[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet under passenger constantly crashing

2015-07-14 Thread Aimon Bustardo
Interestingly it appears to be the '--profile' that makes it work for me. 
The rest are not needed. 

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 2:30:27 PM UTC-7, treydock wrote:

 I recently moved from manually configured Puppetmaster under passenger to 
 fully managed using theforeman/puppet module.  Now I am experiencing 
 constant crashes (every few minutes) of the passenger process that runs the 

 Host is CentOS 6.5 running Puppet 3.4.3.

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log:

 [Tue Mar 25 16:25:26 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of 
 script headers: production

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/error_log

 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/ast.rb:49: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): 
 unknown data type 0x20(0x2e6b230) non object
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 [ pid=28256 thr=139906534451168 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:841 
 time=2014-03-25 16:25:26.86 ]: The backend application (process 32724) did 
 not send a valid HTTP response; instead, it sent nothing at all. It is 
 possible that it has crashed; please check whe.


 LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so
 IfModule mod_passenger.c
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.19
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
PassengerTempDir /var/run/rubygem-passenger

 # Vhost template in module puppetlabs-apache
 # Managed by Puppet

 VirtualHost *:8140
   ServerName puppet

   ## Vhost docroot
   DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/rack/public/

   ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for 

   Directory /etc/puppet/rack/public/
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 PassengerEnabled On

   ## Load additional static includes

   ## Logging
   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log
   ServerSignature Off
   CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppet_access_ssl.log combined

   ## SSL directives
   SSLEngine on
   SSLCertificateFile  /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.DOMAIN.pem
   SSLCertificateChainFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
   SSLCARevocationFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
   SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1
   SSLVerifyClient optional
   SSLVerifyDepth  1
   SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData

   ## Request header rules
   ## as per 
   RequestHeader set X-SSL-Subject %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e
   RequestHeader set X-Client-DN %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e
   RequestHeader set X-Client-Verify %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}e
   RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-For

   ## Custom fragment


 Any suggestions or means to work around this issue?

 - Trey

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Puppet Users group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet under passenger constantly crashing

2015-03-04 Thread Cristian Falcas
Incredible. This made it work for me also.

joi, 12 iunie 2014, 16:47:55 UTC+3, treydock a scris:

 Sort of.  The normal Puppet+Passenger configuration still crashes, but 
 for some odd reason if I add the following to the Puppet config.ru 
 (after the --confdir and --vardir lines) the crashes stop... 

 ARGV  --debug 
 ARGV  --trace 
 ARGV  --profile 
 ARGV  --logdest  /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log 

 I made those changes to try and debug the problem with help on IRC 
 some time ago, and while the actual problem couldn't be found, those 
 options kept Passenger from crashing when running Puppet.  The full 
 config is at the end [1]. 

 I have an almost identical Puppetmaster setup for a different 
 infrastructure, using same versions and same Puppet modules 
 (theforeman), that does not exhibit this behavior.  My hunch is that 
 this problematic Puppetmaster is suffering from configuration drift. 
 It was setup by hand a long time ago with various Rubygems installed 
 manually that are likely conflicting.  The system is now fully managed 
 but there are still some Rubygems installed that are not managed and 
 I've not taken the time to clean it up, but rather will eventually 
 rebuild this VM. 

 - Trey 

 ### Next part of the file is managed by a different template ### 
 ## Module:   'puppet' 
 # a config.ru, for use with every rack-compatible webserver. 
 # SSL needs to be handled outside this, though. 

