We're a small organization and all my servers are pets.  I've made an
effort to keep site specific data out of the manifest, but I haven't been
able to completely.
Hiera has been a big help in getting us most of the way.

Is it even possible to have a clean manifest, when a person has pets to

I'm still ending up with hostnames as variables in erb files, assigning
classes like "files::servername" and something like the following:

  # manage index.html
  file { '/var/www/html/index.html':
    owner           => apache,
    group           => apache,
    mode            => '0640',
    source          => $::hostname ? {
      default       => undef,
      $::hostname   => "puppet:///modules/httpd/${::hostname}.index.html",

Any advice is appreciated.

Kent Brede

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