[Puppet Users] help with user type

2011-07-09 Thread maillists0
Could really use some help with this. I have a simple class that
contains only this:

user { myuser:
 ensure   = present,
 home = /home/myuser,
 shell= /bin/bash,
 uid  = 1001,
 gid  = 1001,
 comment  = My user,

It fails with the following message:

Could not set comment on user[myuser]: Execution of '/usr/sbin/usermod
-c My user' returned 6: usermod: myuser not found in /etc/passwd

Running the client in debug, I don't see anything to suggest that
there's an attempt to add the user.  That part isn't failing, it
simply isn't happening. What could I be doing wrong? Any help is

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Re: [Puppet Users] help with user type

2011-07-09 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 5:04 AM, maillis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Could really use some help with this. I have a simple class that
 contains only this:

 user { myuser:
 ensure   = present,
 home = /home/myuser,
 shell= /bin/bash,
 uid  = 1001,
 gid  = 1001,
 comment  = My user,

 It fails with the following message:

 Could not set comment on user[myuser]: Execution of '/usr/sbin/usermod
 -c My user' returned 6: usermod: myuser not found in /etc/passwd

 Running the client in debug, I don't see anything to suggest that
 there's an attempt to add the user.  That part isn't failing, it
 simply isn't happening. What could I be doing wrong? Any help is

What OS and version?
What Puppet version?

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs
Twitter: @nigelkersten

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Re: [Puppet Users] Explanation of the metric section of a report

2011-07-09 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Haitao Jiang jianghai...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just wondering if anyone can point me to the documentation on the
 metric section of a report. I have a slow agent run which has
 following numbers:

 Config Retrieval10.43 seconds
 Exec0.00 seconds
 File157.11 seconds
 Filebucket  0.00 seconds
 Package 0.07 seconds
 Schedule0.00 seconds
 Total   167.62 seconds

 I would like to know meaning of above in order to find out the reasons
 of slowness. My guess is it was due to the network latency, but just
 want to make sure.

It's telling you that it only took 10 seconds to talk to the server and
retrieve the catalog, and almost all your time was spent in File resources.

File resources impose a different kind of load upon the server, as when they
have a remote source the client needs to request file metadata in order to
compare locally and determine whether or not the file contents need to be
retrieved from the server.

If you have lots of File resources, multiple concurrent clients, and are
still running with the webrick Puppet master, you'll see performance
degradation like this.

If you have deep recursive directories in a File resource, you'll run into
similar issues.

If you have very large files, the default checksumming will take a while.

There are a few parameters that are designed to help with these cases.


Have a look at recurse and checksum.

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs
Twitter: @nigelkersten

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September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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[Puppet Users] Re: What is the best practice to clean up installed components on a node?

2011-07-09 Thread John Lyman
Create a class called sg_node::disabled that inherits sg_node and
overrides all of it's resources to undo them.  This usually means
setting 'ensure =absent' (or 'undef' if applicable) for most
resources.  For execs, I usually set 'unless = true.'

Be sure to include the class on the nodes you want to clean up (e.g.

On Jul 7, 3:13 pm, Haitao Jiang jianghai...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am new to Puppet, here is a question that I hope to get some help
 from the group:

 - assume I have 2 nodes, vm1 and vm2;

 - assume that I defined a class of node say, sg_node, that includes
 components such as Apache and Postgres DB etc.

 - in the nodes.pp file, we have
   node vm1 {
         include sg_node

 Now, I want to let vm2 to be the sg_node, which is easy. But how to
 clean up vm1 so that it doesn't have the components that sg_node

 Thanks  a lot!

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Re: [Puppet Users] Downgrading RubyGems using Package provider = gem

2011-07-09 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Martin Willemsma mwillem...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Ryan,

 I experience the same. I'm using gem provider to manage puppet and
 facter installed versions. When I recently upgraded a selection of
 nodes to 2.7.1 I saw other not being removed like the way apt is

 I would like to see what you purpose. Ensure = 2.7.1 also removes 2.6.8,

This is how gems work though. When you install a new version, it doesn't
automatically remove the old one like apt does.

I'd set up a 'gem cleanup' exec if you want to get rid of them.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Issue with puppet file serving api not parsing yaml content correctly

2011-07-09 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Derek dtam...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am working on building a facter tag based node classifier similar to

 However, I have run into an issue where I cannot use puppet's require
 file ability to push the yaml file containing the facts file to the
 client because it would require two runs of puppet to pickup changes.
 Consequently, I have written into the facter ruby script the ability
 to connect to puppet's restful api and get the yaml file from the
 private store. This works fine in irb, ruby, and facter if called
 directly. However, when run inside of a puppet run it seems to fail on
 parsing the http response correctly into yaml. As a result, it does
 not get saved to disk and loaded as a fact for the puppet run.

 There is probably a simpler way to do this. Essentially we want to
 have tags on a server and use that to selectively include or remove
 modules from a server by facter tags rather than by a server's name.

 Some Version Information:
 - os = CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
 - ruby = ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [x86_64-linux]
 - facter = 1.6.0 (updated because my script loads multiple facts and
 the older version we were running requires the filename to match the
 fact name. This was not working because I did not want to split my
 ruby load script into multiple files to match each of the fact names.)
 - puppet = 0.25.4

 Yaml file it is trying to grab from a private store:
  - base
  - db
  - dev

 The yaml file downloads correctly via a puppet run without my script.
 I can also wget the file and use net/https via ruby to get the file.
 All methods return the correct file with matching md5sums.