 # if puppet is not in your RUBYLIB: 
 # $LOAD_PATH.unshift('/opt/puppet/lib') 

 $0 = master 

 # if you want debugging: 
 # ARGV  --debug 

 ARGV  --rack 

 # Rack applications typically don't start as root.  Set --confdir and 
 # to prevent reading configuration from ~puppet/.puppet/puppet.conf and 
 # to ~puppet/.puppet 
 ARGV  --confdir  /etc/puppet 
 ARGV  --vardir   /var/lib/puppet 
 ARGV  --debug 
 ARGV  --trace 
 ARGV  --profile 
 ARGV  --logdest  /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log 

 # NOTE: it's unfortunate that we have to use the CommandLine class 
 #  here to launch the app, but it contains some initialization logic 
 #  (such as triggering the parsing of the config file) that is very 
 #  important.  We should do something less nasty here when we've 
 #  gotten our API and settings initialization logic cleaned up. 
 # Also note that the $0 = master line up near the top here is 
 #  the magic that allows the CommandLine class to know that it's 
 #  supposed to be running master. 
 # --cprice 2012-05-22 

 require 'puppet/util/command_line' 
 # we're usually running inside a Rack::Builder.new {} block, 
 # therefore we need to call run *here*. 
 run Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new.execute 

 On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 6:59 AM, paul.gomersbach p.gome...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Hi Treydock, 
  Did you ever resolve this problem? 
  Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 23:24:17 UTC+1 schreef treydock: 
  As an update, I tried running 'puppet master --no-daemonize --debug' 
  am seeing a segmentation fault running outside of passenger/apache... 
  /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/scope.rb:555: [BUG] 
  ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux] 
  another run 
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:287: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data 
  0x10(0x935ce90) non object 
  ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux] 
  This only seems occur most frequently when I run puppet agent --test 
  from the puppet master server.  Remote clients do not seem to crash 
  master as frequently. 
  On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:30:27 PM UTC-5, treydock wrote: 
  I recently moved from manually configured Puppetmaster under passenger 
  fully managed using theforeman/puppet module.  Now I am experiencing 
  constant crashes (every few minutes) of the passenger process that 
 runs the 
  Host is CentOS 6.5 running Puppet 3.4.3. 
  This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log: 
  [Tue Mar 25 16:25:26 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of 
  script headers: production 
  This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/error_log 
  /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/ast.rb:49: [BUG] 
  unknown data type 0x20(0x2e6b230) non object 
  ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux] 
  [ pid=28256 thr=139906534451168 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:841 
  time=2014-03-25 16:25:26.86 ]: The backend application (process 32724) 
  not send a valid HTTP response; instead, it sent nothing at all. It is 
  possible that it has crashed; please check whe. 
  LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so 
  IfModule mod_passenger.c 
 PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.19 
 PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby 
 PassengerTempDir /var/run/rubygem-passenger 

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet under passenger constantly crashing

2014-06-12 Thread Trey Dockendorf
Sort of.  The normal Puppet+Passenger configuration still crashes, but
for some odd reason if I add the following to the Puppet config.ru
(after the --confdir and --vardir lines) the crashes stop...

ARGV  --debug
ARGV  --trace
ARGV  --profile
ARGV  --logdest  /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log

I made those changes to try and debug the problem with help on IRC
some time ago, and while the actual problem couldn't be found, those
options kept Passenger from crashing when running Puppet.  The full
config is at the end [1].

I have an almost identical Puppetmaster setup for a different
infrastructure, using same versions and same Puppet modules
(theforeman), that does not exhibit this behavior.  My hunch is that
this problematic Puppetmaster is suffering from configuration drift.
It was setup by hand a long time ago with various Rubygems installed
manually that are likely conflicting.  The system is now fully managed
but there are still some Rubygems installed that are not managed and
I've not taken the time to clean it up, but rather will eventually
rebuild this VM.

- Trey

### Next part of the file is managed by a different template ###
## Module:   'puppet'
# a config.ru, for use with every rack-compatible webserver.
# SSL needs to be handled outside this, though.

