Jira (PUP-10016) Systemd provider is not correctly selected as the service provider if puppet is run as non root

2019-09-18 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-10016  



  Re: Systemd provider is not correctly selected as the service provider if puppet is run as non root   


 Gheorghe Popescu Thank you for creating a ticket for this! Since commenting in https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-7312 I have not been able to reliably reproduce the issue I was having using Vagrant. I have created a minimal Puppet module for this at https://github.com/antaflos/puppet-foobar. On our in-house built Ubuntu 18.04 Vagrant boxes the spec tests would reliably fail with the aforementioned error message, but on the official ubuntu/bionic64 boxes (https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/bionic64) the spec tests would reliably pass. I have no idea why and still cannot figure it out. Drives me crazy  I am glad this issue got attention and a fix so quickly! Thanks to all involved! Not that it matters much now, and just out of curiosity: couldn't Puppet also just look at /sbin/init, much like it looked at /proc/1/exe and read the symlink target? This works for regular users, not just root. As in:  
 confine :true => Puppet::FileSystem.exist?('/sbin/init') && Puppet::FileSystem.readlink('/sbin/init').include?('systemd')
  Maybe in addition to looking at /proc/1/exe, i.e.:  
 confine :true => (Puppet::FileSystem.exist?('/proc/1/exe') && Puppet::FileSystem.readlink('/proc/1/exe').include?('systemd')) ||   
 (Puppet::FileSystem.exist?('/sbin/init') && Puppet::FileSystem.readlink('/sbin/init').include?('systemd'))



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Jira (PUP-7312) Confine systemd provider to init system matching systemd

2019-09-09 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-7312  



  Re: Confine systemd provider to init system matching systemd   


 It seems that this change breaks a few things when Puppet is not being run as root, for example during spec tests (i.e. pdk test unit). At least under Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 the file /proc/1/exe is not accessible by regular users, so Puppet::FileSystem.exist?('/proc/1/exe') returns false and Puppet::FileSystem.readlink('/proc/1/exe').include?('systemd') fails with Errno::EACCES. ls also fails, obviously:  
 $ ls /proc/1/exe  
 ls: cannot read symbolic link '/proc/1/exe': Permission denied  
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep  7 00:13 /proc/1/exe
  This has interesting implications in that now Puppet no longer recognizes that systemd is the correct service provider for recent Debian and Ubuntu releases. Thus spec tests for services fail with cryptic error messages like this:  
 $ pdk test unit  
 failed: rspec: ./spec/classes/service_spec.rb:9: Could not find the daemon directory (tested [/etc/sv,/var/lib/service])




Jira (PUP-9395) provider gem in package type doesn't work anymore when rubygems is >= 3.0.0

2019-01-03 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-9395  



  Re: provider gem in package type doesn't work anymore when rubygems is >= 3.0.0   


 We ran into the same issue today, with Puppet 5.5.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04:  
 Error: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/gem install -v 2.7.7 --no-rdoc --no-ri rubygems-update' returned 1: ERROR:  While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)  
 invalid option: --no-rdoc



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Jira (PUP-8477) selinux types are being set on every run

2018-02-25 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-8477  



  Re: selinux types are being set on every run   


 We observe similar problems on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 using Puppet 5.4.0. SELinux properties are set on every Puppet agent run for the .k5login files we manage. The output of a typical Puppet agent run looks like this:  
 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::K5login/K5login[/root/.k5login]/seluser: seluser changed  to 'user_u'  
 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::K5login/K5login[/root/.k5login]/selrole: selrole changed  to 'object_r'  
 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::K5login/K5login[/root/.k5login]/seltype: seltype changed  to 'krb5_home_t'  
 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::K5login/K5login[/root/.k5login]/selrange: selrange changed  to 's0'  
 Notice: Applied catalog in 22.20 seconds
  We manage the .k5login files using a profile that looks like this:  
 class profile::k5login {  
   $k5login_defaults = lookup('profile::k5login::k5login_defaults', Hash, 'deep', {})  
   $k5logins = lookup('profile::k5login::k5logins', Hash, 'deep', {})  
   create_resources('k5login', $k5logins, $k5login_defaults)  

Jira (PUP-8255) gem package provider broken with Rubygems 2.7.x

2017-12-14 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-8255 
  gem package provider broken with Rubygems 2.7.x  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 5.3.3 




 2017/12/14 12:33 PM 

Ubuntu 16.04 


 Andreas Ntaflos 
The format of gem list --local changed with the recent Rubygems 2.7.0 release. It now indicates default Gems, which looks like this: 
$ gem list --local 

Jira (PUP-5601) Puppet settings not setup prior to test runs due to PUP-1118 implementation

