here.../form
  footer...enough with the content already.../footer

and a network boundary falls after the start p tag, then we'll first
do a single insertion which looks like


then once we receive more content we'll do a single insertion
containing the two span elements:

span...lots of nodes here.../span
span...more content here.../span

then do a single insertion containing the form and the footer

span...lots of nodes here.../span
span...more content here.../span
  form...lots of nodes here.../form
  footer...enough with the content already.../footer

So all in all 3 MutationObserver records would be created in this instance.

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-29 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:
 On 06/26/2012 11:58 PM, Adam Klein wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

    On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:
      end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
      networking details may unfortunately be exposed,
      but in a way which should be quite random. Web devs just can't
 really rely
      on network packages to be delivered to parser in
      some exact way.

    I think the original solution we had to not expose parser mutations
    was better. Exposing this can lead to all kinds of subtle bugs that
    are hard to detect for developers.

 I take it from your reply that you and I had the same view of what's
 specced in DOM4.

 DOM4 doesn't say anything about this. And because it doesn't special case
 parser initiated mutations,
 those mutations should be there.

 That is, that MutationObservers are not specified to be notified
 of actions taken by the parser.

 That would be still very odd. The randomness that there is, is visible to
 scripts already now.
 You can't know the size of network packages, so you can't know exactly now
 documents are parsed etc.

 It would be also odd for scripts which use mutation observer to start
 working suddenly when
 document enters into some state (readyState == complete or some such).
 During page load user initiated events could cause all sorts of mutations
 but there wasn't a way to get notified
 about those.

Like Olli says, the randomness is already there. It's inherent with
loading content from the network. Not firing MutationObservers doesn't
reduce randomness at all, it just makes it harder to deal with since
you need to use polling rather than getting observer callbacks. So if
the concern is that there is randomness involved with parsing, we are
just doing a disservice by disabling MutationObserver callbacks.

I think it would significantly reduce the reliability of the API if we
don't notify about parser mutations. It basically means that
MutationObservers are completely unreliable until DOMContentLoaded has
fired for a document. In fact, it would likely be more understandable
to say that no MutationObserver callbacks happen before
DOMContentLoaded has fired, rather than making the distinction between
parser mutation and non-parser mutations.

Actually, the situation is even worse since even after
DOMContentLoaded has fired, parser mutations can still occur. If a
page opens an iframe and moves nodes out of it while parsing is
still happening, it can result in that the iframes parser making
changes to the parent document, which wouldn't then notify

All in all I think that as soon as we introduce exceptions to when
MutationObserver callbacks fire we change the API from being a
reliable way to track DOM mutations to a unreliable way where all
callers have to be aware of exceptions and deal with them in other
ways. I.e. it feels like it significantly reduces the value of

And so far I don't see any good arguments made for making that
reduction in value. Did I miss any arguments other then the randomness

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-29 Thread Adam Klein
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 All in all I think that as soon as we introduce exceptions to when
 MutationObserver callbacks fire we change the API from being a
 reliable way to track DOM mutations to a unreliable way where all
 callers have to be aware of exceptions and deal with them in other
 ways. I.e. it feels like it significantly reduces the value of

 And so far I don't see any good arguments made for making that
 reduction in value. Did I miss any arguments other then the randomness

Performance was one concern that's come up in discussing this with Ojan and
Rafael. Imagine a MutationObserver attached to the document near the top of
the page. Now we need to create basically one MutationRecord per node
inserted (because the parser operates in a depth-first sort of order). I'm
not at all sure this is a show-stopper (we might be able to introduce some
new MutationRecord type that could compactly represent parser-style
operation), but it definitely seems worrisome, especially given that one of
the common uses for MutationObservers is extensions which might run on many
(all?) pages.

- Adam

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-29 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Adam Klein wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 All in all I think that as soon as we introduce exceptions to when
 MutationObserver callbacks fire we change the API from being a
 reliable way to track DOM mutations to a unreliable way where all
 callers have to be aware of exceptions and deal with them in other
 ways. I.e. it feels like it significantly reduces the value of

 And so far I don't see any good arguments made for making that
 reduction in value. Did I miss any arguments other then the randomness

 Performance was one concern that's come up in discussing this with Ojan and
 Rafael. Imagine a MutationObserver attached to the document near the top of
 the page. Now we need to create basically one MutationRecord per node
 inserted (because the parser operates in a depth-first sort of order). I'm
 not at all sure this is a show-stopper (we might be able to introduce some
 new MutationRecord type that could compactly represent parser-style
 operation), but it definitely seems worrisome, especially given that one of
 the common uses for MutationObservers is extensions which might run on many
 (all?) pages.