# if puppet is not in your RUBYLIB:
# $LOAD_PATH.unshift('/opt/puppet/lib')

$0 = master

# if you want debugging:
# ARGV  --debug

ARGV  --rack

# Rack applications typically don't start as root.  Set --confdir and --vardir
# to prevent reading configuration from ~puppet/.puppet/puppet.conf and writing
# to ~puppet/.puppet
ARGV  --confdir  /etc/puppet
ARGV  --vardir   /var/lib/puppet
ARGV  --debug
ARGV  --trace
ARGV  --profile
ARGV  --logdest  /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log

# NOTE: it's unfortunate that we have to use the CommandLine class
#  here to launch the app, but it contains some initialization logic
#  (such as triggering the parsing of the config file) that is very
#  important.  We should do something less nasty here when we've
#  gotten our API and settings initialization logic cleaned up.
# Also note that the $0 = master line up near the top here is
#  the magic that allows the CommandLine class to know that it's
#  supposed to be running master.
# --cprice 2012-05-22

require 'puppet/util/command_line'
# we're usually running inside a Rack::Builder.new {} block,
# therefore we need to call run *here*.
run Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new.execute

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 6:59 AM, paul.gomersbach p.gomersb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Treydock,

 Did you ever resolve this problem?


 Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 23:24:17 UTC+1 schreef treydock:

 As an update, I tried running 'puppet master --no-daemonize --debug' and
 am seeing a segmentation fault running outside of passenger/apache...

 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/scope.rb:555: [BUG] Segmentation
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 another run

 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:287: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type
 0x10(0x935ce90) non object
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 This only seems occur most frequently when I run puppet agent --test
 from the puppet master server.  Remote clients do not seem to crash puppet
 master as frequently.

 On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:30:27 PM UTC-5, treydock wrote:

 I recently moved from manually configured Puppetmaster under passenger to
 fully managed using theforeman/puppet module.  Now I am experiencing
 constant crashes (every few minutes) of the passenger process that runs the

 Host is CentOS 6.5 running Puppet 3.4.3.

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log:

 [Tue Mar 25 16:25:26 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of
 script headers: production

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/error_log

 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/ast.rb:49: [BUG] rb_gc_mark():
 unknown data type 0x20(0x2e6b230) non object
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 [ pid=28256 thr=139906534451168 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:841
 time=2014-03-25 16:25:26.86 ]: The backend application (process 32724) did
 not send a valid HTTP response; instead, it sent nothing at all. It is
 possible that it has crashed; please check whe.


 LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so
 IfModule mod_passenger.c
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.19
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
PassengerTempDir /var/run/rubygem-passenger

 # Vhost template in module puppetlabs-apache
 # Managed by Puppet

 VirtualHost *:8140
   ServerName puppet

   ## Vhost docroot
   DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/rack/public/

   ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for

   Directory /etc/puppet/rack/public/

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet under passenger constantly crashing

2014-06-12 Thread Dietrich, Stefan
+1 here.
We see this problem kind of problem on Puppet 3.4.3 and Scientific Linux

Only the files causing the segfault are different from your case:
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/autoload.rb:88: [BUG]
Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/file_system/file.rb:152: [BUG]
Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/file_system/file.rb:152: [BUG]
rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 0x38(0xf90be90) non object
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

I am able to reproduce this issue with our manifests on a fresh
installation from scratch.

So far, only Ubuntu agents trigger this segfault on the master.
I found some workarounds:
- Backporting the patch from PUP-1592
- Upgrading to Puppet 3.6.x
- Removing a specific ordering from the manifests

I was even able to reproduce this on Puppet 3.6.2, if I _remove_ the
patch from PUP-1592.

So, I think this is an ruby 1.8.7 issue and the mentioned patch only
makes it harder to run into this issue.


