Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Tanu Kaskinen
On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 05:05 +0200, Alexander Couzens wrote:
 I would like to work on pulseaudio as gsoc student this year.
 Can you give me some feedback about my ideas, please?
 I'm working with pulse for a while and this is how I'm using it:
 We have an announcements system at c-base my local hackerspace.
 It's a multi speaker setup based on OpenWrt and Ubuntu.
 - sender is a Ubuntu x86 system. it plays hourly time announcement +
 - receivers are mips32 based routers, arm systems, x86
 This system announce every hour. Got a tts + jsonrpc interface to play
 The receiver disappear from time to time. (module-tunnel-sink lacks a
 reconnect feature).
 Also in future this setup should support playing sounds on a random
 group of speakers.
 I'm using it at home
 - remote home system: speakers connected to 1 pulseaudio server +
 laptop as sender
  |- receiver announce themself via avahi/bonjour
  |- sender: laptop use them as sink
 Pulseaudio should recognize your environment (how? or let the user
 choose which environment-profile apply). 
 Different locations, different audio setup. At work you want to move
 only mplayer/vlc/.. stream to 
 the remote sink. At home, maybe you want to move all streams over to a
 good amplifier.
 Playing video doesn't work reliable. Playing soundfiles works better,
 but not perfect.
 My ideas for a gsoc application:
 - Fix network sinks. Try to move a stream to network sink and back
 moments later it will run into problems.
 e.g. mplayer just stop playing and hang. My job would be
 additional testing and fixing upcoming bugs in pulseaudio.

Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome. Estimating the
amount of work is hard, though, when you don't know what exactly are the
root causes for the bugs, which makes writing the project plan hard too.

 - Implementing profiles for different environments. The user can
 define a profile for home, work, [...]. Main sink, group of sink
 (combine sinks)

I can imagine that there are many users who would benefit from this. We
plan to have major changes to how routing (and other) policy is handled,
and it's not clear to me yet what the end result will look like. Our
general goal is to make things Just Work with minimal (preferably zero)
user configuration, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be a problem to
have the possibility to have support also for user-configurable sets of
static policy rules (which is what profiles are). I don't know Murphy[1]
well enough yet to be sure, but it might be better to implement such
profiles in Murphy.

I'm a bit hesitant about making this a GSoC project. We could have a
profile module based on the current routing system, but I'm not sure
that the module would be long-lived.


 - Classify streams to route them based on properties. Music streams
 should be routed to the
(remote) music sink, but system sounds should not.

Different routing based on the media.role property is already
implemented by module-stream-restore and works out-of-the box.

 - Missing gui for profiles and/or properties. New qtgui? or extend
 - Simplified way for scripting pulseaudio and doing basic event
 handling. Normal (power) user should script their soundsystem.

I believe there's general agreement that we want Lua scripting in
PulseAudio. I think this would be a very good GSoC project.

 - authentication - add password based authentication. it can be either
 a password or a password to add your cookie to the authorized_cookies.
 Also a request + response system would be good. Implement it as popup

Authentication without encryption is very questionable security-wise.
Perhaps it's still useful, though? I would presume that in many cases
it's sufficient that it's not trivial for any random person to gain
access to the server and mess with things. The current cookie-based
authentication isn't any more secure anyway, so a password-based
authentication would just be a more convenient way to achieve roughly
the same level of security.

We could also discuss how to add encryption support to PulseAudio.

  - 'Do you like to grant access to ...'. Extend the native protocol
 for this.
 - mod-tunnel should support multicast dynamic, but configurable. Mcast
 support of cheap APs(most DSL/Cable Routers) are limited to 1
 mbit/s(wifi broadcast rate, which also affects multicast) and most of
 them doesn't support IGMP.

module-tunnel-sink creates a local proxy for a remote sink. I don't
think it's a tunnel any more if you use multicast. If you need
multicast, we already have module-rtp-send, or if RTP isn't what you
want, a new module could be created. I'm generally very unenthusiastic
about multicast, though. I'm ignorant about the subject; I'm not aware
of any important use cases for multicast, so to me its purpose seems to
be just to make things difficult. Please educate me, why is multicast
important for any PulseAudio user?

 What would be 

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread David Henningsson

On 04/26/2013 12:48 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 05:05 +0200, Alexander Couzens wrote:


I would like to work on pulseaudio as gsoc student this year.
Can you give me some feedback about my ideas, please?

