[Puppet Users] Getting ArgumentError: Invalid resource Error?

2013-01-09 Thread lalit jangra

I am trying to install puppet-alfresco module as @ 
https://github.com/jurgenlust/puppet-alfresco. I have updated site.pp at 
master node as below.

#For alfresco module
node 'domU-12-31-39-06-3E-24.compute-1.internal'{
include tomcat
include postgres
include alfresco

Now i am trying to install it on agent using puppet agent -t -dv but 
getting below errors

info: Loading facts in /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib/facter/root_home.rb
debug: catalog supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml dot pson raw yaml; using pson
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid 
resource type tomcat::webapp at 
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/alfresco/manifests/init.pp:281 on node 
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
debug: Value of 'preferred_serialization_format' (pson) is invalid for 
report, using default (yaml)
debug: report supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml raw yaml; using yaml

Can anyone help as i assume it should work fine. Also i assume it is 
correct syntax wise. I am attaching init.pp for module where 
tomcat::webapp  is defined.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Getting ArgumentError: Invalid resource Error?

2013-01-09 Thread lalit jangra
Init.pp as below.

# Class: alfresco
# This module manages alfresco
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# [Remember: No empty lines between comments and class definition]
class alfresco(
$user = alfresco,
$database_name = alfresco,
$database_driver = org.postgresql.Driver,
$database_driver_jar = postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar,
$database_driver_source = 
$database_url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/alfresco,
$database_user = alfresco,
$database_pass = alfresco,
$number = 7,
$version = 4.2.c,
$build = 04576,
$alfresco_host = $fqdn,
$alfresco_protocol = http,
$alfresco_port = 8080,
$alfresco_contextroot = alfresco,
$share_host = $fqdn,
$share_protocol = http,
$share_port = 8080,
$share_contextroot = share,
$webapp_base = /srv,
$memory = 1024m,
$imagemagick_version = 6.5.6,
$smtp_host = localhost,
$smtp_port = 25,
$smtp_username= anonymous,
$smtp_password= '',
$imap_enabled = false,
$imap_port = 1143,
$imap_host = $fqdn,
) {

# configuration
$zip = alfresco-community-${version}.zip
$download_url = 
$alfresco_dir = ${webapp_base}/${user}
$alfresco_home = ${alfresco_dir}/alfresco-home

$share_webapp_context = $share_contextroot ? {
'/' = 'share',
'' = 'share',
default  = ${share_contextroot}

$share_webapp_war = $share_contextroot ? {
'' = share.war,
'/' = share.war,
default = ${share_contextroot}.war

$alfresco_webapp_context = $alfresco_contextroot ? {
  '/' = 'alfresco',
  '' = 'alfresco',
  default  = ${alfresco_contextroot}

$alfresco_webapp_war = $alfresco_contextroot ? {
'' = alfresco.war,
'/' = alfresco.war,
default = ${alfresco_contextroot}.war

# required packages
if (!defined(Package['unzip'])) {
package { unzip:
ensure = present,

#package { python-software-properties:
#ensure = present,

#exec { apt-update-swftools:
#command = /usr/bin/aptitude update,
#refreshonly = true,

exec { yum-repository-swftools:
command = /usr/bin/yum install swftools,
#notify  = Exec[apt-update-swftools],
#require = Package[python-software-properties],

 exec { yum-repository-imagemagick:
command = /usr/bin/yum install ImageMagick,
#notify  = Exec[apt-update-swftools],
#require = Package[python-software-properties],

package { ImageMagick:
ensure = present,

package { swftools:
ensure = present,
#require = Exec[apt-update-swftools],

package { libreoffice:
ensure = present,

# download and extract alfresco
file { $alfresco_home:
ensure = directory,
mode = 0755,
owner = $user,
group = $user,
require = Tomcat::Webapp::User[$user],

exec { download-alfresco:
command = /usr/bin/wget -O /tmp/${zip} ${download_url},
creates = /tmp/${zip},
timeout = 1200,

file { /tmp/${zip}:
ensure = file,
require = Exec[download-alfresco],

exec { extract-alfresco :
command = /usr/bin/unzip ${zip} -d /tmp/alfresco-${version},
creates = 
require = [
notify = [
cwd = /tmp,
user = root 

exec { move-alfresco-war:
command = /bin/mv 
refreshonly = true,
user = root,
require = [

file { alfresco-war:
ensure = file,
path = ${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/webapps/${alfresco_webapp_war},
owner = $user,
group = $user,
mode = 0644,
require = Exec[move-alfresco-war], 

exec { move-share-war:
command = /bin/mv 
refreshonly = true,

Re: [Puppet Users] How can i pass runtime parameters while installing .bin file in puppet?

