Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Bluetooth headset on Karmic

2009-11-16 Thread remrot
2009/11/16 Josu Lazkano 

> 2009/11/16 Leszek Koltunski 
>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:01 AM, Josu Lazkano wrote:
>>> Thanks for all, so I am going to contact with bluez folks.
>>> Yes the BT hardware is diferent, this the one that not work:
>>> (...)
>>> Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
>>> And this is the one that works: (now runing Debian Lenny)
>>> (...)
>>> Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio (10)
>> In my experience CSR bluetooth dongles are better supported than Broadcom.
>> ___
>> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
> Thanks for the response, but I can't change it because they are built in
> (this a new word for me, I mean that is inside on the laptop.
> I wrote to bluez mail.list to asking but I have a problem with their mail
> server, I have this error message:
> ###
> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
> Technical details of permanent failure:
> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient
> domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further
> information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server
> returned was: 550 550 5.7.1 Content-Policy reject msg: The message contains
> HTML subpart, therefore we consider it SPAM or Outlook Virus.  TEXT/PLAIN is
> accepted.! BF:; S1751329AbZKOKwK (state 18).
> ###
> Can someone help with this?

The problem is: "The message contains HTML subpart, therefore we consider it
SPAM or Outlook Virus.  TEXT/PLAIN is accepted.!"

You may have to change some settings in your email client, so that it sends
your mail as plain text...

> Thanks for all.
> --
> Josu Lazkano
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Bluetooth headset on Karmic

2009-11-13 Thread remrot
2009/11/13 Josu Lazkano 

> 2009/11/13 Daniel Chen 
>> It's a really good idea to keep those packages, as only security fixes
>> generally are pushed into Karmic (since it's frozen/released), and it's the
>> latest stable upstream version. Also, Luke and I maintain those packages in
>> Ubuntu, and that version is already in Lucid.
>> (If you really want to downgrade, you'll need to force a version by
>> passing it to apt-get/aptitude/Synaptic.)
>> On Nov 13, 2009 9:39 AM, "Josu Lazkano"  wrote:
>> 2009/11/13 Daniel Chen 
>>  > > (Sorry for top-posting; bad MUA) > > You should try the 0.9.20
>> packages in the ubuntu-audio-dev...
>> Thanks for all again, I update from repository, but the same error:
>> E: module-bluetooth-device.c: Failed to write data to SCO socket:
>> Argumento inválido
>> How can I uninstall thoose packages? Just erase form /etc/apt/sources.list
>> and apt-get update?
>> Thanks for all.
>> --
>> Josu Lazkano
>> ___
>> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
>> ___
>> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
> OK, I will kept this repositories, but I have adependenci problems:
> I installed "pulseaudio" without problem.
> Thanks again.

I really think it would be easier for everybody if you'd prepend
"LANG=en_US" to every command you execute in the shell, e.g.

LANG=en_US sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-*

> --
> Josu Lazkano
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Automatic selection of an audio sink depending on value of ENV variable

2009-10-26 Thread remrot
My two cents :

I agree that this setup (with 2 screens) isn't useless at all! I had the
same setup a few years ago, when PA didn't exist, very nice. Someone could
watch a movie on the TV while I was working on the other screen. But I
thought that the multiple screen feature has been removed from X a while
ago? Has it been readded? Anyway, I'm offtopic, so ignore me if you must ;)