I'm working with pulse for a while and this is how I'm using it:
We have an announcements system at c-base my local hackerspace.
It's a multi speaker setup based on OpenWrt and Ubuntu.
- sender is a Ubuntu x86 system. it plays hourly time announcement +
- receivers are mips32 based routers, arm systems, x86
This system announce every hour. Got a tts + jsonrpc interface to play
The receiver disappear from time to time. (module-tunnel-sink lacks a
reconnect feature).
Also in future this setup should support playing sounds on a random
group of speakers.

I'm using it at home
- remote home system: speakers connected to 1 pulseaudio server +
laptop as sender
  |- receiver announce themself via avahi/bonjour
  |- sender: laptop use them as sink
Pulseaudio should recognize your environment (how? or let the user
choose which environment-profile apply).
Different locations, different audio setup. At work you want to move
only mplayer/vlc/.. stream to
the remote sink. At home, maybe you want to move all streams over to a
good amplifier.
Playing video doesn't work reliable. Playing soundfiles works better,
but not perfect.

My ideas for a gsoc application:
- Fix network sinks. Try to move a stream to network sink and back
moments later it will run into problems.
 e.g. mplayer just stop playing and hang. My job would be
additional testing and fixing upcoming bugs in pulseaudio.

Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome. Estimating the
amount of work is hard, though, when you don't know what exactly are the
root causes for the bugs, which makes writing the project plan hard too.

I'd like to see a rewrite of module-tunnel-sink to use the libpulse API 
instead of doing the protocol stuff directly.

I also think that wifi + TCP + low latency is a very hard thing to 
achieve reliably. The question is if it is possible at all, and if not, 
what the options are. Arun didn't seem very happy about improving RTP 
support in PulseAudio.

- Implementing profiles for different environments. The user can
define a profile for home, work, [...]. Main sink, group of sink
(combine sinks)

I can imagine that there are many users who would benefit from this. We
plan to have major changes to how routing (and other) policy is handled,
and it's not clear to me yet what the end result will look like. Our
general goal is to make things Just Work with minimal (preferably zero)
user configuration, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be a problem to
have the possibility to have support also for user-configurable sets of
static policy rules (which is what profiles are).

Profiles, in PulseAudio today, is a concept related to the number of 
channels a sink/source currently has. If we continue to call this 
profiles, it's guaranteed to be confusion.

- Simplified way for scripting pulseaudio and doing basic event
handling. Normal (power) user should script their soundsystem.

I believe there's general agreement that we want Lua scripting in
PulseAudio. I think this would be a very good GSoC project.

Eh? I've never heard of adding Lua scripting before, and I'm very much 
against adding yet another dependency to PulseAudio without a very very 
VERY good reason.

That said; it looks like liblua 5.1 is part of ubuntu-desktop already, 
so that particular dependency would not cause too much trouble in 
desktop scenarios much, but it would still bloat embedded scenarios, 
which is bad enough.

Or, to look at this from another angle - what's wrong with shell 
scripting? What things are there that you can't do with shell scripting 
today that Lua would solve?

- authentication - add password based authentication. it can be either
a password or a password to add your cookie to the authorized_cookies.
Also a request + response system would be good. Implement it as popup

Authentication without encryption is very questionable security-wise.
Perhaps it's still useful, though? I would presume that in many cases
it's sufficient that it's not trivial for any random person to gain
access to the server and mess with things. The current cookie-based
authentication isn't any more secure anyway, so a password-based
authentication would just be a more convenient way to achieve roughly
the same level of security.

We could also discuss how to add encryption support to PulseAudio.

Somebody last year tried something popup-like, but it's not easy trying 
to get that right with all Desktop Environments.

I'm not seeing the use case for having PulseAudio handle passwords. Can 
somebody enlighten me?

