[Puppet Users] Dashboard: New Install: Report processor failed - permission denied

2014-04-16 Thread Will Button
Hi all,
Installed puppet open source 2.7.23 and puppet dashboard.
I have agents successfully talking to the master

Puppet dashboard gui works on port 3000
I can post successfully using a rest client to 
puppetmaster service is running, puppet-dashboard service is running, 
puppet-dashboard-workers service is running

Agents are unable to report.

Puppetmaster logs:
Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-master[12288]: Could not find node 
'ph-puppet01.mylist.com'; cannot compile
Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Could not retrieve catalog 
from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find node 
'ph-puppet01.mylist.com'; cannot compile
Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Using cached catalog
Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Could not retrieve catalog; 
skipping run
Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-master[12288]: Report processor failed: 
Permission denied - connect(2)

Puppetmaster puppet.conf:
# The Puppet log directory.
# The default value is '$vardir/log'.
logdir = /var/log/puppet
modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '$vardir/run'.
rundir = /var/run/puppet

# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = $vardir/ssl

# Puppet-Dashboard
reports = store, http
reporturl = http://ph-puppet01.mylist.com:3000/reports/upload
node_terminus = exec
external_nodes = /usr/bin/env 

# The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
# the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
# option.
# The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

# Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
# extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
# The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
server = ph-puppet01.mylist.com
report = true
pluginsync = true

Agent puppet.conf:
# The Puppet log directory.
# The default value is '$vardir/log'.
logdir = /var/log/puppet

# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '$vardir/run'.
rundir = /var/run/puppet

# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = $vardir/ssl

# The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
# the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
# option.
# The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

# Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
# extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
# The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
server = ph-puppet01.mylist.com
report = true
pluginsync = true

Dashboard settings.yml:
#===[ Settings ]=
# This file is meant for storing setting information that is never
# published or committed to a revision control system.
# Do not modify this config/settings.yml.example file directly -- you
# should copy it to config/settings.yml and customize it there.
#---[ Values ]--

# Node name to use when contacting the puppet master.  This is the
# CN that is used in Dashboard's certificate.
cn_name: 'dashboard'

ca_crl_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_crl.pem'

ca_certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_cert.pem'

certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.cert.pem'

private_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.private_key.pem'

public_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.public_key.pem'

# Hostname of the certificate authority.
ca_server: 'puppet'

# Port for the certificate authority.
ca_port: 8140

# Key length for SSL certificates
key_length: 1024

# The inventory service allows you to connect to a puppet master to 
retrieve and node facts
enable_inventory_service: true

# Hostname of the inventory server.
inventory_server: 'ph-puppet01.mylist.com'

# Port for the inventory server.
inventory_port: 8140

# Set this to true to allow Dashboard to display diffs on files that
# are archived in the file bucket.
use_file_bucket_diffs: false

# Hostname of the file bucket server.
file_bucket_server: 'puppet'

# Port for the file bucket server.
file_bucket_port: 8140

# Amount of time in seconds since last report before a node is considered 
no longer reporting
no_longer_reporting_cutoff: 3600

# How many days of history to display on the Daily Run Status graph
daily_run_history_length: 30

Re: [Puppet Users] Dashboard: New Install: Report processor failed - permission denied

2014-04-16 Thread José Luis Ledesma

You should be using puppet 3.x if you are just starting.

Anyway, have you created the node in the dashboard with his fqdn?

El 16/04/2014 19:25, Will Button rekibnikufe...@gmail.com escribió:

 Hi all,
 Installed puppet open source 2.7.23 and puppet dashboard.
 I have agents successfully talking to the master

 Puppet dashboard gui works on port 3000
 I can post successfully using a rest client to
 puppetmaster service is running, puppet-dashboard service is running,
 puppet-dashboard-workers service is running

 Agents are unable to report.

 Puppetmaster logs:
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-master[12288]: Could not find node '
 ph-puppet01.mylist.com'; cannot compile
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Could not retrieve catalog
 from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find node '
 ph-puppet01.mylist.com'; cannot compile
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Using cached catalog
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Could not retrieve
 catalog; skipping run
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-master[12288]: Report processor failed:
 Permission denied - connect(2)

 Puppetmaster puppet.conf:
 # The Puppet log directory.
 # The default value is '$vardir/log'.
 logdir = /var/log/puppet
 modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules
 # Where Puppet PID files are kept.
 # The default value is '$vardir/run'.
 rundir = /var/run/puppet

 # Where SSL certificates are kept.
 # The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl

 # Puppet-Dashboard
 reports = store, http
 reporturl = http://ph-puppet01.mylist.com:3000/reports/upload
 node_terminus = exec
 external_nodes = /usr/bin/env PUPPET_DASHBOARD_URL=
 http://localhost:3000 /opt/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node

 # The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
 # associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
 # the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
 # option.
 # The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
 classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

 # Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
 # extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
 # The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
 localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
 server = ph-puppet01.mylist.com
 report = true
 pluginsync = true

 Agent puppet.conf:
 # The Puppet log directory.
 # The default value is '$vardir/log'.
 logdir = /var/log/puppet