2013-01-07 Thread lalit jangra
Thanks a lot Garrett,

When i am installing alfresco using ./alfresco-installaer.bin, i am being 
asked about a number of options on command line such as below:
1. Do you want to install java?[y/n]
2.Do you want to install postgres?[y/n]
3... so on.

I want to provide all these kinds of inputs using puppet. Is it possible?


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[Puppet Users] How can i pass runtime parameters while installing .bin file in puppet?

2013-01-06 Thread lalit jangra

I have alfresco .bin installer file for linux distribution which i want to 
automate using puppet. While installing alfresco on linux ,usually i need 
to provide a number of parameters such as java_home, db home, alfresco home 
or tomcat port etc.

Now i want to install same .bin installer using puppet but not getting how 
can i provide same runtime argument in puppet installation. Can anybody 


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Re: [Puppet Users] How to clone alfresco on puppet agents?

2013-01-05 Thread lalit jangra

Indeed alfresco can not be told as a package as it contains a number of 
installations in a tar ball or .bin file.

Also i could not find any package named alfresco using puppet resource 
package | grep alfresco command.

So do i have to create my own custom puppet scripts? If so, can anybody 


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[Puppet Users] How to clone alfresco on puppet agents?

2013-01-04 Thread lalit jangra

I have alfresco installed on my puppet master  try to clone it using 
puppet console to puppet agent nodes but under 'live management' link, i 
can not see any of package/group/user/host resources named similar to 
alfresco even though i can see postgres package resource but no 
java/alfresco/tomcat resource?

Can anyone let me know how to clone the same?


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[Puppet Users] err: Signing certificate error: Could not render to pson: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

2012-12-27 Thread lalit jangra

I am trying to bootstrap a new agent from my master node as below.

puppet node_aws bootstrap \
--region us-east-1 \
--image ami-cc5af9a5 \
--login root \
--keyfile /root/.ssh/private.pem \
--install-script=puppet-enterprise \
--installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \
--installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \
--keyname icos-client  \
--type t1.micro

Node is created  puppet is also installed but i am getting errors as below.

[root@ip-10-224-122-211 tmp]# puppet node_aws bootstrap \
 --region us-east-1 \
 --image ami-cc5af9a5 \
 --login root \
 --keyfile /root/.ssh/private.pem \
 --install-script=puppet-enterprise \
 --installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \
 --installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \
 --keyname icos-client  \
 --type t1.micro
notice: Creating new instance ...
notice: Creating new instance ... Done
notice: Creating tags for instance ...
notice: Creating tags for instance ... Done
notice: Launching server i-d47263aa ...
notice: Server i-d47263aa is now launched
notice: Server i-d47263aa public dns name: 
notice: Waiting for SSH response ...
Text will be echoed in the clear. Please install the HighLine or Termios 
libraries to suppress echoed text.
Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/private.pem:icosroot
notice: Waiting for SSH response ... Done
Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/private.pem:icosroot
notice: Uploading Puppet Enterprise tarball ...
Enter passphrase for :icosroot
notice: Uploading Puppet Enterprise tarball ... Done
Enter passphrase for :icosroot
notice: Installing Puppet ...
Enter passphrase for :icosroot
Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/private.pem:icosroot
Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/private.pem:icosroot
notice: Puppet is now installed on: 
notice: No classification method selected
notice: Signing certificate ...
err: Signing certificate ... Failed
err: Signing certificate error: Could not render to pson: getaddrinfo: Name 
or service not known

I tried to manually sign certificate from master as below 
[root@ip-10-224-122-211 tmp]# puppet cert sign ip-10-196-90-236
notice: Signed certificate request for ip-10-196-90-236
notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest ip-10-196-90-236 at 

But when i am trying to test from agent, i am getting errors again.