David Henningsson, Canonical Ltd.
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Tanu Kaskinen
On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 14:54 +0200, David Henningsson wrote:
 On 04/26/2013 12:48 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
  On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 05:05 +0200, Alexander Couzens wrote:
  I would like to work on pulseaudio as gsoc student this year.
  Can you give me some feedback about my ideas, please?
  I'm working with pulse for a while and this is how I'm using it:
  We have an announcements system at c-base my local hackerspace.
  It's a multi speaker setup based on OpenWrt and Ubuntu.
  - sender is a Ubuntu x86 system. it plays hourly time announcement +
  - receivers are mips32 based routers, arm systems, x86
  This system announce every hour. Got a tts + jsonrpc interface to play
  The receiver disappear from time to time. (module-tunnel-sink lacks a
  reconnect feature).
  Also in future this setup should support playing sounds on a random
  group of speakers.
  I'm using it at home
  - remote home system: speakers connected to 1 pulseaudio server +
  laptop as sender
|- receiver announce themself via avahi/bonjour
|- sender: laptop use them as sink
  Pulseaudio should recognize your environment (how? or let the user
  choose which environment-profile apply).
  Different locations, different audio setup. At work you want to move
  only mplayer/vlc/.. stream to
  the remote sink. At home, maybe you want to move all streams over to a
  good amplifier.
  Playing video doesn't work reliable. Playing soundfiles works better,
  but not perfect.
  My ideas for a gsoc application:
  - Fix network sinks. Try to move a stream to network sink and back
  moments later it will run into problems.
   e.g. mplayer just stop playing and hang. My job would be
  additional testing and fixing upcoming bugs in pulseaudio.
  Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome. Estimating the
  amount of work is hard, though, when you don't know what exactly are the
  root causes for the bugs, which makes writing the project plan hard too.
 I'd like to see a rewrite of module-tunnel-sink to use the libpulse API 
 instead of doing the protocol stuff directly.


 I also think that wifi + TCP + low latency is a very hard thing to 
 achieve reliably. The question is if it is possible at all, and if not, 
 what the options are. Arun didn't seem very happy about improving RTP 
 support in PulseAudio.

At least one option should be to not insist on low latency (IIRC the
latency is now hardcoded to 150 ms). Streaming music over wifi has no
need for low latency.

  - Implementing profiles for different environments. The user can
  define a profile for home, work, [...]. Main sink, group of sink
  (combine sinks)
  I can imagine that there are many users who would benefit from this. We
  plan to have major changes to how routing (and other) policy is handled,
  and it's not clear to me yet what the end result will look like. Our
  general goal is to make things Just Work with minimal (preferably zero)
  user configuration, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be a problem to
  have the possibility to have support also for user-configurable sets of
  static policy rules (which is what profiles are).
 Profiles, in PulseAudio today, is a concept related to the number of 
 channels a sink/source currently has. If we continue to call this 
 profiles, it's guaranteed to be confusion.

Good point. We could call the things discussed here configuration
presets (too wide scope?) or routing presets (too narrow scope?) or
policy presets (too obscure term?).

  - Simplified way for scripting pulseaudio and doing basic event
  handling. Normal (power) user should script their soundsystem.
  I believe there's general agreement that we want Lua scripting in
  PulseAudio. I think this would be a very good GSoC project.
 Eh? I've never heard of adding Lua scripting before,

Hmm, it was discussed briefly in PulseConf (at downstairs, before the
event officially started). My recollection is that Janos brought up the
topic, and me and Arun ended up agreeing that it would be a good thing
to have (for example, it makes it easier for users to implement whatever
strange policies they may want to have). You apparently weren't present,
I'm not sure about Colin.

For what it's worth, I remember Lua scripting is also something that
Lennart wanted to do for a long time, but never got around to it.

 and I'm very much 
 against adding yet another dependency to PulseAudio without a very very 
 VERY good reason.
 That said; it looks like liblua 5.1 is part of ubuntu-desktop already, 
 so that particular dependency would not cause too much trouble in 
 desktop scenarios much, but it would still bloat embedded scenarios, 
 which is bad enough.

So make it an optional feature, problem solved?

 Or, to look at this from another angle - what's wrong with shell 
 scripting? What things are there that you can't do with shell scripting 
 today that Lua would solve?

Executing code synchronously in a hook 

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread David Henningsson

On 04/26/2013 03:37 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 14:54 +0200, David Henningsson wrote:

On 04/26/2013 12:48 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 05:05 +0200, Alexander Couzens wrote:


I would like to work on pulseaudio as gsoc student this year.
Can you give me some feedback about my ideas, please?

I'm working with pulse for a while and this is how I'm using it:
We have an announcements system at c-base my local hackerspace.
It's a multi speaker setup based on OpenWrt and Ubuntu.
- sender is a Ubuntu x86 system. it plays hourly time announcement +
- receivers are mips32 based routers, arm systems, x86
This system announce every hour. Got a tts + jsonrpc interface to play
The receiver disappear from time to time. (module-tunnel-sink lacks a
reconnect feature).
Also in future this setup should support playing sounds on a random
group of speakers.

