I am using the MSSQL server module from puppet as a baseline for the
installation of SQL Server 2012, and am running into issues durring the
install.  It gets a lot of the way done, and issues this error:

Error: \\puppet\installs\SQLServer2012SP1\setup.exe
2.config.ini returned 194 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Erp_db2012::Mssql_2012/Exec[install_mssql2012]/returns:
ge from notrun to 0 failed: \\puppet\installs\SQLServer2012SP1\setup.exe
URATIONFILE=C:\sql2012.config.ini returned 194 instead of one of [0]
Notice: Finished catalog run in 1933.62 seconds
Press any key to continue . . .

The module I wrote looks like this:

class db2012::mssql_2012 {

  file { 'C:\sql2012.config.ini':
    #    content => template('db2012/config_2012.ini.erb'),
    ensure       => present,
    source       =>

  exec { 'install_mssql2012':
    #command     => "\\\puppet\installs\SQLServer2012SP1\\setup.exe
    command      => "\\\puppet\installs\SQLServer2012SP1\\setup.exe
    logoutput    => true,
    creates      => "C:\\Program Files\\Mirosoft SQL Server",
    #    timeout => 1200,
    timeout      => 0,
    #returns      => 3,
    require      => File ['C:\sql2012.config.ini'],
    #Dism['NetFx3'] ],

I can try to add the return codes, but I am not sure if this is a solid fix.

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