[Puppet Users] Re: Trying to get complex data set into Puppet from ENC

2012-12-20 Thread Danie van Zyl
I'm having the same problem.

On Wednesday, 23 May 2012 02:10:21 UTC+2, Jared Ballou wrote:

 Hi everyone, 

 I've been reading the groups here for a while, and have gotten a lot 
 of things fixed by finding other people's posts, so hopefully someone 
 will be able to set me straight. I am working on a Puppet deployment 
 that needs to have a lot of disparate data pulled together, and as far 
 as the ENC I created to pull it all in, everything has worked great. 
 However, I'm running into a problem instantiating Apache virtual 
 hosts. Here is some abridged output from my ENC: 
 Some Website: 
   id: 2 
   name: Some Website 
   servername: somewebsite.com 
   svntag_prod: trunk 
   svntag_dev: trunk 
   documentroot: ~ 
 Another Website: 
   id: 4 
   name: Another Website 
   servername: anotherwebsite.com 
   svntag_prod: 1.2.0 
   svntag_dev: 1.3.0-rc4 
   documentroot: ~ 
 Third Website: 
   id: 6 
   name: Third Website 
   servername: thirdwebsite.com 
   svntag_prod: trunk 
   svntag_dev: trunk 
   documentroot: /opt/thirdwebsite/customhtdocs 

 So, I have some other classes that are parameterized and I can 
 reference $appdata[$key] inside those manifests and everything works 
 fine for strings or arrays. My issue is getting this hash of hashes in 
 [appdata][sites] turned into vhosts. I tried using create_resources to 
 no avail, tried dumping the ENC to YAML and using Hiera to parse that, 
 and I have struck out in every way. And, honestly, I think there must 
 be a better way to do this. The data is all in a single MySQL table, 
 so I looked at hiera-mysql backend, but I think I am over my head 
 here. Has anyone got a good example I could reference doing something 
 like this, especially for multi-dimensional hashes? I was starting to 
 look at just converting it to JSON or just comma delimited text and 
 feed it to Puppet as a string to be parsed, but that just seems wrong. 
 I've been at this 4 hours now with no luck, any help anyone can 
 provide would be greatly appreciated. 



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Re: [Puppet Users] stages examples/advices

2012-10-22 Thread Danie van Zyl
My 2cents,

Why not use the stdlib that puppet provides. It contains the following 
stage presets,

class stdlib::stages {

  stage { 'setup':  before = Stage['main'] }
  stage { 'runtime': require = Stage['main'] }
  - stage { 'setup_infra': }
  - stage { 'deploy_infra': }
  - stage { 'setup_app': }
  - stage { 'deploy_app': }
  - stage { 'deploy': }


I'm going to start using this going forward.

On Wednesday, 20 October 2010 12:48:47 UTC+2, David Schmitt wrote:

 On 10/18/2010 6:14 PM, Hunter Haugen wrote:
  so you could do this:
  class orden {
 stage { [ 'repos', 'os', 'gLite', 'post' ]: }
 Stage['repos'] -  Stage['os'] -  Stage['main'] -  Stage['gLite'] -

 A style question: wouldn't it be preferable to write it like this:

class orden {
  stage { 'repos': } - stage { 'os': } - stage { 'main': } - stage 
 { 'gLite': } - stage { 'post': }

 Best Regards, David
 dasz.at OG  Tel: +43 (0)664 2602670 Web: http://dasz.at
 Klosterneuburg UID: ATU64260999

 FB-Nr.: FN 309285 g  FB-Gericht: LG Korneuburg

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[Puppet Users] Re: Hiera problem: Can't convert Symbol into String

2012-10-05 Thread Danie van Zyl
Have you tried,

family: prod
cluster: prod
compresslogs: true


On Monday, 23 July 2012 05:15:02 UTC+2, Aaron Nichols wrote:

I have found very few references to this error so I'm guessing I must 
 be doing something wrong. I have just started using hiera and am trying to 
 use it in the simplest way possible, I have a class that looks like this:

 class app_users2($compresslogs = hiera('compresslogs')) { 

   #Setup Cronjob for compressing app logs 
   if $compresslogs == true { 
 file { /etc/cron.daily/copyLogs.cron:   
   mode = 750,   
   ensure = present,   
   alias = compresslogscron, 
   source = puppet:///modules/app_users2/copyLogs.sh 

 For the node I'm running this on, hiera returns 'true' for that value when 
 I test it out:

 $ hiera -c hiera.yaml compresslogs loc=sd type=app 

 I am using the yaml hiera backend and the yaml file this is configured in 
 looks like this:

 family : prod
 cluster : prod
 compresslogs : true

 However, when I try to execute the manifests either on the host or test 
 them using cucumber-puppet I get the following error:

 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
 can't convert Symbol into String at 
 /etc/puppet/modules/app_users2/manifests/init.pp:2 on node xyz

 I have tried quoting, unquoting the data in the yaml file  in the 
 conditional in the class. I've tried calling hiera as a parameter to the 
 class, also just as part of the conditional ( if hiera('compresslogs') == 
 true ) etc. It appears that anytime I try to reference that value from 
 puppet it throws this error. 

 I have found a few references in IRC logs to others having this problem 
 but they all stated Oh, I figured it out without explaining how - so I'm 
 a bit stuck. 

 I am running the following hiera versions on the puppetmaster:


 And the puppetmaster is running puppet v. 2.7.6.-2. I also tried updating 
 the puppet version on my host running cucumber-puppet to 2.7.18 and it 
 continues to throw this error. 

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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