2009/10/26 Leszek Koltunski 

> >
> > Yepp, and I'd argue the non-xinerama setup is useless.
> (...)
> I long had a feeling that I am being a pest with my dual screen, no-one
> seems to like it :) Least of all the people in the Gnome mailinglist...
> 1) Think about this usercase (that I already wrote about before):
> - a monitor and a soundcard 1
> - a TV, standing in another room, soundcard 2
> - bluetooth mouse & keyboard.
> Connect the TV to your nvidia TV-out; fire up 'nvidia-settings'; setup
> the TV. You've got 2 options:
> - 'separate X screen'
> - 'TwinView' ( xinerama )
> since TV is in another room, Xinerama makes little sense and actually
> makes things harder ( mostly because various windows which are supposed
> to pop up in the center of the screen pop up between the monitor and TV
> and you cannot easily see them, especially since the TV is most of the
> time disconnected! )
> So you set up the separate X screen. This works very nicely (apart from
> a few little bugs in Gnome-panel ) You can enjoy watching movies or
> picture slides on your TV. It's really much better than Xinerama.
> **
> Furthermore, I already have a simple patch which IMHO does not screw up
> anything for the single-monitor and Xinerama people while
> ALMOST-WORKING ;) for all those dual-screen pests. I'll post it in
> another message.
> L.
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] /.

2009-10-21 Thread remrot
2009/10/21 Dotan Cohen 

> I have filed over 1000 bugs in KDE and I'm pushing 150 on *buntus.
> About half of them are triaging other people's problems.

Then I have to say THANK YOU! That's the way to go! And obviously it works,
KDE and Ubuntu are improving even though there are also some regressions...

> Is there a commercial sound system for Linux? I have never heard of this.

I've been generally speaking about different types of apps. But actually,
there was one until recently ;)

> > Whichever action you choose, it will be better than starting the next
> flame
> > war! Nobody needs them, nobody wants them! Except for trolls...
> >
> Flame war? I pointed out that the problem with PA is not PA, but
> overanxious distros who see something shiny and bolt it on. Flame
> away.

I'm sorry if you took this personally! I was talking about the people that
contribute to the rant in general, like many of the /. commenters! However,
I still believe that it is the right way to distribute an important new
technology at an early stage, at least for desktop users. I simply believe
in "release early, release often". The problem with Ubuntu is that they are
not willing to constantly provide new (and improved) versions of PA because
of their release philosophy and this was especially bad in case of the LTS
version. A simple function to disable PA and reset everything to ALSA would
have been a good idea. But, as long as this users provide valuable feedback
and the devs are listening to them, we all will profit in the long run.

BTW: I'm curious how the transition from hal to device-kit will evolve. I
had a lot more problems because of that in the karmic alpha and beta than I
had with PA since I first used it...


pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] /.

2009-10-21 Thread remrot
2009/10/21 Dotan Cohen 

> > Although I suffered from
> > some of it's bugs, I think PA has great potential and I also like (and
> want)
> > it's features!
> Great potential means that it should be developed, not that it should
> be the default for end users. That is the problem with Pulse Audio. It
> was also the problem with KDE 4.0, which also had great potential.

That's exactly what happens currently: PA gets developed and stabilized!
But, as I already wrote in the last mail, stabilizing PA is something that
cannot be achieved in some private basement. It is by far too complex and it
needs a phase where it is thoroughly tested by a great number of users to
finally become the application that we (me at least) hope for. With one
full-time developer and few contributers there is simply no other way to
manage that task. If you really can't live with PA, there are a lot of
alternative distributions (even Ubuntu flavours) that are not using it. That
way, you can avoid it until the day it is stable enough for you. The same
thing was true for KDE 4.0, it was very easy to avoid it since it hasn't
been the default DE in any distribution I know of. Nonetheless, there was
this mega-rant that did not help anybody and spread a lot of hostility...

Honestly, I can't understand how people can invest so much energy in useless
rants. Imho, if you have a problem with FOSS applications, and you can't or
don't want to code, there are always 3 reasonable actions you can take:

1. Report bugs, ask for help, request features, talk to the devs about
anything you like or dislike BUT do that in a friendly, constructive way! By
doing that, you'll help many users worldwide!

2. If that does not work for you, search for an alternative application and
see if it fits your needs. There are alternatives for almost everything in
linux, imho there are too many of them in some areas (including audio) and
you are free to use wichever you like.

3. If you cannot find anything that fits your needs, take a look into the
world of commercial software. Not everything you have to pay for is bad ;)

Whichever action you choose, it will be better than starting the next flame
war! Nobody needs them, nobody wants them! Except for trolls...


pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] /.