On Do, 2014-06-12 at 08:47 -0500, Trey Dockendorf wrote:
 Sort of.  The normal Puppet+Passenger configuration still crashes, but
 for some odd reason if I add the following to the Puppet config.ru
 (after the --confdir and --vardir lines) the crashes stop...
 ARGV  --debug
 ARGV  --trace
 ARGV  --profile
 ARGV  --logdest  /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log
 I made those changes to try and debug the problem with help on IRC
 some time ago, and while the actual problem couldn't be found, those
 options kept Passenger from crashing when running Puppet.  The full
 config is at the end [1].
 I have an almost identical Puppetmaster setup for a different
 infrastructure, using same versions and same Puppet modules
 (theforeman), that does not exhibit this behavior.  My hunch is that
 this problematic Puppetmaster is suffering from configuration drift.
 It was setup by hand a long time ago with various Rubygems installed
 manually that are likely conflicting.  The system is now fully managed
 but there are still some Rubygems installed that are not managed and
 I've not taken the time to clean it up, but rather will eventually
 rebuild this VM.
 - Trey
 ### Next part of the file is managed by a different template ###
 ## Module:   'puppet'
 # a config.ru, for use with every rack-compatible webserver.
 # SSL needs to be handled outside this, though.
 # if puppet is not in your RUBYLIB:
 # $LOAD_PATH.unshift('/opt/puppet/lib')
 $0 = master
 # if you want debugging:
 # ARGV  --debug
 ARGV  --rack
 # Rack applications typically don't start as root.  Set --confdir and --vardir
 # to prevent reading configuration from ~puppet/.puppet/puppet.conf and 
 # to ~puppet/.puppet
 ARGV  --confdir  /etc/puppet
 ARGV  --vardir   /var/lib/puppet
 ARGV  --debug
 ARGV  --trace
 ARGV  --profile
 ARGV  --logdest  /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log
 # NOTE: it's unfortunate that we have to use the CommandLine class
 #  here to launch the app, but it contains some initialization logic
 #  (such as triggering the parsing of the config file) that is very
 #  important.  We should do something less nasty here when we've
 #  gotten our API and settings initialization logic cleaned up.
 # Also note that the $0 = master line up near the top here is
 #  the magic that allows the CommandLine class to know that it's
 #  supposed to be running master.
 # --cprice 2012-05-22
 require 'puppet/util/command_line'
 # we're usually running inside a Rack::Builder.new {} block,
 # therefore we need to call run *here*.
 run Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new.execute
 On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 6:59 AM, paul.gomersbach p.gomersb...@gmail.com 
  Hi Treydock,
  Did you ever resolve this problem?
  Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 23:24:17 UTC+1 schreef treydock:
  As an update, I tried running 'puppet master --no-daemonize --debug' and
  am seeing a segmentation fault running outside of passenger/apache...
  /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/scope.rb:555: [BUG] Segmentation
  ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
  another run
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:287: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type
  0x10(0x935ce90) non object
  ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]
  This only seems occur most frequently when I run puppet agent --test
  from the puppet master server.  Remote clients do not seem to crash puppet
  master as frequently.
  On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:30:27 PM UTC-5, treydock wrote:
  I recently moved from manually configured Puppetmaster under passenger to
  fully managed using theforeman/puppet module.  Now I am experiencing
  constant crashes (every few minutes) of the passenger process that runs 
  Host is CentOS 6.5 running Puppet 3.4.3.
  This is the entry I see in 

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet under passenger constantly crashing

2014-06-10 Thread paul.gomersbach
Hi Treydock,

Did you ever resolve this problem?


Op dinsdag 25 maart 2014 23:24:17 UTC+1 schreef treydock:

 As an update, I tried running 'puppet master --no-daemonize --debug' and 
 am seeing a segmentation fault running outside of passenger/apache...

 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/scope.rb:555: [BUG] Segmentation 
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 another run

 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:287: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 
 0x10(0x935ce90) non object
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 This only seems occur most frequently when I run puppet agent --test 
 from the puppet master server.  Remote clients do not seem to crash puppet 
 master as frequently.

 On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:30:27 PM UTC-5, treydock wrote:

 I recently moved from manually configured Puppetmaster under passenger to 
 fully managed using theforeman/puppet module.  Now I am experiencing 
 constant crashes (every few minutes) of the passenger process that runs the 

 Host is CentOS 6.5 running Puppet 3.4.3.

