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Paul Nguyen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm hoping someone can help me out with this problem.
> I am having this problem where I have a custom mount definition in one
> module manifest file, and require it in another manifest file in the same
> module.  However when the client retrieves its catalog, it cannot retrieve
> the dependency.  This worked fine before when I had these two outside of a
> module, but since I moved this over to a module, it started to fail.  Can
> someone please help me out with this?
> Thanks, Paul
> Here is the error message:
> rescomp2:~ # puppetd --test
> info: Caching catalog for rescomp2
> err: Could not apply complete catalog: Could not retrieve dependency
> 'Mount_nfs_dir[/linuxdeploy]' of Package[monit] at
> /etc/puppet/modules/rescomp2/manifests/rescomp_pkgs.pp:16
> /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/rescomp2.pp
> node rescomp2 {
>   include rescomp2::rescomp_mounts
>   include rescomp2::rescomp_pkgs
> }
> /etc/puppet/modules/rescomp2/manifests/rescomp_mounts.pp:
> class rescomp2::rescomp_mounts {
>   define mount_nfs_dir ($device, $options) {
>     file { "$name":
>       ensure  => "directory",
>     }
>     mount { "$name":
>       ensure  => "mounted",
>       fstype  => "nfs",
>       atboot  => "true",
>       device  => "$device",
>       options => "$options",
>       require => File[$name],
>     }
>   }
>   mount_nfs_dir { "/linuxdeploy":
>     device  => "nas-filer7:/vol/vol1/linuxdeploy",
>     options => "rw,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,hard,intr,fg",
>   }
> }
> /etc/puppet/modules/rescomp2/manifests/rescomp_pkgs.pp:
> class rescomp2::rescomp_pkgs inherits rescomp2::rescomp_mounts {
>   package { "monit":
>     ensure   => "present",
>     provider => "rpm",
>     source   => "/linuxdeploy/RPM/monit/monit-5.0.3-1.x86_64.rpm",
>     *require  => Mount_nfs_dir["/linuxdeploy"]*,
>   }
>   file { "/etc/monitrc":
>     ensure  => "present",
>     source  => "puppet:///modules/rescomp2/etc/monitrc",
>     owner   => "root",
>     group   => "root",
>     mode    => "600",
>     require => Package["monit"],
>   }
> }
Requiring definitions that reside inside classes have to be
fully-qualified, and capitalized like this:

require  => Rescomp2::Rescomp_mounts::Mount_nfs_dir["/linuxdeploy"]

Even then, it might not work out this way. It seems a little weird to me.

- --
Joe McDonagh
AIM: YoosingYoonickz
IRC: joe-mac on freenode
L'ennui est contre-révolutionnaire

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