Hmm.. is there actually anything requiring that nodes are inserted one
at a time? Internally in mozilla we do insert nodes one at a time, but
the notifications we send out to the various subsystems make it seem
like nodes are inserted in big chunks. This has previously been to
give us good performance from the layout engine which benefits from
getting notified by large chunks being inserted rather than nodes
being inserted one at a time. The MutationObserver implementation
hangs off of the same notification system and thus also sees nodes as
being inserted in big chunks.

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-27 Thread Olli Pettay

On 06/26/2012 11:58 PM, Adam Klein wrote:

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:
  end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
  networking details may unfortunately be exposed,
  but in a way which should be quite random. Web devs just can't really 
  on network packages to be delivered to parser in
  some exact way.

I think the original solution we had to not expose parser mutations
was better. Exposing this can lead to all kinds of subtle bugs that
are hard to detect for developers.

I take it from your reply that you and I had the same view of what's specced in 

DOM4 doesn't say anything about this. And because it doesn't special case 
parser initiated mutations,
those mutations should be there.

That is, that MutationObservers are not specified to be notified
of actions taken by the parser.

That would be still very odd. The randomness that there is, is visible to 
scripts already now.
You can't know the size of network packages, so you can't know exactly now 
documents are parsed etc.

It would be also odd for scripts which use mutation observer to start working 
suddenly when
document enters into some state (readyState == complete or some such).
During page load user initiated events could cause all sorts of mutations but 
there wasn't a way to get notified
about those.

Given that fact, it seems that either the spec should be changed (and by spec 
here I think the required changes are
in HTML, not DOM), or Firefox's implementation ought to be changed.

Anne, Ian, Olli, Jonas, your thoughts?

- Adam

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-26 Thread Adam Klein
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Anne van Kesteren ann...@annevk.nlwrote:

 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Olli Pettay
  end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
  networking details may unfortunately be exposed,
  but in a way which should be quite random. Web devs just can't really
  on network packages to be delivered to parser in
  some exact way.

 I think the original solution we had to not expose parser mutations
 was better. Exposing this can lead to all kinds of subtle bugs that
 are hard to detect for developers.

I take it from your reply that you and I had the same view of what's
specced in DOM4. That is, that MutationObservers are not specified to be
notified of actions taken by the parser. Given that fact, it seems that
either the spec should be changed (and by spec here I think the required
changes are in HTML, not DOM), or Firefox's implementation ought to be

Anne, Ian, Olli, Jonas, your thoughts?

- Adam

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-21 Thread Olli Pettay

On 06/20/2012 10:36 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:

  Ojan points out

that simply using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation 
detail of the parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a
single task
before the parser yields).

Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same 
end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing / 
networking details may unfortunately be exposed, but in a way which should be
quite random. Web devs just can't really rely on network packages to be 
delivered to parser in some exact way.

That randomness seems undesirable. Can we delay the delivery until 
DOMContentLoaded is fired so that we can have more consisnte behavior here?

Well, the randomness is about the same randomness which is exposed to web pages 
  img src=; 

the order of 'img' and 'script' in the console is random.


- Ryosuke

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-20 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:
 end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
 networking details may unfortunately be exposed,
 but in a way which should be quite random. Web devs just can't really rely
 on network packages to be delivered to parser in
 some exact way.

I think the original solution we had to not expose parser mutations
was better. Exposing this can lead to all kinds of subtle bugs that
are hard to detect for developers.

Anne — Opera Software

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-20 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Olli Pettay

   Ojan points out

 that simply using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation
 detail of the parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a
 single task
 before the parser yields).

 Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same
 end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

 end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
 networking details may unfortunately be exposed, but in a way which should
 be quite random. Web devs just can't really rely on network packages to be
 delivered to parser in some exact way.

