Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-08-09 Thread Damon Maria (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Damon Maria commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Thanks Luchian Nemes. Explains why I couldn't find the lastrunsummary setting mentioned in the release notes. Also, the docs you linked to have a mistake I think. For lastrunfile it says the default is in $statedir, I think that should be $publicdir.   



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-08-09 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Damon Maria. a bit confusing, I know, but it's actually called lastrunfile. Running puppet config print shows all the available settings.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-08-09 Thread Damon Maria (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Damon Maria commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 I have tried to make the last_run_summary.yaml public by adding the following to puppet.conf (as per the 7.0.0 release notes):  
 lastrunsummary = $publicdir/last_run_summary.yaml { owner = root, group = root, mode = 0644 }
    But it makes no difference. I have restarted the agent and replaced $publicdir with the actual value but nothing changes about the file when the agent runs. What am I doing wrong?  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-18 Thread R.I.Pienaar (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 R.I.Pienaar commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 The product is secure, the information in this file is not a security risk for the vast number of users.  Those who function in repressive security environments can carry the cost associated with learning every minute detail and tweaking it all to their exact needs - as they already do for everything they use.  Leaving sane defaults for the majority of users.   Thats why this directory was made to specifically make it easy and obvious where and what puppet is providing as public - the problem is a) a file in there is not public b) it's not public because 1 user decided its a risk while 10s felt its good use to make that data public. When picking defaults its common for those to be picked in a way to serve the majority and then allow the minorities who do need things at a much more restrictive level to adjust things. Catering to new users with sane defaults the promote a safe use of the product is not their "ignorance", it's just how new users are and how people who do not make a product their entire life exist. It's a careful balance in product design. Another tenet of product design is that of consistency and obviousness and now we have a non public file in a public directory which is not consistent or obvious. And yes, every response by you so far has been that of a Jerk Scott Cyprus I'd appreciate if you can town it down a bit to a more civil level. It would also help if you didnt edit out entire comments so that when people respond to you others can see what the responses are about.    



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-17 Thread Scott Cyprus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Scott Cyprus commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 R.I.Pienaar > The ability to control file modes in config files is known by very few people ime based on chat history etc I hate to sound like an elitist jerk, but why should other people's ignorance dictate how a product is secured by default? It begs the question, how far are we willing to go to accomodate the weakest link? If someone doesn't understand how groups work, then in my opinion they shouldn't be anywhere near puppet code that will presumably be run on many systems.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread R.I.Pienaar (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 R.I.Pienaar commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Yeah, sorry I copied down from Trevor incorrectly, indeed reports should be not be accessible as they hold vast troves of information The whole reason this public directory was even made was due to the request - by many people over the years - to restore last run summary to world readable as it was in the distant past. It was great to see that was done as it solved a security issue for many enabling monitoring as non root. The ability to control file modes in config files is known by very few people ime based on chat history etc now we are back where we started - hard to use defaults for the majority average users. And more confusingly a public directory that holds a non public file   



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread Scott Cyprus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Scott Cyprus commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Josh Cooper Thanks for the quick response. I did see that the original 644 change was caught and changed to 640, which is fine. I was more concerned about the original 644 permission. Fair point about the version being accessible elsewhere, although some of the other info in the file such as failed runs and last_run is a bit sensitive as well. Honestly, I was less concerned about the somewhat-sensitive information in the file, and more concerned with the permissions that the file was given. It's just a bad look, you know? It made me wonder, "What else on my system has similar permissions that I didn't happen to read about in the change logs?"  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Josh Cooper commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 R.I.Pienaar I think you meant "by default even reports should NOT be accessible? Scott Cyprus The reason for the path change is because the old parent directory /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache is not read/executable by other. So in order to make the last_run_summary.yaml readable by monitoring software, you'd have to relax the permissions on the parent cache as well. But that directory can contain sensitive information last_run_report.yaml, so a bigger change was required. The new public directory is read/executable by other, but the last_run_summary.yaml file is not readable, because we are following secure by default practices. If you are an advanced user and want to allow a specific user/group access to the summary file, then it's up to you. I understand the concern around the version number and correlating that with known exploits, but the version number is not a secret. It's literally one command away:  
 $ cat /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/VERSION  
  and there are about 6 other ways to get the same information. Also know that this feature wasn't "implemented without a second thought." We actually did put a lot of thought into this, but sometimes oversights happen, and we welcome feedback.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread R.I.Pienaar (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 R.I.Pienaar commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 The file was not executable. It doesn’t indicate what the load of the system is and there are far simpler ways to determine what version of puppet is being run. It holds SIGNIFICANTLY less information than a report - as a response to “by default even reports should be accessible”. You are right which is why they are not. This summary file is not nearly as big a deal as suggested here. And those who are in highly controlled environments are used to tightening things down. This file has a very useful utility - and that is so that monitoring tools monitoring the health of puppet does not need to be run as root.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread Scott Cyprus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Scott Cyprus updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Scott Cyprus  
 It's very concerning that this "improvement" request was implemented without a second thought. 755 and 644 on a file that could get someone hacked? People are trusting your software to run on their systems, and careless changes like this erode that trust really quickly. It wasn't a "great catch" by Trevor, it was common sense. Please keep in mind that people use puppet to install software, and that software has an attack surface. If a hacker gains a limited shell on the machine and sees that puppet is running an outdated and vulnerable version then that is an easy way to escalate privileges.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread Scott Cyprus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Scott Cyprus commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 It's very concerning that this "improvement" request was implemented without a second thought. 755 and 644 on a file that could get someone hacked? People are trusting your software to run on their systems, and careless changes like this erode that trust really quickly. It wasn't a "great catch" by Trevor, it was common sense.  Please keep in mind that people use puppet to install software, and that software has an attack surface. If a hacker gains a limited shell on the machine and sees that puppet is running an outdated and vulnerable version then that is an easy way to escalate privileges.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-14 Thread Scott Cyprus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Scott Cyprus commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 It's very concerning that this "improvement" request was implemented without a second thought. 755 and 644 on a file that could get someone hacked? People are trusting your software to run on their systems, and careless changes like this erode that trust really quickly. It wasn't a "great catch" by Trevor, it was common sense.  Please keep in mind that people use puppet to install software, and that software has an attack surface. If a hacker gains a limited shell on the machine and sees that puppet is running an outdated and vulnerable version then that is an easy way in.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2021-05-13 Thread R.I.Pienaar (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 R.I.Pienaar commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Came across this since the initial request that put the file here was PA-3253 and that created the "public" directory, now we have 0640 files in a public directory, which doesnt seem like the right thing to do and again makes it so that monitoring the puppet system can only be done as root?  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-11-09 Thread Claire Cadman (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Claire Cadman updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Claire Cadman  
 doc_reviewed platform_7  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-11-04 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Josh Cooper commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Follow up PR merged to main in https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/f664d6a21656f80b54b396529c84ee7e24108921  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-11-04 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Luchian Nemes  
Release Notes Summary: 
 A new folder named `public`, with 0755 access rights, has been added and is now the default location for the 'last_run_summary.yaml' report  which now has `640` file permissions .  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-11-04 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Great catch Trevor Vaughan! Opened https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/8433 for this.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-10-28 Thread Trevor Vaughan (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Trevor Vaughan commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Josh Cooper That information is sufficient to provide data as to how well automated/secured the system is over time (noop, etc...), what version (potentially exploitable) of puppet is being run, and the general load of the system. None of this information should be exposed by default to anyone besides root. Start locked down and allow for loosening restrictions if at all possible. To me, this information is like a system log. You don't expose your system logs to all users but you may allow some users, by group, to access certain logs for their job functions.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-10-27 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Josh Cooper commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 The description was slightly misleading. Only the last_run_summary.yaml is written to the public directory, not reports or anything else from the state directory. The summary contains info such as:  
  config: 1603825976  
  puppet: 6.20.0  
  changed: 0  
  corrective_change: 0  
  failed: 0  
  failed_to_restart: 0  
  out_of_sync: 0  
  restarted: 0  
  scheduled: 0  
  skipped: 0  
  total: 7  

Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-10-27 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Josh Cooper updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Josh Cooper  


 Puppet needs a new folder called `public` which should be accessible by everyone (public user class) and have the public puppet files such as  reports  last run summary  (without sensitive data in them) stored there. Default location proposed is `/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/public` on Linux and `C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\public` on Microsoft Windows. Both the folder and containing files should have `0755` (rwxr-xr-x) permissions set. Installation/upgrade of puppet-agent should ensure the existence of this folder.Custom path for this folder should be possible through custom settings in `puppet.conf` or using the `puppet config set publicdir ` cli command. Current implementation should only include the `last_run_summary.yaml` file in said folder (which is currently located in `/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state` on Linux and `C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\cache\state` on Microsoft Windows).Changes needed in Puppet Agent (regarding the new cli parameter setting and folder packaging) should be covered in PA-3253.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-10-27 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Josh Cooper commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 Merged to main in https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/99355131bcdee5b2a205a92572af0da134020d16  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-10-27 Thread Josh Cooper (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Josh Cooper updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Josh Cooper  
Fix Version/s: 
 PUP 7.0.0  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-10-27 Thread Trevor Vaughan (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Trevor Vaughan commented on  PUP-10627  



  Re: write public information to puppet_dir/public   


 What's the use case for this? From what I'm seeing, it's a security violation based on pretty much any documentation that I can think of. By default, even reports should not be accessible to all users. If you want to share this information, it should be isolated to a specific group and then users should be added to that group for access.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-09-02 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Luchian Nemes  
Release Notes: 
 Bug Fix  
Release Notes Summary: 
 A new folder named `public`, with 0755 access rights, has been added and is now the default location for the 'last_run_summary.yaml' report.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-09-02 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  
 NW - 2020-09-01 , NW - 2020-09-16  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-08-20 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Luchian Nemes  


 [TODO]Add description Puppet needs a new folder called `public` which should be accessible by everyone (public user class) and have the public puppet files such as reports (without sensitive data in them) stored there. Default location proposed is `/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/public` on Linux and `C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\public` on Microsoft Windows. Both the folder and containing files should have `0755` (rwxr-xr-x) permissions set. Installation/upgrade of puppet-agent should ensure the existence of this folder.Custom path for this folder should be possible through custom settings in `puppet.conf` or using the `puppet config set publicdir ` cli command. Current implementation should only include the `last_run_summary.yaml` file in said folder (which is currently located in `/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/state` on Linux and `C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\cache\state` on Microsoft Windows).Changes needed in Puppet Agent (regarding the new cli parameter setting and folder packaging) should be covered in PA-3253.  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-08-19 Thread Luchian Nemes (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Luchian Nemes assigned an issue to Luchian Nemes  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Luchian Nemes  
 Luchian Nemes  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-08-19 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau updated an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Change By: 
 Mihai Buzgau  



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Jira (PUP-10627) write public information to puppet_dir/public

2020-08-19 Thread Mihai Buzgau (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Mihai Buzgau created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10627  
  write public information to puppet_dir/public   


Issue Type: 
 2020/08/19 2:31 AM  
 Mihai Buzgau  


 [TODO]Add description  



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