[Puppet Users] Windows check_sum: Error: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion

2013-12-19 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

I'm new with puppet.  I try to make a simple task with puppet:

PuppetMaster: 3.3.1
PuppetClient: 3.3.2 (windows 2003)
PuppetClient: 3.4RC2 (windows 2008)

class check_mk_client {
  file {'check_mk_agent_ini':
ensure => file,
path   => 'C:/temp/check_mk.ini',
source => 'puppet:///modules/check_mk_client/check_mk.ini',

Puppet can copy the file on the client without problem if the file is not 
present.  However, when a change the file on the server, I got this error on 
the client when I try to update on the client's side:

Error: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to UTF-16LE
Error: /Stage[main]/Check_mk_client/File[check_mk_agent_ini]/content: change 
from {md5}07f8bdf94be7a9780cbe16f5fdff4fc9 to 
failed: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to UTF-16LE

How I can replace a file on the client?  The ini file is just an example (so I 
don't want to generate a ini with a puppet module).

Best Regards,


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[Puppet Users] RE: Windows check_sum: Error: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion

2013-12-19 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

I found the error... its a misconfiguration of the filebucket.

Hi didn't specified the FQDN of the puppetmaster..


Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne: 140-4156
Tél. 514 285.2929 Poste: 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de Arpin Dominique (Nter)
Envoyé : 19 décembre, 2013 11:34
À : 'puppet-users@googlegroups.com'
Objet : [Puppet Users] Windows check_sum: Error: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion


I'm new with puppet.  I try to make a simple task with puppet:

PuppetMaster: 3.3.1
PuppetClient: 3.3.2 (windows 2003)
PuppetClient: 3.4RC2 (windows 2008)

class check_mk_client {
  file {'check_mk_agent_ini':
ensure => file,
path   => 'C:/temp/check_mk.ini',
source => 'puppet:///modules/check_mk_client/check_mk.ini',

Puppet can copy the file on the client without problem if the file is not 
present.  However, when a change the file on the server, I got this error on 
the client when I try to update on the client's side:

Error: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to UTF-16LE
Error: /Stage[main]/Check_mk_client/File[check_mk_agent_ini]/content: change 
from {md5}07f8bdf94be7a9780cbe16f5fdff4fc9 to 
failed: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to UTF-16LE

How I can replace a file on the client?  The ini file is just an example (so I 
don't want to generate a ini with a puppet module).

Best Regards,


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RE: [Puppet Users] circular dependency between user/home and parent directory owned by that user

2014-01-30 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

Simple :


Ref: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/ordering.html

Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne: 140-4156
Tél. 514 285.2929 Poste: 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de David Portabella
Envoyé : 30 janvier, 2014 11:28
À : puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : [Puppet Users] circular dependency between user/home and parent 
directory owned by that user

For illustrating purposes,
I need a david user with home directory /haha/david,
and at the same time, the directory /haha also needs to be owned by david.

this code does not work,
because user requires the /haha directory, and the /haha directory requires the 
david user,
so we have a circular dependency,
and it seems that puppet does not know how to handle this.

user {'david':
  ensure  => present,
  home=> '/haha/david',
  managehome  => true

file {'/haha':
  ensure => directory,
  owner  => 'david'

how to solve this?

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2014-03-26 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

We made some test under Windows 7, but we found a bug when we user 
PUPPET_AGENT_ACCOUNT_USER when it try to add the user to the admin group.

This option will work correctly under an English version of Windows, but if we 
try with a French version is doesn't work.  The MSI look for the 
"administrators" group, but the group name is different in French.

MSI version: 3.4.2

The work around:

-   Create a administrators group and add it to the administrateurs group 
(French) before the installation

I just wondering if is possible to have another option for the MSI, like 

Best Regards,

 Dominique Arpin
 Administrateur de systèmes
 Infrastructure et Exploitation - Support

 1801 Mc Gill Collège, Montréal Qc, H3A 2N4
 T 514 285.2929 Poste 140-4156


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RE: [Puppet Users] Incomplete file copy to Windows agent

2014-04-01 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

Did you configure a filebucket?

filebucket { 'main':
  server => 'fqdn_server',
  path   => false,

Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne: 140-4156
Tél. 514 285.2929 Poste: 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de Nick Miller
Envoyé : 1 avril, 2014 12:11
À : puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : [Puppet Users] Incomplete file copy to Windows agent

Hi All,

I'm trying to use puppet to manage some application servers.  I'm having an 
issue that I can't seem to figure out.  Binary files that I copy to the Windows 
host are incomplete, and if I run puppet agent -t several times the file 
usually comes through.  I'm testing this with single file I'm copying to the 

ensure  => file,
path=> 'C:\\AppDir\\MyApp1.exe',
source  => 
source_permissions  => ignore,

The size of the file is about 3MB, but when it copies across it's anywhere from 
80KB to 1MB.  There's no errors except when it fails trying to backup the file 
if I replace it.  If I set backup => false, it claims to complete successfully, 
but the file is still incomplete.