 Under my module called truth I have the following:
 - files - private - domain.inter - hostname - truth_tags.yml
  - base
  - dev

 - lib - facter - load_truth_tags.rb
  problem area:
 def apitruthtag(calltype)

  # set some client side variables to build on later
  sslbasedir = '/etc/puppet/ssl'
  sslprivdir = sslbasedir + '/private_keys'
  sslpubdir = sslbasedir + '/certs'
  sslcafile = sslpubdir + '/ca.pem'

  # this sets if we want metadata or content from puppet
  datatype = calltype

  # We want yaml back from puppet
  header = {'Accept' = 'yaml'}

  # Setup some connection variables to our puppet server and what we
 want from it
  proto = 'https'
  server = 'puppet.domain.inter'
  port = '8140'
  path = '/production/file_' + datatype + '/truth_private/

  # Build the full uri to request from our puppet server. Then parse
 it for port and things
  uri = URI.parse(proto + '://' + server + ':' + port + path)

  # Setup the http module and set it for getting data
  http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
  request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri, header)

  http.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == 'https'

  # Enable ssl verification to ensure we are talking to the correct
  http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER

  # Cert Auth:
  # Set certificate paths
  # puppet certificate authority file

  if File.readable?(sslcafile) then
# Puppet ca file
http.ca_file = sslcafile
puts readable?  + sslprivdir + '/' + hostname + '.pem' if $debug
if File.readable?(sslprivdir + '/' + hostname + '.pem') then
  # client private key
  http.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(sslprivdir + '/' +
 hostname + '.pem'))
  puts readable?  + sslpubdir + '/' + hostname + '.pem' if
  if File.readable?(sslpubdir + '/' + hostname + '.pem') then
# client public key
http.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(sslpubdir
 + '/' + hostname + '.pem'))

# Make the request
response = http.request(request)
raise No readable client pubic key in #{sslpubdir}/
  end # End public key check
  raise No readable client private key in #{sslprivdir}/
end # End private key check
raise No readable ca cert in #{sslcafile}
  end # End ca file check

  # Check to make sure we got some data back
  if response != nil
# Check to see if we have a good server response before saving the
puts check code  + response.code if $debug
if ((response.code  300) and (response.code = 200))
  return response.body
  raise server did not return an acceptable reponse code
end # end server response code check
raise No response from #{server}
  end # end nil response check

 end # end apitruthtag

 servermd5 = YAML.load(apitruthtag(metadata)).ivars[checksum] #
 When executed from a puppet run I tells me that ivars is undefined.

 - lib - puppet - parser - functions - truth_tags.rb
 - manifests - init.pp
 class truth inherits truth::init_bootstrap {
 if truth_tag('role', 'base') and !truth_tag('role', 'nobase') {

Re: [Puppet Users] Issue with puppet file serving api not parsing yaml content correctly

2011-07-09 Thread Ken Barber
So ...

 servermd5 = YAML.load(apitruthtag(metadata)).ivars[checksum] #
 When executed from a puppet run I tells me that ivars is undefined.

What does the output of apitruthtag(metadata) show you between each
run in facter, irb and puppet? Can you output each to a file and
analyze the difference?

 irb, ruby, or facter:
 yaml parsed http response = #YAML::Object:0x2ada01f7cf00

 puppet run:
 yaml parsed http response = #Puppet::FileServing::Metadata:
 with error:

 undefined method `ivars' for #Puppet::FileServing::Metadata:
 #NoMethodError: undefined method `ivars' for

So when you run it with all the Puppet libraries the YAML object is
being serialized back into a Ruby object Puppet::FileServing::Metadata
... I'm really curious what the raw YAML output looks like. This
should only happen I think if the YAML output has meta information
that matches that class type for example:

!ruby/object:Puppet::FileServing::Metadata {}

I get the feeling the YAML you are getting back isn't what you were
expecting and looking at the contents of the raw output might give a
better clue as to why.


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[Puppet Users] Bizarre errors from puppetmaster 2.7.1

2011-07-09 Thread Michael Halligan
Periodically after restarting the master (which uses puppet-dashboard as a
reporting server and ENC), when an agent tries to run, the agent isn't given
any classes, and exits without error, then the master spews out this

Jul 10 01:32:12 localhost puppet-master[15757]: Compiled catalog for
ip-10-36-34-207.ec2.internal in environment --- --- \--- \\\---
\\\--- \\\--- \\\---

Any ideas?

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[Puppet Users] use puppet to manage user accounts on mysql

2011-07-09 Thread newguy
Hi guys
I have 2 types of clients(developers, users) connecting to my puppet
server, puppet installs mysql on both the machines but I want that
when its user machine connecting to server the mysql root user is
disabled and a user account should be made with a custom password and
for developers machine puppet makes a root user with an option to
select a password(right now puppet just installs mysql with root user
and without asking for any root password), developers should also be
able to make a non root account through puppet on mysql.

Is this possible with puppet, please help.


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Re: [Puppet Users] use puppet to manage user accounts on mysql

2011-07-09 Thread Gabriel Filion
On 11-07-10 12:48 AM, newguy wrote:
 I have 2 types of clients(developers, users) connecting to my puppet
 server, puppet installs mysql on both the machines but I want that
 when its user machine connecting to server the mysql root user is
 disabled and a user account should be made with a custom password and
 for developers machine puppet makes a root user with an option to
 select a password(right now puppet just installs mysql with root user
 and without asking for any root password), developers should also be
 able to make a non root account through puppet on mysql.
 Is this possible with puppet, please help.

I'm not entirely sure what the long sentence is asking about, but yes I
guess it should be possible.

the following module includes custom resource types that could help you
out (Mysql_database, Mysql_user, Mysql_grant):


check out 'lib/puppet/type'

Gabriel Filion

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