How can I accomplish the following in puppet?

If /etc/file1 contains string abc  
   then copy SSHTemplate1 to /etc/ssh/ssh_config  && copy SSHDTemplate1 to 
else if /etc/file1 contains string xyz
  then copy SSHtemplate2 to /etc/ssh/ssh_config && copy SSHDTemplate2 to 
else copy SSHtemplate3 to /etc/ssh/ssh_config && copy SSHDTemplate3 to 

I have to apply this logic multiple operating systems in a Puppet script

So far this is what I have...

class ssh {
    case $::operatingsystem {
      'AIX': {
        $owner = 'root'
        $group = 'system'
      'FreeBSD': {
        $owner = 'root'
        $group = 'wheel'
      default: {
        $owner = 'root'
        $group = 'root'

    file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
      ensure => present,
      owner => $owner,
      group => $group,
      mode => '0644',
      backup => false,
      content => template("ssh/etc/ssh/sshd_config.erb"),

    file { '/etc/ssh/ssh_config':
      ensure => present,
      owner => $owner,
      group => $group,
      mode => '0644',
      backup => false,
      content => template("ssh/etc/ssh/ssh_config.erb"),

    file { '/etc/':
      ensure => present,
      owner => $owner,
      group => $group,
      mode => '0644',
      backup => false,
      content => template("motd/etc/issue.erb"),

Does that look right?  And how to add the the conditional logic above to 
this template?  Thanks in advance!!

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