The error I get is:

Error: Could not back up C:/AppDir/MyApp.exe: Error 400 on SERVER: SSL_read:: 
internal error
Error: Could not back up C:/AppDir/MyApp.exe: Error 400 on SERVER: SSL_read:: 
internal error
Error: /Stage[main]/my_app_exe/File[MyApp.exe]/content: change from 
{md5}70b4a1616d5fe2f41a4ad8e3dd345fcf to {md5}1bb8e1e2d39b21ff2f99920760c9eb74 
failed: Could not back up C:/AppDir/MyApp.exe: Error 400 on SERVER: 
SSL_read::internal error

Has anyone seen this before?  It seems to happen to every Windows agent I have, 
and it's intermittent.

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[Puppet Users] augeas error with erwbgy/system module

2014-07-01 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

I install the erwbgy/system module, I have those errors :

Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with root /, lens 
path , flags 64
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): Augeas version 1.2.0 is installed
Warning: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): Loading failed for one or more 
files, see debug for /augeas//error output
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): /augeas/files/etc/ntp.conf/error = 
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): 
/augeas/files/etc/ntp.conf/error/pos = 163
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): 
/augeas/files/etc/ntp.conf/error/line = 8
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): 
/augeas/files/etc/ntp.conf/error/char = 0
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): 
/augeas/files/etc/ntp.conf/error/lens = 
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): 
/augeas/files/etc/ntp.conf/error/message = Iterated lens matched less than it 
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): Will attempt to save and only run 
if files changed
Debug: Augeas[ntp-servers](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas connection
Error: /Stage[main]/Ntp::Config/Augeas[ntp-servers]: Could not evaluate: 
Unknown command

I'm using Puppet 3.6.2 with RHEL 5 32bits clients...

Someone had this error?


 Dominique Arpin
 Administrateur de systèmes
 Infrastructure et Exploitation - Support

 1801 Mc Gill Collège, Montréal Qc, H3A 2N4
 T 514 285.2929 Poste 140-4156


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RE: [Puppet Users] Multiple resource bodies?

2016-05-30 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

Maybe you can regroup each item with the same configuration, like this:

$file_system_list = [‘/’,’/home’,’/opt’]

$file_system_list.each | String $file_system| {
  file {“$file_system”:
ensure => ‘directory’,
owner => ‘root’,
group => ‘root’

Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne: 140-4156
Tél. 514 285.2929 Poste: 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de dkoleary
Envoyé : 30 mai, 2016 13:09
À : Puppet Users
Objet : [Puppet Users] Multiple resource bodies?


According to the puppet language resource guide at 

If a resource expression includes more than one resource body, the expression 
will declare multiple resources of that resource type. (A resource body is a 
title and a set of attributes; each body must be separated from the next one 
with a semicolon.)
With that, can someone take a peek and tell me what I'm messing up with this 

file {
ensure   => 'directory',
owner=> 'root',
group=> 'root',

  '/': mode  => '0755' ;
  '/home': mode  => '0755' ;
  '/opt' : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/usr' : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/var' : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/tmp' : mode  => '1777' ;
  '/var/tmp' : mode  => '1777' ;

ensure   => 'file',
mode => '0644',
ensure   => 'file',
mode => '0644',

ensure   => 'file',
mode => '',

mode => '0755',
recurse  => true,

I'm not seeing the error; but, when I try to apply it, I get:
$ sudo puppet apply ./file.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for node1.olearycomputers.com in environment 
production in 0.04 seconds
Error: Parameter path failed on File[/]: File paths must be fully qualified, 
not '' at /ignite/dkoleary/mpi_git/puppet/modules/mpicommon/manifests/file.pp:1

Any pointers, greatly appreciated.

Doug O'Leary

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RE: [Puppet Users] Could not find resource, but it's there.

2017-01-10 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

Because you don’t use the right name…

file {'/test':
ensure => directory,
alias => 'abc',

file {'/test/2':
ensure => directory,
require => File['/test'],


Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne: 140-4156
Tél. 514 285.2929 Poste: 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de Josh Cooper
Envoyé : 10 janvier, 2017 14:21
À : puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : Re: [Puppet Users] Could not find resource, but it's there.