2009-10-21 Thread remrot
2009/10/20 Daniel Chen 

> [0] Even recently, there was a poorly thought-out patch applied. It
> will be removed for Karmic final (too late for RC), and the right
> approach is being discussed with Lennart on irc.
This is good news! I've sometimes had the impression that there is not much
communication (but more hostility) going on between the Ubuntu and the PA
developers (just my impression, may be wrong though). However, I think that
this is a more general problem, affecting a lot of distributions and
application developers. But without regular feedback and communication, a
proper integration of PA into Ubuntu (and other distros) is hard to achieve.
And, since Ubuntu currently is the most used "joe-sixpack-distro", this a
problem for PA because it results in a bad reputation. Add the bugs in ALSA
and PA (we all know there were a lot, especially in the beginning) to this
and you have a good explanation for the current situation...

However, I don't think that PA has been adopted too early by the big
distros. PA is a pretty complex product, with many compatibility
layers/wrappers that create their own special problems. It's simply
impossible to test all of the combinations of PA, audio applications,
libraries and use-cases before releasing it into the wild. But without such
tests you can't fix the bugs and PA will never be stable. This is the
classic vicious circle of software development, especially in FOSS projects
that have few contributors and almost no funds. Even if you have a lot of
testers (like the current Ubuntu/Fedora/etc. users), it takes a long time
and hard work to fix all the problems. Most developers know that and have
learned to live with it, but it is hard to explain this fact to the "normal
user". Even if it seems that he understood, he probably will start a rant
again as soon as he is personally affected. If all of the people that
contribute to such useless rants would instead write thorough bug reports or
at least provide some friendly, constructive critique, that would be far
more helpful and avoid creating a hostile ambience that makes things even
worse. A couple of months have passed since the KDE4 "mega-rant" and it
seems that some people are in need of a new battlefield...


pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] /.

2009-10-19 Thread remrot
2009/10/19 Stephan Seitz


> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 06:17:12PM +0200, wrote:
>> Seems like I have to repeat myself: if you don't want to use PA, than
>> don't use it! If you don't use it, you don't have to pay!
> Sorry, it seems I misunderstood you, so I apologize.
> I thought you meant that everyone should pay the price for this new
> technology, even if he doesn’t need it, and you don’t understand people who
> don’t want to pay it. So I was a little more offensive than I should have
> been. Again, I apologize.

No prob, apology accepted ;)

I can understand people who don't like changes in "their" OS at all and I
think every one of us knowks at least one guy/girl that freaks out if some
desktop-icons have been moved ;)

Seriously, it's normal that users don't like all changes that are made in an
OS or an application, but that doesn't mean that it should not be developed
further. Sometimes a lot of changes have to be made to allow an OS to be
further improved and some of these changes can be pretty disruptive. In the
Linux world, every user will sometimes be strucked by such disruptive
changes, simply because of the fast pace at which development occurs. Many
of these changes have been critized in the beginning but later been embraced
because they provided a lot of benefit for most people, giving them a free
OS that is on par with the commercial competitors. But this process takes
its time, and if you (and every other user) decide to avoid these changes as
long as possible, you are free to do so! But you have to accept the fact
that you cannot force developers to stop changing their product, as well as
they can't force you to use it!



> Shade and sweet water!
> --
> | Stephan Seitz E-Mail: |
> | PGP Public Keys: 
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> KxgAmwa9WoFEI/eQkwVWcu2YBIEUsNAJ
> =500f
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] /.

2009-10-19 Thread remrot
2009/10/19 Stephan Seitz


> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 03:10:28PM +0200, wrote:
>> Seriously, I think that PA is the most important change to the Linux sound
>> system that happened within the last few years. Although
> Hm, why?

Because I totally agree with what Colin wrote about PA here :

> For the normal desktop user as well?

I don't know anything about the "normal desktop user". I don't even know if
he exists. That's why I wrote "I think", it is simply my opinion, and
obviously it differs from yours! So what?