 # Where Puppet PID files are kept.
 # The default value is '$vardir/run'.
 rundir = /var/run/puppet

 # Where SSL certificates are kept.
 # The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl

 # The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
 # associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
 # the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
 # option.
 # The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
 classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

 # Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
 # extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
 # The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
 localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
 server = ph-puppet01.mylist.com
 report = true
 pluginsync = true

 Dashboard settings.yml:
 #===[ Settings ]=
 # This file is meant for storing setting information that is never
 # published or committed to a revision control system.
 # Do not modify this config/settings.yml.example file directly -- you
 # should copy it to config/settings.yml and customize it there.
 #---[ Values ]--

 # Node name to use when contacting the puppet master.  This is the
 # CN that is used in Dashboard's certificate.
 cn_name: 'dashboard'

 ca_crl_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_crl.pem'

 ca_certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_cert.pem'

 certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.cert.pem'

 private_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.private_key.pem'

 public_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.public_key.pem'

 # Hostname of the certificate authority.
 ca_server: 'puppet'

 # Port for the certificate authority.
 ca_port: 8140

 # Key length for SSL certificates
 key_length: 1024

 # The inventory service allows you to connect to a puppet master to
 retrieve and node facts
 enable_inventory_service: true

 # Hostname of the inventory server.
 inventory_server: 'ph-puppet01.mylist.com'

 # Port for the inventory server.
 inventory_port: 8140

 # Set this to true to allow Dashboard to display diffs on files that
 # are archived in the file bucket.
 use_file_bucket_diffs: false

 # Hostname of the file bucket server.

Re: [Puppet Users] Dashboard: New Install: Report processor failed - permission denied

2014-04-16 Thread Will Button
Hey, thanks for the reply!
I had installed puppet-server from the epel repos- that's where I got 2.7.

I added the puppetlabs repos, removed 2.7 and installed 3.4.
Restarted, and all works great now.

Thanks for your help!

On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 10:55:05 AM UTC-7, Jose Luis Ledesma wrote:


 You should be using puppet 3.x if you are just starting.

 Anyway, have you created the node in the dashboard with his fqdn?

 El 16/04/2014 19:25, Will Button rekibni...@gmail.com javascript: 

 Hi all,
 Installed puppet open source 2.7.23 and puppet dashboard.
 I have agents successfully talking to the master

 Puppet dashboard gui works on port 3000
 I can post successfully using a rest client to 
 puppetmaster service is running, puppet-dashboard service is running, 
 puppet-dashboard-workers service is running

 Agents are unable to report.

 Puppetmaster logs:
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-master[12288]: Could not find node '
 ph-puppet01.mylist.com'; cannot compile
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Could not retrieve 
 catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find node '
 ph-puppet01.mylist.com'; cannot compile
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Using cached catalog
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-agent[5774]: Could not retrieve 
 catalog; skipping run
 Apr 16 09:11:44 ph-puppet01 puppet-master[12288]: Report processor 
 failed: Permission denied - connect(2)

 Puppetmaster puppet.conf:
 # The Puppet log directory.
 # The default value is '$vardir/log'.
 logdir = /var/log/puppet
 modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules
 # Where Puppet PID files are kept.
 # The default value is '$vardir/run'.
 rundir = /var/run/puppet

 # Where SSL certificates are kept.
 # The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl

 # Puppet-Dashboard
 reports = store, http
 reporturl = http://ph-puppet01.mylist.com:3000/reports/upload
 node_terminus = exec
 external_nodes = /usr/bin/env PUPPET_DASHBOARD_URL=
 http://localhost:3000 /opt/puppet-dashboard/bin/external_node

 # The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
 # associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
 # the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
 # option.
 # The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
 classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

 # Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
 # extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
 # The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
 localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
 server = ph-puppet01.mylist.com
 report = true
 pluginsync = true

 Agent puppet.conf:
 # The Puppet log directory.
 # The default value is '$vardir/log'.
 logdir = /var/log/puppet

 # Where Puppet PID files are kept.
 # The default value is '$vardir/run'.
 rundir = /var/run/puppet

 # Where SSL certificates are kept.
 # The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl

 # The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
 # associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
 # the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
 # option.
 # The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
 classfile = $vardir/classes.txt

 # Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
 # extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
 # The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
 localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
 server = ph-puppet01.mylist.com
 report = true
 pluginsync = true

 Dashboard settings.yml:
 #===[ Settings ]=
 # This file is meant for storing setting information that is never
 # published or committed to a revision control system.
 # Do not modify this config/settings.yml.example file directly -- you
 # should copy it to config/settings.yml and customize it there.
 #---[ Values ]--

 # Node name to use when contacting the puppet master.  This is the
 # CN that is used in Dashboard's certificate.
 cn_name: 'dashboard'

 ca_crl_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_crl.pem'

 ca_certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.ca_cert.pem'

 certificate_path: 'certs/dashboard.cert.pem'

 private_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.private_key.pem'

 public_key_path: 'certs/dashboard.public_key.pem'

 # Hostname of the certificate authority.
 ca_server: 'puppet'

 # Port for the certificate authority.
 ca_port: 8140

 # Key length for SSL certificates
 key_length: 1024

 # The inventory service allows you to connect to a puppet master to 
 retrieve and node facts
 enable_inventory_service: true
