Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-23 Thread Ethan Brown (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Ethan Brown assigned an issue to Unassigned

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Ethan Brown




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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-21 Thread Ethan Brown (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Ethan Brown assigned an issue to Ethan Brown

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Ethan Brown


 KurtWall EthanBrown


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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-21 Thread Ethan Brown (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Ethan Brown commented on an issue

  Re: Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Debian 7 wheezy tested.
Diff between latest https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/commit/8a06a9a880d835f9387e6677e7458a59af0ca262 and https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/commit/15b187deb7065a00c4dc5d92f506b2cdb36ea0c8 (prior to merge)

--- from_file 
+++ architecture = amd64 
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
-gce = {instance={attributes={}, description=, disks=[{deviceName=ubuntu-facter-test, index=0, mode=READ_WRITE, type=PERSISTENT}], hostname=ubuntu-facter-test.c.grounded-primer-618.internal, id=11875435620604659185, image=nil, machineType=n1-standard-1, maintenanceEvent=NONE, networkInterfaces=[{accessConfigs=[{externalIp=, type=ONE_TO_ONE_NAT}], forwardedIps=[], ip=, network=default}], scheduling={automaticRestart=TRUE, onHostMaintenance=MIGRATE}, serviceAccounts={}, tags=[], zone=us-central1-a}, project={attributes={sshKeys=[Iristyle:ssh-rsa snipped /]}, numericProjectId=1070024859452, projectId=grounded-primer-618}}
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@
-is_virtual = true
+is_virtual = false
@@ -67,8 +66,8 @@
-virtual = gce
+virtual = physical

Full Facter run against https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/commit/8a06a9a880d835f9387e6677e7458a59af0ca262

architecture = amd64
blockdevice_sda_model = PersistentDisk
blockdevice_sda_size = 10737418240
blockdevice_sda_vendor = Google
blockdevices = sda
domain = c.grounded-primer-618.internal
facterversion = 2.0.2
filesystems = ext4
fqdn = ubuntu-facter-test.c.grounded-primer-618.internal
gce = {instance={attributes={}, description=, disks=[{deviceName=ubuntu-facter-test, index=0, mode=READ_WRITE, type=PERSISTENT}], hostname=ubuntu-facter-test.c.grounded-primer-618.internal, id=11875435620604659185, image=nil, machineType=n1-standard-1, maintenanceEvent=NONE, networkInterfaces=[{accessConfigs=[{externalIp=, type=ONE_TO_ONE_NAT}], forwardedIps=[], ip=, network=default}], scheduling={automaticRestart=TRUE, onHostMaintenance=MIGRATE}, serviceAccounts={}, tags=[], zone=us-central1-a}, project={attributes={sshKeys=[Iristyle: snipped /]}, numericProjectId=1070024859452, projectId=grounded-primer-618}}
hardwareisa = unknown
hardwaremodel = x86_64
hostname = ubuntu-facter-test
id = Iristyle
interfaces = eth0,lo
ipaddress =
ipaddress_eth0 =
ipaddress_lo =
is_virtual = true
kernel = Linux
kernelmajversion = 3.2
kernelrelease = 3.2.0-4-amd64
kernelversion = 3.2.0
lsbdistcodename = wheezy
lsbdistdescription = Debian GNU/Linux 7.5 (wheezy)
lsbdistid = Debian
lsbdistrelease = 7.5
lsbmajdistrelease = 7
macaddress = 42:01:0a:f0:56:52
macaddress_eth0 = 42:01:0a:f0:56:52
memoryfree = 3.48 GB
memoryfree_mb = 3559.95
memorysize = 3.63 GB
memorysize_mb = 3714.49
mtu_eth0 = 1460
mtu_lo = 16436
netmask =
netmask_eth0 =
netmask_lo =
network_eth0 =
network_lo =
operatingsystem = Debian
operatingsystemmajrelease = 7
operatingsystemrelease = 7.5
osfamily = Debian
partitions = {sda1={uuid=db891c02-ae4f-4d0e-871d-1e86892fbb81, size=20969472}}
path = /home/Iristyle/facter/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.9.1/bin:/home/Iristyle/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p547/bin:/home/Iristyle/.rbenv/libexec:/home/Iristyle/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:/home/Iristyle/.rbenv/shims:/home/Iristyle/.rbenv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
physicalprocessorcount = 1

Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-20 Thread Kurt Wall (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Kurt Wall commented on an issue

  Re: Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Adrien Thebo I think it would be faster if you could just paste the before and after output of GCE facts. I need to setup GCE access, which will take a lot longer than just seeing the output in this particular case. Would you mind doing so?


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 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

 With the launch of GCE v1 API, Google has revised the recommended way of determining if the virtual machine resides within GCE. Updated instructions state to use 'sudo dmidecode -s bios-vendor | grep Google' (same URL, new instructions at https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/instances#dmi).   GCE v1 no longer requires google-only kernels and we ca...

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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-20 Thread Kurt Wall (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Kurt Wall assigned an issue to Kurt Wall

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Kurt Wall




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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-19 Thread Josh Cooper (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Josh Cooper assigned an issue to Josh Cooper

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Josh Cooper




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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-19 Thread Josh Cooper (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Josh Cooper commented on an issue

  Re: Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Merged in 83f1d52 to be released in 2.1


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 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

 With the launch of GCE v1 API, Google has revised the recommended way of determining if the virtual machine resides within GCE. Updated instructions state to use 'sudo dmidecode -s bios-vendor | grep Google' (same URL, new instructions at https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/instances#dmi).   GCE v1 no longer requires google-only kernels and we ca...

 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.1.4#6159-sha1:44eaede)


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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-18 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Adrien Thebo




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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-18 Thread Kylo Ginsberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Kylo Ginsberg updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Kylo Ginsberg


 Week2014-6-11to2014-6-18 ,Week2014-6-18to2014-6-25


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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-06-11 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo assigned an issue to Adrien Thebo

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Adrien Thebo


 KyloGinsberg AdrienThebo


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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-05-28 Thread Joshua Cooper (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Joshua Cooper updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Joshua Cooper


 Week2014-6- 4 11 to2014-6- 11 18


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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-05-27 Thread Kylo Ginsberg (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Kylo Ginsberg updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Kylo Ginsberg




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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-04-16 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Adrien Thebo

Story Points:



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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-04-16 Thread Adrien Thebo (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Adrien Thebo updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Adrien Thebo

Fix Version/s:



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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-02-14 Thread Andrew Parker (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andrew Parker moved an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Andrew Parker


 PUP FACT - 1122 335


 Puppet Facter


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Jira (FACT-335) Revisit how facter detects GCE instances

2014-02-14 Thread Andrew Parker (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Andrew Parker updated an issue

 Facter /  FACT-335

  Revisit how facter detects GCE instances 

Change By:

 Andrew Parker




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