> I don’t say that PA has no advantages, I’m only saying that most desktop
> users will not need PA. Those who need it can use it, but there is no need
> to force anyone to use it.

I don't force anybody to use PA and I'd never do that! You ever heard that
"linux is about choice"? If you don't like what your current distro offers
you, get another. If none of the hundreds of distros gives you what you
want, build your own. Nobody forces you to use PA!

>  PA! Although the setup is not perfect, I am able to playback and record
>> sound, and this has been the case with every Ubuntu version until today. I
> Well, yes, so what? I could do this with ALSA as well without problems,
> hack, that worked even with OSS.

Congratulations! But once again, I've just been talking about personal
experiences that are contrary to that of other users. So what exactly is
your point here?

>  It is totally normal that such a transition comes at a cost, but it seems
>> that some people don't understand that or are not willing to pay it. Maybe I
>> am not the right person to judge them though, since I work
> Maybe because they should pay but are getting nothing that they need? So
> why should they pay? I know people who are hating PA, because it breaks
> their sound system (they can’t play music and flash at the same time, while
> it works with ALSA).

Seems like I have to repeat myself: if you don't want to use PA, than don't
use it! If you don't use it, you don't have to pay!

It's kind of scary to receive such an offensive response after doing nothing
but giving some positive feedback to some guys that imho are doing a good
job. You really should accept the idea that other people like things that
you don't like! And you also should realise that you are NOT "forced" to use
any open source software! That'll make your live a little bit easier...



> Shade and sweet water!
> --
> | Stephan Seitz E-Mail: |
> | PGP Public Keys: 
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> s8EAoKUEh1iOsGTGCo+Isa1FTwuqVj+8
> =Y/m/
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] /.

2009-10-19 Thread remrot
/me just wants to notice that /me likes PulseAudio :)

Seriously, I think that PA is the most important change to the Linux sound
system that happened within the last few years. Although I suffered from
some of it's bugs, I think PA has great potential and I also like (and want)
it's features! The latter seems to not be the case for most of the people
that commented to the slashdot "article". I still have to think about that
guy that almost went crazy about the great "sound stack" on his 486. I
wonder why he ever bought new hardware and upgraded the OS? Maybe because
one day he tried to use more than one application at a time? One other dude
even claimed that there cannot be latency-free gaming when using a sound
server. I wonder if he ever heard of that game-industry-leading OS called
Windows? Some people seem to always live in the past, it would be best to
ignore them...

I'd also like to notice that I am (currently) an Ubuntu user and still use
PA! Although the setup is not perfect, I am able to playback and record
sound, and this has been the case with every Ubuntu version until today. I
also play a lot of games on Linux (and I don't mean sudoku, but multiplayer
FPS) and never had an issue with latency. I had some issues with not working
sound or crashing games in the beginning, but all of them have been solved!
I'm really impressed with the pace of the transition to PA, especially with
how many applications have implemented "native" PulseAudio support,
including non-free applications like flash and skype! I cannot remember when
a totally new technology has been accepted so fast within the last years...
It is totally normal that such a transition comes at a cost, but it seems
that some people don't understand that or are not willing to pay it. Maybe I
am not the right person to judge them though, since I work as a developer
and I'm used to the "collateral damage" of such transitions. But I can
imagine that it's really hard for you PA developers having to face such
harsh critics and explain everything you do over and over again...

/me wants to say THANK YOU for your work and /me hopes that PulseAudio will
live on and finally become everything you (and me) wants it to become!



