I've got a situation where I need to remove a set of packages and then
install the upgraded versions.  I can't just upgrade.  It's rare that I
have to upgrade the software but I'd like to have something in place to
upgrade when I have to.  What's the best way to handle these types of
situations with Puppet?

Is there anyway to force $purge_pkgs to run and then have $install_pkgs run
after on the same run?  As written below, I think what happens is the
packages are uninstalled but when the compile runs, $install_pkgs are
already installed, so it does nothing.

Class upgrade:
    if $upg == 'yes' {
        package { $purge_pkgs:
            ensure          => 'purged',
            install_options => '-y',

package { $install_pkgs:
        ensure          => installed,
        install_options => '-y',

Bunch of other bits run.........

Any advice appreciated.


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