Re: [Puppet Users] "Listing" the keys in a hash as an array

2011-04-19 Thread Miki Shapiro
Thanks guys

I ended up breaking up what Felix&Ohad suggested into two lines to make it 
$keycsv= inline_template("<%= netifcfg.keys.join(',') %>")
$keys = split ($keycsv,',')
Yep, it's a 'hack' (sorry, Ohad, workaround ;)), but it saves me having to 
add puppet functions into SVN... 
(which is quite involved in my case because we support a big site with 
versioned modules and a custom module-versioning mechanism that at present 
does not cover custom functions (a long, painful topic in its own right) so 
I need to contain this code in the module using it - making this workaround 

Should we perhaps nudge the above function into mainstream puppet? Being 
able to list the keys in a hash is quite a crucial capability to have.

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Re: [Puppet Users] "Listing" the keys in a hash as an array

2011-04-19 Thread Miki Shapiro
I must be doing something wrong...

As suggested by Ohad:
Manifest says:
$keys = inline_template("<%= netifcfg.keys %>")
exec { "/bin/echo keys are $keys and netifcfg is $netifcfg": logoutput => true }

Output says:
notice: /Stage[main]/Base::Network-common/Exec[/bin/echo keys are bond0bond1 
and netifcfg is 
 is notrun, should be 0 (noop)  

(DOES work with 1 element tho)

As suggested by Felix:
Manifest says:
$keys = split(",", inline_template("<%= netifcfg.keys.join(',') 
exec { "/bin/echo keys are $keys and netifcfg is $netifcfg": 
logoutput => true }

Output says:
notice: /Stage[main]/Base::Network-common/Exec[/bin/echo keys are , and 
netifcfg is 
 keys are , and netifcfg is 

(Split doesn't seem to work).

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Re: [Puppet Users] "Listing" the keys in a hash as an array

2011-04-19 Thread Miki Shapiro
I must be doing something wrong...

As suggested by Ohad:
Manifest says:
$keys = inline_template("<%= netifcfg.keys %>")
exec { "/bin/echo keys are $keys and netifcfg is $netifcfg": logoutput => true }

Output says:
notice: /Stage[main]/Base::Network-common/Exec[/bin/echo keys are bond0bond1 
and netifcfg is 
 is notrun, should be 0 (noop)  

(DOES work with 2 element tho)

As suggested by Felix:
Manifest says:
$keys = split(",", inline_template("<%= netifcfg.keys.join(',') 
exec { "/bin/echo keys are $keys and netifcfg is $netifcfg": 
logoutput => true }

Output says:
notice: /Stage[main]/Base::Network-common/Exec[/bin/echo keys are , and 
netifcfg is 
 keys are , and netifcfg is 

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[Puppet Users] "Listing" the keys in a hash as an array

2011-04-18 Thread Miki Shapiro
Hi all

I've got node definition on the site with server interface, bonding and 
TCP/IP configurations inscribed in a per-node [ hash + accompanying 
array-of-interface-names ]
(e.g. $array = [ 'eth0', 'eth1' ]
$hash = { 
   eth0 => { 
  ipaddress =>, 
  ... }
   eth1 => { 
  ipaddress =>,
  ... }

What I have right now works, but is clunky and could probably be written 

My 2 questions are:
1. Can I somehow get a list of keys from the hash itself (a list that will 
behave like an array that I can feed into a defined type) instead of 
"manually" defining $array for this purpose?

2. If you look further down inside in this post, the code (taken from inside 
the base class) does this:
[a] gets the hash with the configuration passed in as a global variable
[b] copies the hash elements into local variables (because a local variable 
can be double-quoted around, and behave nicely even if it wasn't set and is 
blank, whereas a hash element cannot)
[c] invokes the interface-configuration defined type with the local 
variables as parameters.
A very messy roundabout way of doing things. Can anyone suggest an easier 
way (tho still ultimately has to call base::network-common::interface)

In the node file I have a configuration block that looks like this:
$netiflist  = [ 'eth0' ]
$netifcfg   = {
eth0 => {  ipaddress => "",
netmask => "",
gateway => "",
defaultgateway => "yes" },
include base

Then in a subclass of base I have:

class base-subclass {
# Iterate for all the interfaces that need to be configured:
if $netiflist   { base::network-common::dointerfaces 

# the actual defined type:
define base::network-common::dointerfaces() {
  # copy hash elements into local variables:
$myipaddress   = $netifcfg[$name][ipaddress]
$mynetmask = $netifcfg[$name][netmask]
$mygateway = $netifcfg[$name][gateway]
$mydefaultgateway  = $netifcfg[$name][defaultgateway]
$myhwaddress   = $netifcfg[$name][hwaddress]
$myroutes  = $netifcfg[$name][routes]
$myensure  = $netifcfg[$name][ensure]

# and finally use the double-quoted local variables to call the interface 
defined type:
base::network-common::interface { $name:
ipaddress   =>  "$myipaddress",
netmask =>  "$mynetmask",
gateway =>  "$mygateway",
defaultgateway  =>  "$mydefaultgateway",
hwaddress   =>  "$myhwaddress",
routes  =>  "$myroutes",
ensure  =>  "$myensure"

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