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log:

 [Tue Mar 25 16:25:26 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of 
 script headers: production

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/error_log

 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/ast.rb:49: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): 
 unknown data type 0x20(0x2e6b230) non object
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 [ pid=28256 thr=139906534451168 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:841 
 time=2014-03-25 16:25:26.86 ]: The backend application (process 32724) did 
 not send a valid HTTP response; instead, it sent nothing at all. It is 
 possible that it has crashed; please check whe.


 LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so
 IfModule mod_passenger.c
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.19
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
PassengerTempDir /var/run/rubygem-passenger

 # Vhost template in module puppetlabs-apache
 # Managed by Puppet

 VirtualHost *:8140
   ServerName puppet

   ## Vhost docroot
   DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/rack/public/

   ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for 

   Directory /etc/puppet/rack/public/
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 PassengerEnabled On

   ## Load additional static includes

   ## Logging
   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log
   ServerSignature Off
   CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppet_access_ssl.log combined

   ## SSL directives
   SSLEngine on
   SSLCertificateFile  /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.DOMAIN.pem
   SSLCertificateChainFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
   SSLCARevocationFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
   SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1
   SSLVerifyClient optional
   SSLVerifyDepth  1
   SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData

   ## Request header rules
   ## as per 
   RequestHeader set X-SSL-Subject %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e
   RequestHeader set X-Client-DN %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e
   RequestHeader set X-Client-Verify %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}e
   RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-For

   ## Custom fragment


 Any suggestions or means to work around this issue?

 - Trey

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Puppet Users group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet under passenger constantly crashing

2014-03-25 Thread treydock
As an update, I tried running 'puppet master --no-daemonize --debug' and am 
seeing a segmentation fault running outside of passenger/apache...

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/scope.rb:555: [BUG] Segmentation 
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

another run

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:287: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 
0x10(0x935ce90) non object
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

This only seems occur most frequently when I run puppet agent --test from 
the puppet master server.  Remote clients do not seem to crash puppet 
master as frequently.

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:30:27 PM UTC-5, treydock wrote:

 I recently moved from manually configured Puppetmaster under passenger to 
 fully managed using theforeman/puppet module.  Now I am experiencing 
 constant crashes (every few minutes) of the passenger process that runs the 

 Host is CentOS 6.5 running Puppet 3.4.3.

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log:

 [Tue Mar 25 16:25:26 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of 
 script headers: production

 This is the entry I see in /var/log/httpd/error_log

 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/ast.rb:49: [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): 
 unknown data type 0x20(0x2e6b230) non object
 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]

 [ pid=28256 thr=139906534451168 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:841 
 time=2014-03-25 16:25:26.86 ]: The backend application (process 32724) did 
 not send a valid HTTP response; instead, it sent nothing at all. It is 
 possible that it has crashed; please check whe.


 LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so
 IfModule mod_passenger.c
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.19
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
PassengerTempDir /var/run/rubygem-passenger

 # Vhost template in module puppetlabs-apache
 # Managed by Puppet

 VirtualHost *:8140
   ServerName puppet

   ## Vhost docroot
   DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/rack/public/

   ## Directories, there should at least be a declaration for 

   Directory /etc/puppet/rack/public/
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 PassengerEnabled On

   ## Load additional static includes

   ## Logging
   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppet_error_ssl.log
   ServerSignature Off
   CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppet_access_ssl.log combined

   ## SSL directives
   SSLEngine on
   SSLCertificateFile  /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.DOMAIN.pem
   SSLCertificateChainFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
   SSLCARevocationFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem
   SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1
   SSLVerifyClient optional
   SSLVerifyDepth  1
   SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData

   ## Request header rules
   ## as per 
   RequestHeader set X-SSL-Subject %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e
   RequestHeader set X-Client-DN %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e
   RequestHeader set X-Client-Verify %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}e
   RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-For

   ## Custom fragment


 Any suggestions or means to work around this issue?

 - Trey

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Puppet Users group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
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