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:56 AM, Henrik Lindberg 
mailto:henrik.lindb...@puppet.com>> wrote:
On 09/01/17 02:52, chris smith wrote:

This seems like a pretty simple thing but I can't figure out why this is
throwing a warning.

I'm using puppet 4.8.1 installed from the puppetlabs-pc1 on scientific
linux 6.

# puppet -V
# rpm -q puppet-agent

My file is as simple as I can make it:

file {'/test':
ensure => directory,
alias => 'abc',

file {'/test/2':
ensure => directory,
require => File['abc'],

When I run it, it complains:

# puppet apply test.pp
Warning: Could not find resource 'File[abc]' in parameter 'require'
   (at /root/test.pp:8)
Notice: Compiled catalog for sl-x86-64.local in environment production
in 0.10 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/test]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/test/2]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds

Though it seems to apply the resources in the correct order (I haven't
had it fail trying to create /test/2 before /test).

Any info or ideas would be great.

The reason it works is because the default ordering is "manifest order" and 
your manifest has the resources in the correct order.

The reference File['abc'] does not succeed because 'abc' is an alias, and not 
the title - I believe there is a ticket about that already logged.

Filed as https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-6984

- henrik


Visit my Blog "Puppet on the Edge"

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Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet
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[Puppet Users] Manage file or directory with accent

2014-11-08 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

I have some trouble with file or directory containing French accent.  How could 
I managed file or directory with accent?

I tried using 8.3 file name format without success.

Someone had this kind of problem?


Dominique Arpin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Is there a better way to limit module actions based on facts?

2015-02-10 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

You could use hiera with osfamily


Dominique Arpin

Le 2015-02-10 à 16:18, leam hall 
mailto:leamh...@gmail.com>> a écrit :

We have a mixed environment. I wrote a module that would only do stuff on Red 
Hat family boxes. Under the class definition I put:

  if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {

and did all the package and file definitions under that. Is there a better or 
cleaner way to do this?


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[Puppet Users] Upgrade puppetdb goes wrong

2015-05-13 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

Here my setup :
Centos 6.6

I try to upgrade to the latest puppetdb and puppetdb-terminus 3.3.4, but I got 
this error:

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Input to init! does not match schema: [nil (named 
{:ss-ca-cert disallowed-key} config)]

t (jetty9_service.clj:35)


puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core$boot_with_cli_data.invoke (core.clj:113)
puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core$run.invoke (core.clj:144)

I follow the upgrade howto 
(https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/latest/configure.html#using-postgresql ) 
without success.

And I can connect to the BD:
[root@puppetserver01 conf.d]# psql -h localhost puppetdb puppetdb
Password for user puppetdb:
psql (9.4.1, server 9.3.6)
Type "help" for help.



 Dominique Arpin

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RE: [Puppet Users] Upgrade puppetdb goes wrong

2015-05-14 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)
You are right  need more coffee.

Thanks! :)


-Message d'origine-
De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de Ken Barber
Envoyé : 14 mai, 2015 07:22
À : Puppet Users
Objet : Re: [Puppet Users] Upgrade puppetdb goes wrong

> Here my setup :
> puppetdb-terminus-2.2.2-1.el6.noarch
> puppetdb-2.2.2-1.el6.noarch
> postgresql93-libs-9.3.6-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64
> postgresql93-server-9.3.6-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64
> postgresql93-contrib-9.3.6-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64
> postgresql93-9.3.6-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64
> Centos 6.6
> I try to upgrade to the latest puppetdb and puppetdb-terminus 3.3.4, but I 
> got this error:
> clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Input to init! does not match schema: [nil
> (named {:ss-ca-cert disallowed-key} config)]

Check your configuration (probably /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/jetty.ini), you are 
using the keyword ss-ca-cert, instead of ssl-ca-cert. Its a typo basically.

