The following code example is purely academical but it illustrates my 
question pretty well.

   define touch($file=$title, $unless='/bin/false') {
       exec { "/bin/touch ${file}": unless => $unless }

If I define my own resource type that wraps another *exec* resource and I 
want to *add an optional "unless" condition* that I - if set - pass to the 
optional "unless" condiftion of *exec* - do I have to preset the field with 

My understanding is that for each catalog run and all uses of this custom 
ressource type this resource's unless check will then spawn a bash process 
running '/bin/false' if the unless field of "touch" hasn't been set .

What I actually intend is not to do any "unless" check at all if the field 
hasn't been set - including calling "/bin/false".

Any thoughts? Thanks!

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