[root@ip-10-196-90-236 ~]# puppet agent -t
info: Retrieving plugin
err: /File[/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional 
resources using 'eval_generate: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 
read server certificate B: certificate verify failed: [certificate revoked 
for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal]
err: /File[/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: SSL_connect 
returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate 
verify failed: [certificate revoked for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal] 
Could not retrieve file metadata for 
puppet://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal/plugins: SSL_connect returned=1 
errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed: 
[certificate revoked for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal]
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: SSL_connect returned=1 
errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed: 
[certificate revoked for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal]
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
err: Could not send report: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read 
server certificate B: certificate verify failed: [certificate revoked for 

Not sure where i am going wrong. Can anybody help?


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[Puppet Users] Re: err: Signing certificate error: Could not render to pson: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

2012-12-27 Thread lalit jangra

Even when i am trying to connect to master using below command, even then 
its same error.

puppet agent --server ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal --waitforcert 60 --test

info: Retrieving plugin
err: /File[/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional 
resources using 'eval_generate: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 
read server certificate B: certificate verify failed: [certificate revoked 
for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal]
err: /File[/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: SSL_connect 
returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate 
verify failed: [certificate revoked for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal] 
Could not retrieve file metadata for 
puppet://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal/plugins: SSL_connect returned=1 
errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed: 
[certificate revoked for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal]
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: SSL_connect returned=1 
errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed: 
[certificate revoked for /CN=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal]
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
err: Could not send report: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read 
server certificate B: certificate verify failed: [certificate revoked for 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Not able to install puppet enterprise onn agent node using install command.

2012-12-26 Thread lalit jangra
Any help?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Not able to install puppet enterprise onn agent node using install command.

2012-12-25 Thread lalit jangra
Any Help?

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[Puppet Users] Not able to install puppet on agent node?

2012-12-24 Thread lalit jangra

I have created an agent node from a master node using below command.

puppet node_aws create --image ami-cc5af9a5 --keyname icos-client --type 

Now as i am trying to install puppet on it using below command

puppet node install \
--install-script=puppet-enterprise \
--installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \
--installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \
--puppetagent-certname=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal \
--login root \
--debug \
--keyfile  /usr/local/puppet/lalit.ppk \

I am getting below error message.

[root@ip-10-224-122-211 puppet]# puppet node install \
 --install-script=puppet-enterprise \
 --installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \
 --installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \
 --puppetagent-certname=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal \
 --login root \
 --debug \
 --keyfile  /usr/local/puppet/lalit.ppk \
notice: Waiting for SSH response ...
info: Executing remote command ...
debug: Command: date
err: not a private key (/usr/local/puppet/icos-client.ppk)
err: Try 'puppet help node install' for usage

Using same ppk file, i am able to login to agent node using ssh/putty 
client.I also tried using private dns instead of public dns btu no success. 
Can anybody help.

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[Puppet Users] Not able to install puppet enterprise onn agent node using install command.

2012-12-24 Thread lalit jangra

I have created an agent node from a master node using below command.

puppet node_aws create --image ami-cc5af9a5 --keyname icos-client --type 

Now as i am trying to install puppet on it using below command

puppet node install \
enterprise \
--installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \
--installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \
--puppetagent-certname=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal \
--login root \
--debug \
--keyfile  /usr/local/puppet/lalit.ppk \

I am getting below error message.

[root@ip-10-224-122-211 puppet]# puppet node install \
 --install-script=puppet-enterprise \
 --installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \
 --installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \
 --puppetagent-certname=ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal \
 --login root \
 --debug \
 --keyfile  /usr/local/puppet/lalit.ppk \
notice: Waiting for SSH response ...
info: Executing remote command ...
debug: Command: date
err: not a private key (/usr/local/puppet/lalit.ppk)
err: Try 'puppet help node install' for usage

Using same ppk file, i am able to login to agent node using ssh/putty 
client.I also tried using private dns instead of public dns but no success. 
Can anybody help.


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[Puppet Users] Puppet Master Console not accessibel on EC2 instance.

2012-12-18 Thread lalit jangra

I have an RHEL based EC2 instance where i have downloaded puppet 2.7 using 
http://info.puppetlabs.com/download-pe.html. Now i have followed 
instructions from http://docs.puppetlabs.com/pe/2.7/install_basic.html to 
install it using answer.txt file  i could see no error while installing. 
After installation i can see below message on ssh console.

