Hi all,

I think I'm not understanding something... 

from http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/parameterized_classes.html :

"The parameters you name can be used as normal local variables
throughout the class definition"

so, I have a class like:

class common::nrpe($ensure='absent') {

if ($::kernel=='Linux') and ($::lsbmajdistrelease=='6') {

so, by default the class is dissabled, but if it's a Linux release 6,
the value must be present.

so, I define the class in a Linux release 6 like:

nodes 'test' {
        class { 'common::nrpe' : } 

pupet fails with error:

Cannot reassign variable ensure

So, what am I missunderstanding? What is the correct way for doing what
I'm trying?


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