That randomness seems undesirable. Can we delay the delivery until
DOMContentLoaded is fired so that we can have more consisnte behavior here?

- Ryosuke

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-20 Thread Olli Pettay

On 06/20/2012 10:36 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Olli Pettay wrote:

  Ojan points out

that simply using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation 
detail of the parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a
single task
before the parser yields).

Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same 
end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing / 
networking details may unfortunately be exposed, but in a way which should be
quite random. Web devs just can't really rely on network packages to be 
delivered to parser in some exact way.

That randomness seems undesirable. Can we delay the delivery until 
DOMContentLoaded is fired so that we can have more consisnte behavior here?

That prevents using MutationObserver for certain cases. Like when you stream 
data using an iframe.

Also, there are already many cases when networking/parsing handling is exposed 
to the web pages.
Just put any img onload=.. onerror= When the handlers run, the stuff after 
the img may or may not be in the document.

- Ryosuke

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-20 Thread Adam Klein
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Olli Pettay

   Ojan points out

 that simply using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation
 detail of the parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a
 single task
 before the parser yields).

 Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same
 end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

 end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
 networking details may unfortunately be exposed, but in a way which should
 be quite random. Web devs just can't really rely on network packages to be
 delivered to parser in some exact way.

 That randomness seems undesirable. Can we delay the delivery until
 DOMContentLoaded is fired so that we can have more consisnte behavior here?

This doesn't seem very useful to me. Observing during page load will
clearly have a cost associated with it, and if you aren't notified until
DOMContentLoaded, you could have just listened for DOMContentLoaded
yourself, looked through the document for the stuff you care about, and
then attach an observer.

I'm not entirely opposed to notifying of parse-time mutations, but if we
did it seems like we'd want to deliver them during page load in some way.

- Adam

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-20 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Adam Klein wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Olli Pettay

   Ojan points out

 that simply using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation
 detail of the parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a
 single task
 before the parser yields).

 Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same
 end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

 end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing /
 networking details may unfortunately be exposed, but in a way which should
 be quite random. Web devs just can't really rely on network packages to be
 delivered to parser in some exact way.

 That randomness seems undesirable. Can we delay the delivery until
 DOMContentLoaded is fired so that we can have more consisnte behavior here?

 This doesn't seem very useful to me. Observing during page load will
 clearly have a cost associated with it, and if you aren't notified until
 DOMContentLoaded, you could have just listened for DOMContentLoaded
 yourself, looked through the document for the stuff you care about, and
 then attach an observer.

That's a good point. Although my point was so that you don't have to
explicitly wait for DOMContentLoaded yourself. Because if that was script's
intention, you could have just added differ or async content attribute
to the script element.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:53 AM, Olli Pettay

 On 06/20/2012 10:36 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 That randomness seems undesirable. Can we delay the delivery until
 DOMContentLoaded is fired so that we can have more consisnte behavior here?

 That prevents using MutationObserver for certain cases. Like when you
 stream data using an iframe.

 Also, there are already many cases when networking/parsing handling is
 exposed to the web pages.
 Just put any img onload=.. onerror= When the handlers run, the
 stuff after the img may or may not be in the document.

That's true. Maybe this randomness is okay after all.

- Ryosuke

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-20 Thread Bjoern Hoehrmann
* Jonas Sicking wrote:
I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
for parser mutations.

For example if you are building an XBL-like widget library which uses
the DOM under a node to affect behavior or rendering of some other
object. If you attach the widget before the node is fully parsed you
still need to know about modifications that happen due to parsing.

And you would typically want to attach early to avoid cannot click
button while page is loading-style issues in such a scenario. I also
note that making page load a special case likely means authors have
to write special code to handle it, and that does not seem desirable.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 ·
25899 Dagebüll · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · 

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-19 Thread Adam Klein
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rafael Weinstein
  I too thought we had intentionally spec'd them to not fire during load.
  The HTML spec is clear about this WRT Mutation Events:
  DOM mutation events must not fire for changes caused by the UA
  parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not mutating the
  DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any content
  inserted using document.write() and document.writeln() calls.
  It seems like this should also apply to Mutation Observers, unless we
  have compelling reasons to do otherwise.

