I spent a lot of time reading the 1st edition of the Pro Puppet
book and I found many problems, most of which should have been
caught by the various editors at Apress. I posted a list of
what I found to this list and to Apress. My feeling was that Apress
was surprisingly nonchalant about the editorial quality of that book.
Since I'm the first to admit that I'm no Puppet expert I'm not
talking much about problems in its technical coverage since I'm not
really qualified to judge.

When the 2nd edition of Pro Puppet came out I had high hopes
that Apress would have learned something from the 1st edition.
I was wrong. Below are the issues I've found with Chapter 1 and 2.
Fortunately, the vast majority of these problems are very minor. But
they still show a surprising lack of attention to detail by Apress.
In one case, an error I found in the 1st edition appears again
in the 2nd edition. This error even appears in their errata for
the 1st edition.

In spite of what appears below, I think Pro Puppet is pretty good,
and is definitely worth reading. But Apress better be careful, because
they're in danger of becoming as bad as Packt in their editorial


Jon Forrest

M = mistake
U = unclear
T = typo
E = text change
C = comment

(C) Node definitions throughout the Safari online book have the closing single quote on a line by itself. They should be on the same line as the opening single quote. This is correct in the printed book. In fact, there are a number of similar formatting issues that only appear in the Safari online book. I've noted some of them below. Starting with Ch.2 I'm now reading a borrowed copy of the Apress book so I won't
be commenting on these issues further.

(E) Pg. 1 "you use to create Puppet configuration" ->
"you use to create Puppet configurations"

(M) Pg. 1 "licensed as Apache 2.0" -> "licensed under the Apache 2.0 license"
This appears correctly in the section about "Facter and Facts".

(U) Pg. 2 "The Puppet master runs as a daemon on a host and contains the configuration required for the specific environment." This is poor wording. What does "the configuration required for the specific environment" mean?

(T) Pg. 4 ".apt-get install vim" -> "apt-get install vim"

(T) Pg. 5 "on Red Hat it would execute yum"
"execute" should not be in italics.

(E) Pg. 6 "Puppet configuration can be safely run" ->
"Puppet can be safely run"

(M) Pg. 7 "The first caveat is that the master needs to be a later release than the agents." -> "The first caveat is that the master needs to be the same or a later release than the agents."

(T) Pg. 9 "On Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, SUSE/SLES, Debian and Ubuntu, this package is called rubygems." -> "On Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, SUSE/SLES, Debian, and Ubuntu, this package is called rubygems."

(T) Pg. 10 "RubyGems or Source" ->
"RubyGems or source"

(M) Pg. 19 "and C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\" ->
"and C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\puppet.conf"

(E) Pg. 19 "Once we've configured appropriate DNS for Puppet" ->
"Once we've configured appropriate DNS entries for Puppet"

(E) Pg. 20 "This directory and file is often already created when the Puppet packages are installed. If it hasn't already been created, create this directory and file now" -> "This directory and file are often already created when the Puppet packages are installed. If they haven't already been created, create this directory and file now"

(E) Pg. 21 "Starting the daemon will initiate" ->
"Starting the daemon will initialize"

(T) Pg. ? "puppet agent --test --server= puppet.pro-puppet.com" ->
"puppet agent --test --server=puppet.pro-puppet.com"
(On Safari online only)

(M) Pg. 22 "with three options. The first option, --server," ->
"with three options. The second option, --server,"

(T) Pg. 23 "in the main section" ->
"in the [main] section"

(T) Pg. 23 "your client).The" ->
"your client). The"

(E) Pg. 23 "The agent sends the certificate request" ->
"The agent sends the certificate signing request"

Pg. ? "This configuration is called waitforcertand is" ->
"This configuration is called waitforcert and is"
(On Safari online only)

(U) Pg. 26 In Listing 1-7 there are two node definitions for 'node1'. The text doesn't
make it clear why an. A FQDN name is shown in one definition and just
a hostname is shown in the other.

(C) Pg. 26 Parameterized classes is too important a concept to be brushed over.
Just a short description only confuses readers.

(M) Pg. 28 "check the value of the operatingsystem fact" ->
"check the value of the osfamily fact"

(U) Pg. 28 "relationship between the Package["sudo-ldap"] resource"
The listing show the "package {"sudo-ldap ...}" syntax. A new
user won't know why Package has an upper case first letter. This problem is
also present in many places in Ch. 2. It's first explained on Pg. 47.