I'm using it at home
- remote home system: speakers connected to 1 pulseaudio server +
laptop as sender
   |- receiver announce themself via avahi/bonjour
   |- sender: laptop use them as sink
Pulseaudio should recognize your environment (how? or let the user
choose which environment-profile apply).
Different locations, different audio setup. At work you want to move
only mplayer/vlc/.. stream to
the remote sink. At home, maybe you want to move all streams over to a
good amplifier.
Playing video doesn't work reliable. Playing soundfiles works better,
but not perfect.

My ideas for a gsoc application:
- Fix network sinks. Try to move a stream to network sink and back
moments later it will run into problems.
  e.g. mplayer just stop playing and hang. My job would be
additional testing and fixing upcoming bugs in pulseaudio.

Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome. Estimating the
amount of work is hard, though, when you don't know what exactly are the
root causes for the bugs, which makes writing the project plan hard too.

I'd like to see a rewrite of module-tunnel-sink to use the libpulse API
instead of doing the protocol stuff directly.


...and in extension, perhaps a module-tunnel-detect that would load the 
same amount of module-tunnel-cards, module-tunnel-sinks and 
module-tunnel-sources as are present on the remote instance. But that is 
just a wild idea at the moment.

I also think that wifi + TCP + low latency is a very hard thing to
achieve reliably. The question is if it is possible at all, and if not,
what the options are. Arun didn't seem very happy about improving RTP
support in PulseAudio.

At least one option should be to not insist on low latency (IIRC the
latency is now hardcoded to 150 ms). Streaming music over wifi has no
need for low latency.

I tried to google a bit for how long latency Wifi really has, and at 
least this [1] link points to a second or two not being too unusual.

And seconds of latency is an annoyance even over Wifi.

- Implementing profiles for different environments. The user can
define a profile for home, work, [...]. Main sink, group of sink
(combine sinks)

I can imagine that there are many users who would benefit from this. We
plan to have major changes to how routing (and other) policy is handled,
and it's not clear to me yet what the end result will look like. Our
general goal is to make things Just Work with minimal (preferably zero)
user configuration, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be a problem to
have the possibility to have support also for user-configurable sets of
static policy rules (which is what profiles are).

Profiles, in PulseAudio today, is a concept related to the number of
channels a sink/source currently has. If we continue to call this
profiles, it's guaranteed to be confusion.

Good point. We could call the things discussed here configuration
presets (too wide scope?) or routing presets (too narrow scope?) or
policy presets (too obscure term?).

- Simplified way for scripting pulseaudio and doing basic event
handling. Normal (power) user should script their soundsystem.

I believe there's general agreement that we want Lua scripting in
PulseAudio. I think this would be a very good GSoC project.

Eh? I've never heard of adding Lua scripting before,

Hmm, it was discussed briefly in PulseConf (at downstairs, before the
event officially started). My recollection is that Janos brought up the
topic, and me and Arun ended up agreeing that it would be a good thing
to have (for example, it makes it easier for users to implement whatever
strange policies they may want to have). You apparently weren't present,
I'm not sure about Colin.

For what it's worth, I remember Lua scripting is also something that
Lennart wanted to do for a long time, but never got around to it.

and I'm very much
against adding yet another dependency to PulseAudio without a very very
VERY good reason.

That said; it looks like liblua 5.1 is part of ubuntu-desktop already,
so that particular dependency would not cause too much 

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Alexander Couzens
On Fri, 26 Apr 2013 14:54:19 +0200
David Henningsson wrote:

 On 04/26/2013 12:48 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

  Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome.
 I'd like to see a rewrite of module-tunnel-sink to use the libpulse API 
 instead of doing the protocol stuff directly.
A rewrite could work much better for a project plan?

 I also think that wifi + TCP + low latency is a very hard thing to 
 achieve reliably. The question is if it is possible at all, and if not, 
 what the options are. Arun didn't seem very happy about improving RTP 
 support in PulseAudio.
replace low latency with reliable latency and it can work.
  - Implementing profiles for different environments. The user can
  define a profile for home, work, [...]. Main sink, group of sink
  (combine sinks).
Let say location environments. Another interesting question is,
how to define a location? Proof me wrong, but Linux does not 
have a location service which tells us in which environment we are? Like 
windows doing it 
for networks.