2009/10/19 Colin Guthrie 

> You'll no doubt be aware, but:
> It's full of the usual ill informed rants, but obviously user experience is
> a tough one to judge as a huge chunk of the "user experience" with pulse is
> really down to the distros, and we have no control over that for most
> distros :(
> Col
> --
> Colin Guthrie
> gmane(at)
> Day Job:
>  Tribalogic Limited []
> Open Source:
>  Mandriva Linux Contributor []
>  PulseAudio Hacker []
>  Trac Hacker []
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Mic not working with PA

2009-09-30 Thread remrot

 Thx for your response! I've attached the amixer output for the live system
(amixer_live.txt), the installed system with all options identical to the
live system (amixer_installed.txt) and the output for the installed system
using the probe_mask and position_fix options (amixer_posfix.txt). I see no
differences between the live and installed system other than the volume
settings. In the amixer_posfix output, the modem devices are missing because
of the probe_mask option.

One unusual thing I noticed when starting the installed system without the
additional options ist that the capture device is shown in alsamixer and
amixer. Most of the time, the capture device didn't even exist within the
installed system. And quite often the sound output didn't work too (as I
wrote on the ALSA list: it's kind of a sound-lottery). However, although
this time there was capture device, recording did not work. Gnome's
audi-recorder stopped directly after starting and crashed afterwards (same
error as usual). Seems like there wasn't anything to record, like an empty
stream of length 0...

I've done most of the live-tests using the karmic Alpha 6 live CD. The
installed system is the current karmic. Initially, both kernels were
identical, currently there is little difference:

The live system:

Linux ubuntu 2.6.31-10-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 16 00:23:19 UTC 2009
i686 GNU/Linux

The installed system:

Linux andicompi 2.6.31-11-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 25 06:37:51 UTC
2009 i686 GNU/Linux



2009/9/30 Lennart Poettering 

> On Fri, 25.09.09 13:11, ( wrote:
> > Hi again!
> >
> >  I found a workaround for the dead mic: adding 'position_fix=1' to the
> > option list brought it back to life! However, it's still different from
> > within the live system. The recorded stream is very quiet and contains
> > significant noise, unlike in the live system where volume and quality
> were
> > very good, even with the capture device almost muted! So, it still
> remains a
> > very strange bug and I wrote another mail to the ALSA developer list
> > containing additional information collected with their info-script. You
> can
> > take a look at it there if you like (the devel, not the users list). I'm
> > curious if I'll ever get a response...
> The output of "amixer -c0" on the live medium and the installation
> might be very interesting. This should tell us why decibel works on
> one, but not on the other.
> Are kernels used any different? What does "uname -a" say on both systems?
> Lennart
> --
> Lennart PoetteringRed Hat, Inc.
> lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
>   GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 220 [86%] [-7.00dB]
  Front Right: Playback 220 [86%] [-7.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Front',0
  Capabilities: pswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Front Left: Playback [on]
  Front Right: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'CD',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 23
  Front Left: Playback 5 [22%] [-21.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 5 [22%] [-21.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 23
  Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [-36.00dB] [off]
  Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [-36.00dB] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 13
  Front Left: Capture 11 [85%] [27.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Capture 11 [85%] [27.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Beep',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 15
  Front Left: Playback 15 [100%] [0.00dB] [off]
  Front Right: Playback 15 [100%] [0.00dB] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Caller ID',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Input Source',0
  Capabilities: cenum
  Items: 'Mic' 'CD'
  Item0: 'Mic'
Simple mixer control 'Off-hook',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Mic not working with PA

2009-09-25 Thread remrot
Hi again!

 I found a workaround for the dead mic: adding 'position_fix=1' to the
option list brought it back to life! However, it's still different from
within the live system. The recorded stream is very quiet and contains
significant noise, unlike in the live system where volume and quality were
very good, even with the capture device almost muted! So, it still remains a
very strange bug and I wrote another mail to the ALSA developer list
containing additional information collected with their info-script. You can
take a look at it there if you like (the devel, not the users list). I'm
curious if I'll ever get a response...