2017-07-24 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-5601 

  Re: Puppet settings not setup prior to test runs due to PUP-1118 implementation  
It seems to me this problem, or a similar one, still exists in puppetlabs_spec_helper 2.3.0. Using the following spec/classes/skeleton_spec.rb I get this when running rspec: 
/home/ant/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/bin/ruby -I/home/ant/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/gemsets/puppetmoduledev/gems/rspec-core-3.6.0/lib:/home/ant/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/gemsets/puppetmoduledev/gems/rspec-support-3.6.0/lib /home/ant/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/gemsets/puppetmoduledev/gems/rspec-core-3.6.0/exe/rspec --pattern spec/\{aliases,classes,defines,unit,functions,hosts,integration,type_aliases,types\}/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --color 
confdir is set to '' 
An error occurred while loading ./spec/classes/skeleton_spec.rb. 
Failure/Error: puts Puppet[:ssldir] 
  Error converting value for param 'ssldir': Could not find value for $confdir 
# /home/ant/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/gemsets/puppetmoduledev/gems/puppet-4.10.1/lib/puppet/settings.r

Jira (PUP-7474) PuppetCA should issue certs with Subject Alternative Name containing the CN for compliance with RFC 2818

2017-04-26 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7474 
  PuppetCA should issue certs with Subject Alternative Name containing the CN for compliance with RFC 2818  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.10.0 




 2017/04/26 11:01 AM 


 Andreas Ntaflos 
Recently Chrome 58 was released and https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/4981025180483584 states the following: 

RFC 2818 describes two methods to match a domain name against a certificate - using the available names within the subjectAlternativeName extension, or, in the absence of a SAN extension, falling back to the commonName. The fallback to the commonName was deprecated in RFC 2818 (published in 2000), but support still remains in a number of TLS clients, often incorrectly.
Unfortunately this means that PuppetCA-issued certificates are considered invalid by Chrome 58, because by default they don't have the subjectAlternativeName extension and therefore don't include the certificate's common name (CN) as a SAN field. 
The implication is that many (usually internal) services that use PuppetCA-issued certificates as server certificates are now inaccessible with Chrome. Typical examples include Foreman, Puppetboard and other such services. I imagine this is also a problem for PE and its various web interfaces, but we are not PE users so I can't say for sure. 
In order for PuppetCA certifi

Jira (PUP-7464) Warning when trying to JSON-serialise undef value ("hash will be converted to string")

2017-04-23 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7464 
  Warning when trying to JSON-serialise undef value ("hash will be converted to string")  

Change By:
 Andreas Ntaflos 
 A warning message like the following appears in Puppetserver's logs (line breaks added for readability):{code}2017-04-23 16:12:15,935 WARN  [qtp2095795815-27357] [puppetserver] Puppet Resource 'Icinga2::Object::Host[dns01.prod.example.com]'contains a Hash value. It will be converted to the String '{"distro"=>"Ubuntu", "is_virtual"=>true, "manufacturer"=>"QEMU", "os"=>"Linux", "parent"=>:undef, "project"=>"dns", "fqdn"=>"dns01.prod.example.com", "service"=>"dns-cluster","stage"=>"prod", "virtual"=>"kvm","notification"=>{"mail"=>{"groups"=>["admins"]}, "sms"=>{"groups"=>["admins"]}}}'{code}The resource in question looks like this:{code}...if getvar('::virtualisation_host') {  $_parent = $::virtualisation_host} else {  $_parent = undef}...@@icinga2::object::host { $::fqdn:  import   => $_import,  display_name => $::fqdn,  address  => $::fqdn,  target   => '/etc/icinga2/objects/hosts.conf',  tag  => $::stage,  vars => {applications => $_applications,distro   => $::operatingsystem,fqdn => $::fqdn,is_virtual   => $::is_virtual,manufacturer => $::manufacturer,os   => $::kernel,parent   => $_parent,project  => $::project,service  => $_service,stage=> $::stage,virtual  => $::virtual,notification => {  mail => {groups => $mail_groups,  },  sms  => {groups => $sms_groups,  },},  },}{code}In this case  `  {{ $_parent ` }}  (and therefore the  `  {{ parent ` }}  value in the  `  {{ vars ` }}  hash) is set to  `  {{ undef ` }}  explicitly. This seems to trip up something in Puppet related to JSON-serialisation.I'll update this ticket with some reproducible code in the coming days. 

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Jira (PUP-7464) Warning when trying to JSON-serialise undef value ("hash will be converted to string")

2017-04-23 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7464 
  Warning when trying to JSON-serialise undef value ("hash will be converted to string")  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.10.0 




 2017/04/23 9:07 AM 

Puppet 4.8.3 and 4.10.0, Ubuntu 14.04, Puppetserver 2.7.2 


 Andreas Ntaflos 
A warning message like the following appears in Puppetserver's logs (line breaks added for readability): 
2017-04-23 16:12:15,935 WARN  [qtp2095795815-27357] [puppetserver] Puppet Resource 'Icinga2::Object::Host[dns01.prod.example.com]' 
contains a Hash value. It will be converted to the String  

Jira (PUP-7341) Regex Lookup isn't working with Puppet 4.9

2017-03-16 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-7341 

  Re: Regex Lookup isn't working with Puppet 4.9  
Just noticed this problem as well. Using a regex with anchors, like "^profile::(.*)::foo$" results in the above error message. Removing the anchors from the regex ("profile::(.*)::foo") seems to turn it into a regular string as far as Puppet and Hiera are concerned and the lookup options for such keys are subsequently ignored (because no lookup key matches profile::(.*)::foo literally). At least that's my interpretation of what I am observing. 