  - Simplified way for scripting pulseaudio and doing basic event
  handling. Normal (power) user should script their soundsystem.
 That said; it looks like liblua 5.1 is part of ubuntu-desktop already, 
 so that particular dependency would not cause too much trouble in 
 desktop scenarios much, but it would still bloat embedded scenarios, 
 which is bad enough.
We have already d-bus as optional dependency :). Just do a lua as module? Just 
try to be 
generic enought to add other scripting languages.

 Or, to look at this from another angle - what's wrong with shell 
 scripting? What things are there that you can't do with shell scripting 
 today that Lua would solve?
I don't like shell scripting. Especially because of escaping-hell. How should 
shell scripting work? It does not gives us a solution 
for the events. From where we get events?

  - authentication - add password based authentication. it can be either
  a password or a password to add your cookie to the authorized_cookies.
  Also a request + response system would be good. Implement it as popup
  We could also discuss how to add encryption support to PulseAudio.
 Somebody last year tried something popup-like, but it's not easy trying 
 to get that right with all Desktop Environments.
I would look for ssh-agent-helpers and how they integrate into all Desktop 
Don't think we should discuss here about what is the best or suitable 

 I'm not seeing the use case for having PulseAudio handle passwords. Can 
 somebody enlighten me?
In bigger networks than home networks, a co-working space, hackerspace or at 
work, you want to allow certain people to access
one pulseserver, but not everybody. You can only allow it by one cookie or do 
it over ip-acl. But using ip-acl for 
dynamic ip address is horrible. A cookie is far to long complex.

I would like to start from bottom up. First we need a good mod-tunnel, before 
it make sense for me to start with most of the other tasks.
Alexander Couzens

mobile: +4915123277221
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 1/3] bluetooth: Add 'bluez.alias' property

2013-04-26 Thread jprvita
From: João Paulo Rechi Vita


As already discussed with Tanuk and Mikel, this series should be applied to the
master branch.

 src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
index c877df2..8695c80 100644
--- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
+++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
@@ -2243,6 +2243,7 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.path, device-path);
 pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, bluez.class, 0x%06x, (unsigned) 
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist,, device-name);
+pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.alias, device-alias); = get_name(card, u-modargs, device-address, b);
 data.namereg_fail = b;

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 2/3] bluetooth: Use 'Alias' value as the device description

2013-04-26 Thread jprvita
From: João Paulo Rechi Vita

The 'Alias' property should be preffered over the 'Name' property, according to
the org.bluez.Device1 API documentation.
 src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
index 8695c80..11c6e5f 100644
--- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
+++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
@@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {
 data.driver = __FILE__;
 data.module = u-module;
-n = pa_bluetooth_cleanup_name(device-name);
+n = pa_bluetooth_cleanup_name(device-alias);
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION, n);
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_STRING, device-address);

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 3/3] bluetooth: Remove the '' property

2013-04-26 Thread jprvita
From: João Paulo Rechi Vita

The org.bluez.Device1.Name property is optional and may not be present
(that happens with the PTS 4.7.0), so it's better not to expose it to
clients so they don't rely on its existence.
 src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
index 11c6e5f..542f0af 100644
--- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
+++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
@@ -2242,7 +2242,6 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.path, device-path);
 pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, bluez.class, 0x%06x, (unsigned) 
-pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist,, device-name);
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.alias, device-alias); = get_name(card, u-modargs, device-address, b);
 data.namereg_fail = b;

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 1/3] bluetooth: Add 'bluez.alias' property

2013-04-26 Thread João Paulo Rechi Vita
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:30 PM, wrote:
 From: João Paulo Rechi Vita


 As already discussed with Tanuk and Mikel, this series should be applied to 
 master branch.

