On Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 8:52:50 AM UTC-5, b.gold...@gmail.com 
> Hi Guys
> I am new to puppet and ruby. I am working on some erb template for ldap. 
> Following is sample code 
> <%  if TCPSocket.new("host1", 636) and TCPSocket.new("host2", 636)  %>
> host xxxx
> port 636
> tls_checkpeer yes
> <% else -%>
> host yyyy
> port 389
> tls_checkpeer no
> <% end %>
> Above works if 636 is open but if its not then  it never goes to else but 
> raise exception of connection refused and eventually puppet fails.
> I tried catching exception in erb template but it didnt work.
> Possible to catch exceptions like below ? I want to exit it if  any 
> exception is raised. 
>  rescue Errno:: ECONNREFUSED => e

First of all, I urge you to choose an altogether different way to determine 
which alternative you want your template to exercise.  It is usually better 
in Puppet to choose configuration details based on static information 
(recorded in an Hiera data store, for example) or semi-static information 
(e.g. based on resources exported during the process of building other 
nodes' catalogs).  There is a range, but ephemeral data such as whether the 
master can establish a TCP connection to a particular host at a particular 
time are a particularly poor basis for such choices.

If you insist on proceeding in that direction, however, then you need to 
recognize that when TCPSocket.new() fails, it throws an exception rather 
than returning a value that evaluates to false.  If you want processing to 
continue within your template, then you need it to catch that exception.  
That would look something like this:

    TCPSocket.new("host1", 636) and TCPSocket.new("host2", 636)
host xxxx
port 636
tls_checkpeer yes
<% rescue -%>
host yyyy
port 389
tls_checkpeer no
<% end %>

Overall, always remember that ERB is just a somewhat unusual way to write 
ordinary Ruby code.  It's expressed inside out, but once you learn to see 
through that to the all-Ruby code it represents, you can rely on your Ruby 
knowledge (or someone else's) to understand how to create, interpret, and 
use ERB templates.


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