Thx for your help



2009/9/24 Colin Guthrie 

> 'Twas brillig, and at 24/09/09 11:16 did gyre and gimble:
>> I've already tried to determine the exact parameters for the alsa modules,
>> but I don't know to do that (lsmod and dmesg don't help). The only thing I
>> can do is compare the alsa-base.conf files where the options are stored, but
>> these files are identical, except for the 'probe_mask'. But without that I
>> have neither sound output nor a capture device. I also compared the
>> alsa-info files but again the only difference I see is 'probe_mask' related.
>> To be honest, the more I investigate the less sense this all makes to me.
>> Yesterday I tried again to record from within the live session and it works
>> perfectly. Even the mic volume is very loud without a boost. This is driving
>> me crazy...
>> Here are the differences within the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf file (the other
>> files are identical)
>> daemon.conf:
>> ; rlimit-rtttime = 100
>> vs
>> ; rlimit-rttime = 100
>> ; flat-volumes = yes
>> vs
>> flat-volumes = no
>> I assume the first is a typo?? Anyway, it's commented out. And you already
>> noticed the flatvolumes thing, so nothing new there
> Yeah I fixed the typo the other day :p
> Flat volumes shoudn't affect things at all but the other flag relating to
> HW volume control is telling. It basically tells me that the underlying alsa
> stuff is different in some what, so I'm swaying slightly on the side of it
> being an alsa issue in some capacity... possibly compounded by other issues
> tho'.
> I guess you could test the recording at the alsa level with some arecord
> commands may help confirm it but even then I'm still not sure.
>  I've posted to the alsa users mailing list, maybe one of the people there
>> has got an idea. Thanks again for your help, if you've got any other
>> suggestions I'll be happy to try them out!
> Cool. I'll keep an eye open there too.
> Col
> --
> Colin Guthrie
> gmane(at)
> Day Job:
>  Tribalogic Limited []
> Open Source:
>  Mandriva Linux Contributor []
>  PulseAudio Hacker []
>  Trac Hacker []
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Mic not working with PA

2009-09-24 Thread remrot
I've already tried to determine the exact parameters for the alsa modules,
but I don't know to do that (lsmod and dmesg don't help). The only thing I
can do is compare the alsa-base.conf files where the options are stored, but
these files are identical, except for the 'probe_mask'. But without that I
have neither sound output nor a capture device. I also compared the
alsa-info files but again the only difference I see is 'probe_mask' related.
To be honest, the more I investigate the less sense this all makes to me.
Yesterday I tried again to record from within the live session and it works
perfectly. Even the mic volume is very loud without a boost. This is driving
me crazy...

Here are the differences within the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf file (the other
files are identical)


; rlimit-rtttime = 100
; rlimit-rttime = 100

; flat-volumes = yes
flat-volumes = no

I assume the first is a typo?? Anyway, it's commented out. And you already
noticed the flatvolumes thing, so nothing new there

I've posted to the alsa users mailing list, maybe one of the people there
has got an idea. Thanks again for your help, if you've got any other
suggestions I'll be happy to try them out!



2009/9/24 Colin Guthrie 

> 'Twas brillig, and at 23/09/09 20:55 did gyre and gimble:
>> Thx for your fast response, very much appreciated!
>>  I started the live session and collected some data. I'll attach an
>> archive containing the output of 'pacmd list' from both systems as well as
>> the output of the ALSA info script that they provide for reporting bugs.
>> Maybe that will give some useful information too...
>>  The most obvious difference I noticed was within alsamixer. In the live
>> session all devices have been correctly detected, including the capture
>> device. After the installation I had to use the 'probe_mask=8' option to get
>> rid of the softmodem in codec slot 0 (without that, there wasn't even a
>> capture device). But, like I already said, now everything looks OK in the
>> installed system...
> Well there are some differences I see:
> There are two differences here. The live system seems to have FLAT_VOLUME
> but the intall has it disabled. Also the live system does not support
> HW_VOLUME_CTRL but the install does...
> (although the bit above is just for output, not input).
> @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
>device.profile.description = "Analog Stereo"
>device.description = "Internes Audio Analog Stereo"
>alsa.mixer_name = "Realtek ALC861"
> -   alsa.components = "HDA:11c13026,11790001,00100700
> HDA:10ec0861,1179ff10,00100300"
> +   alsa.components = "HDA:10ec0861,1179ff10,00100300"
>module-udev-detect.discovered = "1"
>device.icon_name = "audio-card-pci"
> This is another difference. The alsa.components are different. Not really
> sure what they mean to be honest tho' :s
> I suspect that your probe_mode parameter seems to me to be where the
> problem is. Perhaps you can work out how the module is loaded on the live cd
> and what params it takes etc. so as to fully replicate the setup on the
> install?
> I'm a bit stumped to be honest :s
> Col
> --
> Colin Guthrie
> gmane(at)
> Day Job:
>  Tribalogic Limited []
> Open Source:
>  Mandriva Linux Contributor []
>  PulseAudio Hacker []
>  Trac Hacker []
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Mic not working with PA