 This was something that we got people complaining about with mutation
 events over the years. Our answer used to be that mutation events
 generally suck and you can't depend on them anyway. Obviously not an
 argument we'd want to use for MutationObservers.

 I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
 for parser mutations.

 Agreed. I'm in favor of observers being notified for parser-initiated DOM
 mutations. The primary reason we don't fire mutation events for parser
 insertion  removal is because they're synchronous and introduces all sorts
 of problems including security vulnerabilities but that isn't the case with
 mutation observers.

 One question. Should we also notify mutation observers immediately before
 executing synchronous scripts (i.e. script elements without differ or async
 content attributes) to address Mihai's use case?

This is one part of a more general question (raised by Ojan on what should the timing be for delivery of these
parser-initiated mutations? Mihai's use case is one example where we might
want something other than end-of-task delivery. Ojan points out that simply
using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation detail of the
parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a single task before
the parser yields).

Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same
end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

- Adam

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-19 Thread Olli Pettay

On 06/19/2012 11:37 PM, Adam Klein wrote:

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:
  I too thought we had intentionally spec'd them to not fire during 
  The HTML spec is clear about this WRT Mutation Events:
  DOM mutation events must not fire for changes caused by the UA
  parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not mutating the
  DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any content
  inserted using document.write() and document.writeln() calls.
  It seems like this should also apply to Mutation Observers, unless we
  have compelling reasons to do otherwise.

This was something that we got people complaining about with mutation
events over the years. Our answer used to be that mutation events
generally suck and you can't depend on them anyway. Obviously not an
argument we'd want to use for MutationObservers.

I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
for parser mutations.

Agreed. I'm in favor of observers being notified for parser-initiated DOM 
mutations. The primary reason we don't fire mutation events for parser
insertion  removal is because they're synchronous and introduces all sorts 
of problems including security vulnerabilities but that isn't the case
with mutation observers.

One question. Should we also notify mutation observers immediately before 
executing synchronous scripts (i.e. script elements without differ or
async content attributes) to address Mihai's use case?

This is one part of a more general question (raised by Ojan on what should the timing be for delivery
of these parser-initiated mutations? Mihai's use case is one example where we 
might want something other than end-of-task delivery.

Mihai's use case is related to (where I think Gecko's 
behavior is the good one)
If we start to call mutation callbacks right before script execution, we would 
need to handle cases when
script element is moved in the DOM right before script execution etc. Ugly 

 Ojan points out

that simply using end-of-task could expose low-level implementation detail of 
the parser to script (such as how much parsing is done in a single task
before the parser yields).

Does Firefox do anything special here? Or does it simply use the same 
end-of-task delivery as everywhere else?

end-of-microtask or end-of-task everywhere. And yes, some parsing / networking 
details may unfortunately be exposed,
but in a way which should be quite random. Web devs just can't really rely on 
network packages to be delivered to parser in
some exact way.

- Adam

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-17 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:
 I too thought we had intentionally spec'd them to not fire during load.

 The HTML spec is clear about this WRT Mutation Events:

 DOM mutation events must not fire for changes caused by the UA
 parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not mutating the
 DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any content
 inserted using document.write() and document.writeln() calls.

 It seems like this should also apply to Mutation Observers, unless we
 have compelling reasons to do otherwise.

This was something that we got people complaining about with mutation
events over the years. Our answer used to be that mutation events
generally suck and you can't depend on them anyway. Obviously not an
argument we'd want to use for MutationObservers.

I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
for parser mutations.

For example if you are building an XBL-like widget library which uses
the DOM under a node to affect behavior or rendering of some other
object. If you attach the widget before the node is fully parsed you
still need to know about modifications that happen due to parsing.

If you are tracking all nodes which has a particular class name or
element name (for example to attach behavior to them, or as a
performance improvement in order to keep a live list of nodes matching
a selector) then you need to know about mutations that the parser

Also, if changing code from using document.write to using
.insertAdjecentHTML or other DOM features, why should that change
whether observers are notified?

