I'm really excited to announce the arrival of new feature releases:
Puppet 4.4.0 and Puppet Server 2.3.0. The headline feature here is 
Static Catalogs: file resources with 'puppet:///' source attributes
will now include the checksum of the file inside the catalog, rather
than requiring additional http requests to the master as the catalog
is being applied. This both dramatically improves performance and closes
a "loophole" where agents could get file content that didn't match the
catalog's original intent.  You can read more (much, much more) about this
on the doc site: 

In addition, there are several other noteworthy features including an
awesome community contribution:
* Felix Frank worked tirelessly to close a very long-standing feature
  request that ties in with static catalogs: HTTP(S) file sources.
  Now you can use plain http webservers as the `source` for file resources,
  so if you have content that's large in size or managed outside Puppet's
  fileserver, you can just point at it. Vielen dank, Felix! (PUP-1073)
* There's a new API endpoint in the Puppet Server, `environment_classes`, 
  improves upon the old resource_types endpoint to enumerate classes, their
  parameters, and default values. (SERVER-1110)

* The Puppet Server now reloads configuration immediately upon receiving a 
  HUP signal, lowering restart times if you are changing values. (SERVER-86)

* The Puppet 4 Language continues to improve: now you can alias Types 
  in your manifests, there's a new Iterable type, and you can now reference
  earlier parameters in a class, define, or function. (various tickets)

There's a lot more, so please read the release notes for details:

Puppet Server: 

Puppet 4.4.0 is contained inside the puppet-agent-1.4.0 package that Melissa
announced yesterday, as well as being independently downloadable as a gem or

To install or upgrade puppet-agent, follow the getting started directions: 

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