A stock Solaris 10 syslog logs to /var/adm/messages.

Cheers Robert

On Nov 8, 3:01 pm, Erlend Leganger <elegan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I set up puppet for the first time yesterday, on two Solaris 10
> machines, each running puppet v0.24.7. I made a modified version of
> the initial manifest described 
> inhttp://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/InstallationGuide(updating
> /etc/passwd, sudoers doesn't exist in Solaris). Things work fine both
> on master and client, but where are the log files so that I can see
> what is going on? I understand puppet logs to syslog, but grep -i
> puppet $(find /var/log) returns nothing, where else should I look?
> - Erlend Leganger
> Here is what I see on the client:
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$ puppetd --test
> info: No classes to store
> info: Caching catalog at /var//opt/csw/puppet/state/localconfig.yaml
> notice: Starting catalog run
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$ cat /var/opt/csw/
> cswclassutils/ pkg-hooks/     puppet/        svc/
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$ cat /var/opt/csw/puppet/
> clientbucket/ lib/          log/          run/          state/
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$ cat /var/opt/csw/puppet/state/localconfig.yaml
> --- !ruby/object:Puppet::TransBucket
> classes: []
> children:
> - !ruby/object:Puppet::TransObject
>  params:
>    group: root
>    mode: "440"
>    owner: root
>  file: /etc//opt/csw/puppet/manifests/site.pp
>  tags:
>  - file
>  - class
>  - main
>  line: 3
>  name: /etc/passwd
>  type: file
> name: :main
> type: Class
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$ uname -a
> SunOS sol10u7ga-02 5.10 Generic_139556-08 i86pc i386 i86pc
> r...@sol10u7ga-02:/$
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