And I guess to the next branch as well, so we can rebase the other
bluetooth series on top of it.

  src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 1 +
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

 diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
 index c877df2..8695c80 100644
 --- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
 +++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
 @@ -2243,6 +2243,7 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {
  pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.path, device-path);
  pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, bluez.class, 0x%06x, (unsigned) 
  pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist,, device-name);
 +pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.alias, device-alias); = get_name(card, u-modargs, device-address, b);
  data.namereg_fail = b;


pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH 3/3] bluetooth: Remove the '' property

2013-04-26 Thread Mikel Astiz
Hi João Paulo,

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 5:30 PM, wrote:
 From: João Paulo Rechi Vita

 The org.bluez.Device1.Name property is optional and may not be present
 (that happens with the PTS 4.7.0), so it's better not to expose it to
 clients so they don't rely on its existence.
  src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 1 -
  1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

 diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
 index 11c6e5f..542f0af 100644
 --- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
 +++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
 @@ -2242,7 +2242,6 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {

  pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.path, device-path);
  pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, bluez.class, 0x%06x, (unsigned) 
 -pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist,, device-name);
  pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.alias, device-alias); = get_name(card, u-modargs, device-address, b);
  data.namereg_fail = b;

Ack from my side to the three patches, also for the master branch.

As a minor improvement, the commit messages in patches 2 and 3 could
avoid referring to the org.bluez.Device1 interface, which is BlueZ
5-specific. In particular, the commit message in this patch should
mention that this is future-proof, even though BlueZ 5 is not
supported yet (given that the property is actually *not* optional in
BlueZ 4).

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Thomas Martitz

Am 26.04.2013 14:54, schrieb David Henningsson:

My ideas for a gsoc application:
- Fix network sinks. Try to move a stream to network sink and back
moments later it will run into problems.
 e.g. mplayer just stop playing and hang. My job would be
additional testing and fixing upcoming bugs in pulseaudio.

Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome. Estimating the
amount of work is hard, though, when you don't know what exactly are the
root causes for the bugs, which makes writing the project plan hard too.

I'd like to see a rewrite of module-tunnel-sink to use the libpulse 
API instead of doing the protocol stuff directly.

I also think that wifi + TCP + low latency is a very hard thing to 
achieve reliably. The question is if it is possible at all, and if 
not, what the options are. Arun didn't seem very happy about improving 
RTP support in PulseAudio. 

How could you possibly be unhappy about improving RTP support? Right 
now it's basically unusable (for me, anyway) due to this problem/bug:

Best regards.
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] Integrating with ALSA

2013-04-26 Thread D K

 I am trying to integrate PA with ALSA.

I just changed the alsa.conf to add

pcm.!default {
type pulse

pcm.pulse {
type pulse

ctl.pulse {
type pulse

but i am landing into this error

# aplay -Dpulse /share/t.wav

ALSA lib dlmisc.c:236:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library
aplay: main:696: audio open error: No such device or address

Though i am lacking this lib but it seems like i do not actually need this
lib ? . Am i missing something here ?

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH] bluetooth: Remove the '' property

2013-04-26 Thread jprvita
From: João Paulo Rechi Vita

The 'Name' property of the Device interface became optional in BlueZ 5
and may not be present anymore (that happens when testing against the
PTS 4.7.0), so it's better not to expose it to clients so they don't
rely on its existence.
 src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
index 11c6e5f..542f0af 100644
--- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
+++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
@@ -2242,7 +2242,6 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.path, device-path);
 pa_proplist_setf(data.proplist, bluez.class, 0x%06x, (unsigned) 
-pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist,, device-name);
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, bluez.alias, device-alias); = get_name(card, u-modargs, device-address, b);
 data.namereg_fail = b;

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH] bluetooth: Use 'Alias' value as the device description

2013-04-26 Thread jprvita
From: João Paulo Rechi Vita

The 'Alias' property should be preffered over the 'Name' property,
according to the BlueZ API documentation.
 src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c 
index 8695c80..11c6e5f 100644
--- a/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
+++ b/src/modules/bluetooth/module-bluetooth-device.c
@@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ static int add_card(struct userdata *u) {
 data.driver = __FILE__;
 data.module = u-module;
-n = pa_bluetooth_cleanup_name(device-name);
+n = pa_bluetooth_cleanup_name(device-alias);
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION, n);
 pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_STRING, device-address);

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Alexander Couzens
On Fri, 26 Apr 2013 22:05:03 +0200
Thomas Martitz wrote:

 How could you possibly be unhappy about improving RTP support? Right 
 now it's basically unusable (for me, anyway) due to this problem/bug:
Is has nothing to do with the flood of packages by pulse. This problem is 
located on your routers/APs because most routers does not support IGMP_snooping 
and/or changing multicastrates or basicrates (wifi settings).

