
I recently found this great sample in the wiki to integrate ossec. 


Once you installed openssl-devel on your ossec server while installation, 
the ossec-authd is compilied too and you are able to add clients to  ossec 
server remotely.
Therefore I changed the sample of ossec intergrated with these lines:

        exec { "client.keys":
          command => "/var/ossec/bin/agent-auth -m  -A $::fqdn -D 
          creates => "/var/ossec/etc/client.keys",

In addition the service "ossec" object isn't working for me, because the 
init-script status return always 0. I'm new at puppet and would like to ask 
if I did fine:

        service { "ossec":
          enable     => true,
          ensure     => running,
          hasrestart => true,
          hasstatus  => true,
          status     => '/etc/init.d/ossec | grep "ossec-agentd is 



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