Are there use cases for *not* wanting to know about parser mutations,
but still know about script-initiated mutations? What about situations
when a node is moved around and so that parser ends up inserting nodes
not at the end of the document? I.e. if a node A is done parsing,
but then an ancestor B of the current parser insertion point is moved
to become a child of A, which causes the parser to again mutate A's

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-17 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rafael Weinstein
  I too thought we had intentionally spec'd them to not fire during load.
  The HTML spec is clear about this WRT Mutation Events:
  DOM mutation events must not fire for changes caused by the UA
  parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not mutating the
  DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any content
  inserted using document.write() and document.writeln() calls.
  It seems like this should also apply to Mutation Observers, unless we
  have compelling reasons to do otherwise.

 This was something that we got people complaining about with mutation
 events over the years. Our answer used to be that mutation events
 generally suck and you can't depend on them anyway. Obviously not an
 argument we'd want to use for MutationObservers.

 I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
 for parser mutations.

Agreed. I'm in favor of observers being notified for parser-initiated DOM
mutations. The primary reason we don't fire mutation events for parser
insertion  removal is because they're synchronous and introduces all sorts
of problems including security vulnerabilities but that isn't the case with
mutation observers.

One question. Should we also notify mutation observers immediately before
executing synchronous scripts (i.e. script elements without differ or async
content attributes) to address Mihai's use case?

- Ryosuke

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-17 Thread Olli Pettay

On 06/17/2012 03:03 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:

I too thought we had intentionally spec'd them to not fire during load.

The HTML spec is clear about this WRT Mutation Events:

DOM mutation events must not fire for changes caused by the UA
parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not mutating the
DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any content
inserted using document.write() and document.writeln() calls.

It seems like this should also apply to Mutation Observers, unless we
have compelling reasons to do otherwise.

This was something that we got people complaining about with mutation
events over the years. Our answer used to be that mutation events
generally suck and you can't depend on them anyway. Obviously not an
argument we'd want to use for MutationObservers.

I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
for parser mutations.

I agree. Better to try to keep the API consistent and create mutation records 
all the mutations.

For example if you are building an XBL-like widget library which uses
the DOM under a node to affect behavior or rendering of some other
object. If you attach the widget before the node is fully parsed you
still need to know about modifications that happen due to parsing.

If you are tracking all nodes which has a particular class name or
element name (for example to attach behavior to them, or as a
performance improvement in order to keep a live list of nodes matching
a selector) then you need to know about mutations that the parser

Also, if changing code from using document.write to using
.insertAdjecentHTML or other DOM features, why should that change
whether observers are notified?

Are there use cases for *not* wanting to know about parser mutations,
but still know about script-initiated mutations? What about situations
when a node is moved around and so that parser ends up inserting nodes
not at the end of the document? I.e. if a node A is done parsing,
but then an ancestor B of the current parser insertion point is moved
to become a child of A, which causes the parser to again mutate A's

/ Jonas

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-17 Thread Olli Pettay

On 06/17/2012 10:17 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rafael Weinstein wrote:
  I too thought we had intentionally spec'd them to not fire during load.
  The HTML spec is clear about this WRT Mutation Events:
  DOM mutation events must not fire for changes caused by the UA
  parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not mutating the
  DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any content
  inserted using document.write() and document.writeln() calls.
  It seems like this should also apply to Mutation Observers, unless we
  have compelling reasons to do otherwise.

This was something that we got people complaining about with mutation
events over the years. Our answer used to be that mutation events
generally suck and you can't depend on them anyway. Obviously not an
argument we'd want to use for MutationObservers.

I can't think of any cases where you would *not* want these to fire
for parser mutations.

Agreed. I'm in favor of observers being notified for parser-initiated DOM 
mutations. The primary reason we don't fire mutation events for parser
insertion  removal is because they're synchronous and introduces all sorts of 
problems including security vulnerabilities but that isn't the case
with mutation observers.

One question. Should we also notify mutation observers immediately before 
executing synchronous scripts (i.e. script elements without differ or async
content attributes) to address Mihai's use case?

That would be rather odd. If someone needs to process mutation records before 
normal delivery time, there is always takeRecords()

- Ryosuke

Re: Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

2012-06-17 Thread Mihai Parparita
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Olli Pettay

 That would be rather odd. If someone needs to process mutation records
 before normal delivery time, there is always takeRecords()

In my example, I don't control the contents of the second script tag, so I
can't use takeRecords() there.
