Morning all

Not sure if anybody on here is going to be able to assist, but thought I'd 
ask anyways... 

I've upgraded rspec-puppet to v1.0.1 this morning, and now all my rspec 
tests are failing with:

Failure/Error: it { should_not contain_class('software::hp::psp') }
>      Puppet::Error:
>        Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error TypeError: can't 
> convert Hash into String at 
> /etc/puppet/environments/common/act/spec/fixtures/modules/act/manifests/software/linux/puppet_agent.pp:27
> on node

 The failure point quoted isn't doing anything special. The code is 
here[1], and is failing at line 27. 

Running with backtrace, do get a fairly long trace, that seems to start in 
hiera code... [2]

However that has been working fine prior to upgrading rspec-puppet. 
With regards to framework, I'm using puppetlabs-spec-helper, rspec-puppet 
and hiera-puppet-helper.

I've got a hiera_config defined as a shared_context [3], so I'm wondering 
if the new hiera support in rspec-puppet is clashing with 
hiera-puppet-helper :s

Any ideas appreciated. As there are some cool new features in rspec-puppet 
that I'd like to use, but can't have all my tests breaking...



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