[Puppet Users] Re: Looking for solution on working configuration for new testing Puppet servers in existing environments

2012-04-18 Thread Trevor Smith
I'll take a stab at some of this.  Hopefully I'm correctly understanding 
your issue.

Am I correct in the following? :

You define 3 environments development, staging, and production.  These 
environments are defined as such in Puppet but they are also separate 
environments within your network, for the sake of clarity I'll call them 
zones from here out?  

Each zone has a Puppet Master server.

Each Puppet Master server has three environments defined development, 
staging, and production.  Each environment has the full git repository with 
the applicable branch checked out.

The clients in each zone connect to the Puppet Master in their zone and 
pull their configs from the corresponding environment.  So a 
staging_zone_client connects to staging_zone_master and pulls from the 

If that's correct then:

You already have three separate Puppet Masters so the environments are 
redundant.  As configured staging_zone_client can pull from 
production_environment using --environment.  One fix could be to define 
only the production environment on each zone's Puppet Master and check out 
the applicable branch in only the production environment.  As long as you 
never check out the production branch in development or staging then 
clients from those zones couldn't pull the settings for production zone as 
it's just not available.  As long as they cannot connect to the other 
zone's Puppet Master, preventable by network segmentation, certs etc...

Within each zone you could then define environments such as development and 
testing for conducting those activities within each zone.   So you'd have 
staging/dev and staging/test branches checked out in those environments.  I 
guess you could extend that and create environments for each admin within 
each zone that would allow the admin to use the --environment option for 
clients to test their work within a zone.  This would result in a lot of 
environments, and probably a lot of branches, but you wouldn't need a test 
Puppet Master for each admin.  

I'd think this would introduce the problem of making it difficult to reuse 
modules between zones as I'd think you'd end up basically managing three 
completely different branches.  Unless the sensitive data you're worried 
about is not being stored in your puppet repo and you have no issues 
merging changes made to the production branch into the development and 
testing branches, plus your admins will have a lot of different topic 
branches to deal with.  Long run you'd probably want to move zone specific 
settings out of your modules and use something like hiera so  you can 
standardize your modules across zones and just pull in the location 
settings using hiera.

Hope I understood your problems correctly and this is helpful..   

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:34:43 PM UTC-4, Ken Lareau wrote:

 Hello folks, 

 After some conversation on #puppet on Freenode IRC, Eric Sorenson 
 requested I repost the information and question here, so I am doing so 
 and hopefully it will all make sense... 

 We currently have a well-established and relatively complex Puppet 
 setup in place at my company and I'm in the process of trying to 
 streamline changes as well as implement better testing to ensure 
 minimal disruption or issues when making those changes.  Some 
 information on the current situation: 

 - There are currently three environments: development, staging, 
 production.  These are controlled via the '--environment' setting for 
 puppet in each client.  All clients only belong to one environment and 
 do not move between them. 
 - We have a single Puppet configuration to manage all environments. 
 Various conditional statements based on environment, application type, 
 hostname, etc. control what each client receives for its 
 - There are separate servers for each environment for security reasons 
 (primarily sensitive information that can only exist in the production 
 - The Puppet configuration maintained via a Git repo, currently on a 
 single branch. 
 - Each person on the admin team checks out own copy of the repo, make 
 changes, commits the changes, then updates each environment on the 
 Puppet servers for the changes to take effect. 

 There are several issues with this process, unfortunately: 

 - Every so often a configuration mistake will adversely affect an 
 entire environment, and much of the time is only noticed _after_ the 
 changes are pushed out.  As a result, local changes tend to be made in 
 the development environment for testing and sometimes aren't committed 
 for a long time, leaving discrepancies between the environments which 
 can lead to other subtle issues. 
 - Less frequent but still occuring often enough, changes can still 
 have subtle issues which cause things to work in one environment and 
 break horribly in another; this is especially bad when the broken 
 environment is the production one. 
 - The configuration for a given 

[Puppet Users] Re: service restart upon notify

2012-04-12 Thread Trevor Smith

On Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:07:40 PM UTC-4, puppetguest wrote:

 I have choosen to split my module into several .pp files as i have 
 seen in an example and makes it cleaner i think. 


 Is that recommended or too many disadvantages ? 

 So my install.pp went through fine, config.pp as well. 
 When i change a config-file and puppet runs again i want the automatic 
 service restart but doesnt work unfortunately. 

 Does someone know the proper syntax how to trigger from config.pp  the 
 function in service.pp for such a case ? 

 Examples like these dont work :-( 
notify  = Class[mysoftware::service] 
notify  = Class[mysoftware::service::mysoftwarerestart] 

How about:

notify = Exec['mysoftwarerestart']
You could also look at 'refreshonly' under the type reference for exec:  

 I should mention that the service has to restart via a shell-script, 
 not via init services ! 
 So may be the service.pp needs some corrections too ? 


 class mysoftware::service ( 
   $user= myuser, 
  ) { 

   exec {mysoftwarerestart: 
 command  = /opt/mysoftware/bin/script.sh restart, 
 require  = Class[mysoftware::config], 


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