2009-09-23 Thread remrot
Thx for your fast response, very much appreciated!

 I started the live session and collected some data. I'll attach an archive
containing the output of 'pacmd list' from both systems as well as the
output of the ALSA info script that they provide for reporting bugs. Maybe
that will give some useful information too...

 The most obvious difference I noticed was within alsamixer. In the live
session all devices have been correctly detected, including the capture
device. After the installation I had to use the 'probe_mask=8' option to get
rid of the softmodem in codec slot 0 (without that, there wasn't even a
capture device). But, like I already said, now everything looks OK in the
installed system...



2009/9/23 Colin Guthrie 

> 'Twas brillig, and at 23/09/09 19:29 did gyre and gimble:
>> Thanks a lot for your help!
>>  I tried everything you suggested (except for checking /etc/pulse diffs,
>> I'll do that later) without any luck. But I attached the output of 'pacmd
>> list' as well as screenshots of pavucontrol and alsamixer. Imho, everything
>> looks right. When recording with audacity, I can select (in pavucontrol)
>> between the device itself and "monitor of" the device. When selecting the
>> device, the "recording cursor" in audacity does not even move (but
>> flickers). When selecting the monitor, the cursor moves but records nothing
>> but silence (look at the volume meter). Dito with the gnome-sound-recorder
>> (he even crashes on exit when recording directly from the device instead of
>> the monitor). I couldn't find a place where I can set the monitor as the
>> default recording device. I can only change that after recording has
>> started, which is quiet confusing... what's the point of these "monitors"
>> btw?
> Monitors allow you to hear what is coming out of a speaker (think of a band
> playing at a live gig, they use monitors to hear their own playing). So for
> every output sink there is a "monitor" source that goes with it.
> If you were to record from a monitor and then play some audio you should
> hear that coming back in.
> It's odd that things are not working tho' :s Perhaps the live CD uses
> tsched=0 mode in it's The output from pacmd list again on the
> live cd should provide a good comparison.
> Col
> --
> Colin Guthrie
> gmane(at)
> Day Job:
>  Tribalogic Limited []
> Open Source:
>  Mandriva Linux Contributor []
>  PulseAudio Hacker []
>  Trac Hacker []
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Mic not working with PA

2009-09-23 Thread remrot
Thanks a lot for your help!

 I tried everything you suggested (except for checking /etc/pulse diffs,
I'll do that later) without any luck. But I attached the output of 'pacmd
list' as well as screenshots of pavucontrol and alsamixer. Imho, everything
looks right. When recording with audacity, I can select (in pavucontrol)
between the device itself and "monitor of" the device. When selecting the
device, the "recording cursor" in audacity does not even move (but
flickers). When selecting the monitor, the cursor moves but records nothing
but silence (look at the volume meter). Dito with the gnome-sound-recorder
(he even crashes on exit when recording directly from the device instead of
the monitor). I couldn't find a place where I can set the monitor as the
default recording device. I can only change that after recording has
started, which is quiet confusing... what's the point of these "monitors"

 If you need more information just ask. I'd really like to get this to work!



UPDATE : only 40KB are allowed for attachements, so I can only attach the
output of 'pacmd list'. I'll send another mail with the other screenshots
and hope it will be approved soon...

