In my module, I have something like this to installed some base packages:

package {
>     'rpm-mon-ntp':
>     ensure   => latest,
>     require  => Yumrepo[ "mon-repo-test" ];
>     'rpm-mon-utils':
>     ensure   => installed,
>     require  => Yumrepo[ "mon-utils-test" ];
>    'rpm-mon-patch':
>     ensure   => installed,
>     require  => [ 
>                  Yumrepo[ "mon-repo-test" ],
>                  Package[ 'mon-tools', 'patch-utils' ],
>                 ];
> }

I want to use hiera to supply the values - repo-name, rpm-name, version 
etc. Is it possible at all?
I suppose, in the .yaml I can have something like this (in {repo-name{rpm-name: 
version}} format) : 

>     mon-repo-test:
>         rpm-mon-ntp: latest
>         rpm-mon-patch: installed
>         rpm-mon-utils: latest

but then, how do I do to make the package{} to get the values from hiera? 
How do I handle the case when Package[] is also required? Any help/pointer? 


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