Re: [Puppet Users] Noob question about the ${name} variable

2013-09-26 Thread Rahul Khengare
Hi John,
   Read my previous reply, 

   file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' : 
 ensure  = file , 
 mode= 0644 , 
 owner   = 0 , 
 group   = 0 , 
 content = template ( ${module_name}${name}.erb ) , 
 notify  = Service['httpd'] , 
 require = Package['httpd'] , 

 The *'/'* is missing in between ${module_name} and ${name} 

Thanks and Regards,
Rahul Khengare   

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Re: [Puppet Users] Noob question about the ${name} variable

2013-09-26 Thread John Simpson
On 2013-09-26, at 0303, Rahul Khengare wrote:

 Hi John,
Read my previous reply, 
   file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' : 
 ensure  = file , 
 mode= 0644 , 
 owner   = 0 , 
 group   = 0 , 
 content = template ( ${module_name}${name}.erb ) , 
 notify  = Service['httpd'] , 
 require = Package['httpd'] , 
 The '/' is missing in between ${module_name} and ${name} 

Sorry, but I wrote the line this way specifically because the first character 
of the value of $name is /. Adding an extra / between ${module_name} and 
${name} would result in apache//xxx.erb. Presumably the // wouldn't hurt 
anything (the Linux kernel ignores the empty directory element between the two 
slashes when resolving the filename), but it wouldn't have helped either.

I did, however, figure out what the problem was. In this case, it was confusion 
caused by either less-than-perfect documentation, or my own less-than-perfect 
understanding of that documentation.

The confusion has to do with what the $name variable actually is. Essentially, 
it does not refer to the item you're declaring (in this case, a file.) It 
refers to the object WITHIN WHICH you are declaring it.

So for a file declared within a class...

class apache {
  file { 'blah' :
ensure  = file ,
content = template ( ${module_name}${name}.erb ) ,

the value of $name is apache (the name of the class.)

And for a file declared within a define...

class apache {
  define configfile {
file { $name :
  ensure  = file ,
  content = template ( ${module_name}${name}.erb ) ,

  configfile { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/01_aaa.conf' : }
  configfile { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/02_bbb.conf' : }

the value of $name, in both locations, is the value with which that define is 
later instantiated.

So in the second example, $name would be either /etc/httpd/conf.d/01_aaa.conf 
or /etc/httpd/conf.d/02_bbb.conf, depending on which configfile object is 
being instantiated at the time.

The real problem I was trying to solve is that I didn't want to have to type 
each filename twice, primarily because it opens up a potential source of errors 
if the names aren't typed exactly the same. Creating a wrapper around the 
file object allows the same name to be used multiple times, without having to 
worry about the name potentially not being identical. It also allowed me to 
include several other elements (such as owner, mode, and notify) which 
would otherwise have had to be duplicated.

My thanks to everybody who offered advice.

John Simpson
Unix System/VM Developer and Engineering Operations, Voalte
+1 (941) 312-2830 x148

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[Puppet Users] Noob question about the ${name} variable

2013-09-25 Thread John Simpson

When defining a file resource, why does the ${name} variable sometimes expand 
to the filename being maintained, and sometimes to the module name?

Examples (in a module which, for simplicity, we will call apache) ...

  file { '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' :
ensure = file ,
source = puppet:///modules/${module_name}${name} ,

Here $name expands to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, so source expands to 

  file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' :
ensure  = file ,
content = template ( ${module_name}{$name}.erb ) ,

Here $name expands to apache, so the filename passed to template() is 
apacheapache.erb, rather than the expected and desired value 

Why does $name expand differently in these cases, and where did I miss this in 
the documentation?

John Simpson
Unix System/VM Developer and Engineering Operations, Voalte
+1 (941) 312-2830 x148

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Re: [Puppet Users] Noob question about the ${name} variable

2013-09-25 Thread Brian Lalor
On Sep 25, 2013, at 8:12 AM, John Simpson wrote:

  file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' :
ensure  = file ,
content = template ( ${module_name}{$name}.erb ) ,
 Here $name expands to apache, so the filename passed to template() is 
 apacheapache.erb, rather than the expected and desired value 

Is this the literal syntax?  Because you have {$name} instead of ${name}.  
I can't explain why the former would expand the way it does, unless the braces 
around the variable name have special meaning.  I would expect you'd get the 
literal braces in the expanded value.  Not a real answer, but it does look 

Brian Lalor

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Re: [Puppet Users] Noob question about the ${name} variable

2013-09-25 Thread John Simpson
On 2013-09-25, at 0819, Brian Lalor wrote:
On Sep 25, 2013, at 8:12 AM, John Simpson wrote:
 file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' :
   ensure  = file ,
   content = template ( ${module_name}{$name}.erb ) ,
 Here $name expands to apache, so the filename passed to template() is 
 apacheapache.erb, rather than the expected and desired value 
 Is this the literal syntax?  Because you have {$name} instead of ${name}. 
  I can't explain why the former would expand the way it does, unless the 
 braces around the variable name have special meaning.  I would expect you'd 
 get the literal braces in the expanded value.  Not a real answer, but it does 
 look unintentional.

Sorry, I tried to remove a bunch of extraneous detail from my first message and 
fat-fingered the variable.

The actual syntax, copied and pasted from the module, is:

  file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf' :
ensure  = file ,
mode= 0644 ,
owner   = 0 ,
group   = 0 ,
content = template ( ${module_name}${name}.erb ) ,
notify  = Service['httpd'] ,
require = Package['httpd'] ,

When I try to apply this on my test machine, I get...

# puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/os_maj_version.rb
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Could not find template 'apacheapache.erb' at 
/home/jms1/puppet/apache/manifests/init.pp:21 on node xxx
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

John Simpson
Unix System/VM Developer and Engineering Operations, Voalte
+1 (941) 312-2830 x148

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