This is a bug within your router setup (or a feature however you name it). If 
you raise multicast or basicrate(on most systems raising basicrate will also 
raise multicast) and/or enable igmp_snooping @ router it will works perfect. 
But this will not work on most routers and APs, because they neither support 
igmp snooping nor configurable basicrates or mcastrates. But raising basicrate 
affects your range of your network, because multicast and broadcast packages 
are handled on the same way. Raising this rate will force all client to be in 
the range, where they can receive packets with that rate.
That is the trade off changing these rates. I'm using 12mbit/s for nearby all 

Alexander Couzens

mobile: +4915123277221
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Arun Raghavan
On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 22:05 +0200, Thomas Martitz wrote:
 Am 26.04.2013 14:54, schrieb David Henningsson:
  My ideas for a gsoc application:
  - Fix network sinks. Try to move a stream to network sink and back
  moments later it will run into problems.
   e.g. mplayer just stop playing and hang. My job would be
  additional testing and fixing upcoming bugs in pulseaudio.
  Making module-tunnel-sink reliable would be very welcome. Estimating the
  amount of work is hard, though, when you don't know what exactly are the
  root causes for the bugs, which makes writing the project plan hard too.
  I'd like to see a rewrite of module-tunnel-sink to use the libpulse 
  API instead of doing the protocol stuff directly.
  I also think that wifi + TCP + low latency is a very hard thing to 
  achieve reliably. The question is if it is possible at all, and if 
  not, what the options are. Arun didn't seem very happy about improving 
  RTP support in PulseAudio. 
 How could you possibly be unhappy about improving RTP support? Right 
 now it's basically unusable (for me, anyway) due to this problem/bug:

I'd be delighted to have better RTP support. But I think it is somewhat
misguided to try to maintain a mature RTP stack within PulseAudio. Full
post is at:

Summary of that: it makes much more sense to reuse something mature like
GStreamer's RTP elements for a large number of reasons such as active
maintenance and easy support for compressed output.

-- Arun

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] GSoC ideas

2013-04-26 Thread Arun Raghavan
On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 16:40 +0200, David Henningsson wrote:
  - Simplified way for scripting pulseaudio and doing basic event
  handling. Normal (power) user should script their soundsystem.
  I believe there's general agreement that we want Lua scripting in
  PulseAudio. I think this would be a very good GSoC project.
  Eh? I've never heard of adding Lua scripting before,
  Hmm, it was discussed briefly in PulseConf (at downstairs, before the
  event officially started). My recollection is that Janos brought up the
  topic, and me and Arun ended up agreeing that it would be a good thing
  to have (for example, it makes it easier for users to implement whatever
  strange policies they may want to have). You apparently weren't present,
  I'm not sure about Colin.
  For what it's worth, I remember Lua scripting is also something that
  Lennart wanted to do for a long time, but never got around to it.
  and I'm very much
  against adding yet another dependency to PulseAudio without a very very
  VERY good reason.
  That said; it looks like liblua 5.1 is part of ubuntu-desktop already,
  so that particular dependency would not cause too much trouble in
  desktop scenarios much, but it would still bloat embedded scenarios,
  which is bad enough.
  So make it an optional feature, problem solved?
 Well, it depends. If we start to use Lua ourselves, and ship Lua scripts 
 as our recommended way to do something, it's optional in theory but not 
 in practice.
  Or, to look at this from another angle - what's wrong with shell
  scripting? What things are there that you can't do with shell scripting
  today that Lua would solve?
  Executing code synchronously in a hook is one thing that will never be
  available via shell scripting.
  That said, Alexander's original idea was simplified way for scripting
  pulseaudio and doing basic event handling. That doesn't necessarily
  mean server-side scripting. I don't think we currently provide very nice
  tools for client-side scripting either, so e.g. a Python library would
  be one possible project.
 It seems to me that in either case (client-side or server-side), this 
 should be provided as some type of C API, rather than messing with a 
 different language. Then people can implement their stuff in what 
 language they want (since C bindings are available for most common 

Practically speaking, this does not work. You end up with a large set of
poorly supported bindings, instead of one really well-support language
(see: GNOME).

I think having an embedded scripting language makes a lot of sense (Lua
is a popular choice for embedded interpreters because it's
light-weight). We repeatedly run into embedded cases where people need
to write their custom policy modules. Having a mechanism to script this
instead of writing C would make things easier.

-- Arun

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list