 Thanks for installing Puppet Enterprise!
   Puppet Enterprise has been installed to /opt/puppet, and its 
configuration files are located in /etc/puppetlabs.
## Answers from this session saved to 
## In addition, auto-generated database users and passwords, including the 
ROOT MySQL password, have been saved to 
   !!! WARNING: Do not discard these files! All auto-generated database 
users and passwords, including the ROOT Mysql password, have been saved in 

The console can be reached at the following URI:
 *  https://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal:443
   If you have a firewall running, please ensure the following TCP ports 
are open: 8140, 61613, 443
   NOTICE: This system has 3.67 GB of memory, which is below the 4 GB we 
recommend for the puppet master role. Although this node will be a fully 
functional puppet master, you may experience
   poor performance with large numbers of nodes. You can improve the puppet 
master's performance by increasing its memory.


Now when i am trying to access puppet master console using 
https://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal:443, i can see below error.

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 

Can anybody help me on same?


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[Puppet Users] Puppet console not accessible after installation.

2012-12-18 Thread lalit jangra

I have an amazon ec2 instance where i have installed puppet from 
http://info.puppetlabs.com/download-pe.html. Installation is successful 
without any issue as per 
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/pe/2.7/install_basic.html. After successful 
installation, i can see following information on putty console.


 Thanks for installing Puppet Enterprise!
Puppet Enterprise has been installed to /opt/puppet, and its 
 configuration files are located in /etc/puppetlabs.
 ## Answers from this session saved to 
 ## In addition, auto-generated database users and passwords, including the 
 ROOT MySQL password, have been saved to 
!!! WARNING: Do not discard these files! All auto-generated database 
 users and passwords, including the ROOT Mysql password, have been saved in 


 The console can be reached at the following URI:
  *  https://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal:443

   If you have a firewall running, please ensure the following TCP ports 
 are open: 8140, 61613, 443
NOTICE: This system has 3.67 GB of memory, which is below the 4 GB we 
 recommend for the puppet master role. Although this node will be a fully 
 functional puppet master, you may experience
poor performance with large numbers of nodes. You can improve the 
 puppet master's performance by increasing its memory.


When am trying to access https://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal:443 i am 
not able to access it  getting errors like 

Unable to connect. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 

I have provided full qualified hostname as defined by my ec2 instance. Can 
anybody help me why it is not able to start?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Puppet Users group.
To view this discussion on the web visit 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet console not accessible after installation.

2012-12-18 Thread lalit jangra
Thanks a lot Justin,

So silly of me to let this small thing escape out of sight. Its working now.

Also can you help how can i start/stop puppet?


On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:38:57 AM UTC+5:30, Justin Stoller wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:03 PM, lalit jangra 


 I have an amazon ec2 instance where i have installed puppet from 
 http://info.puppetlabs.com/download-pe.html. Installation is successful 
 without any issue as per 
 http://docs.puppetlabs.com/pe/2.7/install_basic.html. After successful 
 installation, i can see following information on putty console.


 Thanks for installing Puppet Enterprise!
Puppet Enterprise has been installed to /opt/puppet, and its 
 configuration files are located in /etc/puppetlabs.
 ## Answers from this session saved to 
 ## In addition, auto-generated database users and passwords, including 
 the ROOT MySQL password, have been saved to 
!!! WARNING: Do not discard these files! All auto-generated database 
 users and passwords, including the ROOT Mysql password, have been saved in 


 The console can be reached at the following URI:
  *  https://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal:443

   If you have a firewall running, please ensure the following TCP ports 
 are open: 8140, 61613, 443
NOTICE: This system has 3.67 GB of memory, which is below the 4 GB we 
 recommend for the puppet master role. Although this node will be a fully 
 functional puppet master, you may experience
poor performance with large numbers of nodes. You can improve the 
 puppet master's performance by increasing its memory.


 When am trying to access https://ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal:443 i am 
 not able to access it  getting errors like 

 Unable to connect. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 

 I have provided full qualified hostname as defined by my ec2 instance. 
 Can anybody help me why it is not able to start?

 The name of the host is only an internal one to Amazon. Your external 
 hostname is not known (and so the installer told you the known one). You 
 should be able to substitute the hostname/ip that you used to SSH into the 
 box for ip-10-224-122-211.ec2.internal and see your console. And of 
 course make sure you have the ports open in your security group.


 PS. there's a pe-users mailing list for PE specific questions that you may 
 want to post on in the future.


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 Puppet Users group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet console not accessible after installation.

2012-12-18 Thread lalit jangra
Thanks a lot Justin,

So silly of me to let this small thing escape out of sight. Its working now.

Also can you help how can i start/stop puppet?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Puppet Users group.
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