i am using puppet 2.7

i want to echo  the Fqdn name in a template by using looping through the 

Example, in site.pp i have

$acc_sudo = $mc_servertype ? {
        'system' => [ '%APP *<%= fqdn %>* =/etc/init.d/httpd start, 
/etc/init.d/httpd stop,/etc/init.d/httpd restart, /sbin/services httpd 
restart' ],
        'db' => [ '%DB <%= fqdn %> =/etc/init.d/oracle start'],
        'app' => ['%APP <%= fqdn %> =/etc/init.d/httpd start, 
/etc/init.d/httpd stop,/etc/init.d/httpd restart, /sbin/services httpd 
restart' ],


and sudo.erb file i have 

<% if mc_servertype == "system" %>

<% acc_sudo.each do |sudo| %><%= sudo %><% end %>

<% end %>

problem is, when its generating the sudo file, its  writing like this 

%APP    *<%= fqdn %>*=/etc/init.d/httpd start, /etc/init.d/httpd 
stop,/etc/init.d/httpd restart, /sbin/services httpd restart

but i want to make it like this

%APP    server1.test.co=/etc/init.d/httpd start, /etc/init.d/httpd 
stop,/etc/init.d/httpd restart, /sbin/services httpd restart

what will be the right syntax for it in site.pp ??

please help with this.

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