We recently upgraded to the latest puppetlabs-concat module.  The new
module generated the exact same files as before which was great (yea
upwards compatibility!) but because a new concatfragments.rb file was
installed, puppet triggered downstream "reloads" and reloaded our
server (boo! undesired reloads!).  As a result, our keepalived's were
reloaded and that caused unplanned failovers between replicas.

The good news is that we caught this in testing so it didn't affect
production.  However, our workaround was ugly. We paused puppet agent,
manually updated concatfragments.rb, then unpaused puppet agent.

Is it possible for the module to deploy updates to concatfragments.rb
without it being considered trigger-worthy?


Email: t...@whatexit.org    Work: tlimonce...@stackoverflow.com
Skype: YesThatTom
Blog:  http://EverythingSysadmin.com

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