solved thank you

On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:15:00 PM UTC-7, Vassiliy Vins wrote:
> Hi!
> I've created 2 files:
> file *test.pp* with code :
> class copy {
> file {"testfile":
> path => "/home/vassiliy/myfile",
> source => "puppet:///mpoint/client1/testfile",
> mode => '644'
> }
> }
> and file site.pp wuth code:
> import "test.pp"
> node client1 {
> include copy
> }
> in fileserver.conf was created section like:
> [mpoint]
> path /etc/puppet/files
> allow *
> file *testfile* is in folder /etc/puppet/files/client1/
> I got on client1    /var/log/messages  next:
> ERROR 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on 
> /file_metadata/client1/testfile with {:links => "manage"}
> Any ideas, why? where to look at? thnx

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