On the System we have defined the user auser as:
auser:x:300:300:auser User:/application/home/auser:/bin/bash

So id auser gives:
uid=300(auser) gid=300(auser) groups=126(agroup),300(auser)

In the LDAP we have:
#getent passwd auser
auser:x:300:300:auser User:/application/home/auser:/bin/bash
#getent group agroup

Basically the same definition.

Now everytime I run puppet I get:
notice: //Node[default]/oracle/users::db/User[auser]/groups: groups
changed 'agroup,agroup' to 'agroup'
This is really strange.....

Does anybody know what the problem is here. Does Puppet Merge the
groups from local and ldap?

Any hint is appreciated.

BR, Rene

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