My puppet setup has been working nicely for a while, but recently I get errors 
like this a lot:

May  9 15:46:33 puppet puppetd[22423]: 
Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Connection reset by peer - 
SSL_connect Could not describe /nagios/check_apt: Connection reset by peer - 
SSL_connect at /etc/puppet/modules/nagios/manifests/init.pp:163

The puppetmaster seems to stop logging anything by this point, although ps 
says that it's still there.

I'm using 0.24.8 RC1 (the latest I've found .debs for), and am using the 
default connection handling thing (WebBrick I presume) with about a dozen 
clients, give or take. Restarting the puppetmaster gets it going for a while, 
but after a variable length of time (usually days, although today it was 
about 12 hours) it'll start happening again.

Any ideas?

Robin <> JabberID: <>

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