2009/9/23 Colin Guthrie 

> 'Twas brillig, and at 23/09/09 09:56 did gyre and gimble:
>>  I have a problem getting the mic to work on a Toshiba 100 with an ALC861
>> chipset (no builtin mic). I tried Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 Alpha with the same
>> results: the mic works during the live session but stops working after
>> installation. Because of that, it's very likely not a bug within the ALSA
>> driver but either a wrong configuration or a bug in a higher level
>> application like PA. I've already filed a bug report on launchpad, but got
>> no response so far:
>> However, after doing a lot of search, it seems that there are more people
>> with similar problems and they "solved" them mostly by uninstalling PA. I
>> don't really want to do that (especially not in Ubuntu Karmic, since it's
>> deeply integrated) so I decided to ask for help on this mailing list.
>> Unfortunately, it's not my laptop and I only have access to it for the next
>> few days. So, if anyone has some suggestions on how to get the mic working
>> (or track down the bug) that would be really helpful...
> The starting point would be to provide the output from:
> pacmd list
> Then to double check in pavucontol (the newest version - e.g. 0.9.9) which
> supports ports.
> 1. On the "Configuration" tab, you should have a profile selection drop
> down for your card. This should allow you to choose how your hardware works.
> e.g. you may have picked a 5.1 output profile which disables sound input
> (due to hardware limitations) or simply selected an output only profile. If
> so you would generally not get a list of devices under the "Input Devices"
> (with the default filter).
> If that doesn't solve the issue, look on the "Input Devices" tab and you
> should see the recording device. if there are multiple ports available then
> you should get a drop down there that you can use to switch ports.
> This may solve it for you.
> If all this fails, try a fresh user account or remove your ~/.pulse folder.
> If the live session works, then it could just be some thing in your config
> that's causing it, so trashing ~/.pulse is the easiest fix there (although
> double check /etc/pulse for differences in the files there from the live
> version too.
> HTHs
> Col
> --
> Colin Guthrie
> gmane(at)
> Day Job:
>  Tribalogic Limited []
> Open Source:
>  Mandriva Linux Contributor []
>  PulseAudio Hacker []
>  Trac Hacker []
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
Welcome to PulseAudio! Use "help" for usage information.
>>> Memory blocks currently allocated: 42, size: 356,0 KB.
Memory blocks allocated during the whole lifetime: 59844, size: 120,2 MB.
Memory blocks imported from other processes: 39, size: 233,4 KB.
Memory blocks exported to other processes: 0, size: 0 B.
Total sample cache size: 0 B.
Default sample spec: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
Default channel map: front-left,front-right
Default sink name: alsa_output.pci-_00_14.2.analog-stereo
Default source name: alsa_input.pci-_00_14.2.analog-stereo
Memory blocks of type POOL: 3 allocated/37378 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type POOL_EXTERNAL: 0 allocated/13077 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type APPENDED: 0 allocated/3503 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type USER: 0 allocated/575 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type FIXED: 0 allocated/16144 accumulated.
Memory blocks of type IMPORTED: 39 allocated/2819 accumulated.
21 module(s) loaded.

[pulseaudio-discuss] Mic not working with PA

2009-09-23 Thread remrot

 I have a problem getting the mic to work on a Toshiba 100 with an ALC861
chipset (no builtin mic). I tried Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 Alpha with the same
results: the mic works during the live session but stops working after
installation. Because of that, it's very likely not a bug within the ALSA
driver but either a wrong configuration or a bug in a higher level
application like PA. I've already filed a bug report on launchpad, but got
no response so far:

However, after doing a lot of search, it seems that there are more people
with similar problems and they "solved" them mostly by uninstalling PA. I
don't really want to do that (especially not in Ubuntu Karmic, since it's
deeply integrated) so I decided to ask for help on this mailing list.
Unfortunately, it's not my laptop and I only have access to it for the next
few days. So, if anyone has some suggestions on how to get the mic working
(or track down the bug) that would be really helpful...


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