(E) Pg. 28 "allows Puppet to retrieve a file from the Puppet source" ->
"allows Puppet to retrieve a file from the Puppet server"

(E) Pg. 28 "is the name of the Puppet source" ->
"is the name of the Puppet server"

(E) Pg. 30 "By default, will Puppet use this cache" ->
"By default, Puppet will use this cache"

(U) Pg. 34 "Be sure you've installed the base operating system on these hosts as described
in Chapter 1".
Chapter 1 doesn't describe how to install operating systems. It describes how to
install Puppet.

(C) Pg. 34 Including the necessary Kickstart configuration to bootstrap Puppet is an excellent idea. However, the text should have noted that the example only works on Debian-derived operating systems. Better yet, the text should also include a sample
configuration that works on RedHat-derived operating systems.

(T) Pg. 35 Listing 2-2 "wll" -> "will"

(C) Pg. 35 "/etc/puppet/manifests/"
Is the convention going to be to include the final slash in directory pathnames? If so, Pg. 26, and probably others, has examples that need to be fixed. If not,
then Pg. 35, and probably others, needs to be fixed.

(C) Pg. 37 The concept of "dynamic scoping" is mentioned several times in this chapter. This is not a widely understood concept. The text should include an example
illustrating dynamic scoping.

(U) Pg. 38 "Each class, definition, or node introduces a new scope".
The concept of a "definition" hasn't been explained yet. Mentioning it here
only causes confusion. It isn't defined until Pg. 64.

(U) Pg. 38 "imported manifests". The concept of "importing" hasn't been defined yet. New readers will be confused about the difference between "including" and "importing".

(U) Pg. 38 "thus preventing the variable from being overwritten anywhere"
I don't think this describes the issue. As I understand it, explicitly using top-scope variables prevents variables with similar names from other than top-scope from
accidentally being referenced.

(E) Pg. 38 "no way to explicitly retrieve it" ->
"no way to explicitly reference variables defined in node scope"

(T) Pg. 38 "is a way of writing the $sshd_package variable"
"the" should not be in a different font.

(U) Pg. 38 "will still be defined in local scope"
Local scope hasn't been defined yet. In fact, it's defined in the next sentence.

(U) Pg. 39 All of a sudden, variable names are shown that don't begin
with a '$'.  Why? This should either be changed or explained. (I know it
has to do with parameterized classes but they haven't been explained yet).

(U) Pg. 39 "classes that take parameters when they are called"
Classes are included, not called.

(U) Pg. 40 An example of a parameterized class is shown at the top of the page. As I've said above, this concept needs much more explanation, both syntactically
and semantically.

(E) Pg. 41 "our sudo module contains the lines shown" ->
"our sudo module contains the files and directories shown"

(E) Pg. 42 "in the form of a revision" ->
"in the form of a revision or commit"

(E) Pg. 43 "execute the git binary" ->
"run git"

(U) Pg. 43 "We can now add files to this repository"
The 'git add' command doesn't add files to a repository. 'git commit' does.

(T) Pg. 43 "we can see what Git is about by using the git status command" ->
"we can see what Git is about to do by using the git status command"

(C) Pg. 43 This is not a very clear description of Git.

(E) Pg. 43 "numeric numbers" ->

(M) Pg. 44 The ssh class definition refers to the ::ssh::package class but no such
class exists. This reference should be to the ::ssh::install class

(M) Pg. 45 "and used the include function to add all the classes"
There are no includes shown in Listing 2-13.

(M) Pg. 45 "We've created three classes: ssh, ssh::install, ssh::config, and ssh::service." -> "We've created four classes: ssh, ssh::install, ssh::config, and ssh::service."

(M) Pg. 46 "manifests as a variable called $osfamily" ->
"manifests as a variable called $::osfamily"

(M) Pg. 46 "Let's rewrite our ssh::package class" ->
"Let's rewrite our ssh::install class" . Also, "our" should
not appear in console font.

(M) Pg. 47 "In the preamble of the ssh::params class" ->
"In the preamble of the ssh::install class"

(M) Pg. 56 "placed inside brackets the name" ->
"placed inside parentheses the name"

(T) Pg. 57 "lensure => running," ->
"ensure => running,"

(E) Pg. 58 "And add the files" ->
"And add the files and directory"

(C) Pg. 59 I've never heard of a "brick" module.

(T) Pg. 61 " group => 'root'," ->
"group => 'root',"
(the leading space is removed).

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