i want to use Puppet to install all packages from a webserver (no 
repository) .
Therefore I wrote following Script:

class install_package {
        case "$operatingsystem" {
                SLES: {

                        notify {"${operatingsystem} 
${operatingsystemrelease} detected":}
                        notify {"Installing $packagename now:":}
                        exec { 'installing $packagename':
                                command => "rpm -iv 
                                path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/bin"]


The Script works perfekt if the Variables are inside the Script.
Now I want to use this class for Building a tomcat server.
In this case I have to use the class 2 times.
I tried to change the contend of the variable , but I only get error. 

I see no functioning possibility to use the class 2 times and to give them 
the Variables  $packagename and $repopath.(packagename changing ) 

I tried to use it in a parametrezied class as following: 

class tomcat {
    class {'install_package':
        packagename => "mypackage.rpm",
        repopath => "http://www.something.de";,

    class {'install_package':
        packagename => "mypackagename2.rpm",
        repopath => "http://www.something.de";,


class install_package {
        case "$operatingsystem" {
                SLES: {

                        notify {"${operatingsystem} 
${operatingsystemrelease} detected":}
                        notify {"Installing $packagename now:":}
                        exec { 'installing $packagename':
                                command => "rpm -iv 
                                path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/bin"]


that wars also not possible. I
I have no idea anymore. Pls help me

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