> at 
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9_core$eval22731$init_BANG___22732.invoke
>  (jetty9_core.clj:891)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9_service$reify__2310
> 5$service_fnk__17647__auto___positional$reify__23112.ini
> t (jetty9_service.clj:35)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services$eval17483$fn__17484$G__17475__17487.invoke 
> (services.clj:8)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services$eval17483$fn__17484$G__17474__17491.invoke 
> (services.clj:8)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.internal$run_lifecycle_fn_BANG_.invoke 
> (internal.clj:152)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.internal$run_lifecycle_fns.invoke 
> (internal.clj:180)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.internal$build_app_STAR_$reify__19027.init 
> (internal.clj:444)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.internal$boot_services_STAR_$fn__19039.invoke 
> (internal.clj:470)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.internal$boot_services_STAR_.invoke 
> (internal.clj:469)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core$boot_with_cli_data.invoke (core.clj:113)
> puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core$run.invoke (core.clj:144)
> I follow the upgrade howto 
> (https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetdb/latest/configure.html#using-postgresql 
> ) without success.
> And I can connect to the BD:
> [root@puppetserver01 conf.d]# psql -h localhost puppetdb puppetdb
> Password for user puppetdb:
> psql (9.4.1, server 9.3.6)
> Type "help" for help.
> puppetdb=>
> Regards,
>  Dominique Arpin


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[Puppet Users] Puppet7 and Ansible = conflict

2021-08-26 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)

I just wondering if anybody it using Ansible 2.9 and Puppet agent 7.10 together?

I got this error after I upgrade Puppet 6.24.0 to 7.10:

I use the module setup in Ansible to retrieves the facts for Ansible.

"exception": "C:/Program Files/Puppet 
Labs/Puppet/puppet/lib/ruby/2.7.0/json/common.rb:286:in `to_json': source 
sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8 (JSON::GeneratorError)\r\nAu caractère 
Ligne:243 : 9\r\n+ &facter -j | Tee-Object  -Variable facter_output > 
$null\r\n+ ~~\r\n+ CategoryInfo  : NotSpecified: 
(C:/Program File...GeneratorError):String) [], RemoteException\r\n+ 
FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError\r\n\r\nScriptStackTrace:\r\nà 
,  : ligne 243\r\n",
"msg": "Unhandled exception while executing module: C:/Program Files/Puppet 
Labs/Puppet/puppet/lib/ruby/2.7.0/json/common.rb:286:in `to_json': source 
sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8 (JSON::GeneratorError)",
"_ansible_verbose_override": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"changed": false


Dominique Arpin
Administrateur infrastructure et Stockage
Infrastructure et Exploitation - Support

TÉL. : 514.285.2929 POSTE 140-4156

[Technologies Nter]

Mise en garde concernant la confidentialité : Le présent message, comprenant 
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RE: * EXTERNE * - [Puppet Users] Puppet7 and Ansible = conflict

2021-08-27 Thread Arpin Dominique (Nter)
Hi found something this morning...

The command "facter -j" encode differently with Puppet 7...

Puppet 6 :
"timezone": "Est (heure dÆÚtÚ)",

Puppet 7 :
"timezone": "Est (heure d?été)",

Someone known how to change this behavior?


Dominique Arpin
Administrateur infrastructure et Stockage
Infrastructure et Exploitation - Support

TÉL. : 514.285.2929 POSTE 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com  De la part 
de Arpin Dominique (Nter)
Envoyé : 26 août 2021 21:32
À : puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : * EXTERNE * - [Puppet Users] Puppet7 and Ansible = conflict

ATTENTION! Ce courriel provient d'un expéditeur externe. Veuillez porter une 
attention particulière aux pièces jointes et aux adresses URL pouvant s'y 

I just wondering if anybody it using Ansible 2.9 and Puppet agent 7.10 together?

I got this error after I upgrade Puppet 6.24.0 to 7.10:

I use the module setup in Ansible to retrieves the facts for Ansible.

"exception": "C:/Program Files/Puppet 
Labs/Puppet/puppet/lib/ruby/2.7.0/json/common.rb:286:in `to_json': source 
sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8 (JSON::GeneratorError)\r\nAu caractère 
Ligne:243 : 9\r\n+ &facter -j | Tee-Object  -Variable facter_output > 
$null\r\n+ ~~\r\n+ CategoryInfo  : NotSpecified: 
(C:/Program File...GeneratorError):String) [], RemoteException\r\n+ 
FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError\r\n\r\nScriptStackTrace:\r\nà 
,  : ligne 243\r\n",
"msg": "Unhandled exception while executing module: C:/Program Files/Puppet 
Labs/Puppet/puppet/lib/ruby/2.7.0/json/common.rb:286:in `to_json': source 
sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8 (JSON::GeneratorError)",
"_ansible_verbose_override": true,
"_ansible_no_log": false,
"changed": false


Dominique Arpin
Administrateur infrastructure et Stockage
Infrastructure et Exploitation - Support

TÉL. : 514.285.2929 POSTE 140-4156

[Technologies Nter]

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