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Jira (HI-561) Hiera 5 doesn't call lookup_with_segments method on hiera3_backend

2017-03-09 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  HI-561 

  Re: Hiera 5 doesn't call lookup_with_segments method on hiera3_backend  
Note that the lookup works when quoting the lookup key: 
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet lookup --render-as s '"example_ca.crt.pem"' 

Jira (HI-561) Hiera 5 doesn't call lookup_with_segments method on hiera3_backend

2017-03-09 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos created an issue 

 Hiera /  HI-561 
  Hiera 5 doesn't call lookup_with_segments method on hiera3_backend  

Issue Type:




 2017/03/09 6:08 AM 

Puppet 4.9.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 


 Andreas Ntaflos 
We use a custom Hiera backend we call file_eyaml. It is based on the hiera-file backend from https://github.com/voxpupuli/hiera-file, which allows looking up file contents with Hiera. Our backend goes one step further and allows for the file contents to be Eyaml encrypted. Looking up a file this way decrypts the contents if they are encrypted or just returns them if they are not. The backend code is not really public but I've created a gist here (please don't judge, it is rather hackish and not that pretty): https://gist.github.com/antaflos/f4cb8844efa27d60d5179c77ad5b83ce 
The problem here is that the files in question (and thus the lookup keys) very often have periods in their filenames, so we implemented the lookup_with_segments method in our backend as discussed in https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/HI-496. This works fine in Hiera 3 and Puppet 4.8.x (and Hiera 1 and Puppet 3.8.x) 
In Puppet 4.9.3 and Hiera 5 the lookup_with_segments method doesn't seem to get called at all. 
See below for the hiera.yaml file used and the defined hierarchy. 
In this example I have a file /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/hierafiles/ssldata/common.d/example_ca.crt.pem that contains an unencrypted, regular base64

Jira (HI-496) Hiera subkeys lookup should be configurable

2016-02-09 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  HI-496 

  Re: Hiera subkeys lookup should be configurable  
Will do, thanks for the pointer! 

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Jira (HI-496) Hiera subkeys lookup should be configurable

2016-02-09 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  HI-496 

  Re: Hiera subkeys lookup should be configurable  
To add a related perspective: this also hits those who use the hiera-file. We don't have dots in any of our normal Hiera lookup keys but the content of files in the hiera-file backend is looked up using the file name as key, and that will almost invariably and naturally contain at least one dot. For example: 
Looking up mcollective-servers.crt.pem with Hiera returns the contents of the file ssldata/mcollective.d/mcollective-servers.crt.pem which we then pass to content of a File resource that manages that certificate on the target systems. 
To make this work with Hiera 2/3 we have to rename all files so something like this: 
Not exactly a showstopper but a PITA and somewhat unnatural for files. 

Jira (PUP-4516) Agent does not stop with Ctrl-C

2015-07-30 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Andreas Ntaflos commented on  PUP-4516 

  Re: Agent does not stop with Ctrl-C  
FWIW: a workaround (if you can call it that) is to put the running Puppet agent process in the background with Ctrl-Z and then destroy it with pkill -9 -f 'puppet agent'. 

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Jira (HI-297) hiera (debian) package does not register as gem

2014-10-17 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andreas Ntaflos commented on an issue


  Re: hiera (debian) package does not register as gem 

I had the same problem on my Vagrant boxes I use for Puppet module development. On the box that runs a Puppet master I had to use the --ignore-dependencies install option so that Puppet could install the hiera-file Gem without a dependency error:

  package { 'hiera-file':

ensure  => $hiera_file_package_ensure,

name=> $hiera_file_package_name,

provider=> 'gem',  

install_options => '--ignore-dependencies',


So why would Puppet, when running `gem install` use a wrong GEM_PATH and not find Hiera as a Gem anywhere?


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Jira (PUP-1515) Invalid parameter provider for custom types/providers

2014-05-01 Thread Andreas Ntaflos (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andreas Ntaflos commented on an issue


  Re: Invalid parameter provider for custom types/providers 

"Me, too."
Our Puppet master currently runs in the 'production' environment while a growing number of nodes run in a different environment (called 'production_redux', as we are overhauling the Puppet infrastructure on that site). Using the puppetlabs-mysql module in the 'production_redux' environment (but not in 'production') we get the "invalid parameter provider" exception trying to manage MySQL users and databases.
Do I understand correctly that switching the Puppet master's own environment to (in our case) 'production_redux' would work around this problem?
FWIW, running puppet plugin download --environment production_redux on the Puppet master results in this:

# puppet plugin download --environment production_redux 
Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet://puppet01.example.com/plugins: undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Wrapped exception:
undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet://puppet01.example.com/pluginfacts: undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
Wrapped exception:
undefined method `intern' for nil:NilClass
No plugins downloaded.

I have no idea what to make of this.


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 Puppet /  PUP-1515

  Invalid parameter provider for custom types/providers